JWs - Is it wrong to listen to Kingdom Melodies sung in a "popular style"?
Paul S
2008-01-24 18:35:14 UTC
When I say "popular style", I don’t mean like a Rap or Rock etc, I mean in a melodious orchestral way with singing that kind of sounds like it came from a Walt Disney film (e.g. George Benson ft. Celine Dion).

I don’t understand why on page 3 of Our Kingdom Ministry (March 2005) it discourages listening to it when there seems to be no reason? I can understand if the lyrics were unwholesome or inaccurate (you know what I mean) but they're not.

I don’t want to make a fuss or anything (or sound rebellious)...I just wondered if anyone had any insight?...Maybe I’m missing something here...
21 answers:
no name
2008-01-24 18:47:30 UTC
um, OK, now I'm lost, because George Benson (who is a witness) did a whole CD of the Kingdom Melodies with Celine Dion and as far as I know, if was recorded at Patterson. I will do some research and let you know.


OK I talked to my dad and he said that that is just saying that it's not being published by the society so we're clear. That threw me off too. My dad knows a lot about this stuff and was at Bethel for several years so I am almost positive that it's OK that we listen to them. by the way, I don't think you are "one foot into apostasy." remember, she just grew up a witness. That clarifies it for me too. well, there u go brother. have a good weekend.
2016-10-03 01:42:19 UTC
Kingdom Melodies
2016-04-08 12:54:16 UTC
For the best answers, search on this site

Don't feel weird about that at all, the Kingdom Melodies have some beautiful arrangements to them, and from time to time I'll pop those CDs in my car stereo. They're very encouraging and also relaxing to listen to. But that doesn't mean I don't also put on other forms of music outside of Kingdom Melodies. There's nothing wrong with it at all, as long as you're selective of the kind of music. Song #13 is one of my personal favorites as well, but I also like Song #160 "Walking in Integrity", and Song #6 "Declaring the Everlasting Good News". And then I really enjoy #202 "To God We Are Dedicated" because that's the song they played when I got baptized.
2008-01-25 05:16:54 UTC
Boy - you sparked a fire here haven't you Paul? lol. I think its a concience matter - do you remember when our Kingdom Hall was built the Dutch brothers who came over had made a "tape" (back in the day) of Kingdom Melodies played "Netherlands" style - it was beautiful to listen to, some people felt (no names being mentioned but if you think far enough back you can probably imagine who) that we should just listen to the recordings given by the society - whereas others loved listening to them. I know my folks did - they were really beautiful. In fact sometimes when i hear them now it makes me cry.

Having just read "Biblethumpers" comment - and read the km article myself - i remember our co saying that if there is something that we just cannot in our own minds understand why the Faithful and Discreet Slave is saying that we should avoid or not do, then we should listen to them and not question it, for there must be a genuinely good reason. Remember also the Isrealites when they were taken to the Red Sea - this was not the way that they were actually heading, but Jehovah guided moses and aaron to turn them around and head that way instead - i can imagine alot of people thinking "why are we going this way - where is the reasoning in this - or even common sense" - but we know the outcome from this - and its a guarantee that some who murmured about it were the ones who were destroyed by Jehovah for loosing faith in him within a few weeks of crossing. I do not think we should question why on such matters (especially on here) but be submissive to Jehovah and I am sure like other things he will make the reason clear in his own time not ours. Just a thought Paul - (((big hug)))
2016-04-07 07:11:37 UTC
Can I have more than ONE favorite? there are several that I really like, but at our summer district assembly, the final song we sang after spending 3 days talking about the holy spirit was "We thank you Jehovah". It was SO beautiful listening to all those lovely voices singing thanks to Jehovah. At that time (at least) that was my favorite. I have other favorites too. I have some I can't help but laugh at though as well. I can't remember the name, but there is one song that is SO DARK and GLOOMY sounding at the beginning part and so cheery and sugar sweet at the second part of each stanza that I can't help but sing it that way, and when I do my kids and I almost start laughing together. Even if I don't over emphasize the two moods of the song, they remember the times that I have and we all start to laugh. Some of the songs I can't even sing. They just don't sound like they were meant for ordinary people to sing, they either have weird timing or the pitch is too high or the pausing is somehow awkward. I don't mean to sound unappreciative, but some of those kind just really bug me and I have a hard time even trying to sing them. My favorites though are some of the older ones. I've been through 3 or 4 different song books since I've been a witness, the earliest one I remembe was called "Praises to Jehovah" and it was green, then we had "singing and accompanying yourselves with music in your hearts" or something like that and it was pink or a pinkish purple. Seems like we had one other before getting the brown one we currently have, but I may be wrong about that. Some of the old songs though have come over to our newer song books with only a few words changed. Same melody. With some of those older songs I feel like I know them by heart. Of course, when I think that and try and sing them from memory, I often sing the older words and my kids laugh at me.
2008-01-25 11:09:49 UTC
I know that there are CD's floating about among the brothers that were put together by other brothers and sisters. I haven't had the opportunity to check that KM yet, but I will when I get home.

Just remember, the slave is trying to protect us from things that could be harmful. And as the forward and comments in our 2008 Daily Text points out (that we discussed this week in the TMS), we may get instruction that doesn't make sense to us. The Israelites were told to camp by the Red Sea. There was no way out and they didn't understand why they would get such direction from God. The Egyptians were racing after them and they were seemingly defensless. Yet, God had a reason that became clear after the fact.

I'm glad to see that you are looking for clarification tho. There are a lot of grey areas that pop up from time to time that we often need clarification on.

