evidence that god is real?
2014-07-25 16:25:50 UTC
I'm an atheist, can any religious nuts give me some evidence that god exists.
36 answers:
2014-07-25 16:27:28 UTC
God cant be real because *nothing big-banged into everything

*the ''formation'' of the earth is a result of chaos turning into order

*life spontaneously generated from chemical soup

* bacteria evolved into our ''common ancestor''

*and we evolved from an unknown and undiscovered ''common ancestor''

then the 1st and 2nd Law of thermodynamics and the Law of Biogenesis kicked in (they had to be put on hold for Atheism to occur)
2014-07-26 21:48:40 UTC
After more than 2000 years, nothing has changed. Here is a synopsis of the argument/debate/discussion so far to date:

Religion: "there is a god", "god made everything"

Atheist: "I see NO reason why I should believe you. Prove that your claims are true. Show me the evidence"

Nothing religion says has any credibility since they have no evidence to support the claims they have been making since day one. Who was the first priest to say "there is a god"? THAT is how long people like me have been asking for evidence and NOT getting anything that counts AS evidence.
2014-07-25 16:37:06 UTC
There is only one body of evidence. The 2 or 3% of the worlds nuts who call themselves atheist deny interpretations of the evidence that support theism.

Here is how it works. Atheist start out with the presupposition that here is only matter and that all phenomena, including consciousness is the product of material interaction when examining the evidence Then based on that unproven presupposition assert there is no evidence for any gods. There are two terms that would apply. 1. Circular reasoning, 2. Presuppositional apologetics.

Those who examine the very same evidence without such presuppositions (i.e. free thinkers) acknowledge the evidence can be said to support a creator (and therefore a God).

So if you want to recognize the evidence all you have to do is discard your unproven presuppositions and examine the very same evidence and follow it where it leads.
2014-07-25 17:02:18 UTC
*IF* there was evidence they would not need faith ;)


“If energy can’t be destroyed or created, then god can't create it now can he?

If the universe requires a creator, then so too does god.

Who created god?

If god could have always existed, then so too could the universe.

IF you can't grasp that it doesn’t mean GODDIDIT, it just means you're not bright.”

Richard Dawkins: The total amount of suffering per year in the natural world is beyond all decent contemplation. During the minute that it takes me to compose this sentence, thousands of animals are being eaten alive, many others are running for their lives, whimpering with fear, others are slowly being devoured from within by rasping parasites, thousands of all species are dying of starvation, thirst, and disease. The universe that we observe has precisely the properties we should expect if there is, at bottom, no design, no purpose, no evil, no good, nothing but pitiless indifference.

2014-07-25 16:35:36 UTC
Google Hindu Milk Miracle.
2014-07-25 16:49:02 UTC
Romans 1:20 says "for his invisible qualities are clearly seen from the worlds creation onward, because they are percieved by the things made even his eternel power and Godship, so that they are inexcusible." So we can tell just by seeing all the amazing creations, including ourselves, that there must be a creator. And The bible encourages people to search for ways to see that there is really a God- psalms 10:4
2014-07-25 16:31:32 UTC
Of course...but the fact that you're asking this question means that the first thing you'll want to do is read this:

Now that you realize that the Bible qualifies as evidence (by standard English definition) that God is real, you can pick up any Bible and, by reading it, find quite a bit of evidence supporting the claim that God is real.
2014-07-25 16:31:24 UTC
Surely the big bang happened, and we can see a vast nothing before it. Possibly this is a cycle that has gone on forever.

But how did the cycle start? Where did everything come from in the first place?
2014-07-25 16:30:15 UTC
Well... there was this one time, in band camp.. but your just going to have to take my word for it
2014-07-25 16:27:44 UTC
God of the gaps, gut feelings, the Bible, and toast.
2014-07-25 16:30:03 UTC
No. You won't receive.

