Are people so blinded by their faith that they just rule out any evidence that contradicts it?
2010-04-08 14:29:45 UTC
Are people just doing what the parents tell them?
Do parents allow their children to research other religions?
Is religion a by product of parental influence?

I just don't understand how most people can believe this stuff.
1) Have the believers even read the old testament and understand the horrible things that go on in it?
Some of this those stories make me sick to my stomach.
2) Where did all the different races come from?
3) What happens if you are some secluded person in a tribe in africa and never even heard of Jesus or Mohammad or any other prominent figure in religion. Are they punished for this?
4) As monstrous as the universe is why would a god be so concerned about us? we are a mere spec or "pale blue dot"
5) Studies have shown intelligent people are less likely to believe in a higher power? is this a coincidence?
6) As science proves more and more shouldn't that make us turn away from religion? Religion seems to have been used to explain the unexplainable. Natural Selection, evolution, astronomy, biology are all helping to explain how we came about and show all kinds of evidence while most people still turn to a Bible or Koran which were rewritten over and over and show no kind of evidence of an existence of god.
7) With so many religions out there what made you choose a certain one? parental influence? What makes that one right?
8) How come God never heals and amputee as a miracle?

Do most of you actually believe that a great flood happened, Moses talked to god, Adam and Eve populated the world, the earth is only 6 thousand years old, people should be stoned for adultery and we should be allowed to have slaves?

How can people put all this faith in one book that was written thousands of years ago and contains no evidence except of a few peoples witness to these events. The bible has been rewritten and scriptures lost and found that who knows what the original accounts or paul or john actually said.
Yet these same people can look at all the evidence of evolution and just deny it because their church says so. I don't get it.

I really believe that most people are Intelligent and only say they believe these things to fit in but I truly hope that they are smart enough to see through this but if we haven't yet I can only wonder if there is hope that we can change and start accepting things that may go against your parents.
Nineteen answers:
Jabber wock
2010-04-08 14:32:19 UTC
I reckon it's mostly emotional dependence as a result of childhood indoctrination.

Some people even get very violently emotional when asked about that...
2010-04-08 14:39:53 UTC
"Studies have shown intelligent people are less likely to believe in a higher power? is this a coincidence"

the half scientific world believe that evolution was guided by a higher power and many of these "studies" are being from problematic-fanatical-anti-religious- atheists.

and i can give you a HUGE list of the greatest minds of all time being religious, or theists!

u lack the emotional and spiritual intelligence u understand how faith and religion works on man, and religion has helped humanity.

All people have a great need to connect with something perfect and superior.

and if u understand how people used to think 4000 years ago, u would understand how religion help them!

edit: yeah, atheists think they are smarter than religious people but thats not true, and one school doesn;t prove either mirrows a whole generation.

I have an IQ of 160, i don;t give a **** because i know its bull, i think Emotional and Spiritual Intelligence is far more superior than any high IQ!

and also, spirituality has nothing to do with superior intelligence, u can be very intelligent and spiritual the same time.

Also, the old religions are starting to ger faded away from the young people, but there even more newer religions who is closer to the modern life style and very well balanced.

Also, humanity leads to one road, and thats the "Christ behaviour"

The Christ behaviour wins the most civilized and modern people today.
2010-04-08 14:46:27 UTC
1) there is nothing that occurred in the bible that isn't still happening today :: just because the bible spoke of this happenings doesn't mean it condones them

2) all humans originated in africa & then proceeded to evolve/devolve from there :: evolution only explains how life had developed & changed over time :: it has nothing @ all to do with determining our origins

3) no mortal truly knows in which ways we will be judged

4) our creator created us in it's image: as creators: it's not uncommon for creators to care about their creations

5) not a coincidence: but smarts doesn't automatically make you wise

6) science is nowhere close to determining our origins: so to discount believers is extremely hypocritical

