Studies show that non-religious nations have a higher quality of life than do religious nations.
They found eight factors had a significant effect on quality of life: divorce rate, public health expenditure, doctor/population ratio; per capita GDP; food supply; female and male adult literacy rate, and population with access to safe drinking water. The model crunched all these, along with the effects, and spat out a Quality of Life rating for the 43 countries they analysed.
This analysis joins all the others – the least religious countries are more democratic, more peaceful, have less corruption, more telephones, do better at science, have less inequality and other problems, and are generally just less dysfunctional.
Within the United States, we find similar patterns: the states with the highest rates of
poverty tend to be among the most religious states in the nation, such as Mississippi and
Tennessee, while the states with the lowest poverty rates tend to be among the most secular,
such as New Hampshire and Hawaii (United States Census Bureau 2008). The states
with the highest rates of obesity are among the most religious in the nations, while the
states with the lowest rates of obesity are among the least religious (
2008). And it is the more religious states that tend to have infant mortality rates higher
than the national average, while the less religious states tend to have lower infant mortality
rates (United States Census Bureau, 2005). Additionally, it is among the most religious
states that one finds the highest rates of STDs (Sexually Transmitted Disease Surveillance
2007) and teen pregnancy (Guttmacher Institute, 2006). America’s Bible Belt also contains
the lowest rates of college-educated adults, and of the states with the highest percentage
of college educated adults, most are among the most secular in the country
(United States Census Bureau, 2007)."
This essay began with a well-known Biblical quote stating that atheists are simply no
good. Do the findings of contemporary social science support this Biblical assertion? The
clear answer is no. Atheism and secularity have many positive correlates, such as higher
levels of education and verbal ability, lower levels of prejudice, ethnocentrism, racism,
and homophobia, greater support for women’s equality, child-rearing that promotes independent
thinking and an absence of corporal punishment, etc. And at the societal level,
with the important exception of suicide, states and nations with a higher proportion of
secular people fare markedly better than those with a higher proportion of religious