When will Christians realise that creationism is NOT science?
2008-06-08 17:19:09 UTC
Creationsim/intelligent design is not science. It does not fulfill the accepted criteria to be a science.

Accepted scientific criteria are as follows:-

observation, experiment, falsifiable hypotheses, theory, replication, publication, peer review.

It is important to recognise the difference between fact and opinion:-

1) a fact is a generally accepted reality which is, however, still open to enquiry. It is not an absolute truth (absolute truth is not part of science). A fact can exist in science;

2) an opinion is neither a fact nor a theory, For example, the existence or non-existence of God is NOT a fact or a theory. It is a matter of opinion.

Because creationism and intelligent design do not fulfill the criteria of a science they must be confined to religious discussions only. They have no place whatsoever in science.

I think a reasonably intelligent religious person, if such exists, should follow this reasoning without too much difficulty.
25 answers:
2008-06-10 10:57:07 UTC
Here is a brief overview of the scientific case for ID:

And here is a scientific theory of creationism:


Peer Reviewed ID?

Peer Reviewed creationists?
2008-06-08 17:37:05 UTC
When will Atheists realize that evolution is NOT science?

Evolution/Darwinism is not science. It does not fulfill the true criteria to be a science.

True scientific criteria are as follows:-

observation, experiment, falsifiable hypotheses, theory, replication, publication, peer review.

It is important to recognize the difference between fact and opinion:-

1) a true fact is a reality whether you accept it or not and is not open to inquiry. It is an absolute truth (absolute truth is part of science). A fact always exists in true science;

2) an opinion has no bearing on an absolute truth , For example, the existence of God is an absolute truth . It is a not matter of opinion.

Because evolution and Darwinism do not fulfill the criteria of true science they must be confined to religious discussions only. They have no place whatsoever in science.

I think a reasonably intelligent atheist, if such exists, should follow this reasoning without too much difficulty.

Absolute truth = Thus saith the LORD

BTW ...Learn how to spell .
2008-06-08 17:28:47 UTC
I am reasonably intelligent, and I wonder what empirical evidence means to you

because that can be ignored when it comes to evolution

also, you cannot disregard the problems with a theory, when they are massive

heres some

major evolutionary assumptions have insufficient or no evidence supporting them.

1. Something (energy-matter) came from nothing at all

2.Non-living things gave rise to living things.

3.Spontaneous generation occurred only once

4.Single celled organisms (protozoa) developed into multi celled ones (metazoan)

5.Viruses, bacteria, plants, animals and materials are all interrelated

6.The various vertebrates are interrelated.

7.Invertebrates gradually produced vertebrates.

8.Fish, amphibia, reptiles, birds, mammals, and mankind are all interrelated.

heres a couple more.

Why have all average species undergone little evolution in the course of millions of generations?

Why are well established species resistant to change?

Why in the past 40,000 years in Europe has human anatomy undergone extremely little change?

Darwin’s gradual model provides neither the time nor the mechanism to answer these questions

A gradual accumulation of acquired characteristics fails to explain the sudden appearance of multi-cellular animals or organisms like a vertebrate eye, for which any survival or adaptation required the functional whole at once, not individual parts over time.
2016-05-25 15:28:26 UTC
That's true, i don't understand this. Creationism is not science, and let alone, would only take up a fraction of the page. Not to insult my religion, but if you wanted to explain creationism in a book to rival science it would only be "Goddidit" and then end of book. To top that why would we want to dismiss Darwin's theory? Darwin was a creationist for christ sake. Intelligent Design could be used to rival science, and is often confused with creationism. Intelligent Design is not creationism in a certain sense. It is more deep down explainations of creationism. Creationism says God made everything, Intelligent Designs says God made certain things. Like according to creationism, God made sheep. According to Intelligent Design, God made the life cell that makes up the sheep.
2008-06-08 17:37:23 UTC
Who are you to say that God did not use science in creating man? Just because there is no empirical fact or reproducible results to prove the existence of God; mean that science was not involved. Like most atheists, if scientific methods are not used in the poof, then it doesn't exist. You like to think that you are a scientist, however, your mind is already made up because according to your methods (scientific), your truth is the only acceptable or correct truth.
2008-06-08 17:34:56 UTC
I'm a Christian, and grew up attending Christian schools. I'd say that I realized that Creationism wasn't scientifically sound at a fairly early point during the science classes I took in religious school that ignored Creationism in favor of the theory of evolution. My church doesn't teach Creationism. Not all Christians are Fundamentalists; it's primarily the Fundamentalists who support Creationism.
2008-06-08 17:33:42 UTC
You're not making a lot of sense, to be honest.

