Christians, Would It Take a Commandment From Jesus to Get You to Accept Gay People?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Christians, Would It Take a Commandment From Jesus to Get You to Accept Gay People?
37 answers:
2016-05-31 05:26:58 UTC
You have already found your own religion. You have decided that your wants and desires will supersede the will of God. You have appointed yourself the god of your religion. Now, you want to find more followers. You don't need them, of course. You only seem to be seeking validation. You won't find a church that is following the one true God that will give you such validation. And, any church that does give you that validation isn't worth joining. There is something a lot worse than the god of your religion being angry now. That would be when he finds out that he has doomed himself eternally. Being gay is no sin. Engaging in homosexual activity is the sin. You can be forgiven of that sin (and all of your others) by repenting those sins and making Jesus lord of your life. Right now, it seems like the only one you want to be lord of your life is you. If you change your mind before you die, He'll be waiting. If you don't, you're on your own (like now).
2010-03-03 08:33:57 UTC
I've seen this before in various formats. "Why don't you do this or that if you really love others like Jesus taught?" Yes Jesus taught us to love others, and not to judge. Do I show you this love if I tell you what the Bible has to say about homosexuality? Yes. I have told you the truth. This cannot be a bad thing, even if you choose to reject it. No, we should not condemn others. Only God can do that. Yes, it is immorality, according to God's moral laws, which the love of Christ did not nullify by saying to love your neighbor. Yes, the laws re: one man/one woman and marriage are a part of those laws, and although I cannot judge, I can be a fruit inspector. If the fruit is not fit for consumption (spiritually speaking and according to scripture) then it is good for nothing but to be cast out and burned. You can rail against these moral laws, and make fun of scripture, and judge me by saying I am "one of those" people. But the truth of God's Word will never change. By the way, let it be known to all, the sin of a gay person is no worse or better than many other lying for instance. God hates a lying tongue.

Pro 6:16 These six [things] doth the LORD hate: yea, seven [are] an abomination unto him:

2010-03-03 08:39:50 UTC
I am a Christian. I accept all people, including gays. I have never condemned, and I never will, and that also goes for many, many Christians who do not fall into your non-acceptance question. I know what the Bible says. I don't need to be reminded that what I believe is correct. It seems to me that you are judging. Now, you wouldn't want to go and do that, as a loving Christian, would you?
2010-03-03 08:48:43 UTC
Our assignment is not to search for secret communication from God but to observer and live out the things reveled by the Lord. (Deuteronomy 29:29)

We are not to judge the things we can not, in reality perceive, (Heart, Mind) but are instructed to judge according to what we can see. I can clearly see from scripture homosexuality is sin, I therefore shell not approve of such behavior, thus I shell not share in that sin, I shell not be an enabler, should you be?

Further I do not condemn the person but the sin.

I hate No One.

God loves us All and may at His discretion justify us All but that is not what scripture describes as the truth.

Have a nice day.
2010-03-03 08:45:36 UTC
God made a command for man not to lie with man or woman with woman that it is an abomination to God. They did not listen so He turned them over to a reprobate mind.

Yes as I judge them by God's law I will be judged by that same law . I am not gay and that will be the way that I am judged. If I were gay and judge them for being gay then that is where the problem will lie.

Yes, love is the greatest of all these things, but as you love your children you will correct them.

You turn God's word into twisted words just like Satan does.

Seek God most high that has defeated and will destroy Satan before it's to late for you.

Thank you Russell for the word of God coming forth.
i aint know
2010-03-03 08:36:04 UTC
Forgive me ......i don't take lightly a satanic influences being passed off as an alternative lifestyle ..People who reject they truth are condemned already ..I like how the glbt and now glbtq adds the questioning to their list of converts ..What happened to the we was born gay theory

people who sin need to accept the fact that god is a judge .. not a push over .

