God is not arbitrary, nor is He contradictory. Therefore He can’t express any of His attributes at the expense of any other. Throughout the Old Testament times, He was constrained in expressing His love for His creation because His needs for justice and righteousness had not been met. During those times He was known as an angry and jealous God who periodically brought judgment upon the disobedient world.
At the cross His needs for justice and righteousness were finally met and He was free to express His love (Colossians 1:19-20). Although only those in the Church accepted the sacrifice that made this possible, the whole world has been blessed by His love for the Church, in that His anger has been held in check. Because of the presence of the Church in the world, love has become His most obvious attribute.
But one day soon, He’ll take the Church out of the world (1 Thes. 4:16-17). Once we’re gone God will vent the full fury of His wrath on those who’ve rejected the most incredible gift of love the world has ever known, and by the time it’s over man will be scarcer than pure gold (Matt. 24:21-22, Isaiah 13:12). Then His need for justice and righteousness will have been satisfied, and He’ll be free to express His love again and peace will flow like a river across the world (Isaiah 66:12).
If you study Genesis 6 you'll discover that the angels who sided with Lucifer in his rebellion against God took on human form and married the women of earth. The Bible says they took any woman they chose.
The Bible calls the offspring of these demons and women the Nephilim. They were the heroes of old, men of renown. And they were intellectually and physically superior to the average man. The heroes of Greek mythology like Hercules were modeled after the Nephilim.
But there was a downside. Since their fathers were demons, they possessed demon blood. Succeeding generations spawned more and more demons in human bodies until the entire world had become corrupted. That's why Genesis 6:5 says: "The LORD saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time" and follows up a few verses later with: "Now the earth was corrupt in God’s sight and was full of violence. God saw how corrupt the earth had become, for all the people on earth had corrupted their ways."
God's plan was to send a Redeemer (Jesus) to save the world, but Jesus had to be a man, born of a woman, as required in Leviticus 25:25 and 47-49. How could He save us if He were born of corrupt blood? See, this was Satan's plot, to so corrupt the world as to make it impossible for the Savior to be born.
The Bible says Noah was "perfect in his generations" meaning he and his family had not been corrupted by demon blood. The Bible does not say Noah was the only uncorrupted one. So there may have been others. We don't know for sure. But God had Noah leave the door to the ark open for seven days after his family and all the animals were aboard. Yet no one took God up on his offer of salvation and be walking through that door. God loved them all, but He couldn't force them to love Him and be saved.
Jesus said the times we are in right now would be like the days of Noah. Back then people were going about their daily business having a grand old time, unaware that judgement was about to befall them until it was too late. The signs were there. They just ignored them.
Today is no different. The signs of the end can be plainly seen by those of us who look for them. We are the people who are trusting in God for our salvation. Jesus called Himself "the door" in John 10:7 and all who enter it will be saved. We will soon be taken out of here by God and those left will suffer His wrath. Just like in the days of Noah.