Princess, dear, I believe in the pre-trib. rapture too, but this website is not kosher! You sound just too young and gullible. Please, think again, this is not a sensible person who is putting out this website, this is a crank.
I just simply do not believe this 'bible code' - no, not one bit. This has my spirit screaming 'don't go there'. Really, someone is either 'taking the Mick' or he's a sad case! Really, the name of the site ought to be the first warning!
Now, it is good that you want to prepare yourself for the rapture, so that you may please Jesus when he comes, so read your Bible, pray believing and find out all you can about holiness, what it is to hear the voice of God and how you may best serve him from now on.
However, you really do need to pray for discernment, too! - for there's going to be more subtle deceptions than this coming along, and you need to learn to spot them and help your brothers and sisters in the Lord.
Just think next time before you fall for stuff like this and post questions like this on Yahoo, because it gives ammunition to the sneerers and mockers, who just love to poke fun at the rapture and it also discourages the believing saints. We are not a bunch of nutcases, but this kind of stuff presents the rapture in a bad light.
If you want to ask about such things - which are highly contentious in themselves - try to use a bit more 'level-headed' websites. A bit less 'religion' and a bit more commonsense - eh?
Maranatha - our Lord come!