Plenty of people have decided there is no hell because they don't like the idea .. there is no judgment , jesus never existed , the bible was written 3 or 400 years ago to control the masses and there is no god ..This isn't the first generation to think about creating their own god.. Japan has big fertility gods that look like body parts and they parade them thru the streets ..Sound familiar .. ????just like the spirits ..familiar .. Pray for your soul .
2010-03-05 05:25:03 UTC
Here is is then:

Accept gay people

I am jesus

Let me tell you what the sun of adam accepts:

the good in your hearts

your actions is your liberty

the spirit in your hearts

your soul is to be cleaned by your true spirit

what is sin is what hurts another in falsity

what hurts another in truth, is not sin, but the sin of those who are blind
2010-03-03 08:33:01 UTC
wow....never thought about that but you have to realise that, God also said love what is good and hate what is evil.(not joking, but i can't remember where). it's like saying oh, i'm going to accept satanists and not judge their actions. NO that is ABSOLUTELY wrong. what is evil can not be good, you can not have two masters, you can not hold the hand of the Lord and also of the devil, you can not sit on the fence, it's either all God or nothing.

i'm in no way accepting the people that point at them or burn down their homes or call them names, but i will not share a home with a gay person becuase of the same reason why i will not share a home with a satanist, they're a bad seed. they'll corrupt me, and try and spread offence. i don't hate the person but just hate their actions. God said love everyone so i do love them, but i don't agree with them. I try and love everyone but i will not love their actions,no, never will i love their actions.
2010-03-03 08:35:05 UTC
1. God's Word NEVER changes

2. I do not condemn gay people

3. We are only to judge Christians, not non-Christians, and then to do so carefully

4. I don't call gay people immoral, or any other names for that matter

5. I have not actively enacted laws against their families, although if I were given the opportunity to vote against gay marriage-which is my right as an American-I would.

After rebuking your charges against me, I will add that my Bible tells me: a) marriage is between a man and a woman; and b) sex outside the marriage is a sin.

I have people close to me who are gay. I love them dearly but don't agree with their lifestyle. Your accusations are insulting, all-inclusive, and as unfair as you are claiming Christians to be.
2010-03-03 08:24:08 UTC
Good points, but I've already tried that with the anti-gay Christians. I've tried to explain it to a guy who is against gay rights, gay marriage, etc because he says homosexuality is "immoral". So I try to explain the whole "Jesus wants us to love everyone" thing but it's like talking to a brick wall. There ARE lot's of Christians who accept gay people and are for gay rights, but the one's that don't, it's impossible to reason with them.
2010-03-03 08:23:38 UTC
i accept gays, even though i am christian, because i am not as closeminded, and brickheaded as catholics, etc. Gays, actually, can be the most kind people in the world. why do people hate them so much? i dont know
2010-03-03 08:22:39 UTC
Fireball...the ol "some of my best friends are..." excuse

good question star for you
2010-03-03 08:25:39 UTC
I hate to see people generalize about how Christians feel about gays/homosexuals.

I accept them PERFECTLY fine, thank you very much. I have a son who is gay and I love him more than anything in the world. So what exactly is your point? Oh I forgot, now that I said I'm a Christian and then I accept them I threw your whole point out the window huh??
2010-03-03 08:25:37 UTC
Just because someone is a homosexual does not mean that we cannot love him (or her) or pray for him (her). Homosexuality is a sin and like any other sin, it needs to be dealt with in the only way possible. It needs to be laid at the cross, repented of, and never done again.

As a Christian, you should pray for the salvation of the homosexual the same as you would for any other person in sin. The homosexual is still made in the image of God -- even though he is in grave sin. Therefore, you should show him the same dignity as anyone else with whom you come in contact. However, this does not mean that you are to approve of their sin. Don't compromise your witness for a socially-acceptable opinion that is void of godliness.
2010-03-03 08:25:23 UTC
God also said, "man shall Not lie down with man"
2010-03-03 08:29:57 UTC
I don't condemn them, I just don't like what they do. I will never accept homosexuality as natural, because it isn't and it's just flat out wrong. You can love someone and not approve of what they do at the same time. Love the sinner, hate the sin.
2010-03-03 08:24:19 UTC
You know, I keep thinking that four of the original Ten were a waste of time, all about that punkass non-deity's fragile ego. He could have plugged homosexuality, slavery, women's rights, and the abomination that is female circumcision, all in one go. If only he'd been a bit less selfish.
2010-03-03 08:29:36 UTC
Psalms 139:21:22 - 21 Do I not hate those who are intensely hating you, O Jehovah,

And do I not feel a loathing for those revolting against you?

22 With a complete hatred I do hate them.

They have become to me real enemies.

