why so many versions of bible?
2008-09-30 20:10:11 UTC
Hi, im confused why are there so many different versions of Bible and there is alot of differences in them and why do some version say the other version is totally wrong... so which one is the real bible?
27 answers:
2008-09-30 20:22:53 UTC
I have read many versions. i have read Greek manuscripts of the New Testament. I find where there are variations they are minimal and do not substantially change the meaning of what is written.

But if you doubt me, see for your self.

Go to this site, enter "John 3:16", and read this passage in at least 20 versions, and tell me if there is any substantial difference.

Then try John 3:17, and John 3:18, etc.

Those who speak this way have never truly read the Bible, but listened to someone else.
Bad bus driving wolf
2008-10-01 00:33:32 UTC
There are two errors in your argument. The most serious is that you say "why do some version say the other version is totally wrong". You will need to tell us which Bible says that, because I don't know of any Bible ever that ever claimed that.

For example, from the introduction to the NIV Bible, "The first concern of the translators has been the accuracy of the translation and its fidelity to the thought of the biblical writers." As you can see, there isn't any hint of "our Bible is better than your Bible". So please supply the translation, edition, and publisher of the Bible that you have obtained this information from.

The second point is while you consider this multiplicity of translations of the Bible as a weakness, the Christian considers these as a strength. When you look in one Bible and then another and then another you perceive weakness because they each say the same thing in a different way. The Christian perceives strength because no one can translate every verse perfectly. In addition, to translate a text so I can understand it as the original text meant doesn't mean that you would understand it as the original text meant. For the Christian who can't read Hebrew or Greek, the only way they can know that their favourite translation is correct is by comparing it with other good translations.

While this may not mean much to you now, I hope that it does later in life.
2008-09-30 20:18:39 UTC
If you want to find the most accurate version you need to get the oldest versions available since they are the most literal translations. Some translations are meant to help new believers understand the bible more, others remove words from the old english like thou and so on. In the end they all say the same, just in different words. They all talk about Jesus and what he did and the people of the Old Testament. That's why it's recommended to have different versions available when studying the Bible. You'll see that when you come across a verse you don't understand and read a modern day version you'll easily understand it. Then when you look at both you'll realize they say and mean exactly the same. Study the Bible for yourself. If someone says the Bible says something, look it up yourself instead of taking their word just because of their position in church.

Jesus' language was Aramaic, not Hebrew.
2016-05-29 01:45:13 UTC
On the Jeopardy TV Program about 2 weeks ago, in the Category "Bible" the question was: "What is the most accurate translation of all Bibles?" The correct answer was "NEW WORLD TRANSLATION" that Jehovah Witnesses use. King James Version came into existence. That was in 1611. From almost every quarter the King James Bible met opposition. Criticism was often severe. Broughton, a Hebrew scholar of the day, wrote to King James that he “should rather be torn asunder by wild horses than allow such a version to be imposed on the church.” King James Bible has been changed; today no one reads the King James Version in its original form. Explaining why this is so the book The Bible in Its Ancient and English Versions says: “Almost every edition, from the very beginning, introduced corrections and unauthorized changes and additions, often adding new errors in the process. The edition of 1613 shows over three hundred differences from 1611, It was in the eighteenth century, however, that the main changes were made, The marginal references were checked and verified, over 30,000 new marginal references were added, the chapter summaries and running headnotes were thoroughly revised, the punctuation was altered and made uniform in accordance with modern practice, textual errors were removed, the use of capitals was considerably modified and reduced, and a thorough revision made in the form of certain kinds of words.” So many changes have been made, many of them in the readings of passages, that the Committee on Versions (1851-56) of the American Bible Society found 24,000 variations in six different editions of the King James Version! What, then, of the objections raised by persons who say they do not want the King James Bible changed? Since the King James Version has already been changed, they lie on a crumbled foundation. If these persons do not want it changed, then why do they use, instead of a copy of an edition of 1611, an edition that has been changed? One of the major reasons the Authorized Version is so widely accepted is its kingly authority. There seems little doubt that, had not a king authorized this version, it would not today be venerated as though it had come direct from God
2008-09-30 20:23:02 UTC
The reason for having different versions of the Bibles is just that they are worded differently so they may be a little easier to read? Like the NLT (New Living Translation) I think is the newest one which is worded so that is makes more sense of "today's" language....if that makes sense? Even though some of the words are different, they still have the same meaning. Just like the word 'considerate' could be in one of the versions, 'helpful' could be in another version.