Romans 1:25 They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator - who is forever praised. Amen
Roberta B
2014-07-25 17:00:29 UTC
Life on earth could never exist were it not for a series of very fortunate “coincidences,” some of which were unknown or poorly understood until the 20th century. Those coincidences include the following:

▪ Earth’s location in the Milky Way galaxy and the solar system, as well as the planet’s orbit, tilt, rotational speed, and unusual moon

▪ A magnetic field and an atmosphere that serve as a dual shield

▪ Natural cycles that replenish and cleanse the planet’s air and water supply

As you consider each of these topics, ask yourself, ‘Are earth’s features a product of blind chance or of purposeful design?’
2014-07-25 16:37:28 UTC
It's something that starts spiritually, even tough I didn't know it at the time. Learning the Bible helps of course, and having the best Bible teacher I've ever heard helped (Dr. Gene Scott). But I'm not shithing you, without that spiritual part, it's just going to be another book. Either God gave it to you or he won't. I hope he did.
2014-07-26 08:14:57 UTC
2014-07-25 16:55:05 UTC
Of course. But first this observation. God is spirit and cannot be analyzed, quantified or duplicated. His existence is shown by TWO things.

1. He is PERCEIVED by what he has made (Romans 1:20, 21)

2. Life itself. The Bible identifies God as the SOURCE of life. (Psalm 36:9)

FYI Life cannot be analyzed, quantified, duplicated or created. It can be modified.

Thus your question about the existence of God gives you to things to consider. The first is just common sense. The second, however, is impossible for those who think only in material terms to answer. Thus I fully suspect the vast majority of those who answer will condemn the obvious fact that they have no clue about life or creation.
2014-07-25 16:37:33 UTC
Can you explain to me why God doesn't exist? Is it because you can't literally see or hear him that makes him impossible? Well, you can't hear or see air either. There are plenty of things in the world that are real, that you can't see. Can you prove that the big bang THEORY is real? No, so why do I need to prove that God is real?, you believe or you don't. For the sake of your soul I suggest you start praying, find out for yourself if he is real.
2014-07-25 20:06:43 UTC
Belief in God will ultimately be a matter of faith because absolute proof (or disproof) of the supernatural will never be found. However modern Astrophysics has proven the existence of God beyond a reasonable doubt.

Newton's Third Law of Motion states "For every action there is equal and opposite reaction." Every action in the universe was caused by a prior equal and opposite reaction.

If we logically follow each and every action and reaction back to the beginning then logically there has to be a first action without a prior equal and opposite reaction. Modern astrophysicists call this event the Big Bang.

This first action was completely independent of outside forces. This action was God, the un-caused cause, creating the universe. This proof also fulfills the principle of Occam's Razor.

By the way, it was Georges Lemaître (1894–1966), a Belgian Catholic priest and professor of physics and astronomy, who proposed what became known as the Big Bang theory of the origin of the Universe.


Another beyond a reasonable doubt:

A universe in which life has a chance to exist can only happen in where a couple of dozen universal constants coincide, including:

+ Minimum interval of space

+ Minimum unit of time

+ Planck's Constant

+ Maximum velocity

+ Gravitational Attraction Constant

+ Weak Force Coupling Constant

+ Strong Nuclear Force Coupling Constant

+ Rest Mass of a Proton

+ Rest Mass of an Electron

+ Electron or Proton Unit Charge

+ Minimum Mass of the Universe

+ Total Visible Rest Mass

+ Boltzmann's Constant

+ Hubble Constant

+ Cosmological Constant

+ Cosmic Proton/Photon Ratio

+ Permittivity of Free Space

+ Electromagnetic Fine-Structure Constant

+ Weak Fine-Structure Constant

+ Gravitational Fine-Structure Constant

A couple of percent difference in any one of these constants would make the universe completely uninhabitable. Roger Penrose, a peer of Hawking, calculated that the chance of a universe capable of supporting life as we know it as one part in 10 raised to the power of 10 raised to the power of 123.

This fine tuning of the universe, while not an absolute proof of God, can be used to help prove the existence of God beyond a reasonable doubt (which is my claim).


For credible scientific and factually reliable evidence for the existance of God see the Magi's God Wiki: "Why Believe in God?"

