If Jesus Christ is truly great then why does he ignore the prayers of starving children?
2017-07-01 15:25:32 UTC
Please take a moment and understand that a starving child has died by the time you finished reading this, and meanwhile Jesus Christ who had all the power to do something, ANYTHING about the situation has chosen not to.

I asked this question earlier and some snowflake reported me. I guess it's okay to ask the easy questions that make you feel warm and fuzzy on the inside but real questions that oppose the establishment/majority are not welcome on Yahoo.
107 answers:
2017-07-01 15:40:56 UTC
Because this is how Christianity works. If you live in a nice neighbourhood, have a good job and go to church every Sunday the following things may happen. If you want your next car to be bigger, your next wife to have bigger boobs, to get that promotion at work and you pray for these things and they happen god is wonderful and answers prayers.

If you want god to stop a tsunami ripping a child out of its parents' arms, or to give food to a starving child or to cure a child of cancer you are wasting your time. He/it/she cannot be bothered. Perhaps he is not as omnipotent as Christians claim and he is so busy giving people bigger cars, bigger boobs and a promotion that he/it/she has no time left to help struggling children.

This really leaves us with a god who is omnipotent and malign. He/it/she has the power to end suffering but chooses not too. Alternatively, god may be benign but powerless. He/it/she wants to end suffering but in unable. The third choice is that god does not exist. I go with the third one because there is no evidence that any gods exist.

Unfortunately, children do starve. Fortunately, there is no malign god laughing as they do.
2017-07-04 09:32:01 UTC
What are you doing about the staving Children????Sending Money, food, plenty of programs out there---starving Children--ask their governments---there is so much food thrown away in America---it's a crime to see---Get with the program---freeze / dry--ship--plain and simple !!! Man will be judged on how he treated his fellow man, if he met the need or ignored it and just made complaint--blame God
2017-07-04 07:15:47 UTC
what about starving adults??
2017-07-03 19:06:29 UTC
If Jesus Christ is truly great then why does he ignore the prayers of starving children? Demons grow human skin (from a sample taken during abduction) and put it on so as to look like us. Demons will invite people to be healed inside their UFOs; those who go will be like zombies after. Gov't provides demons with diamonds and allows demons to abduct people. If you're being abducted, slowly pray the Jesus prayer.

Don't panic. Demons use diamonds and souls to power their UFO craft. The bigger the diamond, the more it lasts. Demons have 4 UFO bases: 1)Moon 2)Inside fake mountain Kailash in Tibet 3)In lake Baikal in Russia 4)In Atlantis which is underneath the Mariana Trench in Pacific Ocean. There are no aliens. Nobody lives on other planets.

Airplanes that go down are hit by demons because they need the airspace to fight Jesus. Antichrist is pale with red eyes. He's possessed by Satan since he's 12 years old. He flies very fast; deceived people will say that "Christ is here; Christ is there". Sometimes, he wears blue robe over left shoulder while red robe is underneath. He wears gloves to hide long nails. He's surrounded by demons who appear as angels of light. Antichrist will trick people to believe that he can do mountain moving and resurrection (using holograms); fire from the sky is easy (considering the gases from pollution in the atmosphere).

Don't go into a UFO to be healed by demons. Green 666 is given by isotope rays on wrist or forehead when people stretch hands to receive small plastic grey card with no name on it (World Passport). Police will microchip and isotope ray people on the highways. Microchipped people will be influenced by computers to take grey plastic card; but when they do, 666 is given. Food stores will isotope ray people too. Antichrist will also release prisoners to mark people. Reject 666 at all cost because it leads to permanent hell.

If you're about to be marked, pray the Jesus prayer. Hide with Orthodox Christians to escape 666; leave all electronics behind so that antichrist's minions can't track you. Burn documents because they're from Satan. Give to charity in the name of Archangel Michael; he rescues people from temporary hell twice a year (or brings them up a level, that is, to a level with less punishment; eventually, people are freed). Feed the pigeons; when pigeons bow down, people are saved from temporary hell. Forgive me.

