Is their any scientific evidence for a creator ?
2020-11-30 19:12:18 UTC
I’m not a Christianbut I do believe in a creator God , whom I pray to , but I was wondering is their any evidence for a creator at all ? 
123 answers:
2020-12-06 11:58:17 UTC
 Look around you, same designer
2020-12-03 13:55:55 UTC

The idea of an intelligent creator doesn’t even rise to the level of hypothesis.

If however you wanted to pray to an event and regard a non sentient process as a creator then praying to the Big Bang is at least more realistic than making stuff up if you must pray to something.

But I guess the purpose of prayer is a form of begging or barter system and a non sentient process reaction or event will not respond to whatever you think you might get.
2020-12-02 15:41:19 UTC
No. Science deals with Reality not superstitious fairy stories.

As one creationist put it "The Big Bang Does Not Explain The Origin of The Universe" despite the FACT that it does, it specifically explains just that.

Quite why a 'Biologist' thinks he should be an expert over a Physicist or Cosmologist is beyond me.
2020-12-01 23:00:33 UTC
A mother and a father creates a baby. The designer of life has more patterns than randomness. Everything has a calculation that mathematically beauitful. Even in space there seems to be patterns, like a chess board. They are placed with up most care. Our creator want us to be free to choose. He has given us a chance to have free will. If he lets us see him will we be free or feel like we should do as he said? Then we would not be able to worship him by choice more like by force, due to fear. 
Bulldog redux
2020-12-01 19:24:19 UTC
     Science is defined as the search for naturalistic causes of observed phenomena.  If you're searching only for naturalistic causes, then you're never going to find supernatural causes.  

     Update:  Note to thumbs-downers.  Maybe my opinion doesn't count because all I have is a Ph.D. in a biological field.
Simon T
2020-12-01 16:48:36 UTC
Nothing that is credible.

Most that is given is wishful thinking,  circular logic or equally explained by chance.
Roberta B
2020-12-01 16:20:20 UTC
If you mean a "naturalistic" explanation for a Creator, that definition of science ws contrived in order to disqualify a supernatural creator.  

However the only way to provide a clear explanation for the existence of the universe, the earth, and the existence of the life on the earth, is to acknowledge the only way to accomplish these things- with an all-powerful, intelligent, personal, purposeful, eternally living Being to cause them to exist.

The more we study the tremendous complexity of matter and energy, the amazing life systems that work seamlessly, and also what humans are able to learn and. accomplish with what we have been given, the more sense it makes to search for the obviously Intelligent Cause of our existence.

 Yet these are the very things that many scientists study, but their worldview, and reluctance to discover a Creator to whom we all are also accountable, keeps many of them from acknowledging his existence.

Still a powerful Creator God is built into the human consciousness for as long as we have existed.  If we humbly, sincerely, search for him, he will let himself be found, and with such a truly scientific search, we could find that he is not far off from each one of us.
Christin K
2020-12-01 12:22:59 UTC
There is no SCIENTIFIC evidence of any religious belief. That's what makes it religion and what makes science science. 

If you are looking for any proofs, you can stop now--there isn't any, there won't BE any and religions would not want it anyway--because proofs from science tear down the tenets of FAITH and BELIEF.  Those are central to all religions and they form the core beliefs of them. If you don't believe, they mean nothing--and if things get proven, they aren't beliefs any more. They're facts. 
2020-12-01 11:08:16 UTC
DNA is an information carrier, Now information is not created by random processes. Information can only originate from an intelligence. Add to that that there ar machines that read and interpret the information in your cells, Making the claim that it originated by chance even more dumb.

If you have information in the first life form it means that it must be created by an intelligence, we call Him God.
2020-11-30 20:31:45 UTC
No. Science is the study of the natural universe in natural terms. Supernatural/spiritual realities lie totally outside the realm of science, and science therefore cannot make any relevant statements concerning such realities. Which leaves science in the position of having no possible explanation for the origin of the universe. The "Big Bang" is not an explanation. The next obvious question is who/what cause the Big Bang?

born again Christian biologist
2020-12-02 22:14:00 UTC
tyler the. the the---- what do i say after that oh my god help help I BEG TEARS TEARS c- creeemater??? crrrrr coochie clencher??? LORD SAVE ME TYLER THE WHO??
2020-12-02 19:56:07 UTC
The order of things is so set forth, that their must of been some kind of guiding force involved.  If it was a GOD or not is up to the truth in your heart!
2020-12-02 18:43:05 UTC
i know we seem to have everything we need to survive on this planet and  the creator had a knowledge of all of the sciences etc...

Had humans not evolved these sciences and  inventions and commodities would have never been discovered or investigated. 
Den B7
2020-12-02 18:08:41 UTC
Of course there's not. That's why it's called FAITH and not KNOWING.

I know I have a car in the driveway, but I can only have faith that it will work properly when I drive it.
2020-12-02 13:44:13 UTC
No.  There is not.  In fact, there is a great deal of evidence showing that every creation myth the major religions put forward is completely wrong.

Now, if you keep your God-belief VERY abstract, you can avoid having it contradict evidence.  Just saying your God is all-powerful, shy, and only acts through natural processes so as to remain hidden is pretty impossible to DISprove, but at that point, why are you worshipping such an entity?  It's just an abstract idea you came up with to avoid being easily disproven like the God of the Bible or Quran or Torah. 
paschal d
2020-12-02 03:31:37 UTC
YOU are living in the evidence that was foretold by GOD but is rejected by those who do not accept the truth.
2020-12-02 02:18:42 UTC
Nope.  Not a shred of evidence for any god
2020-12-01 23:04:31 UTC
Science only handles questions about the natural world, not about metaphysics. It's doesn't handle human behavior well, either. Science will tell you why the sky is blue, but it won't tell you if vanilla ice cream is better than chocolate. It won't prove or disprove creators, although more than a few scientists have been theists.
2020-12-01 21:08:21 UTC
There is exactly the same amount of evidence as there is for the Easter Bunny, Loch Ness Monster, and fairies.........NONE.
Forrest Toney
2020-12-01 19:42:17 UTC
Quantum physic's proven theory that there has to be some Intelligent Ultimate Observer manipulating matter
2020-12-01 18:18:50 UTC
If there was, there would be no need to believe in Him, he she or it so to speak,  the table would actually turn,  it would then up to whomever to believe in the scientific evidence as to whether its true or not,  you see, only the scientists would have the evidence,  it would be up to them to prove to others or at least try to convince others to believe or not, theoretically it's impossible for a man to prove his creator but theoretically its not impossible for his creator to prove Himself to man, He does this all the time but He does it in a way that it confuses the mind of the one's that don't believe in Him and in this manner stays hidden, because it's not His will to reveal Himself to everyone, it's only His will to reveal Himself to those that believe in Him.
2020-12-01 17:36:57 UTC
No, there is no evidence for a creator.  Believers claim it, he, she etc exists, but they have no evidence.  Such believers are blind believers who have been brainwashed to believe what a religion teaches them.

@Roberta B,  you are referring to only what you have been taught by a religion, and that is nothing but a mental case, that has no evidence at all.

@Not Applicable, You can twist all that any way you like, but it tells us nothing other than you are a believer of  mythology, which is nothing but made up stories and claim that carry no evidence at all.

