I believe it is/ was personality flaw.
It was just his bad character, to be a betrayer. Disloyal.
Recall, that satan knows our weaknesses and he uses these against us...
add fuel to the fire; so to speak.
Someone had to be the betrayer.
The fact that he was in charge of the $.
Stole from the treasury box.
And, still wanted "more."
Has to do with greed.
Jesus' sacrifice of himself,
was 1 of the reasons he came to Earth,
took the form of a slave, willingly.
He knew this before Jehovah transferred his life
into the womb of Mary.
Jehovah God is capable of allowing and/or maneuvering people to do
or 'not' do or say what ever may be necessary.
This character flaw in Judas, was most likely why he was chosen.
Since Jehovah can read the heart, and knows us before we are born.
Jesus is/ was His rep., Jehovah could very well, have let Jesus know,
Judas was the traitor. The one that was necessary.
Having a position of authority; breed self-importance in himself.
In does to many, then abuse their measure of authority.
Most likely, he thought that by betraying Jesus to the Pharisees and Sadducee's
would gain him favor, with them.
Remember, they thought themselves above the people.
?what does his being from Judah,
have to do with it?
I have experienced an ultimate betrayal.
Spurious slander.
Delivered to the courts.
From my own blood relative.
In the name of my God, I do forgive.
Do, I trust these particular ones?
Not as far as I could pick them up.*
Forgiveness comes at a high cost.
Think of the ultimate sacrifice, given in our own behalf.
I, remember: That all will have to hold an accounting before Jesus...
including myself.
*I couldn't pick up Any Person ...except a baby.
Let alone throw them...
as the saying goes.