7) i am irreligious: jesus did not believe in organized religion :: i was not raised religiously & my beliefs did not stem from any church: religion or holy book :: i found Ģ๑Đ on my own through life/personal experiences :: i believe that all of life: including natural selection: evolution: etc: requires intelligence:: life begins with a forethought: desire & purpose

8) Ģ๑Đ is our creator & we were created with free will :: we are not remote controlled :: amputees are not the consequence of Ģ๑Đ's actions: but of our own :: we have all been dealt different cards & it's up to us to choose how we play them :: pain & suffering are necessary for us to be able to recognize & truly appreciate the good things :: that's part of the ying & yang of life

i am aware the the bible has been through edits: omissions & mistranslations: but that doesn't mean it's entire false or that every story told in it is literal :: it still holds many truths & enlightening words of wisdom

i honestly don't know where the 6k year old earth story stemmed from :: i don't know any: or know of any believers who think this :: the bible is actually a collection of books: not just 1 book: btw
2010-04-08 14:37:35 UTC
Actually I believe it is more that people are blinded by hate for something that they contradict evidence contradictory to their opinion.

Whether that is history, religion or politics.

Must be why there are so many atheist liberal democrats that deny even the simplest things in History as 9/11 and Historical facts discovered from the bible.

I welcome questions to my faith as i seek answers to it that builds up in strength.

Not to attack others walk in their shoes.
2010-04-08 14:46:54 UTC
Faith is belief without evidence.

I'd say it's mainly the indoctrination by parents, teachers and other crazy church people that gets them hooked. I'm not religious because my parents didn't teach me any of it (why would they? they're no crazy).

I agree with you about people not actually believing, but saying they do out of peer pressure, it's sad really...

People who do believe have been told over and over again by 'authoratative' figures that it IS definitely true and hell IS real, etc. so I guess they're scared, as children, and this fear of being punished is brought with them into adulthood, it's sad really...
2010-04-08 14:41:03 UTC
I think that religion does come from your upbringing and childhood influences. I think that many kids in my generation (I'm twelve) don't actually believe in anything anymore, but act like it because their parents expect it of them. I also think that my parents would let me "research" other religions, but never join any other ones. (Little do they know that I'm Agnostic) :)
2010-04-08 14:35:52 UTC
But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,

2 Cor 4:3-4
Karl P
2010-04-08 14:32:12 UTC
I've studied creation science for decades now and I am very knowledgeable on the subject.

1) God did it

2) God did it

3) God did it

4) God did it

5) God did it

6) God did it

7) God did it

8) God did it
2010-04-08 14:46:26 UTC
i was a catholic because my family is and thats how i was raised, once i learned to think for myself i drifted away from religion and went for scientific explanations which can be proven.
SPL Texas
2010-04-08 14:33:58 UTC
When you have had a superatural encounter with God like I did, then the debate is over!

BTW - He told me His Name is Jesus!

The waves of love and bliss that flowed through me while he spoke with me blew my mind.


That settles it.

Seek truth and you will find HIM!

Read Mark 16:15-20 - I experience these supernatural things all the time now!

2010-04-08 14:34:56 UTC

(There is physical evidence of a flood, but the rest of it is symbolic. As is Noah's Arc.)
2010-04-08 17:11:06 UTC
StephBTR Said:

Are people so blinded by their faith that they just rule out any evidence that contradicts it?

Bill Said:

I can only answer for myself NOT other people.

I am 62 years old!

I believe what I have investigated for myself.

I believe in creation because of the invisible things of creation!

The Single Cell and DNA proclaims intelligent design.

StephBTR Said:

Do parents allow their children to research other religions?

Bill Said:

My parents have went to be with the Lord!

They raised me up as a Christian!

I have spent many hours studying the Bible myself and believe that Jesus Christ is God.

StephBTR Said:

Is religion a by product of parental influence?

Bill Said:

Yes initially they influenced me BUT I have spent many hours working out my own salvation.

StephBTR Said:

1) Have the believers even read the old testament and understand the horrible things that go on in it?

Bill Said:

Yes Men do horrible things in the name of Religion.

God does not hide!