@juanita, Do you not understand that the bible is a mixture of stories of what certain clans were doing and claiming. We now know that nearly all of it is just stories to control the ignorant. The NT is a totally false, Roman invented propaganda designed originally to cause the Judeans to stop fighting against Roman rule by claim that their so-called Messiah mention in the OT had arrived. Nothing about the NT true.

@Rigmh, you forgot to mention that man makes those machines function.

Religion is belief in myths, and has never proved anything or than to be myths.
Not Applicable
2020-12-01 16:08:25 UTC
You can argue that that which ties the universe (perhaps, multi-verses) together is a source of information. Part of that information is called consciousness. There are religious traditions which postulate that that element of consciousness is the Consciousness which animated existence (aka God, the Divine, The Source, Prime Mover, First Cause, etc). Your beliefs sound as if they might fall on the panentheistic-panendeistic spectrum with the Divine embedded in all of existence and beyond known existence. Prayer or meditation in such circumstances is an effort to tap into that energy as manifested within the human psyche. 

To really get into the depths of any discussion such as that, it might be worth reading some writings on emergence theory (physics), process theology/philosophy, or the panendeist websites. 
2020-12-01 14:55:56 UTC
Yes, the Bible provides compelling evidence that God exists. It encourages us to build faith in God, not by blindly believing religious assertions, but by using our “power of reason” and “mental perception.” (Romans 12:1; 1 John 5:​20, footnote) Consider the following lines of reasoning based on the Bible:

Bible writers had scientific knowledge that was beyond the understanding of their contemporaries. For example, in ancient times many peoples believed that the earth was supported by an animal, such as an elephant, a boar, or an ox. In contrast, the Bible says that God is “suspending the earth upon nothing.” (Job 26:7) Similarly, the Bible correctly describes the shape of the earth as a “sphere,” or “globe.” (Isaiah 40:22, footnote; Douay Version) Many people feel that the most reasonable explanation for such advanced understanding is that Bible writers received their information from God.
2020-12-01 02:31:08 UTC
Romans 1:20 For his invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship, so that they are inexcusable. 

Hebrews 3:4 Of course, every house is constructed by someone, but the one who constructed all things is God. 
2020-12-01 01:48:03 UTC
There is historical and archeological evidence of the existence of the Supreme God Krishna who descended 5000 years ago in India. It is not mythology. And in the Vedas, the Vivishia Purana,  which dates thousands of years before the Bible,  there is a prediction of the descending of Jesus. And in the years from 12 to 30 where there is not record of Jesus in the Bible, Jesus was in India visiting the land of his father Krishna.
2020-12-01 01:08:21 UTC
Yes I do have scientific evidence of the biblical God. For one there are ruins by the dead sea. These ruins specifically are the ruins thought to be  Sodom and Gommorah. Sodom and Gommorah is the place God destroyed with fire and brimstone. He destoryed the city because it was full of evil,sodomy, and iniquity.Lot told God that if he can spare the city. Buut God said if he finds 10 good people in the city, it could be spared. But sadly he found that no one was good. In this area the bible tells us its right by zoar, and the dead sea. So in that area we find unusual mountain shapes, almost like it used to be a city. This land site has no volcanic activity. But stranger thing is that the mountains are not just any ordinary mountains. These mountains are made up of ash. And contain swirls surrounding these mountians as if they were burned with intense heat. The crazier thing is that the mountains are imbedded inside and out with brimstone. And the brimstone was tested in the labs to see how pure they really were. And what they discovered was amazing.   The brimstone was so pure, that its found no where else on this Earth except there.

Heres a link..

Another area is mountain Sainai where God scorched the top of the mountain, and its still darkened at the top to this day.

Another evidence is that it was found that in the story of Exodus, moses and his followers passed the red sea which was split so they could pass. But along behind them were the egyptians who carried with them horses and chariots, along with armor. And people have discovered that in the red sea, contains old chariots wheels, horse bones etc , most likely from when God unsplit the sea so that the egyptians wouldnt go through

heres a link
2020-11-30 20:00:04 UTC
No scientist has ever found any indication that divine intervention was needed at any point in the formation of the earth or the universe.
2020-11-30 19:33:23 UTC
The Lord God is in everything scientific and He holds it all together by His power.
2020-11-30 19:24:43 UTC
None whatsoever.  The bible thumpers will claim, "But the proof is in the bible."  That's nonsense of course because the bible was written by humans who had their agendas and biases, just like ordinary folks.

Then they also will retort, but everything is so perfect that it must have been created by divine intelligence.  But then we atheists point out where science can explain most, but not all, of the things created in the universe.  But then the creationists will say, "Aha, you can't science."  To which we answer, "Not yet...."

That's the god in the gap model.  Religious people insert a god into wherever there is a gap in the scientific explanation for something.  But they refuse to acknowledge that the gap is getting smaller and smaller as our scientific explanations get more and more comprehensive.  We expect that some day the gap will totally disappear and we will in fact be able to explain the creation of the universe from the beginning.  And it won't be from a god.
Don Verto
2020-12-03 16:56:32 UTC
Basic science tells us that for anything to come into existence there must be;

Space, a plan, materials and a maker.
2020-12-02 19:12:58 UTC
No.  Many religious people try to make the claim that there is evidence of an intelligent creator.  However, that evidence is always dependent on the presupposition that God is real, e.g. "The Earth is ideally positioned for the existence of life so there must be a God."  In reality, the logical leap to "there must be a God" is always without any justification.
2020-12-02 17:04:35 UTC
Keep in mind that all evidence is examined through someone's worldview and experiences and beliefs. Everyone is subject to confirmation bias (in one way or another). What someone wants to believe definitely influences their interpretation of the data.

There is something rather than nothing (contingency argument), the universe had a beginning (cosmological argument), design is here (teleological argument), beauty is here (aesthetical argument), morality is here (moral argument), the widespread belief in deity is here (intuitional argument), etc.—what is their adequate preceding cause? Many people believe these point to God.

I would look up those arguments and watch some of the debates with Dr. William Lane Craig, Dr. John Lennox, and Dr. Stephen Meyer.

If you want something quick and easy to get you going, I would watch these short videos:
2020-12-02 16:26:01 UTC

Some people think because we don't know the scientific origin of something that that is evidence of supernatural origin, but that's just the "god of gaps" fallacy.
2020-12-02 14:38:32 UTC
After commenting on all the special conditions of order and law that are so apparent in the universe, Science News observed: “Contemplation of these things disturbs cosmologists because it seems as if such particular and precise conditions could hardly have arisen at random. One way to deal with the question is to say the whole thing was contrived and lay it on Divine Providence.”9

For more information JW.ORG
2020-12-02 13:15:31 UTC
AFTER considering the evidence, many people conclude that life is the product of a superior intelligence. Consider the example of Antony Flew, a professor of philosophy who at one time was a leading advocate of atheism. When he learned about the staggering complexity of life and the physical laws of the universe, Flew changed his opinion. Citing an ancient approach to reasoning, he wrote: “We must follow the argument wherever it leads.” For Professor Flew, the evidence pointed to the existence of a Creator.

