Should a woman be submissive?
2008-11-21 10:20:03 UTC
I hear people try to justify it biblically, but they negate the scriptures that give exceptions.....I think people in general just use the bible out of context anyway. I will avoid the religious aspects and just focus on the question in general. The question I am asking is:

Is it ever any instance in which a woman should be submissive?

I say that any independently thinking and acting entity should only submit to him/herself and his/her Creator.....just my thoughts. With that said, there are instances in which ANYBODY should compromise...and sacrifice to some degree but there should be a balance. Any thoughts?
29 answers:
2008-11-21 10:56:49 UTC
submissive might be the wrong way to say it.

It is clear that women are to listen to the counsel from their husbands AS their husbands follow Christ.

See, there is two parts to this. Wifes are subject to the husbands BUT ALSO husbands are to love their wives and give themselves for them.

Ephesians 5:

24 Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.

25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;

I think that as a couple, as spouses, we have an obligation to listen to and respect each others opinions and desires. Not doing so, on either side is against the teachings in the bible.

That said, as long as the husband is rightous and good, his word should be the last. And why would any wife have a problem listening to the good counsel of a loving husband?

I like this one:

1 Cor. 7:3 Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence: and likewise also the wife unto the husband.

4 The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband: and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife.

5 Defraud ye not one the other, except it be with consent for a time, that ye may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again, that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency.

6 But I speak this by permission, and not of commandment.

In cause this KJV is hard to understand, verse 5 is saying that we are not to hold sex from our spouse exept my mutual consent. I have found many a relationship damaged by the woman manipulating it through sex. Its no wonder that adultery and divorce is so high with that kind of abuse, and it is abuse, going on.

and those that say a woman need not be submissive need to review the wedding vows. That includes the mans part, but the way you are to be to each other is also there.
2008-11-21 18:30:36 UTC
Correct. Submission is to God, and to the the verses concerning the life of Sarah, and consider them.

Read also the verses concerning marriage, and how each are to submit one to the other!

Balance? Of course! But until one has a better understanding of how God has defined the roles, the road will be a bumpy one to travel. Neither husband or wife is "above" the is a matter of position, of role.

We cannot properly understand the scriptures, if we continually read them with the understanding of our own culture...the words of God challenge us on many things, and what we have learned from our own culture is no exception. There is sometimes a HUGE difference between what man has said, and what God has ordained to be...those that follow Him are willing to be transformed, their minds being renewed, learning what His will is and doing it.

And yeah, there's challenges for all of us.
2008-11-21 18:35:39 UTC
I think most people view submissive behavior as weak behavior and there fore find it offensive.In Truth I think woman are just softer because we need to be the nurturers of our young.But there is nothing weak or submissive about being a mother most of us would rip your throat out if you harmed our children.I think your statement about compromise makes the most sense.As for people only using what they want from the bible its because they have to in order to deal with there half truths,the true bible has been rewritten and changed so many times very few of the original truths are there to be viewed any how. So I say no to a woman being submissive but yes to compromise.Good Question.
2008-11-21 18:51:28 UTC
No women should not be submissive

many of the Scriptures are miss used. They are letters where problems are discussed

At the time of Christ some religious places has women prostituting themselves for their Church--the women who attended Christian churches were told to "just ignore "the "Johns"

Some churches had men attending and their wives were not pleased, so they would fight in front of the Church (people have not changed in 2,000 years) The men were told to talk to their wives at home

please see Genesis chapt1 v27

you type faster than I do

to understand the (Eph 5 21-29 ) could you please tell me some more back ground on this chapter--Do you know who wrote it and to whom?--under what circomstances --then I think we could undertstand it better
2008-11-21 18:30:03 UTC
There is a difference in being submissive and having an opinion. Being submissive to your husband as Epehsians talks about means listneing to your husband, he has the last say. You can give your opinion, you can think on your own. But supporting yoru husband as the head is being submissive. The bible talks about husbands need to be loving their wives as they do their own bodies.

When married couples treat each other as outlined in the bible things just fall into place. Being submissive is showing respect for God's word. The bible also says Christ is head of the congregation just as man is head of his wife. Christ never treated the congregation with disrespect the same way a man would not treat his wife with disrespect. There is nothing wrong with being submissive when things are done right.

I can tell you following that counsel in the bible has kept me married for 22 years. I married my husband at 17 and we have been married ever since becuase we follow the bibles counsel and live with Gods word in mind.
Daughter of King Jesus
2008-11-21 18:30:51 UTC
"As unto God" would finish the text taken out of context. It was read at my wedding then a meaning was explained "as unto God." In an ideal world the husband should be the "Spirtual" head of the family setting the example of Christ. This is the ideal and doesn't always happen.
2008-11-21 18:49:26 UTC
by quoting Ephesisans you answered your own question.

it says to submit AS you do to the LORD.

