If it is true that we all are from a center of a star, which led to the formation of the universe, every atom from each of us is from a center of a star, and we are all the same thing. Whether it is a living organism or solid elements, liquid element, or our planet that man has discovered or identified is made out of atoms that came from a star. The atoms have been recycled thousands and thousands of times, and that is what are you and I. Therefore, it is only me out there. So what is there to be afraid of? What is there that needs solace seeking? We need to be afraid of nothing. There is nothing to be afraid of because it is all us. The trouble is, is that we have been separated by being born and have been given a name, and an identity and of being individuated and we have been separated from the oneness. And that, is what religion exploits, that people have the yearning to be of the overall one, again. We have is the need to explain what are our origins, But man is not born into the whole of humanity but the individual of the fracture of humanity. If I were born in in Northern Canada, I would be an Eskimo, not a Norwegian of Europe. Therefore, depending on my birth as human on this planet dictates my religion and my beliefs and my heritage instead of being a species of human on a planet in the universe. Religion exploits that. They call it “God” they say he has rules….and I think that is cruel. Humanity can become one, absent religion. We can gain oneness in humanity absent religion. Those who believe in whatever religion, which all religions are man made, men and women of become cruel to justify their “God”. It is a feeble attempt out fear to one with something outside of them. We are born single organism with no connection to the whole of humanity. Which man made teaches teachings of religions tries to compensate? Instead, I challenge to say we people and being of the universe and what is what religion interprets as god is the living soul and essence that living beings have whether it is from our worlds or or other worlds. If an extraterrestrial being, examined the differences among human societies would find the differences trivial compared to the similarities. Our lives, our future, our pasts are tied to the evolution of the universe, the suns the moons, the stars, and the atoms which constitute all of the “nature of the universe” that sculpted all worlds and of the universe heavenly bodies. We as humans on earth are only the local eyes, ears, thoughts, and feelings of the cosmos. We humans on earth are the equivalent of sperm fertilization and only hours after copulation. Yet, we as humans on the planet earth intellectually fool ourselves. We as individuals are “God”. In addition, through religious teachings, that are only a at best a few thousand years old, create the delusion of ruling punishing, forgiving, and judging of a “God “. When contemplating the heavens and the heavens are collections are tens of billions of atoms. We are contemplating the evolution of nature, tracing that long path by which it arrived at consciousness here on the planet earth. Our loyalties should be to the species and the planet. It should not be to the writings of men two or three thousand years ago which what religion is based. Religion was created by to explain the universe. All religions are based are man’s judgments and human judgments. They try to explain our origins. Humankind should think of it’s survival not based on religion but of itself. Moreover, it is one and oneness, and not single creatures of writings of based on religion to parade its ignorance. Religion is the exploitation of ignorance.