While the Bible is not a science textbook, it is consistent with scientific fact. For example, the Bible does not support creationism. It does not state that the earth was created in six literal 24-hour days. The term “day” as used in Genesis applies to periods of considerable length.* For more information, see the brochure Was Life Created? published by Jehovah’s Witnesses and available online at
2020-12-02 05:26:11 UTC
A Dr Michael Newton has produced a few good books about where our soul goes when it leaves this body.  I also recommend reading a few near-death-experience books too; especially Saved By The Light by Dannion Brinkley.
2020-12-02 02:59:08 UTC
Believe it or not, the Bible says in Genesis 10:25 that God divided the lands about one hundred years after the flood. This is not hard to imagine if you believe that God made the land. The ‘land’ would be what we refer to as Pangea.

A quick search on the internet will show you fossils of kangaroos found in Europe and the middle east. That’s because before the flood they were not confined to Australia.

Bubbles trapped in amber (fossilized sap) prove the air had 50% more oxygen before the flood. Oxygen-packed air meant everything lived ten times longer: horns, tusks, fangs, reptiles, bugs, grasses and trees grew huge.

Fossils were created when silica was forced into the tissues of plants and animals making them into stone replicas of themselves.

Picture tsunami waves engulfing everything in mud. Buried under billions of tons of water for over a year, the minerals turned them into stone: stone cannot be dated. You can't hold up a rock and decide how many times it's travelled around the sun; how we determine a year.

Genesis 11:8–9 describes how God created multiple languages and scattered the people to slow technology. It was then that He divided the lands and that’s how the animals were dispersed. But you are free to take it or leave it.
2020-12-02 00:38:18 UTC
absolutely no evidence . God or the belief in a God is just that Faith. I think God exists but I have no proof
2020-12-02 00:12:16 UTC
ope none , can even say if god is real ..
2020-12-01 23:08:15 UTC
Yes. The Universe. The question you may be asking is, "Was the creator an intelligent entity, or a series of coincidences and circumstances?" That's what both the religions and the sciences are trying to figure out. 
2020-12-01 17:36:30 UTC
In scientific terms, Creationists claim evidence from the Bible with corroboration of the observed origin of matter, and it is consistent with our belief, literally. Evolutionists cannot say the same, and are frequently inconsistent, like life from non-life, exactly the opposite of laws of the universe; nonsense. Like wishing on a star, wishing for aliens or some form of life out there, or that pesky missing link, when there should be millions/billions of evidences if true.

Philosophically, Aristotle's discourse on the Prime Mover demonstrates that there can be only one Prime Mover (Creator God) so your likely objection for many creator gods, was answered about 2300 years ago, by a Pagan Greek Philosopher.

Empirical evidence is very simple:

1. Observable in nature OR

2. Experimentally demonstrable AND

3. Reproducible.

Objectifying the inferences being made and validating everything with secondary lines of evidence means the burden has been met.. It's just that simple!

Biblical evidence of Creation and Noah’s Flood from Genesis qualifies as “observed” evidence by eyewitness account, either by verifiable persons (verifiable by the empirical evidence of the genealogy given all the way back to the first man, Adam) or the witness of God, Himself; either way, vivid portrayal of an eyewitness.

The idea that more primitive civilizations are further back in time is an evolutionary concept.

As the empirical, irrefutable empirical evidence of the Bible gives testimony to historical facts, and historical people in historical places, Adam and Moses were recording history in real time, given to us in the book of Genesis, literally. 

And we've only begun to confirm the Bible in the last century.

The atheists here haven't even begun to use science and burden of proof. You don't have a position. But if you were to use a “science-only” position, it ignores other well-respected systems for obtaining knowledge. For example, the legal/historical method of discovering truth is used every day.

The legal method does not ignore testimony or facts because they are not reproducible or testable. By a process of elimination and corroboration, the legal method allows history and testimony to speak for itself until a verdict is reached beyond a reasonable doubt, and the balance of probability is achieved.

Modern archaeology has challenged the world of education to admit that the Bible is factual. Solid, documented evidence outside the Bible record confirms events and persons that were at one time considered to be suspect or plain false.

Now we have the Rosetta Stone, and the coveted Tablets found at Elba? Elba dates back to before 2000 BC and was a thriving cultural center. Its records contain references to Sodom and Gomorrah.

The Tablets confirm the accuracy, authenticity and authority of the Bible, and meet the burden of proof.

Noah's grandson Cush is specifically named as a post flood king in the Sumerian Kings list, giving additional "corroboration" by science of the accuracy, authenticity, and authority of the truth of the Bible and the timeline of man.

So if the Bible wins hands down in every earthly thing we can test, why don’t people trust what it says? The issue is not the truth of Scripture, but vain reasoning and “willful ignorance” (Romans 1:21; 2 Peter 3:5).

The Noachian Flood is recorded by over 500 civilizations around the world on all continents. You are in denial; delusional. Try looking. The existence of the flood traditions all over the world are consistent with the Genesis account. 95% of these traditions have common elements with Genesis and they say that the Flood was global.

When two separate cultures have the same "myth" in their body of folklore, their ancestors must have either experienced the same event, or they both descended from a common ancestral source which itself experienced the event.

Atheists prefer to believe that something in our commonly evolved psyche forces each culture to invent the same imaginary flood legend with no basis in real history. Instead of scholarship, this is "willful ignorance" of the fact that "the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished" (II Peter 3:5,6).

The Bible is proven accurate and authentic historically, philosophically, scientifically and legally. Any other methods you would like to try?

Ah, the cosmos? You have no explanation for the universe and everything in it, which is just another display of the bankruptcy of evolutionary thinking. You really can't talk about how a species evolved until you explain the matter that supposedly started the species.

The laws that govern the universe preclude it from not having a beginning, and no matter how you slice it, you cannot escape an external cause for the Physical Universe.

It is very sad that your teachers were more concerned teaching you what to think (interpreting the facts/evidence for you) than teaching you how to think (how to evaluate the facts and interpret them for yourself).

Empirical science (that which is observable, testable and reproducible) ultimately leads to creation and thus the creator. ALL of the scientific claims asserted to challenge creation and so the creator lack empirical support. 

Five Evidences of Noah’s Flood
2020-12-01 16:49:26 UTC
If the Holy Spirit reveals something to you, you won't need scientific evidence for a Creator. For physical evidence look at all living things and their ability to reproduce their own kind. Look in a mirror and you will see God's greatest creation which has the ability to have a spiritual relationship with God. He created you, He wants to Save you and He will if you admit you are a sinner, You make a conscious decision to turn from your sinful desires (Repent) and through Faith Trust or Commit your life to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. If you do this with all your heart you are now a Christian on your way to Heaven. It's OK to give science its rightful place but not in Spiritual matters.

2020-12-01 15:38:37 UTC
Yes, and Allah has already shown it by creating the earth itself. People who deny Allah were blinded by Satan and will be punished. They were also manipulated and are liars. They will go to help. Nothing that comes into being was created on its own / by itself. Why can't those Godless atheists understand it?
2020-12-01 11:30:42 UTC
I am a living evidence for the existence of God. I am connected to all creatures including human beings internally. All human beings can see what I see, can hear what I hear and even know my thoughts, but thought is a complicated one because thoughts are not humans' own. If you want to know about this secret you may go through my yahoo answers. You are living in a miraculous era of God. People who have born in this era cannot realize this temporary miracle of God because they have born with it.
2020-12-01 09:41:03 UTC
Pirate AM™
2020-12-01 03:29:07 UTC
You would have to define what such evidence would be.  However, I suspect it would be something like either organisms or features that could not have occurred naturally Intelligent Design proponents make this claim by using the term "irreducibly complex". But so far they have failed to produce a testable definition of "irreducibly complex", i.e. what objectively qualifies as such, or any reasonable examples of it.