Source: Ruski Orthodox Christian Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov
2017-07-02 15:34:45 UTC
Mahatma Gandhi was truly great; Albert Schweitzer was truly great, also. Both of them have *also* died. Why are *they* ignoring the prayers of starving children, presumably doing nothing about them? Probably because they really *aren't* capable of doing anything about them in the afterlife existence *they* may be living in.

The same holds true for the *reality* of Jesus Christ.

Yeshua was a real historical spiritual teacher... but Christianity has created a *lot* of mythology around him that's never *really* been *true* of him. We can discern the extent of mythological overlay that's been grafted upon his *actual* life thru a few of his words.

John 14:12 -- "Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do..."

Now there are all manner of works attributed to Jesus that those who believe in him are *unable* to do -- because *Jesus* never *really* did them -- they're part of the made-up stories, part of the mythological overlay.

What "greater works" than Jesus ever did have believers in him done?! Greater than raising from the dead & ascending into heaven? Greater than (supposedly) having been Creator or co-Creator of everything, of all life?! Greater than being the *only* way of salvation, the *only* way to God and Eternal Life?!

What truly "greater works" are *possible* than those? Of course there *is* no one who has done "greater works" than the *greatest* works that have been attributed to Jesus -- and therefore we can *easily* discern that all those works that it is *impossible* to equal or exceed are FALSE attributions placed upon the human Jesus by a later religion.

It is not *just* to judge the *real* historical Jesus upon the basis of exaggerated false powers *attributed* to him.

The difference between the truly great Jesus (for what he *really* was) and the truly great Gandhi is that people haven't grafted *false* magnified miraculous stories upon Gandhi like they have upon Jesus (well, at least as far as i'm aware) -- and thus we *don't* have false expectations of Gandhi or Albert Schweitzer after they have *died* and continue to exist in whatever spirit world.

Now what spirits of those who have died out of this world *can* (actually!) do is *communicate* with us, even if they *can't* rain manna from heaven -- in fulfillment of another ancient mythological story.

The fact of the matter is: *half* of what that Bible claims Jesus said he actually did *not* say; they were words falsely attributed to him after he was gone from the Earth Scene. *Half* of the claims in the Bible as to what Jesus *did* he did *not* do; they were fabrications by later Christians. (i have *asked* Jesus how much of what is attributed to him in the New Testament did he *actually* say and do -- and he *answered* me -- "Fifty percent," is what he said.) Most of what Christians expect Jesus *to* do, in the future, will *never* happen -- because they believe in a *fantasy* Jesus that ancient Christians grafted onto the life, teachings & works of the *actual* historical individual.

Since Jesus himself said that all who truly *believe* in him will do "greater works" than he ever *actually* did -- obviously it *is* up to the *believers* in him to be responding to the prayers of starving children -- which the *real* Jesus -- in whatever *genuine* spiritual existence he is *really* in -- appears to be *unable* to *actually* do.
Vinegar Taster
2017-07-02 14:41:35 UTC will answer your questions( s )
2017-07-02 13:45:02 UTC
his reasons
2017-07-01 22:51:07 UTC
He doesn't. He answers in ways beyond our understanding. Starving childreb are suffering, and God allows suffering to teach us life lessons, and in this case it can help us remember some people have worse problems than us!
2017-07-01 20:06:44 UTC
If one is an atheist, then why should one concern oneself, or be upset by the suffering that is in the world? You see, if God does not exist, & nature is all that there is, then why would one be upset by the work of nature?

Nature is cruel as it is purely based upon survival of the fittest, thus, nature is far from just. Nature has no mind therefore it cannot be categorised as evil, not only this, but, if there is no God, then there are no objective moral standards in which one can cite to deem something good or evil, thus, evil would not exist if atheism were true.

Not to mention that atheists subscribe to the notion of scientific materialism, thus, if one cannot perceive evil with the senses, which one cannot, then it supposedly does not exist.