The "Bible" (no matter what version) is the living word of God. The JW's and mormon's, etc, have their own bible - not the genuine Bible.

Hope this helps!
james o
2008-09-30 20:18:52 UTC
It depends on what you mean by version.

If there were one and only one correct Bible, there would be only one version. There is no agreed upon single correct Bible.

There are many different translations. Each could be called a version.

Collections of the books are also different, as in the Hebrew Bible, which includes the entire TaNaKh, but does not include what Christians refer to as the Apocrypha or the New Testament.

Christian Bibles include the Hebrew Bible (with the order of the books changed), may or may not include the Apocrypha, and includes the New Testament.

If you are interested in original language sources, there are many sources, but in general, they fall into two categories, depending on whether or not you limit your sources to those available when the King James was done in 1611, or you are open to modern scholarship.
2008-10-01 16:37:05 UTC
A) why so many versions of bible?

1) Language - modern language keeps changing. Some words still in use today have very different meanings than they did in the time of the King James Version (KJV), for example. Witness how, in the KJV Old Testament (OT), the word "meat" is used to refer to bread and the word "bread" is used to refer to meat. This is just one of the most obvious of a multitude of such changes in meaning. Modern translations ensure comprehension by modern speakers.

2) Source texts - archaeologists are continually making discoveries of more ancient, and more authentic, source texts. There is *still* no version that takes full advantage of the texts among the Dead Sea Scrolls, for example, and they were first discovered over 50 years ago. Modern, scholarly translations take advantage of the most recent and most authoritative source texts available.

3) Scholarship - the knowledge of translating the ancient source manuscripts increases with time. Thus, a modern, scholarly translation is bound to be more consistently accurate than a scholarly translation of 400 years ago, or even 100 years ago.

4) Translation methodology is important. Style ranges from a word-for-word literal translation (which tends to inaccuracies but is useful in study), to a thought-for-thought translation (which tends to be accurate but often displays over-interpretation as well as translation). There is a world of "gray area" between these two extremes.

5) Content - though some versions strive for an "inclusive" canon, i.e. a bible that contains all books used by all major Christian sects, most display a very strong religious bias by including only a more restrictive canon. This can be seen by comparing the contents of the New American Standard Bible (restrictive canon) with the Oxford Annotated New Revised Standard Version (inclusive canon).

6) $ - this is the most significant contributor to the many versions available today. Any publisher that produces a modern, scholarly translation can expect to earn a profit from publishing that work. Thus, publishers are continually producing such works in an effort to fill a niche in one of the above areas or simply in offering an improved (modernized) bible to replace a currently-filled niche. If producing a new version were a money-losing proposition, only a very few well-funded religious or university organizations would be making the financial effort to produce such works. We would likely have no more than 4 new translations every century under such cost-prohibitive conditions.

B) why do some version say the other version is totally wrong

As others mentioned, there are no bible versions of which I am aware that include the claim that the version you are reading is superior to all other versions. Some versions that are updates of previous versions (called "revisions" in bible-speak) do claim to improve the accuracy of the translation when compared to the earlier version - but that is only a claim to superiority over a single previous version.

C) so which one is the real bible?

As others answered correctly, they all can be considered the "real" bible. Christians bibles are, *by definition*, translations. The very first Christian bibles were translations, and Christian bibles will always be translations. Why? Because the original languages of the Christian bible are ancient Hebrew, ancient Aramaic and ancient Greek. To be able to understand these original language manuscripts fully, the reader would have to be an accredited expert in **all 3** of these very ancient languages. Since this is beyond both the financial means and the abilities of nearly all Christians, the only way for nearly the entirety of Christianity to fully understand the bible is to employ several accredited experts - each expert in a particular area of ancient language translation - to produce a bible in our native languages which we can then comprehend fully.

D) if u read bible translation in different languages some things r very different

Please provide an example (using two versions) of something that qualifies as "very different" in your opinion, and please explain why you consider it to be "very different".

