Our pastor is giving a series he has entitled, "Grace Robbers," and these are exactly addressed by him. I would STRONGLY recommend you listen to his sermons (parts 1-3 are available online.. part 4 ... the last part.. will be this coming Sunday). You will be very enlightened. (See link below)
The next recommendation would be to find another church that does NOT do these things. You will understand why when you listen to Pastor Levi's sermons. He's a wonderful speaker!
The weeping and such, they feel, is the "moving" of the Holy Spirit within them. They feel that they are not truly worshiping unless they are doing so. This is totally untrue and unBiblical.
The Speaking in Tongues is a mixed thing. While there IS TRULY a gift of Speaking in Tongues, there are 2 other "qualifications" that go along WITH it...
1. the Tongues are ACTUAL EXISTING LANGUAGES, that are recognizable as such. You would hear it and say, "Oh, she's speaking Russian, I think," or, "That sounds like Chinese!" The First Pentecost had the Disciples speaking in tongues, but there were others in the crowd who remarked on it... "What is it with these men? They are Judean but they are speaking in MY NATIVE LANGUAGE as if they were native speakers! How can this be that I can understand them in my OWN language?" (that's roughly what they said)
2. Along these lines, when someone speaks in tongues, there WILL ALWAYS be someone else RIGHT THERE to actually UNDERSTAND and translate what is being said. "God is not a god of CONFUSION, but of peace." God uses Speaking in Tongues as a tool to spread His gospel, and it praises and glorifies God.
These people who speak in tongues think that this is some sort of "heavenly" tongue and, again, it is a manifestation of the Holy Spirit, and that you are not a "true Christian" if you do not speak in tongues... that you have not been baptized by the Holy Spirit.
This is utter nonsense and totally UNBIBLICAL. Again, what our pastor is teaching us is exactly this topic. So please... LISTEN to his sermons, and FIND ANOTHER CHURCH!
MARANATHA! Come, Lord Jesus, COME!