You could look at evidence that supports other claims of a creator, things aside from that the creator did and would have left lasting evidence and would have had no other explanation than a creator.  Nothing like this exists.

Basically, all the evidence strongly suggests a completely natural explanation for the universe, this planet and all the various forms of life on it.  Just to be complete, if anything "supernatural" exists, either it interacts with this world in some observable way (and most claims of the supernatural do claim observable interactions with the natural world) or its existence has no effect on the natural world. By claiming that the supernatural can not be studied, is simply claiming that the supernatural can have no effect on the natural world and for all intensive purposes no different than claiming it doesn't exist.
2020-12-01 01:39:40 UTC
Scientists know a magical creator was never required for anything. Also, a creator is a childish fantasy that doesn't belong in the 21st century.

One more thing: Praying is talking to yourself. It accomplishes nothing.
2020-12-01 01:32:56 UTC
Complex structures Like HUMANS and ANIMALS and their Brains more sophisticated than supercomputers, etc.  That could have NOT developed RANDOMLY in only 13 billion year age of the universe---OR a thousand times longer.----Without SOME intelligent input and action-------You cant throw the parts of a X-BOX into a box and shake it until it assembles itself into a perfectly working machine---It would take TRILLIONS of years to work.---The time is not there.
2020-11-30 19:56:14 UTC
All of creation is evidence of Him

you didn't thinking this all automatically appeared and came into order from a giant cosmic space fart called the big bang......that would be stupid

And where did the big bang from and why? (if you are stupid)
2020-12-04 04:12:44 UTC
No.  That is not how faith works.

You are told by the faithful that a "creator" exists. But at a certain point where your intelligence, education and knowledge exceeds that of the person trying to persuade you, then you know that you are being lied to.
2020-12-03 20:52:24 UTC
Life was never created by chance.So it was all from a smarter source.
2020-12-03 19:25:01 UTC
No need for 'scientific' evidence.

 Just look around using an open mind.

 Take a Cedar tree. It has no brain. But it grows a shell around it's seed that a bird's digestive system can't digest. Thus the birds fly off and pass the seeds in distant areas. How did the tree know that if it's seeds just fell to the ground they'd either die or choke the parent tree out?

 A squirrel will bury acorns, pecans and other nuts even while they have an ample supply of food stored in their nest. Science has deliberated that squirrels are actually planting new trees to keep a steady flow of food.

 How did squirrels figure THAT out?

If everything is random and by chance then....

  Why isn't there vibrant life on the moon?

 Why is there seasons that change, pretty much, the same time of year?

 Who decided that the 'Jet Streams' only flow from west to east?

2020-12-03 13:49:06 UTC
Can you explain how the universe came about without physics? If there's physics, there's laws & if laws, a law giver & sustainer. Physics didn't always exist. We know that by Singularity (the Big Bang). We know that by carbon dating. Nothing has always existed.

What evidence is there that there's a Multiverse? What evidence is there that physics always existed? What evidence is there that evolution actually happened?
2020-12-03 07:18:48 UTC
Yes there is evidence that someone came along and helped in our evolution. We were created by an advanced Extraterrestrial named Satan. 
2020-12-03 02:49:17 UTC
Check out aaronRa on YouTube.  He may look like a biker dude but in fact he is a type of scientist(specializing the classification of all lifeforms)  He is head of the Atheists of America though he is not really an atheist. I forget the name, it is not Agnostic...but he has done a lot of study in religion history and relationship to other religions so he uses big words because he is a scientist first and foremost.  However he has the patience to watch grass grow or paint dry. I believe like him though I never knew that it had a special name. He has multiple video's on YouTube  and the spelling of his name is correct.  It is pronounced "R.N Ra".  Listening to him and you will understand you need to ask more.  He is not a preacher.  If the FACTS don't show it, then it is not true.

Give him a go and listen to what he has to say when he talks about religion.
2020-12-02 15:18:32 UTC
the laws of the universe seem to be pro life, that's pretty unlikely.

hardly evidence for God though.
2020-12-02 04:24:04 UTC
No, there isn't any.
2020-12-02 03:03:58 UTC
No, most certainly not! Science does not use gods, since that is just Argument From Ignorance, i.e. saying in effect, "I do not know how or why  the universe exists, so I shall just say, 'God-did-it!'" Recently some people are using ETs in such illogical arguments. There is no scientific evidence that gods or ET visitors actually exist. 
2020-12-01 22:18:50 UTC
 I'm not religious either but from a logical view the story of creation explains the Earth and all life on it.Unlike the half baked notions that are called theories.
2020-12-01 21:04:35 UTC
Galileo, Copernicus, Einstein, Sir Issac Newton, and many, many highly intelligent people (actually, geniuses, including Blaise Pascal, Arthur Compton, Francis Bacon, Erwin Schrödinger, Rene Descartes, Johannes Kepler, Robert Boyle, Leonardo da Vinci, Carl Gauss, and Voltaire- the last three of which had IQs around or greater than 200)

believed in God. The fact that there is any debate at all certainly proves that God's existence cannot be proven false outright, and adds credence to the theory that he does, particularly when some of these scientists claim that their discoveries occurred in response to prayer.

Besides that, Christianity has been around for over 2000 years; every prophecy in the Bible has come true, and - how would the Jews have survived this long if God was not real? They were hated by virtually every nation, and many of the most powerful, for their entire existence.
2020-12-01 15:28:26 UTC
If there was any scientific evidence behind it, it wouldn't be a religion.  All religions, including atheism, are entirely based on faith.  Faith is belief without the need for proof.

And yes atheists, yes you are using blind faith.  The religious people can't prove there's a god or gods, they can't prove there's a heaven or hell, and they can't prove your dead ancestors are watching you.  But you can't prove otherwise, so deal with it.
2020-12-01 14:57:45 UTC
perhaps there is a SELF  question  BELIEF is a PERSONS ..... CONVICTION  of a allegation or  proposition ...

. so the issue  is the authors '  BASIS  cause  MOTIVATOR   for a BEHAVIOR    of self  described  the  practice of PRAYER     CAUSE and EFFECT it WARRANTED  , justified

.. WHAT causes  provokes  stimulates one to engage in PRAYER     in psychology and philosophy  and SCIENCE   CAUSE and EFFECT 

DISAMBIGUATION  for example the  word MERCURY  can refer to several things  and idea an ELEMENT  a PLANET  and the promoted ROMAN god   i prefer the word DEMONSTRATION  and PROOF

EVIDENCE is defined by oxford  as  the available  body of FACTS indicating  whether a BELIEF  or proposition is TRUE or VALID 

other USE of the word  BROADLY construed is ANYTHING presented in support  of an ASSERTION because  evident  things are DOUBTED  there are two KINDS of EVIDENCE  Intellectual  and  empirical  ( proofs )

  perhaps the author will present or identify  the  STIMULATION for the  behavior of PRAYER   and  what is the RESULTS

Many PEOPLE  promote THEIR god propositions  to date  NONE have provided  INDEPENDENT of their THOUGHT  any demonstration of  gods  many have  presented PEOPLE in history which they  termed gods rulers  and made associations to NATURAL  ELEMENTS of the ENVIRONMENT  mountains earth quakes floods plagues  illness  WIND  SUN moon  HARVEST  fertility reproduction  LUCK  coincidence
River Euphrates
2020-12-01 14:48:22 UTC

Inferring the existence of an infinitely more complex 'creator' in order to explain the existence and complexity of the universe is redundant.