2008-09-30 20:23:02 UTC
The scholars update the language. Just about any version is reliable, as in it doesn't detract from the actual meaning. I like to read difficult passages in several different versions, My favorites are the NKJ, NIV, ESV, MKJ, these are translations, be careful with the paraphrases such as the the Word on The Street and Living Word.
2008-09-30 20:17:23 UTC
For some of the translations it's because someone felt that they could translate the original languages more correctly than was done. Except the NIV. When the King James version came out, people could understand it. Then that kind of english wasn't used very much anymore so someone translated it into a more modern form of English so that more people could understand it.

There are a few translations that are "condensed" versions.

If you can understand it, I'd suggest using the King James version. Personally, I can't wrap my head around old english. I don't know why, it's just something about it, I just don't get it.. I use the NIV.
2008-09-30 20:14:20 UTC
I have several versions and I have not seen anything that supports your question. The wording is different yes, but the meaning is always the same...and I have never heard of anyone saying that only one Bible is the real Bible. They are all interpretations of the original text.
2008-09-30 20:25:07 UTC
you are asking a very good question. the bible has been translated SO many times... so many interpretations.

for instance, the word homosexuality never occurred in the bible before the 1950s. religious leaders have changed the bible with the times. to suit them. there is no word in the languages that the bible was originally written in for homosexuals by today's definition (same sex couple that loves one another, often builds a lifelong partnership with one person and honors their committment, a marriage in everything but name).

you have to be very smart and realize that the bible as you read it now has been changed a lot. you can pray that god reveal the truth to you, read what the text is saying about the nature of god, don't read it literally but in context try to get a better understanding. religious scholars study the bible (torah, koran, etc) very carefully, for their entire lifetime they dig deeper and deepen their understanding.
2008-09-30 20:15:49 UTC
The different versions were translated from the original text into english at certain times in history.

They were done to try and bring the bible to the curent english that was spoken and understood at that time
Averell A
2008-09-30 20:20:29 UTC
Versions exist to make the Scriptures understandable to different people groups. The differences are minor, not major. You can actually compare.
2008-09-30 20:16:05 UTC
The only possible real Bible could be one entirely written in Hebrew, the language of God's supposed chosen. The earliest new testament came written in Greek. Do the math.
2008-09-30 20:14:22 UTC
Translations. Not versions.

Why do Muslims say the Koran hasn't changed when there is historical evidence that there were several different versions (and yes, here I do mean versions)?
2008-09-30 20:21:18 UTC
I think it's because our language changes. That, and translational problems.(tranlsation delays video games all the time)

(this site is excellent for comparing: )
Nina, BaC
2008-09-30 20:17:21 UTC
They all tell the same story, unless it is a perversion of the Bible like NWT that JWs created with the team of translators that had no formal training in Biblical languages
Exodus 20:1-17
2008-09-30 20:17:21 UTC
This is a big study. Much NEEDS to be said to make a case.

I recommend this video which exposes the various documents that compose the Bible.

The title is: "Battle of the Bibles"

GOD bless
2008-09-30 20:15:15 UTC
Some are written in a more modern English and some switch out some meanings of the hebrew words for the other.

None are "right" or "wrong" it all depends on which one you understand better.
2008-09-30 20:15:02 UTC
Seems like God's divine word would transcend language barriers.
Truth Stands out
2008-10-02 04:30:54 UTC
Theres many reasons 4 many versions of the Bible, not all being 4 good reasons. Iv read the entire Bible, some parts many times &. part of the problem is many r looking @ the Bible 4 different reasons (some dont trust Jesus 2 protect His word).

1rst (always remember this), 1 should b cautious in accepting anything just b/c some1 says its so (the Bible warns us severely not 2 trust any1, even ourselves - Jer 10:2-5,23; Is 2:22; Job 12:11; Pr 14:12; Acts 17:11). Carefully think over what I say but dont just believe or disbelieve it. It might keep u from making religious mistakes many made.

Always remember: Neither a label, title, name, its history nor the amount of time something exists means anything - its whats behind them that makes it valid or a lie or not useful (even with respect 2 Bibles). Most Bibles contain the truth but many have too many errors.

