Is coronavirus from God?
2020-03-18 14:58:08 UTC
Strange things are going on in this world
29 answers:
2020-03-20 14:55:23 UTC
THE SCRIPTURES ASSURE US: "With evil things cannot be tried, nor dose he himself try anyone."(James 1:13) Indeed, the "evil things" that have plagued mankind for centuries, including sickness, pain, and death, will soon be eliminated. Jesus Christ "cured all who were suffering." (Matthew 8:16) In healing all who came to him, God's Son demonstrated what God's Kingdom will accomplish on a worldwide scale.  "He (God) will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mouning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have past away."- REVELTION 21:3-5   WHY WOULD JESUS HEAL SICK PEOPLE IF GOD WAS PUNISHING THEM FOR WRONGDOING?  For more information about the last days, see chapter 9 of the book WHAT CAN THE BIBLE TEACH US? Published by Jehovah's Witnesses and available for free download at
2020-03-19 11:35:31 UTC
various  THEIST  assert " THEIR"  SNP ( supernatural proposition ) is THE  CREATOR of ALL THINGS and also ALL POWERFUL  and ALL KNOWING

  in one religious  script the story of JOB the Creators'   supposed Nemesis  "SATAN / DEVIL    has to get " permission " from the creator   to do ACTION ..

 which goes to  the QUESTIONING   presented by EPICURUS

  hence whence evil  cometh

  such assertions  of  ASSOCIATION of SNP


   the reality  that portions of populations are  DECEDENT in CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS

 RELIGIONS and THEISM has a relationship with CREDULITY
2020-03-19 09:55:36 UTC
If I believed in God, I might think it was sent to deal with overpopulation of the world, and also to reduce carbon emissions by grounding planes.
2020-03-18 23:40:06 UTC
The end times says lots of things will happen, famine is one and you see how a crisis made food supply thin out real fast.. perhaps a warning of worse things to come.
2020-03-18 19:53:38 UTC
The causes of such epidemics are well understood, and they are not supernatural.
Amanda Morris
2020-03-18 19:25:02 UTC
No humanity's  consciousness did.
2020-03-18 16:41:48 UTC
It's helpful to know the strange facts about viruses. They are not truly alive for they cannot multiply without hijacking the reproductive machinery of a cell. They are not living in the sense required by evolutionary theory to work. For that reason, they could not have been precursors to cells. Some single cells ARE living creatures in their own right, like bacteria or amoeba. Others function together in multi-cellular organisms such as plants and animals. But viruses can only function and reproduce if they can force their way into a living cell to use the cell's system to replicate itself.      

It is scientifically maintained that viruses arise from degeneracy in living cells. That would mean God did not create viruses because all the life forms that He created were good. Degeneracy only began once humanity decided to do things the way a degenerate spirit form led them into believing was truth. It wasn't. Instead of the 'higher life' it promised humanity, going his way resulted in degeneracy, then death. Satan has corruptive, degenerating powers, and viruses only arise with degeneration in cells, then depend on the cell's ability to replicate to spread themselves. Viruses are not technically alive, in their own right. They are corruptions and sin has corrupted all of God's good creation.      

All I would add is that God had everything in place at the start, to be utterly balanced and harmonious, with no disease, until a nasty piece of work came along to put a spanner in the works, and corruption entered in, affecting all creation. God has allowed that - to a degree, and for a purpose - but will restore everything to perfect balance and harmony, with no disease.
2020-03-18 15:57:57 UTC
God does not cause bad things to happen to innocent people. No one deserves any disease.

James 1:13 - When under trial, let no one say: “I am being tried by God.” For with evil things God cannot be tried, nor does he himself try anyone.
2020-03-18 15:52:46 UTC
God has billions of Sons and these universes are their playground/Laboratory. With the Father's permission, they were attempting to build their own Heaven. This world is in constant state of chaos and catastrophe; Sometime the Lord doesn't intervene.
Den B7
2020-03-18 15:42:52 UTC
Isn't everything from God?
2020-03-20 04:04:44 UTC
It could be, Christians know it's a sign of times.
2020-03-19 17:22:52 UTC
It's technically from God cause God is the only true power and any other power is given by God so God allow the devil to create it if thedevil created it 
2020-03-19 16:52:59 UTC
Rev 6:8 says this "And I saw, and look! a pale horse, and the one seated on it had the name Death. And the Grave was closely following him. And authority was given them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with a long sword and with food shortage and with deadly plague and by the wild beasts of the earth."

