Mythology makes a useful comparison but obviously you have sourced your information from mythology itself rather than cross referenced historical facts.
We can to some extent corroborate certain key events of human histrory.
Strangely there is a sharp cut off of historical record prior to 6,000 years. However though myths often run alongside real events it is fairly easy to trace records of the same events but with a different slant. Much as we would expect witnesses to a crime to report from different perspectives.
Most ancient civilisations concur over "The flood", and of the successive world powers; Babylonian,Persian,Greek, Roman etc and the fact that Jesus is reported in secular history with practically no serious departure from the Biblical record is pretty good.
Mythology is not revolutionary, nor do people give their lives for it .Similarly it is easily tested in real life. Have you tried putting the commands of Horus into practice or to Jesus?
Did Horus tell you that " You must be born again? or be filled with the spirit? Or expect violent opposition in the present day?Did he warn of economic. military and social collapse plus degenerative environmental and health problems.Did he offer deliverance from such things at the end of the age?
It may be that subconsciously you may be looking for many reasons to evade Christs challenge, especially if you have issues with homosexuality that you believe God should be pleased about.
As for violence down the ages. True there was and is tremendous violence regarding the very existence of ethnic groups more especially the Jews. Certainly the Christians of the New testament had the rough end of violent society from the religious as well as the crumbling Roman administration.
Saint Paul hounded them to death just as millions have and are today by so many governments throughout the world. Even Britain today is witnessing a hate campaign both from extreme religious immigrants and from secular interests preaching evolution as the answer to everything.