This may be hard for some to understand, but, God's ways are higher than our ways, & God's thoughts are higher than our thoughts. God is under no obligation to do anything that He does not wish to do.

God is love - 1 John 4:8
2017-07-01 18:00:56 UTC
How do you know this child praying? It's just a picture.
2017-07-01 15:26:31 UTC
He told us to do it. So why aren't you doing it?

So you would rather complain about magic not doing than to lift a finger to help?
2017-07-04 02:48:29 UTC
Not for the same reason you do.

Jesus is a figment of religion, whereas you, like the rest of us, simply couldnt care because it doesnt personally affect us.

Please dont lie to yourself.

Yawns, scratches 4r5e. At pleb.
2017-07-04 02:08:29 UTC
Well When or If you read the Bible, you will find that faithful, God-fearing ppl in the Bible ask that too. God hates wickedness and the suffering it causes far more than any human does. (Isaiah 55:8, 9)

People of various religions have gone to their religious leaders and teachers to ask why there is so much suffering. Often, the response is that suffering is God’s will and that he long ago determined everything that would ever happen, including tragic events. Many are told that God’s ways are mysterious or that he brings death upon people—even children—so that he can have them in heaven with him. Jehovah God never causes what is bad. The Bible says: “It is unthinkable for the true God to act wickedly, for the Almighty to do wrong!”—Job 34:10.

Many people blame God for the suffering in the world? Mostly because they think that he is the real ruler of this world. They do not know a simple but important truth that the Bible teaches.The real ruler of this world is Satan the Devil.
2017-07-03 15:32:21 UTC
1) God always has a reason for allowing suffering even if we dont know

2) Jesus said to help the needy if we all did that there would be no problem

if you want more answers
2017-07-03 13:29:19 UTC
Turn the question to yourself...Why don't you step in and help save a suffering and starving child?

We have enough food on the planet to feed the world...but we hoard it...We are the one's who are so unjust.
2017-07-03 04:51:38 UTC
Basic question is: why are there (good) people suffering while (so-called) bad people seemingly have great lives. We have to of course agree that G-d is good. He is just and nothing happens in the world for no reason. But do we know the whole story about anything? What is the reason a person is suffering now? Maybe for something that went wrong in a previous lifetime. Maybe because of something we didn't know about the person or group or people he/she lives in. But the basic premise has to be G-d is just.
2017-07-02 23:35:38 UTC
We as human family on earth have collective responsibility to one another. If you u see a problem do your bit to help out rather than waiting for Jesus to fix it when you can actually do something about the situation like a starving child. Lack of love is the main problem of this world.

- Chico
2017-07-02 21:14:58 UTC
Jesus was the greatest on earth. He cured the sick, fed the hungry, and raised the dead.

Jesus died and was resurected by God as a spirit creature, and he returned to heaven.

Soon Jesus will remove all wickedness and suffering from this earth. - Psalm 37:9-11; Proverbs 2:21,22.
2017-07-02 19:33:14 UTC
Starvation is a bad thing.
2017-07-02 17:38:40 UTC
You are blaming God for what man is doing. God gave man the authority to rule this earth. You should be asking "Why do men ignore the starving children?"
2017-07-02 14:57:29 UTC

a)Every one of us has the option to help children in need, if some supernatural entity did it for us, we would not be learning any lessons and we would not be fully tested on our ability to help others if God did everything for us.

b)If God/Jesus is real, they would know that life as we know it is unimportant compared to our eternity in the afterlife. Their suffering is only short term, so therefore should not be interfered with and should be allowed to continue naturally to test the people suffering on their belief and the people around them to see if they help.

I dont believe in God, but saying that God isn't real because people suffer is invalid
2017-07-02 12:07:43 UTC
This life is a test and dying children is good. It saves them from the sufferings later in life. All children who die regardless of location, upbringing, wealth etc go to heaven where they will never starve.
2017-07-02 09:28:26 UTC
Read the Bible and you will learn why.
2017-07-02 09:27:50 UTC
That's a very scary picture but he's dead.The parents of that child need to be explained
2017-07-02 03:10:38 UTC
Jesus does not exist nor does god seriously it's so silly when you actually sits down and think about it none of it adds up
2017-07-01 23:01:42 UTC
2017-07-01 17:43:22 UTC
He wants us to do it, that is why He has provided us with enough money and a heart to help. Instead of blaming God, blame yourself.