When a woman submits it's not as a slave but in a loving response that her husband knows what his talking about (so husband beware)

The submission part means that the woman believes in her husbands relationship with God that he won't lead wrong, if he does then it's on him not on the woman.

If you have a disagreement then tell your husband, it's ok to disagree it really is.
2008-11-21 21:57:20 UTC
well biblically yes, but in the same breath it also says for husbands to submit to their wives.

biblical principles aside, its a two way street and common sense at that. ppl want equally rights? well really we just need to respect each other in order to have that. thats ultimately what it says.

2008-11-21 18:52:07 UTC
If you lead your life according to the bible, then first you must chose which bible; which edition; which translation; and which religion you wish to follow.

I run my life according to how I think God would want me to live it, and secondly to the law according to the Constitution of The United States and The Bill of Rights.

These documents tell me that a woman need not be submissive unless she chooses to be submissive.

Wicked Warrior
2008-11-21 18:30:10 UTC
Women are masters of our craft. It's not so much about being completely submissive, but allowing another the perception of control over us. A woman has the ability to convince another that her wish is the right way to go without saying it. When a man has to work for what he wants, he enjoys it more. By convincing a man he wants something and then playing the Devil's Advocate, we can give the perception of allowing the man to be in charge. He's not, but it won't hurt him to think he is.

Men have very delicate egos, and are easy to crush, since men with no confidence are useless, we have help them here and there.

-You're friendly neighborhood Pagan's perspective.
2008-11-21 18:29:53 UTC
Ain't gonna happen with THIS woman!

THe only person I would submit myself to is my Lord & Savior. Even my husband.... uhhh....nope - ain't happening! It's not who God made me to be in this life. I might defer to my husband in decisions and ideas that we BOTH have and need to work together with - but submissive.... I tend to rather HATE that word personally!
2008-11-21 18:27:08 UTC
A woman should only ever be submissive if it is her free choice, not if it's imposed upon her. Same goes for men.
2008-11-21 18:26:37 UTC
I like me a girl who thinks for herself
2008-11-21 18:25:59 UTC
I think you already know the answer to that one - NO!

Women have gone through too much already in history to get where we are today (civil rights, the vote, ERA, etc.) anything less would be a step backwards!
Mike H Music Man in New Orleans
2008-11-21 18:35:24 UTC
I like strong, independent women myself. You wants one that can't think for herself?
Domino's Mom
2008-11-21 19:19:49 UTC
Absolutely not
2008-11-21 18:30:40 UTC
I should think its a womans choice ..Rather than a mans demands ..
2008-11-21 18:26:00 UTC
Everyone and everything has its place in this world.

Women have to submit to husbands, bosses, God etc

Men have to submit to bosses, to God and to other people etc.

Children have to submit to parents, teachers, principals,etc.

If you look at it this way, there is really nothing wrong or exclusive about submission.

It is a way of life, and how things can works sometimes.
Lemon-Fresh Smurf
2008-11-21 18:24:08 UTC
I prefer a woman who has a mind of her own
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2008-11-21 18:27:11 UTC
If she wishes to be then yes, if not no but then it's not in my nature to be submissive :)
2008-11-21 18:32:30 UTC
If she wants to be, she can. It shouldn't be forced upon her, though.
2008-11-21 18:23:53 UTC
Absolutely not if you ever plan to date me.
2008-11-21 21:31:34 UTC
only when she's busy enjoying being tied up lol
Ѧashiq- Due 8/17 ٩(●̮̮̃•̃)۶
2008-11-21 18:23:52 UTC
No, a woman should not be submissive.
2008-11-21 18:32:11 UTC
maybe a little.
Hate the liars and the Lies
2008-11-21 19:55:18 UTC
If she's kinked that way....
2008-11-21 18:25:38 UTC
sometimes.....give in one to another.....compromise works..
2008-11-21 18:24:11 UTC

unless she's Christian. then i guess she has to be
2008-11-21 18:25:30 UTC
Yes, that comes from way back in the Bible... God made them sex objects..!!!

Moses identifies himself as the meekest man on the Earth... He wrote so in the first 5 books in the Bible!

Numbers 12:3 Now the man Moses was very meek, above all the men which were upon the face of the earth.

The first thing that we know of this Holy “LAW GIVER” in the Bible is that he stabbed in the back an Egyptian foreman because he was rough on the Hebrews! Moses became a fugitive of the Egyptian law for 40 years. He sought refuge in the kingdom of Midian(?). You can call it the Kingdom of Oz for that matter. If Moses ever had to kill anybody without mercy including innocent babies he did it because God (NOT SATAN) made him do it! The Bible God ordered Moses to slaughter everybody in the Palestinian region to make room for Israel!

Numbers 25:16-17 (NIV) The Lord said to Moses, “Treat the Midianites as enemies and kill them* (*Zipporah, Moses’ first long term wife was a Midianite. God is providing a way for Moses to get rid of a wife! Or am I wrong? Actually the Bible God has people slaughtered just for the heck of it, too!)