He says all men have sinned and come short of what God expects of them.

So God i.e. Jesus Christ does for man what He cannot do for himself.

StephBTR Said:

2) Where did all the different races come from?

Bill Said:

The Bible says we all come from Adam and Eve.

DNA is the Binary Code that instructs the Single Cell how to function 0,1,2,4,8,16..... To me and you.

StephBTR Said:

3) What happens if you are some secluded person in a tribe in africa and never even heard of Jesus or Mohammad or any other prominent figure in religion.

Bill Said:

The Bible says in John Chapter One that Jesus Christ is the Light that Lights everymans life who comes into the world.

StephBTR Said:

Are they punished for this?

Bill Said:

No God judges us according to what light we have.

StephBTR Said:

4) As monstrous as the universe is why would a god be so concerned about us? we are a mere spec or "pale blue dot"

Bill Said:

God created us as eternal beings i.e. no death. He created us to be friends i.e. to have fellowship with him personally. Adam failed God i.e He did not believe God when He said that He would die if He disobeyed and ate from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. He then started to die and eventually died. And passed this curse on to you and Me.

1 Corinthians 15:22 For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.

StephBTR Said:

5) Studies have shown intelligent people are less likely to believe in a higher power? is this a coincidence?

Bill Said:

The Bible does not agree with your study!

Men have been wrong about allot of things.

Ignorance and Intelligence do not always go hand in hand.

Psalms 53:1 A Psalm of David. The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good.

StephBTR Said:

6) As science proves more and more shouldn't that make us turn away from religion?

Bill Said:

Men guess and make assumptions. The Bible proves it with prophecy.

StephBTR Said:

Religion seems to have been used to explain the unexplainable.

Bill Said:

Yes and it has ! Like the life is in the Blood!

Facts and principles such as

the earth being round Isaiah 40:22 ,

earth being suspended in nothing Job 26:7 ,

valleys in the seas 2 Samuel 22:16 ,

sanitation Deuteronomy 23:12,13 ,

quarantine Leviticus 13:45-46 ,

and blood being the source of life Leviticus 17:11 (DNA)

StephBTR Said:

Natural Selection, evolution, astronomy, biology are all helping to explain how we came about and show all kinds of evidence while most people still turn to a Bible or Koran which were rewritten over and over and show no kind of evidence of an existence of god!

Bill Said:

This shot gun statement is not true.

The Koran is not my choice


it does not give the dates and times like the Bible does.

The Bible is a collection of 66 books (39 Old Testament, 27 New Testament) written over a period of 1500 years by approximately 40 different authors about creation, history, prophecy and Gods plan for all of creation.

This fact is a miracle ALL by itself!

StephBTR Said:

7) With so many religions out there what made you choose a certain one?

Bill Said:

All false religion have one thing in common .... A works program that no one can keep.

StephBTR Said:

parental influence?

Bill Said:

They pointed me to Jesus Christ and I am thankful


I did my homework!

StephBTR Said:

What makes that one right?

Bill Said:

Jesus Christ and His amazing Life!

“Mere Christianity”,

C. S. Lewis makes the following observation:

"A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic - on the level with a man who says he is a poached egg - or he would be the devil of hell. You must take your choice. Either this was, and is, the Son of God, or else a mad man or something worse. You can shut Him up for a fool or you can fall at His feet and call Him Lord and God. But let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about His being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us."

In other words, either He was the most sane person who ever lived and walked the face of this planet, or he was absolutely out of his mind with his claims.

But, since "actions speak louder than words", you need to look at what he did. He healed the sick, made the blind to see, the lame to walk, the deaf to hear, and the dumb to talk. He healed lepers, forgave sins, and even raised the dead. When he commanded the storm to stop, it obeyed; and when he commanded demons to leaven, they obeyed his authority and left individuals alone whom they had been tormenting.

An insane person could never manage these things.

Jesus in History!


simply provides evidence of Jesus' existence (a topic not

debated at this point in history) and not his divinity.