We are in the fallen world, there will be sufferings and death here. These are temporary.

Philippians 4:19:

"But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

God takes delight in blessing His children."

Also, God uses His children to help others. There are millions of true Christians helping the poor and sharing the love of God with them.

How to become a Child of God:

To become a Child of God, you must obey the gospel and receive Salvation

SALVATION IS A FREE GIFT, available to everyone who believes in the Only True God(Father, Spirit, Son) and Christ's Sacrifice ALONE(Not Self-Righteousness, not Mary, Religion, not Saints, not religious leaders etc) for Salvation.

John 3:16 - For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Romans 6:23 - For the wages of sin [is] death; but the gift of God [is] eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

However, God hates sin and chastens His children. Sin has dangerous consequences on earth.
2017-07-01 17:04:31 UTC
No one is going to stand in judgment of God. That simply will not happen - in this lifetime or in the afterlife. What will happen is that people that felt the burden to help, such as yourself who is asking this question, will give an account as to what was done to mitigate hunger. God provided more than enough food on the planet. The question will be asked, why did it not get to the starving children?
2017-07-01 15:36:02 UTC
Why do their parents not want Jehovah thru His Son Jesus to rule over them?-Matt 6:9,10;Rev 20,21. This is Satan's wicked world and only in Jehovah's new world on a paradise earth will starvation never again will exist-2 Cor 4:4; Isaiah 65:17-25; Psalms 72:16. Food will be Free and Real not that fake GMO,glued together food and manufactured fake food sold today! Jehovah provides for His people worldwide their daily needs-Matt 6:11,33. Satan's control over man's governments and false religion including Christendom's members and non-religious groups don't want JEHOVAH to rule over them either therefore they won't be in Jehovah's new world on a paradise earth where food will be nutritious and in abundance and taste like it should.
2017-07-01 15:31:22 UTC
Why do you keep asking this and posting that picture?

I'm starting to believe it gives you a hard on

And it's funny you skip right over their selfish leaders and go right to God (a God you don't believe exist BTW)
2017-07-05 13:43:17 UTC
With the world population presently at 7.3 billion the earth still grows enough food to feed this population 10 times over. So why are so many starving? It is because of the corrupt government authorities and the monies that they receive from private and well know groups to help and the peoples never receive the food and money that it was intended for. For example the 2010 earthquake in Haiti with a magnitude of 7.0 was devestating to the whole country. Despite the wide range of humanitarian response groups like Relief WEb reported that there was 1 billion pledge but not given to the peoples. Where did the money go? The government kept it. There are many other factors that the goverment say's happened. The bottom line is that they received the help from around the world and they did not get it. God allows this to happen, he does not cause it. But one day the goverment's will have to answer to him. Daniel 2:44 One day mankind will live in peace and never be hungry or ever get sick and die. Psalms 37:8-11 Revelation 21:3-4
2017-07-03 22:21:19 UTC
For the same reason that Superman doesn't drop food into starving communities... he's not real.
2017-07-03 20:23:34 UTC
God expects US to do something. He provides more than enough food. Some governments are paying farms NOT to produce extra food because they produce so much food. Some governments are actively working to stop farmers from sending extra food to the needy. Some governments, which are people, are taking money that is supposed to be feeding the people of the nation.

How many governments are following God's instructions? How many people observe God's instructions? If they are not trying to follow the instructions that God said would lead to happy people, then how is He to blame?