Theists will try to claim that without 'God' that we are stuck with an infinite regress - but fail to explain how the existence of a deity in any way solves this problem.

Basically, if 'God' didn't require creation - why would the universe?
2020-12-01 05:23:13 UTC
The toughest thing about answering your question for me is I've never really had narrow-minded thinking such as what schools tend to teach. I'm not saying I can see all things that the Universe holds. However, things like infinity doesn't really boggle my mind. So, it is hard for me to narrow it down to one small area. Please, don't take this the wrong way. I can understand what you are going through. The usual way of getting by is "it's not what you know but who you know". So, thinking outside the box can make you an outcast, especially with school teaching the fallacies of The Big Bang and Evolution as fact. One thing I can say that might help is: try to think of the Universe as one huge puzzle. Think about how seamlessly the Universe goes together. Imagine one of those wood puzzles. Think about the intelligence behind the maker of that puzzle. Next, think about how high of an intelligence it would have taken to put together this Universe, with a nigh uncountable amount of parts. All going together in perfect harmony. Now, think about where our tiny planet is in this huge group of planets and stars. The perfect place for a race as young as we are. Anywhere else would not have been suited for us. The Earth is the perfect distance from the Sun. Please, do not think I feel I am better then anyone else. I'm just different. Equal in my own way to every other human on this planet.
Doubting Like Thomas
2020-12-01 03:51:09 UTC
It appears to have been a TEAM effort.

The observable fact that at least TWO of the galaxies are colliding, MAY be perceived as PROOF that not ALL the Gods and Goddesses on the Team were in agreement as to what bits should go where.
2020-12-01 01:45:58 UTC
Spend time and enjoy the natural world around you.  Learn about the animal kingdom.  The expanse of the universe.

The more you learn, the more the details will astound you.

The atheist and the humanist say everything is a meaningless chunk of random mutations and there’s no purpose to any of it.

The theist simply looks at the same evidence and disagrees.
2020-11-30 19:42:06 UTC
No there is not.   Pray away, it makes no difference in the universe beyond making you feel that you are doing something.
2020-11-30 19:41:24 UTC
There is no evidence for the Biblical God. The “evidence” for a creator God is all around us. We were created, so whoever or whatever created us must be the “creator”
2020-11-30 19:29:26 UTC
Proof of God comes only through personal revelation.

However, if you are looking for physical evidence, I  think that a person could just open their eyes and RECOGNIZE the order and majesty of nature and the universe. The scriptures teach that all things testify of God. Sometimes we cannot see things when they are right in front of us. It takes a spiritual sense and someday we may all look back and ask "how could I have been so blind?"

Just look within the structure and processes of the human body. For example, when a sperm and egg come together, they immediately begin multiplying into identical cells. Once the clump of cells is large enough, some power causes them to suddenly differentiate. In other words each of the identical cells become a specific kind of cell. Some become beating heart cells, others become lung, liver, bladder, stomach, reproductive organs, brain, skin, muscle, bones, hair, etc. cells. They all fall into a specific order and relationship in the body.

Think of your self awareness. Can man create it with technology? How would it be done? Even artificial intelligence is not self aware.

It seems that man can invent almost anything with the vast variety of resources that this earth provides.

I believe in the scientific principle called survival of the fittest. But without help from some intelligence, why does nature care if anything survies at all? What power or force drives it forward?
2020-12-06 14:36:23 UTC
"Science" is not the final arbiter of all truth.  If it was, then there would be scientific evidence to prove it.  There is none.  Truth is not established by science alone.  Some stuff is; some stuff isn't.  So it really doesn't matter if the word "science" (here all kneel) is attached to the word "proof" or not. 
2020-12-04 14:22:37 UTC
I'm not sure who you're praying to, because Jesus himself said there is only one God and that HE was the way to him. If you don't make a conscious decision to learn about and follow Jesus' teachings, you may as well be praying to your doorknob. Knowing there is a God is no better than the evil that pervades our world, even demons admit to knowing there is a God.

As to scientific evidence, paradigm is important. It is becoming more acceptable among the scientific community to accept the concept of intelligent design because the evidence is becoming overwhelming, but some will always refuse to see it that way. Their view of life (their paradigm) won't allow that concept to be applicable for them, despite the facts before them.

I would also say that if you're waiting for 100% irrefutable scientific evidence to prove the existence of God, you're going to be wating a very long time (unless Jesus returns soon).  God wants us to "take it on faith" before He proves himself. Once He does prove himself, your life will begin to change. But that can't happen without a conscious decision to ask Jesus into your life.  
2020-12-04 01:27:29 UTC
That's a question whose answer depends to a large extent on the person. Many people see the whole of the natural order as proof of a creator. Other people, many of whom know nothing about physics or theology either, claim that there is no evidence of a creator. In between those "extremes" there are those who believe in creators with various characteristics. It's often been said, John Polkinghorne for example, that biologists tend to reject a creator and physicists are somewhat more inclined to lean somewhat more toward the idea of a creator. Just as a matter of personal opinion, I would say stick with what you believe because opinions are all over the map. For one scientist who rejects the idea of a creator, there are others who are firm believers. Polkinghorne, for example, was a theoretical physicist for forty years, and left the field to study and write about the validity of religion.
2020-12-03 14:53:10 UTC
No. They have a book!!!  That's it, just a book, and are too weak-minded to think for themselves :) 
2020-12-03 13:19:14 UTC
I had Peppers with my dinner and Planted the seeds and God allowed them to Grow so I don't need to buy More
2020-12-02 20:13:50 UTC
Yes, with an explanation.

When you say "scientific" you limit your proofs to things like repeatable experiments. Under those conditions, something supernatural like a miracle will never be repeated.

There are proofs that involve the utter improbability of the random creation of a universe that has any life-generating properties at all, but of course improbability is still not hard "scientific" fact.

But under broader conditions like philosophy and metaphysics, you have many other methods of proof for a creator.

Review books such as "New Proofs for the Existence of God" and other related books. There are lots of proofs that meet academic standards.

If you are still not convinced, the question you should ask yourself is, "What would prove it for me?"

Miracles?  There are convincing witness testimony of miracles.

Near death experiences? There are convincing witness testimony of NDEs.

Whether through math, physics, philosophy, or witness testimony, there are a lot of options, but it is up to you to decide what meets your standard.
2020-12-02 11:31:47 UTC
What has me very intrigued is how God said to Abraham that the Messiah will be born to his descendants, they kept recording this one particular family line for so many generations throughout centuries. Joseph was a descendant from Abraham and technically Mary too as they got married and both became under the house David.

So without the word of God the bible would not exist. They kept track of this one family because they were told to by God. There is other evidence that points such as the names of cities and rivers, Egypt for example. 

