satan was first cast to earth, and it developed its hosts, then God brought Adam and God then developed His hosts of man, one tens of thousand of years, and Adam brought mere 6000 years ago! And since much mingling has take place Ezra 9:1-2..... for much word on Adam's/God's finished Mystery Rev:10:7, but first go to the newly published Historian Debate Symposium, and therein give three answers to one question in one fo their posts...Then read all sites and be amazed at the many undeniable truths... Respect
Go to the website at and on the about page and the Adam the first researcher page, and the Proof in the news and Science page as well as the Targum page and Darwin page the entire site is filled with waking evidence of God's Science now finishing His mystery Rev:10:7, also on the Prophecy and the Signs page {{ link for page is }} are the listed signs that have been listed there for now over three years and more and are the Likes of the Japan quake, and the tidal wave there, as the Virginia/Washington D.C. quake and the Oklahoma quakes as the record floods around America and earth, even the record disturbances on the Sun's surface were all prewritten world news for our waking and gathering! Also go to the websites at where are films of undeniable proof of Our Lord hiding no more and preparing earth for His now retaking of it!
And also go to for links of waking evidence and free materials about atheism and faith, as well as free downloads! On this blog site where they created and forgot about for many months, not promoting the site, are listed signs posted in 2-10-2010 the quakes and signs that now fall, go to .... For answers and proofs to give, or for questions go to the e-mail contacts on their site... Yes it has Begun...Respect {{ ALSO CHECK OUT THE THE HISTORIAN FAITH AND ATHEISM DEBATE SYMPOSIUM, Just developed by the Lord's Ministry, go to the links page at and at the bottom of the links list is the Symposium, they are asking atheists and Christians a question about proofs, or for direct excess go to ... again Respect }}