I also suggest you read Robert Spitzer's book "New Proofs for the Existence of God: Contributions of Contemporary Physics and Philosophy"

With love in Christ.
2014-07-25 20:44:34 UTC
The God of Israel (the Christian God) has chosen to prove Himself to humanity via prophecy. He chose to use prophecies such as: the exile of Israel, the sudden increase of knowledge, the Holocaust, and the return of Israel, to prove Himself because only God can know the future. It is through this that humanity can be certain that the God of Israel is the living God because it is impossible for any living thing could have guessed the future thousands of times without error.
2014-07-25 17:34:17 UTC
I recommend reading "The Reason for God" by Timothy Keller, "More Than A Carpenter" by Josh McDowell, and "Mere Christianity" by C.S. Lewis.
2014-07-25 17:08:15 UTC
Yes, we can but you won't believe it anyway.

Romans 1:18-23

18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and UNRIGHTEOUSNESS of men, WHO SUPPRESS THE TRUTH IN UNRIGHTEOUSNESS,

19 because what may be known of God is MANIFEST IN THEM (CONSCIENCE), for God has shown it to them.

v. 19 Cosmological argument: 1) Originative of world 2) Continuing world


v. 20 These three things condemns man ... 1) Creation itself 2) Your conscience 3) Word of God (Bible)

21 because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, BUT BECAME FUTILE IN THEIR THOUGHTS, AND THEIR FOOLISH HEARTS WERE DARKENED.

22 Professing to be wise, they became fools,

23 and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man—and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things.

2 Cor. 4:3-4 3 But even if our gospel is veiled, IT IS VEILED TO THOSE WHO ARE PERISHING, 4 whose minds the god of this age has blinded (Satan), who do not believe, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine on them.

Now I'll sit back and watch all of you identify yourselves as the unbelievers you are by giving me the TD's. You are to be pitied for your ignorance and unbelief. The Judgment Day is very real ... is lake of fire really where you want to go with Satan and his demons?

It's so simple to believe and trust in what Jesus Christ did for you rather than try to do things your way which will get you a one way ticket to the lake of fire.

Sin is no longer the issue ... Jesus Christ paid for all of mankind's sins in His own body. He bore the wrath of God's judgment for our sins ... He had none of His own.

We will all be judged for the works we produce in our lifetimes ... what sort it is. Only true believers can produce divine works that will reap rewards in heaven. The unbeliever has nothing ... all his works are as filthy rags and will be burned up at the Final Judgment.

Here is the Gospel you must believe in order to be saved:

1 Cor. 15:1-4 Moreover, brethren, I declare to you the GOSPEL which I preached to you, which also you received and in which you stand, 2 by which also you are SAVED, IF you hold fast that word which I preached to you—unless you believed in vain.

3 For I delivered to you first of all that which I also received: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, 4 and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures,

It's your choice ... please make the right one.
2014-07-25 16:34:15 UTC
The fact of the matter is your going to believe what you want to believe, an nobody can make you change your mind unless, you are a child of God, only God elect will love God all the rest will love satan an evil, that is why you can't understand, because God has not opened your eyes to the truth of the bible only, because the bible is the only true word of God because the word became flesh an dwelt among us, the word is the bible an dwelt among us is God Jesus Christ. im just paraphrasing it.
2014-07-25 16:52:35 UTC
Do you not realize that these same arguments hold true for also "proving" the existence of Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Loch Ness Monster, Bigfoot, Unicorns and fairies? Just sayin'.
2014-07-25 16:43:31 UTC
I'm atheist too, but calling people names like "nuts" doesn't help things and makes you seem unreasonable.
2014-07-25 18:49:03 UTC
Why do you care? Do you spend lots of time worrying about other things that don't exist?
2014-07-25 16:55:01 UTC
Look around you. Nature isn't an accident. God has had a plan all along.
2014-07-25 16:37:13 UTC
Mabey god found this planet and putted life to it, that explaines that the earth is from chemecals.
2014-07-27 01:44:52 UTC
Google it.

Youtube it.

Do the research.
2014-07-26 20:32:21 UTC
I posted it yesterday, but it was deleted!
2014-07-25 16:38:24 UTC
Waffles, no mere mortal could have invented something so perfect.
2014-07-25 18:53:38 UTC
Name a scientist that can put a human body together perfectly then make it come alive...... Thanks for calling all theists religious nuts. Your bigotry is so cute
2014-07-25 16:31:41 UTC
Google it.