Psychologically I have to battle with myself as a massive part of me doesn't want to believe this and honestly I don't want to read the New Testament just in case I believe even more.       
Mahdi S
2020-12-02 10:01:05 UTC
when did GOD , who created all , needed creatures to prove to other creatures that he exists . just look into yourself and ask, should I exist, should anything exist, is there a unity between the existing things, if GOD created the universe, is he bigger than the universe, should we or can we see him or feel him with our five senses, if there is a GOD,  should there be more than one , should he be infinite or limited, for example wisdom and justice, should he be eternal, should he be affected by time, all these questions are just doors. remember that having evidence for a creator is just a small goal, the biggest goal is being part of and close to the crater 
2020-12-02 07:59:23 UTC
Who forms clouds, who causes the sky to rain ? Who put animals here on this planet ? Why are there only 7 days in a week ? Even the most famous geniuses in history can not come up with a non atheistic solution to this. Who caused the big bang ? Why are there stars at night but not in the day time ? Why is our blood red ? Why do people get so butt hurt over the fact that there are only 2 sexes. 
2020-12-01 22:26:13 UTC

hope that helps

the problem is 

if you need a creator - they need to be created

therefor you have an infinite regression of creators
2020-12-01 21:36:13 UTC
No, and there never will be.
2020-12-01 18:54:29 UTC
There is a Creator. Can anyone in this world create a sun or a moon or any planets? Can you make it? So its for sure that there is a creator who made the sun, moon, stars, animals, humans, plants. He created you and me. If you want to know the full story, please read it fully. The Bible is the written word of God. There is one God, existent in three persons : God- the Father, God-the Son & God- the Holy Spirit. Father created the whole world. Because humans sinned, Father sent his Son (Jesus) for our salvation. Jesus bore our sins & died on the cross. Jesus sacrificed his life for you, for me & everyone in this world. Jesus took our sins but the only means of being cleansed from sin is through repentance & faith in the precious Blood of Jesus. And try not to sin anymore. After the death of Jesus, he resurrected & went to heaven. Before his death, Jesus had already told that- after he goes into heaven he would send a helper (The Holy Spirit) for us. So we have to believe in The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit for our salvation. Please read the Bible scriptures I have mentioned below 

For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. (John 3: 16,17) Jesus Christ is the way, the truth & the life. No one goes to the Father except through Jesus. ( John 14:6) Believe in the Lord Jesus & you will be saved, you & your household. (Acts 16: 31) Everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name. (Acts 10:43) Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him. (John 3: 36) For there is one God & there is one mediator between God & men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all (1 Timothy 2: 5,6 )   
2020-12-01 16:54:39 UTC
wind rider
2020-12-01 16:44:23 UTC
Word is and always will be the creator. Try to create anything without it. The truth can never be proven wrong.  Word has to be or nothing can exist it always is first and last, a child can understand this. 
2020-12-01 13:50:01 UTC
After the fall of Adam and Eve our eyes had been opened so that we could choose what to believe in.

So this problem about faith will linger on until the end of times! I for one strongly believe that God had created everything.
Special EPhex
2020-12-01 06:47:24 UTC
No, that is not the domain of science, which is restricted to the linear paradigm of material form and 'content' (components, specifics, details).  Science cannot be used to examine the essence of the nonlinear domain of formless 'context' (meaning, significance, implications).  Things like "God, faith, love, truth, justice, honor, etc.," are beyond the realm of science.

God is a subjective awareness we accept (or not) on 'faith'.  Theists and atheists have disputed faith on the mutual grounds that there cannot be any "proof or disproof" for the existence of God, for thousands of years.  Any "proof or evidence", for or against God, can only result in "counter-proof/evidence", out of a fundamental failure to understand faith and science.  

Since humans cannot know all there is to possibly know, all knowledge and our sense of knowingness is rooted in the 'faith' that it is reliable to follow by.  At best, "evidence" can only "suggest", one way or the other, in informing our faith.  Everyone holds their beliefs out of the conviction that they're correct.  'To know', means identifying with and being the known, and knowing faith is demonstrated by living by it.
2020-12-01 01:45:59 UTC
Absolutely not.  There can NEVER be evidence for it, and Christians know it.

There is that admonition, "Only by FAITH shall you come to me..."  If there were ANY evidence at all, then Jesus was lying.
Jim V
2020-11-30 22:44:50 UTC
I say yes.

The first being the existence of the temporal world (the universe) itself.

- Scientifically we know that matter-energy is not eternally useful - if eternal at all (but there is no point in getting into proton decay here.).

- We also know that matter-energy cannot produce more matter-energy.

These are the 2nd and 1st Laws of Thermodynamics.

In short, a cause that transcends temporality that has the ability to produce matter-energy where there was none before is required by what we DO KNOW from science.

Additionally we know that consciousness, person-hood, freewill-choice, reason, morality, justice, and other attributes that we observe cannot be a product of physics.

Physics is strictly determinate; as such the above properties cannot be a product of physics.

IOW, these properties cannot "emerge" from chemical reactions and/or any other process that governs matter or energy.

The best, if not only, explanation that coherently gives our reality an ontological basis is the Creator God.  (Not a created god, the type that many skeptics and critics often attack. 

(Richard Dawkins' book 'The God Delusion' gives a good polemic against created gods.)
Someone who cares
2020-11-30 19:29:12 UTC
The Bible, according to all scientific criteria for ancient documents, is an authentic work. Number of copies, age of copies, internal and external consistency, all criteria for authenticating ancient documents are met overwhelmingly. If you are asking for proof of God, see Jesus response in the New Testament to response for a sign or proof.
Hunter. ✞
2020-11-30 19:29:07 UTC
Science is a tool used to measure the natural universe.

We see by the complexity and design science shows us that a Creator makes sense.
2020-12-03 21:53:45 UTC
If there is, it has not been discovered yet. Why would a creator god need to be discovered by the very creatures it allegedly created? Kind of shoots big holes in a creator theory. 
2020-12-03 21:09:17 UTC
Look in the mirror and realize you are product of God and are made in the image of God.  Humanity did not happen by accident.
2020-12-03 01:23:57 UTC
NONE WHATSOEVER. ZERO. But there is an overwhelming preponderance of evidence that the bible is fiction. ...You might find it interesting to google about Einstein's thoughts on a "god". And those of other cosmologists, physicists (perhaps Hawking, Sagan...)  But in the end, you get a life, and it ends.  We're not important or worthy of more than that. And the only comfort I have found, about inevitable death, and meaninglessness, is that the older you get, the more you dont care and gradually  actually welcome that it end.
2020-12-02 18:03:41 UTC
Yep, there is a creator that is why we have problems and more to come.
2020-12-02 17:26:08 UTC
When you know who God is, you can ask for proof. As long as you don’t know who God is, how will you be able to recognize proof for Him

Why should proof of God be so different to anyone else? If you want proof of Narendra Modi you have to know who he is, what he looks like, where you can expect to find him, how you can meet him. All this is your work, not his.

He is doing his business and if you want proof of him then it is up to you to find out about him and qualify yourself for the level of proof you want. Do you want to speak to him, shake his hand? If so then you need to go through the proper channels and follow protocol. You cannot sit in your room and demand proof.

Just find out who God is and then finding proof is not so hard.

I can tell you that Krishna is God and He is present in His name. If you chant His names you will get proof of His reality. But what use is that to you if you don’t believe me?