Its best 2 use a version that'll give 1 the quickest path 2 the truth & 2 have the best chance of overcoming confusion, which comes along the way - especially 4 young peole - what u feed children spiritually will effect the outcome - imput = output (Always get a Bible that provides references 2 look up related texts). I have access 2 30+ translations. I have found the best 2 versions (1 or 2 others r almost as good but not needed. This is why I use these 2:

Unfortunately, theres many translations & not all r good. Being wise we know there cant b many versions that can b the best/close 2 the old texts. Theres 3 main types of translations with overlaps/mixtures within each catagory (dependant on agendas or philosophical approach - some may classify some in 1 catagory when they may fit in or belong in another - especially within B&C below - 2 a degree more than 1 method may b used 4 readability or depending on agendas or theology concepts - some overuse):

A. Word 4 word &/or literal translations

B. Dynamic equivalence or thought 4 thought or overused Literal

C. Concept 4 Concept or paraphrased or overused Literal

1a. Word 4 Word &/or Literal Trans.

Bible trans. I use r based on "word 4 word" &/or some "literal" translation methods - some literal added 4 easier reading. The reason is they adhere best 2 original text. The translations, best 1rst, r King James III (KJ III) (newest update) by J. P. Green - also published a Literal Translation & an Interlinear Version (IV) - includes Hebrew&Greek, **English Standard Version (ESV) - the "easiest good version" 2 read (a related update of Revised Standard Version (RSV - best older translation), New American Standard Bible (NASB) - (update: a little harder 2 read - moved 2 B - like NKJV it has sentence structure issues & more errors), & Amplified Version (AV) (harder 2 read than the others & sentence structure/agenda issues).

1b. Old English Versions

Regrettably all other English translations have inherent problems & errors. The Old English versions like the King James Version (KJV), American Standard Version (ASV), Revised English Version (REV), Darby & other similar versions r written in old English thats not been used 4 over 175 years. While it may be poeticly nice the Bible isnt about poetry. The Bible's hard enough 2 understand without trying 2 decifer a long outdated language - even word 4 word/literal methods wont help much.

The truth's hidden in the Bible & it takes lots of time & energy 2 mine it as is. Theres many well-meaning people whom will tell u King James is the only "authorized" version (KJV is authorized by a "human" king not God). Many words used in old English rnt even rightly definable any more. Sadly, the Catholic church started on a wrong platform & continued 2 add more twisted teachings (Other religions followed suit 2 1 degree or another) & Bibles reinforcing their wrong teachings followed (rewritten 2 suit them). Use of old English only helps promote Biblical ignorance.

2. Dynamic Equivelance &/or Thought 4 Thought

Its good 2 stay away from all other popular versions b/c they, 2 1 degree or another have rewritten passages/verses. While many were well-meaning they watered down or caused significant changes 2 the meaning of God's actual message &/or block the true power of God's word from being rightly understood.

Many well-meaning people tried 2 make versions so-called easier or more pleasurable to read - the Bible isnt a storybook or novel - but they were trying 2 please humans instead of God. They used dynamic equivalence &/or thought 4 thought &/or used some literal/word 4 word methods of interpretation thrown in where the original was obviously better. Where these methods went wrong is b/c they tried 2 1 degree or another 2 rewrite verses in their own words (calling them so-called modern English, etc.) or styles. The more liberally applied the worse the version (especially 4 hidden agendas).

These versions include: sad 2 say all Cc versions [especially with inclusion of so-called "lost" or Apocrypha books, which dont adhere 2 the foundation/structure of the rest of the Bible](some wont like this but its true), the (NASB), REKJV, NKJV, NRSV, HCSV, CEV, GNB, NCV & others with similarly applied methods.

3. Paraphrased or Free Translation & over usage of Literal

This catagory includes but isnt limited 2 the LT, NIV, NIRV, NLV, NLT, TNIV, NLV, The Way - Paraphrased + the Message Bible (worst offenders but all versions listed here r almost as bad as the Paraphrased & Message Bible - they lean toward making the Bible more like bedtime stories than the word of God). The more liberally applied the worse the version (especially 4 hidden agendas) - perversion 2 1 degree or another of God's word.

These translation method(s) bend, rewrite &/or water down what was originally intended ([un]intentionally 4 various preferences/agendas). If u want the best chance of finding God's actual message dont use these versions - they have the best chance of giving u a distorted picture & message & u could wind up remembering them that way - especially our impressionable children). Stick with the 2 versions I list under catagory 1 2 get 2 know what God actually intended.