1 Cor 5:9-13 - 9 In my letter I wrote YOU to quit mixing in company with fornicators, 10 not [meaning] entirely with the fornicators of this world or the greedy persons and extortioners or idolaters. Otherwise, YOU would actually have to get out of the world. 11 But now I am writing YOU to quit mixing in company with anyone called a brother that is a fornicator or a greedy person or an idolater or a reviler or a drunkard or an extortioner, not even eating with such a man. 12 For what do I have to do with judging those outside? Do YOU not judge those inside, 13 while God judges those outside? “Remove the wicked [man] from among yourselves.”

These verses says we dont judge, however stay away from a practiser of such things.

! Cor 6:9-11 - What! Do YOU not know that unrighteous persons will not inherit God’s kingdom? Do not be misled. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men kept for unnatural purposes, nor men who lie with men, 10 nor thieves, nor greedy persons, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit God’s kingdom. 11 And yet that is what some of YOU were. But YOU have been washed clean, but YOU have been sanctified, but YOU have been declared righteous in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and with the spirit of our God.

Last verse clues in one would need to change their ways dont you think? Makes you think these people hate God that keep practising these things

Amos 5:14,15 - Search for what is good, and not what is bad, to the end that YOU people may keep living; and that thus Jehovah the God of armies may come to be with YOU, just as YOU have said. 15 Hate what is bad, and love what is good, and give justice a place in the gate. It may be that Jehovah the God of armies will show favor to the remaining ones of Joseph.’
2010-03-03 11:18:49 UTC
So maybe we should just accept all sin. Matt 7:2 talks about a person judging someone else in order to justify their own sin, not about accepting sin all together. Since when do we pick and choose what sin we will repent of. I do not hate homosexuals nor do I hate adulterers, but I do hate lying. By saying that the bible promotes and accepts homosexuality is a lie.






2010-03-03 08:26:23 UTC
I understand that but I only speak for myself.....go and do it be gay and adopt i never had a problem with any gay people in my life in fact i have gay friends . I'm not gay but to me they are people just like me ...probably better then me and you in many ways i don't condemn them are a hundred percent right. but some gay people go about things the wrong way that's all I'm saying

everybody gets criticize in this world but go your own way
2010-03-03 08:36:58 UTC
r u guys really christians??? Jesus said to love your naibor AS YOUSELF! would u say these mean things to your self and your familys??? my dad would neve say 2 my mom that he thinks shes sinful like the mean ways that you guys r saying becuz he loves her as himself. u guyz need to read jesus and stop casting the first stone. dont judge becuz thats to only God. even i know that and i;m just in 7th grade! if Jesus read these answers he would say r u still fools??? love your naibor as yourself!!!
2010-03-03 08:27:40 UTC
I'm left wondering how many of the fundy folk here were virgins when they got married, or if not married, are still virgins. Sin is sin. None worse than another. Don't you people have something that says to let he who is without sin cast the first stone? And you wonder why people are so against the bible thumpers and call them all hypocrites. Not one of the people here is without sin, so why they don't think they deserve the oppression the same as they dish out for gays is beyond my comprehension.
2010-03-03 08:36:01 UTC
Fair enough scriptures. However as one of Jehovah's Witnesses I look to what the Bible teaches about immorality and sexuality. Humans cannot judge people to the point of saying they are worthy of everlasting life or not, that is Jesus' job at Armageddon. Only Jehovah and Jesus can read our heart condition. I'm sure there are lot of nice gay people out there, however it is the actions and the attitude condemned in the scriptures. Consider the disgusting acts in Sodom and Gomorrah.

Genesis 13:12,13: "A′bram dwelt in the land of Ca′naan, but Lot dwelt among the cities of the District. Finally he pitched tent near Sod′om. And the men of Sod′om were bad and were gross sinners against Jehovah."

Genesis 19:4-7: "Before they could lie down, the men of the city, the men of Sod′om, surrounded the house, from boy to old man, all the people in one mob. And they kept calling out to Lot and saying to him: “Where are the men who came in to you tonight? Bring them out to us that we may have intercourse with them.”

Finally Lot went out to them to the entrance, but he shut the door behind him. Then he said: “Please, my brothers, do not act badly."

Genesis 19:24-26: "Then Jehovah made it rain sulphur and fire from Jehovah, from the heavens, upon Sod′om and upon Go‧mor′rah.  So he went ahead overthrowing these cities, even the entire District and all the inhabitants of the cities and the plants of the ground.  And his wife began to look around from behind him, and she became a pillar of salt."