If you know that Krishna is God then you can get your proof, if you don’t know and can’t find out who God is, then how will anything ever be proof?

The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Now hear, O son of Prtha, how by practicing yoga in full consciousness of Me, with mind attached to Me, you can know Me in full, free from doubt. Bhagavad Gita 7.1
2020-12-02 10:55:44 UTC
A person who actively seeks Ghosts will find them.

A person who is not looking for Ghosts, generally will NEVER see one.

Those who believe in God, finds all kinds of evidence of His existence.

Those who don't believe in God, are, well, BLIND.
2020-12-02 05:55:44 UTC
It is all around you.  

You cannot see the wind but you see its effects.  
2020-12-02 02:48:15 UTC
If there is no First Cause (Creator) then one has to believe the universe spontaneously generated out of nothing.  That would be illogical.
2020-12-02 02:24:23 UTC
Evolutionist Professor Paul Davies admitted, “Nobody knows how a mixture of lifeless chemicals spontaneously organized themselves into the first living cell.” Andrew Knoll, professor of biology, Harvard, said, “we don’t really know how life originated on this planet”. A minimal cell needs several hundred proteins. Even if every atom in the universe were an experiment with all the correct amino acids present for every possible molecular vibration in the supposed evolutionary age of the universe, not even one average-sized functional protein would form. So how did life with hundreds of proteins originate just by chemistry without intelligent design?
Fort Erudite
2020-12-01 21:08:36 UTC
There is solid evidence that a Creator exists. Who created your mind? 

A machine did not create human beings and all the creatures on this planet.
2020-12-01 17:21:08 UTC
 there is the same evidence as that presented by trump of vote rigging

Making claims is easy - its presenting the evidence to support those claims thats the difficult bit. That LACK of evidence is why trump's claims were thrown out

 Theists make lots of claims but when it comes to evidence all we get are assumptions that they demand others disprove - relying on the "if you cant prove me wrong then I must be correct"

YOU wanna rely on assumptions then go ahead cos nobody is stopping you

I dont
2020-12-01 15:52:59 UTC
The evidence we have is our faith in the word of God.
2020-12-01 14:26:39 UTC
The God, The Singular, nothing like unto is the uncaused cause and is not bound by anything; Imagine your self on an infinite line to somewhere.
2020-12-01 10:40:09 UTC
Yes, God does not want us to believe blindly. The Bible describes faith as being neither blind nor illogical. God’s Word says: “Faith is the assured expectation of things hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities though not beheld.”​—Hebrews 11:1.

There is not really any conflict between science and the belief in God, in fact, a lot of scientists have become believers through their scientific study of God's creation. You can view some of these scientists voicing their opinion under the heading "Viewpoints on the Origin of Life":

If you are interested in researching the matter of creation and Gods existence from a scientific point of view you might find also these online articles interesting: 

The Origin of Life​—Five Questions Worth Asking:

Was life created:
Raven Slight
2020-12-01 06:13:58 UTC
Divine and spiritual entities are, by their non-material essence, not demonstrable through the examination of the natural realm. Since science stems directly in its current ideological and practical form as "Natural Philosophy" which answers questions by examining and understanding the natural realm, it's intrinsic that scientific evidence does positively not speak to a divine or truly-supernatural creator (let alone any specific "god").

The best highlight is in the contradictory status of the "Prime Mover" argument for God. If everything has a beginning, then God must have begun the universe. Ok, then what began God? If God always existed then so can the universe have had a beginning without a sentient active force pushing the proverbial "start" button.
2020-12-01 02:38:47 UTC

“I Am Convinced That There Is a Creator”

For more than a decade, Frédéric Dumoulin has worked in the field of pharmaceutical research at Ghent University in Belgium. At one time he was an atheist. But later Frédéric became convinced that God created life. Awake! asked Frédéric—who is now one of Jehovah’s Witnesses—about his work and his faith.

Did religion have any role in your childhood?

Yes. My mother was Roman Catholic. But when I read about the Crusades and the Inquisition, I felt disgusted with religion and wanted nothing more to do with it. I also read about non-Christian religions and saw that they were no better. When I was 14, I reasoned that the prevalence of corruption in religion proves that God doesn’t exist. So when I was taught the evolution theory at school, I concluded that life originated by natural processes.

How were you attracted to science?

When I was seven, I was given a microscope and it became my favorite toy. Among other things, I used it to examine fascinating insects, such as butterflies.

How did you become interested in the origin of life?

When I was 22, I met a scientist who was one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. She believed that God created life. That seemed really strange to me. I thought I could easily prove her faith to be ridiculous. But to my surprise, she had sensible answers to my questions. I became curious about people who believe in God.

A few months later, I met another Witness who was quite knowledgeable about medical matters. When he offered to explain what he believed, I accepted his offer because I wanted to know why people believe in God. I wanted to save him from his delusion.

Did you convince him that he was mistaken?

No, I didn’t. I began researching theories on the origin of life. To my surprise, I found that some eminent scientists say that even the simplest living cell is so complex that it couldn’t have originated on earth. Some of them think such cells came from outer space. There is a lot of disagreement about how life began.

Is there a point of agreement?

Strangely, many scientists agree that somehow natural processes caused life to spring from nonliving matter. I began to wonder, ‘If they don’t know how life could come about without a Creator, how can they be so sure that it happened that way?’ I began to look into what the Bible says about the origin of life.

What conclusions did you draw about the Bible?

The more I learned from the Bible, the more I became convinced that it’s true. For example, only recently have scientists found evidence that the universe had a beginning. But the opening verse of the Bible, written some 3,500 years ago, says: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” * And I found that whenever the Bible comments on scientific matters, it is accurate.

Did your knowledge of science make believing in God difficult?

No. When I first came to believe in God, I had been studying science at a university for three years. To this day, the more I study the design of living things, the more I am convinced that there is a Creator.

Can you give us an example?

Yes. I’ve studied the effects of medications and toxins on living creatures. A design that impresses me is how our brain is protected from dangerous substances and from bacteria. There is a barrier that keeps our blood separate from our brain cells.

What is remarkable about that?

Over a hundred years ago, researchers noticed that substances introduced into the bloodstream enter every area of the body—except the brain and spinal cord. That fact is astonishing to me, because an immense network of tiny capillary vessels takes blood to every cell in the brain. All brain cells are cleaned, fed, and oxygenated by blood. So, how can our blood be kept separate from our brain cells? For many years it was a mystery.

How does the barrier work?