Youtube it.

Do the research.
2014-07-25 16:31:40 UTC
It has been scientifcly prooven that every effect has a cause. The effect is the world the universe everything around you the cause is a powerful creator
2014-07-25 16:47:35 UTC
Sorry, can't help you there.
2014-07-25 16:32:29 UTC
I posted it yesterday, but it was deleted!
The Lightning Strikes
2014-07-25 16:32:20 UTC
Yes, there is a God, but of course simply saying that God exists does not mean there is one. The existence of God has been debated for centuries. Atheists deny him or say they “lack belief in God.” We, Christians, of course, not only believe in God but also claim to have a relationship with him through the person of Jesus Christ who has been revealed in the four Gospels of the New Testament.

Proving that God exists is another matter. But, you see, proof is for mathematics and logic. How do you “prove” there is a Great Being outside of our universe? Do we look for footprints in a riverbed? Do we examine evidence under a microscope and say, "A ha! There's God!"? That would be the wrong approach. If God exists, he would be beyond our universe, non-material, and transcendent. So, we would have to look for evidence that is consistent with a non-material and transcendent being.

Atheists err when asking for material evidence to prove God's existence

Some have proposed that the Transcendental Argument for God’s existence

Others have stated that the Cosmological Argument is sufficient.

Whatever argument you might accept or deny, it seems that your presuppositions are what determine if you believe in God or not. Atheists, of course, presuppose that God does not exist--by faith. They can't "know" he doesn't exist, nor can they prove that in all the universe (or outside of it) there is no God. But, their atheism means they will deny any evidences or explanations used to affirm his existence. On the other hand, Christians who claim to have an encounter with God rely on the revelation of Scripture to tell them who Christ is and who God is.

I have to ask, "How could there not be a God"? Look around you. The heavens declare the glory of God (Psalm 19:1). Consider the vastness of the universe, the perfection of the balance of life, and the incredible complexity of the information structures in DNA. Are we to believe that the super-complex information structures in the DNA molecule are the result of chance? Is life an accident? What about beauty? Is it nothing more than a chemical reaction in the brain? What about morality? Are there any moral absolutes such as, “It is always wrong to torture a baby to death merely for one’s personal pleasure”? Or, is such a moral absolute nothing more than the result of chemical reactions in our brains? If so, how does one chemical reaction which leads to another chemical reaction produce moral absolutes or even logical absolutes? Is it easier to conclude that such truths are the result of chemical reactions and brain wiring, or that they are authored by God? Is morality merely the situational-based whims of people’s preferences? Is the beauty of a sunset and the wonder of a newborn baby's precious life a byproduct of the survival of the fittest?

Ask yourself if you believe that the miracle of life is produced from the purposeless motion of atoms that have led to the incredible super-complexity of DNA (it cannot happen by chance). Ask yourself if the universal revulsion to murder is an evolutionary byproduct or an innate obligation to do what is right. If morality has absolutes, it implies an absolute moral giver. But if morality is not absolute, then everything is subjective; and there is no right and wrong. What do you think?

The vast majority of people all over the world believe there is a God; but, of course, that doesn’t mean God exists. Still, there is something within us--something that cries out for meaning, purpose, and direction; and we naturally look to God for their fulfilment. Atheistic evolution doesn't do it.

Some people have said that the reason people believe in God is that societies have brainwashed children into believing he exists. But how do we know it isn’t the other way around? What if atheists are brainwashed by societies into believing that God does not exist? Which is it?

Again, is our universe and our existence the product of randomness in chance, or is it the product of purpose and design? Which makes more sense when we look at beauty, purpose, morality, compassion, kindness, grace, and love?

We have a tendency to know there is something beyond us because we realize that our own insufficiencies and failures cause us to reach out to something greater than ourselves. That’s why we enjoy superheroes in movies and like to listen to news accounts of miraculous, selfless deeds done by normal people. There is something in us that calls out to that which is greater than we are. There is something that makes us feel bad when we lie, cheat, and steal. Why is that? Why do we have this impulse for moral truth, human greatness, truth absolutes, and personal purpose? Are they the result of cold, mechanical principles of an uncaring universe wrapped up in brain chemistry, or are they the interweavings of the truth of God's existence that we encounter within our own souls?