So why was it destroyed? They were working contrary to God's original design of humans. He made them man and woman for a reason. He called the first human pair Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. But don't be upset, there are some who are born with this unnatural drive that have learned the truth about the wonderful prospects of God's Kingdom and have fought their homosexual tendencies and this makes Jehovah very proud. If you have more questions, please visit or contact Jehovah's Witnesses in your area locally.
2010-03-03 08:26:04 UTC
Accept and love are not the same thing. We love the sinner, but we are not supposed to let sinfulness be regular practice among us. If you want to come to God, truly, and contrite, then you will need to learn what pleases Him, and how to honor Him with your life. A homosexual lifestyle, is one of many things, that is not such a life that is honoring to God.

I don't want to enact laws to stop people. Such things don't interest me.

God's Word will do. God's Kingdom is Calling.
2010-03-03 08:31:18 UTC
I am a christian. I believe homosexuality is a sin but we are all sinners. We all make mistakes. I love the person but hate the sin.
2010-03-03 08:24:55 UTC
I think it will take time.

That's been the trend in the past. Women's rights, civil rights, interracial marriage.... all stood against by religion. Time passed, and most got over it.
Um Huda
2010-03-03 08:28:02 UTC
you have to realize that Christianity, Judaism, and Islam all do.

And perhaps you should wonder why and what happened to the people of Lut and many other Perished Nations....
2010-03-03 08:27:09 UTC
Before you start lecturing Christians regarding the Scriptures, you should become more familiar with them. You're only proving your ignorance.
2010-03-03 08:31:46 UTC
Define "Acceptance".
2010-03-03 08:25:13 UTC
I agree. I do accept gay people, I think they are in sin, but I do not hate them. They are wrong though.

Leviticus 20:13 "If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads."

Genesis 1:27 "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them"
2010-03-03 08:27:45 UTC
according to Vedic knowledge such things are also condemned.... it is a demoniac act
2010-03-03 08:24:03 UTC
You shall not lie with a male as with a woman.

It is an abomination."

(Leviticus 18:22)

"If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman,

both of them have committed an abomination.

They shall surely be put to death.

Their blood shall be upon them."

(Leviticus 20:13)

"A woman shall not wear anything that pertains to a man,

nor shall a man put on a woman's garment,

for all who do so are an abomination to the LORD your God."

(Deuteronomy 22:5)

"Do you not know that the unrighteous

will NOT inherit the Kingdom of God"

Do not be deceived.

Neither fornicators, ...

nor adulterers,

nor homosexuals,

nor sodomites,

nor thieves, ...

will inherit the Kingdom of God.

And such were some of you. ('Repent' means 'stop' and return to God and His Word)

But you were washed (through the innocent blood of Jesus which was shed for our sins)

But you were sanctified (means "set apart" ... all who will believe in Jesus are "set apart")

But you were justified (justified means "just as if it had never happened ...")

in the Name of the Lord Jesus

and by the Spirit of our God."

(1 Corinthians 6:9-11)

And God warns all those who simply "approve of" these things . . .

"For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven

against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men . . .

For even their women exchanged the natural use

for what is against nature (lesbianism).

Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman,

burning in their lust for one another,

men with men committing what is shameful (homosexuality) . . .

that those who practice these things are worthy of death (Hell),

and not only those who do the same

but also those who approve of those who practice them!"

(Romans 1:18, 26, 27, 32)

I have absolutely no problem with a Gay person; however, the homosexual sex act is thoroughly condemned in the old and new testament.
2010-03-03 08:23:42 UTC
It takes repentance and faith in Christ for any sinner, including me, to be made acceptable to God. Being gay is nothing more than one branch of sin. Adulterers, fornicators, and drunkards are just as guilty. As are liars, thief's, ect... You get the picture.
2010-03-03 08:22:25 UTC
Most Christians I know to include myself "accept" gay people, it is the behavior that many find wrong.

I don't think a person is defined by their sexual orientation or their temptations in this life. I would hope people think more of themselves.
Super Kitteh
2010-03-03 08:22:04 UTC
Christians accept gay people, just not gay sex. Gay sex is said to be sin before, during, and after the Law of Moses.
God is Good!
2010-03-03 08:22:52 UTC
You do realize there is a difference between loving them and saying homosexuality is not a sin, right?

My disgreement is with those who say gay is not a sin, it is. Just like the many sins we all commit.
2010-03-03 08:21:28 UTC
we love them but acceptance is different...Ive got a gay friend.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.