Atheism under religion and sprituality?
2008-11-13 06:41:45 UTC
i mean atheism is not a religion and far from spritual, is it under science or something?
21 answers:
2008-11-13 09:39:27 UTC
Atheists can be spiritual. Or do you think that spirituality has to involve deities? You'd be wrong there.
David M
2008-11-13 07:00:42 UTC
Ermmm -- d'ya think maybe it's an opinion ABOUT religion? Or do you think only atheists should be in the sports forum and only elected officials in politics? Why is it only in this thread, which I should point out is religION not religIOUS, where there is so much angst about somebody who does not possess the trait under discussion having an opinion?

Again why is it not enough to have an interest in a topic only in this one case? Is it because you are so insecure that you want an echo-chamber with no dissent? Then talk about religion only in church. Please. Is it because you are arrogant enough to think only the religious care about religion? Then raise your IQ above 60 pts. Or is it because you made the assumption that only your religious beliefs belong in a forum discussing religion? Then grow up. There is no other alternative to explain this many-times-daily worry about why atheists are discussing religion. I don;t have four legs and a tail but I discuss dogs. I have no published works but I discuss literature. Why should I have to share your invisible friend to discuss religion?

EDIT for your response - so since you took offense at that suggestion out of my three, we can assume that that's the correct option - that you are arrogant enough to assume that only the religious should care about religion. Good. Now we know the problem, and the solution, which is indeed the one I suggested judging by the eloquence of your response. Good luck with that. Maybe Kaplan or Sylvan would be a good call.
2008-11-13 06:51:37 UTC
there are spiritual atheists

atheism is just not beleiving in god or deitys and usually religion, but that doesnt mean we cant be spiritual or that we are sciency

all it means is, we dont believe in a god

thats it


"when you mean spiritual atheist does that mean you like to drink alot or you believe in spirits"

spiritual does not mean ghosts/spirts

it means a philosophical consideration of existence, thinking, feeling, knowing and understanding there is more to life than just this material world that we see and known

as for ghosts/spirits, yes i beleive they are possible, im more agnostic on them

and i beleive in many other things being possible too


well, lots of people, from all beleifs and religions are all "soared up complaining about others"

and its mostly only christians that are accused of forcing their beliefs,not muslims and certainly not buddhists

i have never "told" anyone they were an idiot or anything else for their beleifs
2016-11-04 08:52:49 UTC
Atheism isn't a faith. it particularly is the definition of religion, in accordance to the dictionary: concept in and reverence for a supernatural potential or powers called author and governor of the universe. needless to say atheism would not fall under this definition. Religions say that there is a God (or Gods) who created the universe and administration it. Religions can no longer instruct this concept of theirs. What atheists do is reject those theories that religions positioned forward. we detect no reason to have self assurance it till it is shown. Atheism is the absense of religious ideals. Atheism would not have any concept of its very own, rituals, instruments of rules or something like that. Atheism is the rejection of unproven theories relating to the existance of gods. So there particularly is not any mythology in atheism.
2008-11-13 06:57:41 UTC
Atheism is a position on the nature of spirituality. An antimonarchist's questions belong in Royalty because that is the topic to which they pertain.
2008-11-13 06:54:41 UTC
Research a little before you make such a claim.

Buddhists are Atheists because we do not believe in the existence of a God or gods. We are also a religion.

Open your mind.
2008-11-13 06:47:30 UTC
lol Isn't spelling fun. I'm a spiritual atheist. Religion and spirituality are not even related. You can compare them to belly buttons. One is an innie and the other is an outie. hehe
2008-11-13 08:13:18 UTC
Atheism is a religious viewpoint, so as of right now this is Yahoo Answers' best section in which to discuss it.
Mr. Gentleman
2008-11-13 06:48:46 UTC
The atheists really get a kick out of this R&S section as a counterweight to what they perceive as hardcore Christians.

Edit: He may be speaking on my side, but is anyone else not completely sick of NewBorn and his long-windedness?
2008-11-13 07:12:37 UTC
Atheism is an opinion on religion.
tom bailey
2008-11-13 06:47:03 UTC
I found that odd as well. It is the absence of religion and spirituality. Maybe they could be into some form of spirituality and be atheist?
2008-11-13 06:45:37 UTC
Atheism = lack of a belief in God.

Atheism has everything to do with religion, even though it is a lack of it.
Lemon-Fresh Smurf
2008-11-13 06:46:51 UTC
Well religion does affect everybody in some way or another
2008-11-13 06:46:12 UTC
An Atheist can be spiritual, they just don't believe in a higher power.

Besides you can't just limit certain faiths to certain sections. Everyone's welcome to ask and answer.