Keep up the good work! :)
Suzette R
2008-01-24 20:18:26 UTC
I'm with the brother who loves pioneering! I loved George Benson before, and think this is great! Celine Dion has a wonderful voice as well. I hope George was able to do a little witnessing there! Don't forget we also have Larry Graham and Prince among us...that would be a great CD of Kingdom Melodies. I know there's more...Quincy Jones?? Anyway, I see it as talent given to them by Jehovah. If they're singing his praises what can be wrong?

Glad it's cleared up though.

Sister Chang might want to rethink her remarks, at least I hope. :-)
2008-01-25 07:35:30 UTC
*** km 3/05 p. 3 Announcements ***

▪ A number of publishers have telephoned the branch office regarding certain recordings of Kingdom songs sung in a popular style that are presently being circulated among Jehovah’s Witnesses. They wonder if these recordings have the organization’s approval. We are aware of these recordings and would like to inform you that they do not have our approval. Please do not circulate or download these recordings from the Internet. We trust this information will clarify matters.

I Thought it should be clear what is being discussed here.

You see the division of thought here in this forum,it is clear that this is not from Jehovah to me. their are reasons that some may not be aware of. Prayer and a Bible Trained Conscience Is My answer. speaking to the spiritual ones in the congregation is a good and necessary ideal too.

Those who Think Prince is Dedicated to the one whom we serve, Has not seen his Superbowl half time show.

clearly not in furtherance of the good news.

(Matthew 12:30) . . .He that is not on my side is against me, and he that does not gather with me scatters.

As to the issue of JW's picking fights, I hope never to see this,

However, we must use tact, when teaching if we want to attract not attack! even with Bothers.

Some Get Very Protective And Panick When They See Brothers Taking For Granted Jehovah's Provisions of "gifts in Men" They Fear They Will Loose A Brother to the World.

So they Try And Warn them' like Jehovah Did Cain.

Look at the Fact that They Are Tryin To Show You Love, Even If Not Perfectly. And Yes They Step On Some Toes Sometimes, But As The C.O. Says"better to step on your brothers toes now, Than to step over their bones at armageddon!

(John 13:34) . . .I am giving YOU a new commandment, that YOU love one another; just as I have loved YOU, that YOU also love one another.
2008-01-25 03:05:08 UTC
I have listened to Kingdom melodies played in Hawaain style and they are beautiful. However considering your question, are the singers associated with the truth. I heard George Benson is a disfellowshipped witness, in which case listening to a production of Kingdom melodies sung by him is questionable. Since we are not to associate with anyone cut off from the congregation. Listening to his voice is like bringing him into your home and associating with him.
2008-01-24 20:37:04 UTC
Hi everyone don't know much about the present issue,But I love our music and would be happy to hear the lyrics sang.My concern is the rthym not being approiate if arranged by a worldly person.Then when I reason I realize that Jehovah will peotect what is his, and I should be anxious about nothing.Love and blessings to each of you.
2008-01-25 07:22:53 UTC
This subject was brought up in a letter from the Governing Body last year. The letter read at the Theocratic School brought out that they were not approved by any of the faithful slave and we are not to listen to them.
2008-01-26 13:06:01 UTC

(to the first question in bold).

It would seem that neither this questioner nor his two chosen "elders" read the publications of Jehovah's Witnesses as carefully as they should.

The publication in question never (yes, never) discouraged anyone from LISTENING to the songs, but did seek to protect the copyrights which might have been compromised by unauthorized circulation and distribution.

Learn more:
2008-01-25 11:21:22 UTC
Kingdom Melodies are to praise Jehovah. Even if it were the same words and you would put it into a salsa people would rather dance to it and forget about praising Jehovah. It is best to listen to kingdom melodies as they come. And we should have a correct view on them.
2008-01-25 01:05:20 UTC
Hi, the best thing to do is ask an Elder about this situation.

Love Grandma
Purple triangle
2008-01-25 02:39:18 UTC
I have heard the tape and thought the singing of song 13 was so beautiful.
2008-01-24 20:06:30 UTC
It's commendable to ask when you aren't sure.

The trouble comes when you just do what you want regardless of the instructions.

I don't think listening to Kingdom Melodies in a popular way would be wrong as long as the words are the same.

and as far as a reason...if you want to is reason enough.

Some nights i sing myself to sleep...and I find it calms me because I feel protected and loved to be part of such a wonderful organization.
2008-01-24 20:13:07 UTC
The organization wrote that article because the apostates tried at one time to make music, using our kingdom songs with a little of their opinions.

So they say it is best not to listen to them at all. The talk was at our assembly back in 1984.
2008-01-24 23:42:50 UTC
They did state the reason we should not be listening to these tapes being circulated and downloaded. It does not have the organization's approval. They did not make them and do not authorize their distribution.

Maybe you should pay more attention to what you are reading. Also, why go on the Internet to ask about this? The proper people to ask are the elders in your congregation.
2008-01-25 18:06:03 UTC
It may be due to copyright laws etc..
2008-01-24 18:50:55 UTC
I believe if the message is wholesome, doesn't matter what style, race or religion, it's good. It's not the music, or who sings it. It is how it effects you. If you feel it, so it shall be.
Tim 47
2008-01-24 18:38:41 UTC
As your profile claims you are a 'devout Jehovah's Witness', why is it that you are questioning the Kingdom Ministry?

Sounds as if you are one foot into apostasy.

Why, would you be interested in hearing Kingdom melodies in the style of worldly musical artists?

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.