So, is there a God? Yes, there is. He is specifically revealed to us in the Bible and more specifically in the person of Jesus Christ. If you want to encounter the true and living God, you’ll find him revealed in the Bible. Read the gospels that speak of Jesus. He is the representation of God in flesh--John 1:1, 14; Heb. 1:1-3.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God . . . and the word became flesh and dwelt among us . . . " (John 1:1, 14).

"God, after He spoke long ago to the fathers in the prophets in many portions and in many ways, 2 in these last days has spoken to us in His Son, whom He appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the world. 3 And He is the radiance of His glory and the exact representation of His nature, and upholds all things by the word of His power." (Heb. 1:1-3).
Lighting the Way to Reality
2014-07-25 17:24:12 UTC
If you are referring to the god of the Bible, there is evidence that he is NOT real, and it comes from the Bible itself.

If any posited manifestations of a particular god that supposedly impinge on the natural world and can be tested but are found to not exist, then that could be used used to show the nonexistence of that god.

It cannot be proved that *A* god does not exist, but it can be proved that the god of the Bible does not exist. That is because the Bible describes a god-created cosmos that does not actually exist. Since an existing cosmos is essential for existence, the god who created the nonexisting biblical cosmos does not exist either.

Note: Because only a few verses would not make the case, the material below is necessarily quite extensive and shows that the Bible has a consistent view of the subject throughout.

According to Ecclesiastes 1:5 the sun goes (hasteth) around the earth

"The sun also ariseth, and the sun goeth down, and hasteth to his place where he arose"

--as, of course, it must, since, according to Ps 93:1, Ps 96:10, and 1 Chr 16:30, the earth does not move. And the earth cannot move because, according to 1 Samuel 2:8 and Ps 75:3, it is placed on pillars. And because it is placed on pillars, it has an underside and an upper side, as confirmed by Isaiah 40:22 which indicates that the earth is a circle--i.e., a flat disk.

That is also confirmed by Proverbs 8:27, which describes god as beginning the creation of the world when he "drew a circle on the face of the deep" (ESV), (the Hebrew word translated as “circle,” "compass, “ and “horizon” in the different Bibles is the same word used for circle in Isaiah 40:22).

(The Hebrew word translated as "circle" in Isaiah 40:22 is chuwg, which means "circle" not "sphere." Strong's Concordance: "circle"..."describe a circle." Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament: "Circle...the earth conceived as a disc, Is 40:22." Hebrew-Aramaic and English Lexicon of the Old Testament: "draw round, make a circle." The ancient Hebrews would have gotten the idea of a circular earth by viewing the horizon from the top of a mountain.)

Underneath the flat disk of the earth is the abyss, the bottomless pit, which is referred to several times in the Bible (ex. Rev. 9:1,2).

That is also what is being referred to in Job 26:7 when it says that the earth hangs over nothing. (The Hebrew word translated "upon" in the KJV also means "over.") The actual sphere of the earth in space is not "suspended' or "hanging" "over" or "upon" nothing. It is orbiting the sun at 66,700 miles per hour. If the earth can be considered "hanging" over anything, it is the sun, which certainly is NOT nothing.

Several other verses in the Bible also indicate the earth is flat, such as Nebuchadnezzar's vision in Dan 4:10-11 (the tree could not be seen from all the earth if it were not flat). Dan 2:28 states that the visions of Nebuchadnezzar are from God. If the biblical god says the biblical earth is flat, it must be flat.

The original Hebrew word translated as firmament is raqiya, which is a noun derived from the Hebrew word raqa. That word is a verb meaning "to beat out," and is used in the bible in reference to beating out metal into plates or expanses of the metal (as in Exodus 39:3). So raqiya, as a noun, would literally mean "that which is beaten out."

The biblical firmament, or sky, is therefore a solid, beaten out expanse or vault set on the rim of the flat disk of the earth. That is confirmed in Job 37:18, which states:

"Can you beat out the vault of the skies as he does,

hard as a mirror of cast metal?" (New English Bible).