Microscopic blood vessels are not like plastic tubes that keep what’s inside separate from what’s outside. The walls of blood vessels are made of cells. These cells allow substances and microbes to pass through them and between them. However, the cells making up the blood vessels in our brain are different. They’re tightly connected to each other. These cells and the tight junctions between them are amazing. A vast array of complex mechanisms ensure that some things—such as oxygen, carbon dioxide, and glucose—pass between the bloodstream and the brain in a regulated way. But other compounds, proteins, and cells are kept out. So the blood-brain barrier operates at a molecular level to produce physical, chemical, and electrical barriers. For me, such design simply could not have evolved.
2020-12-01 02:10:41 UTC
God with a capital G is the one same theist God for Christians, Muslims and Jews.  If you are not a Christian then by definition you are either a Muslim or a Jew.   All three believe in God by blind faith.  All three believe that any god proved by the mind of the created is a nothing false god.  Believing in God is a good start.  Maybe you could learn about what they believe and why.  No there is no evidence.  But here is a gift from me you will never forget.  Why do you know you are you?  No one has ever or will ever answer that question.  For me that is the only evidence of God.  I also believe in Heaven and Hell because if the evil are not punished and the good not rewarded then nothing in our entire existence makes any sense or has any value.  .
2020-12-01 00:42:33 UTC
From where did the cosmic ejaculate of the Big Bang come from?
of Me of Him
2020-11-30 22:52:47 UTC
Yes, yes, No, no, event

God is also waiting for the second coming of His Son, the last time, the last day. scientific evidence)

Wher the worship of God in the Living Gospel  Wil come as support of a living God in Earth

Then I saw "a new heaven and a new earth," for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. Revelation 21:1

For he who came from above is higher than all, and he who is from Earth is from the ground, and speaks from the earth. He who has come from Heaven is higher than all.John 3:31

And His voice shook the earth then, but now He has promised, saying, "YET ONCE MORE I WILL SHAKE NOT ONLY THE EARTH, BUT ALSO THE HEAVEN."Hebrews 12:26

And truly I say to you, everything whatsoever you will bind in the earth will have been bound in Heaven, and anything that you will release in the earth will have been released in Heaven.Matthew 18:18
2020-11-30 21:50:09 UTC
Absolutely:  Just do a search on Google.

Look up the "First Cause" argument.  This is backed by both logic and science.  Everything physical needs a cause for its existence.  If you trace it logically you are force to admit that the ultimate first cause MUST be non-physical and needed nothing else for its own existence.  From that we can deduce massive intelligence and power as well as not being bound by any timeline.
2020-12-04 12:43:51 UTC
Is there any scientific evidence that the companies Apple or Samsung exist? The mobile in your hand or the laptops on a table are proof that there is a company, a manufacturer, otherwise, where would the products come from? This universe is the product, who is the creator? You and me may have been caused by an act between our parents, but ultimately how did it start? How did this world come about? Therefore we can get evidence by inference, for instance, we infer that gravity exists. We throw something up in the sky, it is pulled down to the earth - there is enough evidence through inference that gravity exists. So there is inference and evidence that a creator exists that has created all this that we see on earth.
tony b
2020-12-03 23:32:23 UTC
no evidence has ever been found to prove god exist the religious will say otherwise
2020-12-02 01:06:33 UTC
There is no evidence (or, at least, no strong evidence) for a Creator, but there's also particular evidence *against* a Creator.  So either believing or not believing in a Creator is... not an inherently irrational choice.
2020-12-01 23:20:18 UTC
The creator is mother earth. 

Thank you for your attention. 
2020-12-01 16:55:18 UTC
Consider this logic-The idea that energy has always been in existence has been accepted, so the notion that something can always have been here is not out of the question. Add to that the idea that if someone had access to said energy, they too could have existed for as long as the energy has. 

The universe and all that's contained within it has been set up in a way where it all works together, and the Earth itself is no exception. The intricacies throughout nature, including the different cycles, our position from the sun, and even how we're born point to an intelligent designer, not just chance circumstances or an accident. 

Science has proven over and over again that life only comes from life, never from nothingness. Considering how much life there is (that's been discovered...), as well as how many stars and galaxies have been found, the amount of energy and wisdom it would take to create the universe is staggering. If it had a creator, that being would need more power, more intelligence, and more longevity than anything in existence. At the very least, this would make this being god-LIKE. 

So with that being the case, it wouldn't be surprising for this being to deify themselves in the eyes of their creation(therefore making themselves 'God'). It would also not be surprising that they would find a way for their creation to know about their existence(through the Bible, in which a lot of testimony is documented about people's interactions with Him...), as well as leave a way for people to find out how life began and how to live it in a way where one finds the most fulfillment. (Also found in the Bible...such as stated at Isaiah 48:17 & 18..) 

As a side note, if we were made purely by happenstance, life would have no real purpose, and even reasoning would be pointless in the grand scheme of things.

It would also make sense that this being would tell His creation how to communicate with Him(through prayer...), even if that way isn't exactly like the way we communicate with each other(Since He exists on a higher plane). 

Some might argue that since science hasn't found a way to measure or test God Himself, that He doesn't exist. However, with the evidence stated above, all that shows is that the science to do so hasn't been revealed to mankind yet by God.
2020-12-01 14:44:10 UTC

Science explains the big bang was not from nothing but from a singularity that was all the matter and energy in the universe compressed into a single point that then expanded rapidly!

So it was always here!

But why are Christians always claiming the big bang came from nothing? Are they that ignorant? Did they sleep through school or is it that they know the truth but think they can twist it because everyone is gullible?!

Claiming something cannot come from nothing argues not against the big bang but against creationists claims!

Recent research suggests the universe has contracted into a singularity and then expanded a number of times!
2020-12-01 11:35:14 UTC
Science only reports what it can observe and it can not observe metaphysical horseshit!   The clergy only pander dogma which is unsubstantiated  

Pander / verb /  to gratify or indulge a desire need or habit /  pimp is another word for it.
2020-12-01 05:41:28 UTC
Look at the picture of the Sea Dragon a cousin of the seahorse, I say it begs creationism design.............I don't have the "scientific evidence" for it, on the other hand I don't have the evolutionary evidence either.
2020-11-30 21:19:58 UTC
You don't seem to understand the "essence" of a belief and that many gods have been credited with the creation.
2020-11-30 19:54:27 UTC
If you look at nature and how literally everything is so complex it had to be created not just by chance
2020-11-30 19:18:31 UTC
None for evolution either. No monkeyfish fossils, no amino acids that turn into fish, and humans have more genetic material from pigs than from apes.
2020-11-30 19:18:22 UTC

There are a lot of videos and information available on the internet.  Seek and you will find.

Other, from web:

Darwin was committed to a monogenic, rather than the prevailing polygenic, view of human origins, but he still divided humanity into distinct races according to differences in skin, eye or hair colour. He was also convinced that evolution was progressive, and that the white races—especially the Europeans—were evolutionarily more advanced than the black races, thus establishing race differences and a racial hierarchy. Darwin's views on gender, too, were utterly conventional. He stated that the result of sexual selection is for men to be, “more courageous, pugnacious and energetic than woman [with] a more inventive genius. His brain is absolutely larger [...] the formation of her skull is said to be intermediate between the child and the man” (Darwin 1871).

^ It should also be noted that Darwin was a Jesuit, and you can see the symbols IHS on his daughter's Anne Elizabeth Darwin's headstone. In her eulogy, he shows that he does not denounce the existence of God, but it is important to know that the Jesuits are historically the militant arm of the Vatican. And the Vatican preaches against the Scriptures, even going against God's account of creation, by mixing with lies with God's truth, with theistic evolution -- that which is not taught by the Scriptures. God made the first human being directly from the earth and breathed life into the vessel of human flesh that he had made, and man became a living soul. The Bible explains that not all flesh is the same flesh... the flesh of animals is not the flesh of mankind -- we are different creations, even from our beginning.
2020-11-30 19:18:04 UTC
There is no evidence for a creator or any supernatural act or event.

Here is a list of creation myths (lies):,are%20found%20throughout%20human%20culture.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.