Are you arguing about the origins of life? Evolution versus creationism? If so, then the public schools and universities should be allowed to use their freedom of speech and let the student decide.

If you're talking about freely pursuing science for the sake of learning, what is stopping you?

You're really babbling on about nothing, in my opinion.
2008-06-08 17:30:44 UTC
Not likely ever. Most bible thumping Christians are about now backed into a corner.... logic is gone, and thus they grasp at straws. It was fine when there was no science... but now? How do you deny DNA, and that we are no longer the center of the universe, but just a tiny planet in an equally tiny solar system.

You are asking for reason. Supernaturalism is not reasonable, nor logical. It is Faith.
Eric H
2008-06-08 17:24:38 UTC
Beating a dead horse there, I think.

Some Christians already understand that, but some never will.

If they acknowledge that creationism isn't right, then they have to throw out the concept of the inerrancy of the Bible.

And that opens a can of worms they can't deal with.
2008-06-08 17:24:28 UTC
Wait, wait. Only Creationists believe creationism to be science. The majority of Christians I know, even here in the Bible Belt, do NOT subscribe to creationism.

Christians generally know Genesis is an allegorical story.

My father was a scientist and a Christian and he laughed at Creationists. Normally a quiet man, he would not hesitate to call them "Idiots!" to their face.

BRUCE7: Creationists indeed refer to it as a science. Just try for example.
2008-06-08 18:35:29 UTC
I calculate this wil occur about the same time that non-creationists realize just how many times science has had to change their facts to fit the facts. Science-thousands, faith-none.
2008-06-08 17:26:09 UTC
I have never heard of a Christian say Creationism is a science. It is a belief. However, since evolution is a belief, it is called a religion.
2008-06-08 17:28:05 UTC
When I see how complicated the Universe is and even one micro or the complexity of the human cell. we know we did not just happen out of a pile of goo.

To me that is harder to believe than that we had an intelligent maker.
2008-06-08 17:22:22 UTC
Probably when you realize not all Christians are creationists.

Thank you for being smug--I mean smart. We dumb Christians enjoyed the lesson on this "science" thing.

"...a reasonably intelligent religious person, if such exists..." just get out, you are preaching open mindedness but show none yourself.
Iason Ouabache
2008-06-08 17:25:27 UTC
Some Creationist will never give up. They think that this is a fight about souls. All we can do is educate the younger ones and hope that the rest die off.
2008-06-08 17:35:51 UTC
Most Christians know that creationism is nonsense.

Most people though have never looked into the matter and do not know that it is not only nonsense but fraudulent as well.
2008-06-08 17:28:01 UTC
The problem with science-minded people is that they tend to put into small boxes what they cant understand.
My Religion Is Bigger than Yours
2008-06-08 17:23:12 UTC
And science is not a religion, despite the attitude of many atheists here. They seem to take everything science says on faith.
2008-06-08 17:27:25 UTC
Maybe the same time evolutionist realize evolution isn't either... Hope that helped....God bless you !
2008-06-08 17:25:52 UTC
you cant argue with blind faith.

people believe the crazy things they do because they WANT to, not because they have a logical reason
2008-06-08 17:23:32 UTC
Who said it all has to be science???
2008-06-08 17:22:33 UTC
mmm hmm
Carl W
2008-06-08 17:23:31 UTC
Why does it bother you so much?
donutkid: hammer of Thor
2008-06-08 17:24:02 UTC
Wow. I feel completely edified. Thanks.
2008-06-08 17:24:02 UTC

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