There, the Hebrew word translated as "beat out" (or "spread out" in other versions) is, as noted above, raqa.

The solid, or firm, nature of the biblical firmament is also indicated by Proverbs 8:27-28:

27. When he established the heavens...

28. When he made firm the skies above... [ASV, ESV, NRSV, NASV, NAB]

The Hebrew word translated as "firm" there is amats, which has a meaning of "be hard".

The solid vault of heaven is also implied in verses such as Deut 4:32:

"Ask now about the former days, long before your time, from the day God created man on the earth; ask from one end of the heavens to the other. Has anything so great as this ever happened, or has anything like it ever been heard of?"

The "ends of heaven" would be the base of the vault of heaven where it rests on the rim of the disk of the earth.

See also Ps 19:1-6, Isaiah 13:4-5, and, particularly, Matt 24:31, which states Jesus as saying:

"And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other."

The elect are those on the earth who will be saved in the last days. Jesus is saying there that the angels would gather the elect from all over the earth, from one side, or end, of the base of the vault of heaven to the other side or end, from the east, west, north, and south, which is what the reference to the four winds means.

The solid vault of heaven has a specific purpose in the Bible. As Genesis chapter one indicates, the whole cosmos consisted of water before the creation process began. Before god created the earth on the fourth day, he created the firmament of heaven on the second day.

6 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.

7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament; and it was so.

So that passage clearly indicates that the purpose of the solid firmament was to hold back the waters above the heaven. Furthermore, those waters continued to exist in the biblical cosmos, as indicated by Psalm 104:1-3 and Psalm 148:4. Also, the firmament of heaven has windows that are opened to let the water above the firmament fall as rain, as indicated by Genesis 7:11 and 8:2,

The stars in the biblical cosmos are just lights set in the firmament. As mere lights in the sky, they will fall to the earth in the Last Days (Matt 24:29), which conflicts with finding that the actual stars are other suns and many times larger than the earth.

So, according to the Bible the earth is a flat, immovable disk, supported by pillars and covered with a solid vault of heaven, the rim of which is is resting on the perimeter of the disk of the earth, and the stars are just lights set in the vault of heaven.

That this is the correct view of the biblical cosmos is shown by the fact that it describes a structure with parts that are fully consistent with each other. That structural consistency indicates that it accurately represents the cosmos as conceived by the ancient Hebrews and as its writers incorporated that view in the Bible.

In addition, according to the Bible, earth is the centerpiece of creation and in the Last Days god will destroy the earth and the heavens as part of his plan for mankind. (2 Peter 3:10)

Is that really realistic considering the vastness of the universe and the enormous number of galaxies? In the actual universe that science has uncovered, the earth is an insignificant mote, even more insignificant than the size of an atom is with respect to the size of the earth.

It is the height of geocentric idiocy to think that the whole universe was created merely for the sake of the earth and its inhabitants. All of which goes to show that the cosmos of the Bible does not exist, and therefore the god who created it does not exist.

So, if one fully accepts the modern, present-day view of the universe as factual, then one would have to conclude that the Bible reflects the ignorant, myth-based beliefs of its writers and is not the word of god.

By the way, the ancient Greek scientists knew that the earth is a sphere at the same time the writers of the Bible believed it to be as described above.

In the fourth century B.C. Aristotle presented several scientific arguments for a spherical earth, and Heraclides provided rational arguments to show that the earth is spinning on its axis. And in the third century B.C. Aristarchus even proposed a view of the solar system essentially the same as our modern view. He also measured the distance to the moon and its size with remarkable accuracy. Also in the third century B.C. Eratosthenes measured the circumference of the earth with remarkable accuracy.

Where in the Bible is anything comparable to that to be found? Why didn't the god of the bible provide the ancient Israelites with at least as much knowledge about the cosmos as the ancient Greeks learned all by themselves?

In addition, there is further evidence from the Bible that it is just a conglomeration of myth, superstition, embellished histories, phony and false prophecies, and fabrications.

See my answers to these questions for examples.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.