GAIUS SUETONIUS TRANQUILLUS (69 - 130 A.D.)evidence of Jesus' existence

Suetonius records the expulsion of the Christian Jews

from Rome (mentioned in Acts 18:2) and confirms the Christian faith being founded by Christ.

THALLUS (~ 52 A.D.)evidence of Jesus' existence

Thallus' explanation

of the midday darkness which occurred during the Passover of Jesus' crucifixion. Thallus tries to dismiss the

darkness as a natural occurrence (a solar eclipse) but Africanus argues (and any astronomer can confirm) a

solar eclipse cannot physically occur during a full moon due to the alignment of the planets.

PLINY THE YOUNGER (63 - 113 A.D)evidence of Jesus' existence

Pliny the Younger admits to torturing and executing Christians who

refused to deny Christ.

CELSUS (~ 178 A.D.)evidence of Jesus' existence

He went to

great lengths to disprove the divinity of Jesus yet never denied His actual existence.

StephBTR Said:

8) How come God never heals and amputee as a miracle?

Bill Said:

Paul was almost blind and Paul prayed to have his sight restored and God said:

To Paul that His Grace is sufficient

2 Corinthians 12:9 And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

StephBTR Said:

Do most of you actually believe that a great flood happened,

Bill Said:

Yes! The Evolutionist do to!

StephBTR Said:

Moses talked to god,

Bill Said:


The bible has many prophecies that have been fulfilled as proof that The Bible is factual.

So somethings that come by faith i.e. believing God that if The bible gave proof of one thing then the other is true by faith.

StephBTR Said:

Adam and Eve populated the world,

Bill Said:

DNA is binary Code! 0=God,1=Adam,2=Eve,4,8,16,32,64,128,256.512,1024,2048....... 5 Billion or how ever many people are on the planet.

StephBTR Said:

the earth is only 6 thousand years old,

Bill Said:

I have proof for many things .... some things we believe because the Bible can be trusted and The Bible is God's Word and I by faith I believe God.

Without FAITH it is impossible to please God. His rules not puny man's.

StephBTR Said:

people should be stoned for adultery

Bill Said:


Think of how Adultery hurts everyone especially the Children!

Which hurts all of society.

Capitol punishment causes people to think twice about being selfish.

Look at Tiger the golfer and How he screwed himself and everyone else up.

StephBTR Said:

and we should be allowed to have slaves?

Bill Said:

No God does not want slaves but people did so it was allowed.

Free Choice.

We have slaves today we just give them money.

Some slaves loved the care of their owners and did not want to fend for themselves.

StephBTR Said:

How can people put all this faith in one book that was written thousands of years ago and contains no evidence except of a few peoples witness to these events.

Bill Said:

As an example Jesus Said that the Jewish Temple would be destroyed, it was one of the Wonders of the world at that time, That not one brick would be left standing. 70 years later the Romans soldiers took the Temple apart one brick at a time to get the mortar ..... The mortar was Gold.

Many Many examples like this are documented in the Bible. History being uncovered by archeologists.

StephBTR Said:

The bible has been rewritten and scriptures lost and found that who knows what the original accounts or paul or john actually said.

Bill Said:

Not True.

This is just a rumor that is easily proven wrong if you take the time to investigate.

StephBTR Said:

Yet these same people can look at all the evidence of evolution and just deny it because their church says so. I don't get it.


Bill Said:

what evidence? The artists rendition
2010-04-08 14:34:12 UTC
It takes time.
Goth Skunk
2010-04-08 14:35:30 UTC
Yes. Yes they are.
2010-04-08 14:32:05 UTC
That's how it works if you cave in to willful ignorance.
2010-04-08 14:32:46 UTC
Yes, they are.
2010-04-08 14:32:49 UTC
the blind intelligent vs the blind faith. classic
2010-04-08 14:32:33 UTC
isnt it interesting how athiests are so naive that they dont think they work for me?,we love you all,the holy family.
2010-04-08 14:31:37 UTC
Like, duh.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.