John Lemon
2008-11-13 06:47:34 UTC
Atheism is by itself. We do have an association, though.
Lady Louisa
2008-11-13 06:46:12 UTC
I think you could classify atheism under religion. It is something people follow and believe in.
2008-11-13 06:46:28 UTC
science nearly resembles atheism people who belive in science don't belive in god and are atheeist at heart
Shoot 'em up Kitteh!
2008-11-13 06:48:40 UTC
For me, I believe in nothing supernatural.
2008-11-13 06:46:40 UTC
It does not say "for religious and spiritual people."
2008-11-13 06:55:46 UTC
It's our duty to inform, much like your mission.
2008-11-13 06:47:15 UTC
Atheism is about human decency and truthfulness that Christians need to suppress to impose their religion on everybody else...

The Bible writers created the story of an awesome God for Israel that is worshipped by Christians mainly in America. This God forced his “chosen” people to eat their own children for dinner NOT AS A PUNISHMENT, but as an option in time of famine. Not even as an option, but as the “WILL OF GOD!” God NEVER objected about anybody slaughtering and cooking children for dinner. God won’t let the Jews eat pigs, but children YES!

NOTHING is taken out of context here. I dropped out of Christianity and religion after many years serving in the Christian ministry! I couldn’t possibly be related to this gross Bible God any more! The Bible was written to control religious people like the preachers do today. Any religion back then was as savage as you can’t possibly imagine. The Bible is a hangover from those days... America became ONE NATION UNDER GOD and IN GOD WE TRUST under Christian pressure only after the collapse of the US gold monetary standard!

This Bible God is totally powerless to teach the Jews any lesson without FORCING them to eat their own children for dinner in the “Land Flowing with Milk and Honey!” The Bible writers say that this land was like that ONLY before Israel invaded Palestine where the former dwellers used to live in plenty! After Israel invaded the Holy Land the milk and honey suddenly stopped flowing! Now the Bible writers are promising Israel that “the desert shall blossom like a rose!” The perennial carrot at the end of the stick!

This primitive Bible God’s sadistic pleasures are the kinkiest ones ever to be invented in human history...! No atheistic dictator in the world EVER thought of forcing his people to eat their own children for dinner...! This is so repulsive that no smut publication is printing anything like that, either, but you can enjoy reading all about it in “God’s Holy Book, the Bible!” Most Christians are brainwashed to believe that the DEVIL is seeding this information in their Bible to confuse them and to test their faith!

Ironically, Christians are banning ALL ABORTIONS so there will be more children for dinner! Spiritually speaking, of course…!

Leviticus 26:29 - (God is impatiently saying) YOU WILL eat the flesh of your sons and the flesh of your daughters* (*without warning of any evil! Christians know that no matter how pervert it may sound “if God says it I believe it… and that settles it!”)

Deuteronomy 28:53-57 - Because of the suffering that your enemy will inflict on you during the siege* (*that is 700 years into the future! In our real civilized world anybody knowing of a crime to be committed and not doing anything about it is put in jail for complicity!), YOU WILL EAT THE FRUIT OF THE WOMB, THE FLESH OF THE SONS AND DAUGHTERS the LORD your god has given you* (*GOD WILL NOT DO ANYTHING to protect the innocent children, but his chosen people will enjoy eating them…!) Even the most gentle and sensitive man* (*not a sinful homosexual or a “Godless” atheist, but a CHOSEN CHILD OF GOD!) among you will have no compassion on his own brother or the wife he loves or his SURVIVING children, and he will not give to one of them any of the flesh of his children that he is eating…* (*here, not sharing is “THE SIN”!!!)

Jeremiah 19:9 I* (*God, NOT SATAN, but GOD!) WILL MAKE THEM EAT THE FLESH OF THEIR SONS AND DAUGHTERS* (God needs to intervene because the Jews won’t do it on their own even in a Bible make believe story! In reality during the Roman siege of Masada (cir. 35 CE) all the Jews committed suicide before they even thought of eating their own children!)

The Bible God won’t force the Jews to eat any PIG, but their own children YES! The heck with any God protection plan for them! The Bible writers say that when the 666 will be instituted Christians won’t be able to buy or sell food without it. Will they eat their own children for dinner? The cunning Clergy is trained to ignore and deny that God forced anybody to eat innocent children and that the Jews did it only because they were despicable sinners!

Ezekiel 5:10 - Therefore in your midst fathers WILL EAT THEIR CHILDREN...*

Christians are told that “God so loved the World!” in spite of the fact that GOD NEVER SPOKE A WORD AGAINST EATING CHILDREN…! It took Moses 2 men to carry a single bunch of gigantic size grapes to show Israel how plentiful was the Heathen Land that they were going to invade (Num 13:23)! This Bible story makes you believe that God tricked the Jews to leave Egypt. BTW, there is no historical evidence whatsoever that the Jews were ever slaves in Egypt! So the Jews can eat their own children in the Promised Land for God’s kinky pleasure! Actually, for the pleasure of wanking Bible writers!