So based on the bible prophecies and particularly this prophecy, it is Jehovah God's pale horse rider angel who is doing this. The next question you may be wondering is why. There is an article explaining the ride of the four horsemen, why they are riding and what they mean.
2020-03-19 10:12:29 UTC
No.The virus is part of Bible prophecy being fulfilled. At Luke chapter 21 pestilence is one of the things mentioned as a sign we are in the last days of this wicked system.But Jehovah God has a purpose to restore the earth back to a Paradise where we have the grand prospect of living forever-Psalms 37:10,11.Learn more at
2020-03-19 06:52:37 UTC
Learn from OT Moses: When God send the angel of death to the egyptians. Moses and his people self-quarantined, with fasting and prayers, eat bitter herbs and close all windows and let death pass by.

We do same; in quarantine is time to pray, meditate, reflect and repent. Implore the divine mercy of Jesus. WE will be save. 

Google Coronavirus prayers. 
2020-03-19 05:31:20 UTC
All part of his great plan.  He planned for  you to suffer and die a horrible death.
2020-03-19 02:09:40 UTC
If you are one to believe in imaginary beings then YES. He brings the good and the bad.  The devil gave us soap and hot water so wash up.
2020-03-19 02:01:03 UTC
No, just sheep believe that
2020-03-19 00:42:25 UTC
No.God loves us. So when someone loves someone, they will not do anything to harm the person.

Additionally, in God's Word the Bible, at Job 34 : 10 it mentions: "It is unthinkable for the true God to act wickedly. For the Almighty to do wrong."
2020-03-18 23:16:29 UTC
As someone else mentioned, God is not to blame for anything evil. Interesting enough, if you examine the Bible, Almighty God provided his chosen people of ancient times with a strict code of cleanness and hygiene. This code protected the Jews from various diseases they were familiar with in Egypt. This set of instructions included things such as bathing of oneself and clothing,  proper disposal of bodily waste; quarantining of lepers with subsequent bathing of body and clothing after recovery, and avoiding contact with corpses.

Compared to the Jews, many pagan nations were very deficient in standards of hygiene and sanitation which contributed to high rates of numerous diseases. For example, waste matter was thrown out in the street. There was also the use of contaminated food and water as well. Some ancient doctors would use so called remedies that came from animal urine and feces for medical procedures because of ignorance of the dangers of germs and pathogens. Many doctors up until the 1800's would go from performing an autopsy in the morgue to performing childbirth without even washing their hands.

Isn't it true that many of the diseases we encounter could be avoided if persons followed basic, simple principles of hygiene and sanitation? How many times have you seen someone use the bathroom stall and leave without washing their hands? Then that person subsequently contaminates doorknobs, food, hands, etc. The Bible already foretold that plagues, such as Corona-virus would be one of the many signs that we're at the worlds end. [Luke 21:11 & Revelation 6:8]
2020-03-18 15:48:45 UTC
From unclean eating in China.  Traced to a market and lab.

Sure spread. 
2020-03-18 15:47:01 UTC
Since no gods exist, unlikely.
2020-03-18 15:36:38 UTC
Did you complete elementary school?  It only takes that to know that nature spawns many diseases and illnesses.  It tells you in the name corona VIRUS.  nature and people have a lot to do with it.

When God sends a curse or plague,  he warns before it.  You will know when it is God.
2020-03-18 15:19:09 UTC
Gravy boats and fart panties, we humans never stray far from the superstition and ignorance tree, do we? 

Ugh a fart a bug on a fart rug, no. Just no. Anymore than the Black Plague, cholera, typhus, smallpox, polio, cancer, arthritis, diabetes, intestinal parasites, HIV, mad cow, Spanish flu, swine flu, any flu...or any disease or malady or illness or...ugh. Come on, farty ones. Time to figure out why the reptilians have created this one in their lab and why Soros funded it, however. Woot woot, toot toot. 
2020-03-18 15:06:51 UTC
COVID-19 is a virus, it is from nature not God.
2020-03-18 15:05:40 UTC
Everything is from God. 
2020-03-18 15:01:21 UTC
no. no gods exist.
2020-03-18 15:01:19 UTC
No, it is not. God does not do that.
2020-03-18 14:59:42 UTC
Nothing strange about this new Coronavirus.

The mass panic, however, is very strange 

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.