Then theres other so-called Bibles that have nothing 2 do with God. They r the New World Translation (JWs), Mormon (BOM), the Qu'ran (Islam/muslims) & others claiming 2 b from God, another testament, update or restoration. The true Comforter is God's Holy Spirit not Muhammed or other self-proclaimed prophets or teachers.

Many religions made many fatal mistakes as they built religions on what man would like God 2 b like. But they cant all be right (i.e. Theres 1 Bible, why so many interpretations? - II Pet 1:**19-21). Religion, 4 the most part, wont teach u much about God (they cant teach what they don't know). But it doesnt mean God doesnt know what He's doing.

The main point missed: Jesus Christ is the only 1 in history whom stated that He is "the" way, "the" truth & "the" life & no 1 can get 2 God except by Him (Jn 14:6; 5:39; 10:1,7; Acts 4:12). Either thats fully true or theres no truth & cant b any God (He knows what He's doing or He's not God).

Since Jesus stated He's the only way 2 know whom God is, this means "the" whole truth was complete & there4, finished thru what Jesus taught & did. This means any so-called new teaching & any other religious beliefs or from self-proclaimed prophets & teachers r invalid, null & void & cant lead u 2 God. But I assure u God always knew what He's doing, including all Jesus would do.

Jesus couldnt have done nor said what He did unless He had full knowledge of the entire OT (the NT didnt exist @ the time of Jesus - the only way Jesus could've understood the whole OT is if God was with Him) & the Apostles couldnt remember & write down all thats in the NT unless Jesus allowed them to remember & know His purpose (Lk 24:25-27,45). This wasnt possible unless an incredibly Intelligent Being caused it.

But God outsmarted man - the Bible's the only 1 known to man that cant be properly understood without going thru Jesus (Jn 14:6; II Cor 3:14, Is 29:11-12 - If Jewish people cant pierce the veil over the OT without Jesus then 4 sure neither can all gentiles). This is why theres so many interpretations & many thinking its all fairytales (Jesus came with the sword of division).

Many dont know that God is well aware many people would [un]intentionally twist & prevert His Word so He invented a system in the Bible that will never change (Just like God & Jesus - more visible in word 4 word/literal versions).

2 begin finding our real Jesus Christ, start with Jn 3:1-14 - note: Nicodemus was very religious but Jesus flatout told him he had missed the 1rst most important step - being Born Anew. 2 be Born Anew u must 1rst understand that no1 has lived without sinning against God, breaking God's Law (Rom 3:23; Acts 3:19). There4, u must pray 2 Jesus asking Him 2 forgive ur past sins (sin separates us from God), accept Jesus Christ as ur 1 & only Savior, ask Him 2 give u God's Holy Spirit (Lk 11:11-13; Jn 15:26; 14:26), seek 2 know & follow Him - u will always need ur Bible (Jn 7:17; Jn 1:12,13; 3:16,17;21; 36; 5:24: 6:37; 8:12; 10:9; 11:25; 14:6; 20:31; Is 34:16;46:10 - memorize this last set of verses - later in my life they helped me).

Whoever seeks Jesus with all his heart & soul will find Him (u shall know the truth & it'll set u free). But why should God want u 2 live with Him forever if u dont want 2 know Him (reason 4 free will - Jn 1:12-13)? The truth of God remains forever unchanged while things of a man dies with him, including his religions & gods made in his image. Theres eternal hope only in Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

2008-09-30 20:13:17 UTC
When you translate any language into another, you get multiple meanings for different words (e.g. "breath" and "spirit" are the same Hebrew word).
2008-09-30 20:13:51 UTC
The Bible has been changed many times, whole books have been left out (councils, such as Nicaea ,have been appointed to do this). It was all done it lieu of different agendas.

The ones that people read today are very different from the original.
2008-09-30 20:21:05 UTC
All things to all people?
2008-09-30 20:14:07 UTC
there are many different ways of saying the same thing.
2008-09-30 20:14:09 UTC
lamgauge changes with time
2008-09-30 20:13:14 UTC
but the bible is the exact word of god and has never been changed

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.