Lamentations 4:10 - With their own hands COMPASSIONATE WOMEN* (*GODLY WOMEN…! Not lesbians or atheistic ladies, but “MANY” God loving heterosexual women) HAVE COOKED THEIR OWN CHILDREN...! (Not in some isolated cases in a moment of rage, but with some planning, recipes, and so on!)

These are not the only few cases of FACTUAL eating of children in the Bible stories!!! Here is an episode in FULL EXPLICIT CONTEXT that is impossible for the Clergy to explain away…

2 Kings 6:26-29 - As the king of Israel was passing by on the wall, a woman cried to him, “Help me, my lord the king* (*a God related King)!” The king replied, “If the Lord does not help you, where can I get help for you? Then he asked her, “What's the matter?” She answered, “This woman said to me, ‘Give up your son so we may eat him today, and tomorrow we'll eat my son.’ So we cooked my son and ate him* (*BTW… it came out delicious!!!). The next day I said to her, ‘Give up your son so we may eat him, but she had hidden him!

Not sharing is THE SIN! They were all COMPASSIONATE Godly, non-Atheistic, heterosexual women that HAVE SLAUGHTERED AND COOKED THEIR OWN CHILDREN FOR DINNER... at the tune of “The LORD is my Shepherd I shall not want…” (Psalm 23) The old Bible writers are blinding the Christians today with the “God is LOVE” bit…

Isaiah 49:15 “Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I* (*God) WILL NOT FORGET YOU!

The eating of one’s own children is part of the Bible theme. The clergy is still marketing Christianity in our advanced society, but only after YEARS OF CHRISTIAN BIBLE SCHOOLING. Hardly any Christian today believes that this GROSS DEPRAVITY of eating your own children is in the Bible. They only listen to their prosperity Gospel preachers who are telling them now to stop needed abortions and oppose same sex marriages or they won’t get rich!

The Bible writers are delighted to tell us that Jesus was whipped, beaten, thoroughly marinated in Roman spit, and nailed to a Holy Cross as a “spotless Lamb of God” so the Christian can snack his ROMAN SPIT FLAVORED MEAT AND DRINK HIS HOLY BLOOD to make it to Heaven! (John 6:53) The idea of eating one’s own children is part of the BIBLE story so the forever snacking on Jesus in the Holy Communion is not half that bad…! The Bible also promotes the killing of children to get rid of any future enemy!

Psalm 137:8-9 - O Daughter of Babylon, doomed to destruction, happy is he who repays you for what you have done to us- he who seizes your infants and DASHES them against the rocks.

The Holy Bible writers say that our enemies ought to be killed in their infancy when it is easier to get rid of them (Amen?) So abortion is not remotely that bad. In fact, IT IS VERY HUMANE! Notice HUMANE vs GODLY. GODLY requires that the fetus be born into a child before he/she can be dashed to pieces against the rocks as an infant, or eaten for dinner!

Isaiah 13:16 (KJV) Their little ones also will be DASHED TO PIECES before their eyes; Their houses will be plundered And their wives ravished…. (How many sexually starved women would wish to be ravished? But the children must be DASHED TO PIECES – not aborted!)

God the Son Jesus Christ is hardly any better than his own Daddy God up in the sky!

Revelation 2:23 (In his apocalyptic “revelation” Jesus Christ says) I WILL STRIKE HER CHILDREN DEAD* (*No abortionist can beat Jesus at killing babies… AMEN? Jesus is the one killing the children in the Churches so he can teach everybody a lesson on WHO IS THE BOSS while preachers get rich selling books about Jesus’ love for the little children. In our society today Jesus Christ would be in jail for bullying about killing any child to favor a particular religion!) Then ALL THE CHURCHES WILL KNOW that I am he who searches hearts and minds, and I will repay each of you according to your deeds.* (*I’m the BOSS says Jesus! Unlike the Mafia and to the delight of Christianity, Jesus goes public talking like that!)

Christians don’t know how to deal with plain FACTS either from science or from their own Bible that they hardly read! They still want to rule the world by this Bible God notion!

Romans 15:4 (Saint Paul says) For EVERYTHING that was written in the past* (*Old Testament) was written to teach us* (*Christians!)

Even so, over the centuries Christians believe that NOT EVERYTHING written in the Old Testament is for them, so they are totally ignorant and refuse to accept all of the above! Christianity is one of the most DISHONEST religions in the world! The original Jewish “sacred books” were used by some Greek Jews to develop Christianity! Today the Clergy has the Christians totally brainwashed on what to believe from the Bible and they are forcing everybody else to comply, too!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.