Family Values
2010-11-22 12:16:54 UTC
The God Morality Dilemma of 1987 by R.Ries
1. Does your morality come from God or the bible?
Either answer works
1a. Do you believe in the 10 commandments?
This answer only shows if they rationally know that the new testament is part of the old testament
2. Can God Change his mind or rules for us to follow at any time, either now or in the future?
3. Do you believe your Gods word absolute?
4. If and When god orders you to kill your own child, will you?
Killing Bothers, Family and Friends Exodus 32:26-29 is just one of many instances of evidence that god in the past has ordered people to kill family members, friends and neighbors and praised them for doing so.
My question is how would you answer the God Morality Dilemma of 1987 by R.Ries and why did you answer it that way