If you really mean ''spirituality'' than the only one needed is God. For any other thing you may choose a guru.
At this time God's sustenance and guidance is available directly from God.
Gurus have more knowledge and power than ordinary people and less than God. The highest knowledge about the soul and creation is only with God. Soul is also called spirit and the knowledge about the soul is called spirituality. To follow spirituality one needs God. Anyone who has achieved God and is willing to take you to Him - take that one's advice.
Many who are called gurus at this time realize many things, but they hardly realize God. They realize the power of their own self or they use the power from other souls, etc and they may even believe they are God..... But God is not a human being. As long as one who is not God believes he is God, he will be unable to take you to God. Also for as long as a knolwedgeful person believes to have the highest knowledge he or she will be unable to lead you to God - the source of knowledge.
One who tells you he is God or that God is in you and me and everywhere can hardly achieve God because they are leading themselves and others to wrong direction and the return of such karma won't allow them to achieve God - at least not in due time (it depends on how astray they are).
If God is in you does it mean that God has become so unconscious that He does not recognize Himself? If you cannot say about God that He is unconscious and since you are unaware of who you are it means that you are not God. If you are not God then it means God is not in everyone and not everywhere. So those who encourage people to believe that are creating confusion and it is confusion that they achieve too. So a lot of atention is needed.
You'd be amazed to find out that it is ordinary people who have realized God and are transforming themselves. Therefore many ordinay un-famous people are so spiritual at this time ... Actually the true meaning of a guru is one who has realized God and is willing to put you in direct relationship with the SatGuru (God).
To realize God as used here in this answer - means to have a practical relationship with Him from which you receive sustenance and guidance to follow spirituality.
People don't even know the meaning of achieving God. They take that as ultimate realization. In fact it is the begining of self transformation.