Numbers 31:17-18 (NIV) Now kill all the boys* (*Moses children were Midianite citizens born in Midian!). And kill every woman* (*including Moses mother in law and any other female relative!) who has slept with a man, BUT SAVE FOR YOURSELVES EVERY GIRL WHO HAS NEVER SLEPT WITH A MAN*

*Isn’t this Bible God so sweet to the holy predators? And who says that God promoted pedophilia and the killing of innocent children is a sin!? In Midian alone the glorious ARMY OF THE LORD OF HOSTS OF ISRAEL collected 32,000 little innocent virgin girls for their own pleasure! PRAISE THE LORD! Sweet Jesus! Amen? (Num. 31:35)

MOSES IS THE ENVY OF ANY SEXUAL PERVERT IN THE WORLD TODAY!... After this episode it became a routine in Israel to kill everybody even when fighting among themselves, but to always spare the YOUNG VIRGIN GIRLS as war trophies for the pleasure of the obedient soldiers of the glorious ARMY OF THE LORD OF HOSTS OF ISRAEL …!!! A team of avid Levite Priests was always at hand to use their big fat fingers in the inspection of all the little girls to see if they still had their hymen intact (Like in Christian America around election time nicked and butterfly hymens don’t count and the girl was slaughtered on the spot! Praise The LORD! Sweet Jesus! Isn’t that what PURITY BALLS are all about? Any of those girls could have been your own daughter, but what the heck!) Even God the Holy Ghost abused the Blessed Virgin Mary with total immunity! But hardly any Christian reads the Bible to the great relief of the Clergy!

Judges 21:10-11 (NIV) So the assembly* (*Israelite leaders) sent twelve thousand fighting men with instructions to go to Jabesh Gilead AND PUT TO THE SWORD THOSE LIVING THERE* (*they were God’s chosen people of Israel too, but they disobeyed God!), INCLUDING THE WOMEN AND CHILDREN. “This is what you are to do,” they said. “kill every male AND EVERY WOMAN WHO IS NOT A VIRGIN.”

The glorious ARMY OF THE LORD OF HOSTS OF ISRAEL killed all the Israelites residents in the town of Jabesh Gilead, except for 400 young virgin girls (Judges 21:12) that they rounded up so the male Israelites from the tribe of Benjamin could replace the wives that were slaughtered earlier by the same ARMY OF THE LORD OF HOSTS OF ISRAEL. The Priests of the LORD were there to make a full check of the little girls’ tight vagina to certify that the young girls were still virgin... (Come on… it won’t hurt you!) Most likely some of the girls had to be checked more than once, just to make sure otherwise they were slaughtered on the spot! Some discreet sexual predator preachers can only fantasize about God’s provisions for his chosen people…!!!

BTW... Moses’ first wife was a Midianite... His Father in Law Jethro was a Heathen priest in Midian who was very helpful to Moses to take Israel out of Egypt! The Midianites gave Moses not only a loving and faithful wife, but food and shelter. Moses lived 40 years with them and raised a family with at least 2 kids and made a lot of friends, too, but at the Exodus God decides to KILL EVERYBODY IN MEDIAN including Moses’ wife’s family except ONLY for the young virgin girls that were spared for the exclusive pleasure of God’s chosen sexual predators… oops… sorry… CHOSEN PEOPLE...! AND MOSES DOESN’T OBJECT OR QUESTIONS GOD AT ALL, like in so many other cases on trivial issues, but in full cold blood Moses orders the killings to proceed as planned! In fact, he was upset that his orders were not carried out immediately! Whoever wrote these stories in the Bible were about the most vicious wanking perverts concocting their primitive idea of a God that is unlike anything ever published in any smut magazine today! Christians swallow all these stories as their daily bread and want to make sure all our kids in public schools read the Bible!

MOSES IS HIGHLY HONORED FOR BETRAYING and slaughtering his Midianite friends and relatives, but then God gets mad at him because he struck a piece of rock twice! What would be a more serious offense to an “all wise” God, the destruction in total human rage of the HOLY tablets of the 10 commandments written by the very FINGER OF GOD that nobody ever saw except Moses, or the striking with a stick for the second time on a rock? You need to be totally void of moral values to even read all these obscene stories in the Bible! That’s probably why most Christians buy the Bible, but they hardly read it! Can you imagine a revised X rated EXODUS movie telling the whole Bible story as it is written in the Bible? Christians still love the Bible God the same way the Nazis loved Hitler…! I know it is hard to explain, but true!! History repeats itself and I wouldn’t be surprised if the Christians that are so brainwashed now with Jesus will eventually drop the Bible the same way the Germans dropped Hitler. Most Bible preachers today are making a lot of money on prosperity issues, too so that’s a sign of running away of the bloody primitive Bible message of submission or else to favor a more marketable religion!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.