Amos 8:11 KJV Behold, the days come, saith the Lord God, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord:
2017-07-03 17:03:00 UTC
God is great cause he pointed ojt wby its imporant for people who can afford help starving people like yourself
2017-07-03 04:05:42 UTC
Yahshua does care. He's not doing it yet! Why don't you read your bible! and God or Jesus (pagan name) is not dead!
2017-07-03 04:05:12 UTC
Sometimes people tend to forget that even in biblical times people would embelish stories. People in those times were very primitive and would believe just about anything they were told. They had limited intelligence and could only describe things they saw with that limited intelligence. Like chariots of fire and other exaggerated claims. The bible is the greatest fish story ever told. It's all made up bs to controll the masses plwin and simple. It amazes me that people still buy this crap.
2017-07-03 00:44:59 UTC
You are correct; Jesus can do something about the starving children on earth and He demonstrated it when He walked the earth. There was a large crowd of poor hungry people who came to hear Jesus' sermon; and using his miraculous powers; Jesus feed over 5000 people with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fishes. (Matthew 14:13-21) So why has He allowed starvation, along with many other problems like death to continue?

You must understand that the conditions that mankind suffers from today and in the past were brought upon mankind by mankind's own sinful actions. The governments in the places of affliction also plays a big part in the sufferings of the people. (Proverbs 28:15) (Romans 5:12) (Ecclesiastes 7:29)

Despite our sins; Jehovah God has made provisions for mankind as a whole; even if they should die in the present system. (John 17:3) (Revelation 21:3,4) (Acts 24:15)
2017-07-02 21:40:29 UTC
jesus does care.
2017-07-02 18:21:57 UTC
This is an excelent question that many atheists, agnostics and even ppl who identify as Christian struggle to come to grips with. These ppl INCORRECTLY assume that jesus is in control of the world we live in. The bible actually states the contrary. When you get a chance read 1 john 5:19. It shows whos really the one overseeing things and it will become clear why suffering of ppllike starving children is prevelent Today. However, jesus and his father don't plan on letting this suffering go on forever . For more on gods feelings about suffering and his plan for humans visit this link Look under "suffering "
2017-07-02 17:14:40 UTC
The bible states "the poor you will always have with you" or words similar to that. Jesus wants people to believe in Him by faith. Where would the faith be if miracles were performed every second of every day.

When God does show His power people scoff and will find another reason why certain wonderful things happen stating that it was just coincidence etc. or they will give praise to an individual human being and leave God totally out of it. Human beings want it both ways.

I know many atheists who will say "I even prayed about this but God did not help" whilst regular saying that no God exists. God performs miracles at His choosing but does not behave like a stage magician when someone, briefly, decides to ask Him for something.
2017-07-02 15:02:01 UTC
God is mysterious.
2017-07-02 14:14:07 UTC
It's up to man to feed himself..

God made that QUITE CLEAR after Adam & Eve sinned,& got kicked out of the garden of Eden.
2017-07-02 12:10:13 UTC
Its because God doesn't exist and religions are made up. And humans are the ones who wrote Bible, Quran and Torah.
Barney Google
2017-07-02 00:09:44 UTC
I just think we're all sinners and come up short of glory. I am not tuned in, but anyone who is must have a few questions for the big guy. To address Him in tiny human ways might be all the prayers he can handle. But any kind of unpleasant human condition is easier for us to identify with, and so we have humanitarian extensions to our civilization, which face it, is not fool proof.
2017-07-01 22:13:35 UTC
Prayers are for those that decided to do nothing, but don't want to feel too bad about it.
Uncle Fester
2017-07-01 19:24:15 UTC
I believe gods do not exist.

If a god does exist and ignores the pleas (let alone prayers) of the most desperate people on the planet, then he does not deserve our acknowledgement, let alone worship.

Every day in the news there is some fresh horror that brings a lump to my throat and wonder at the atrocities that humans are capable of.

And, just like most of the rest of us, I go to work, I look after my family and blank out the horrors. Sometimes I wake in a sweat thinking of something I have read. I could drop everything tomorrow and rush off to help with a charity, but half of the time the charity misplaces money or creates more problems.

So I will continue my life, doing the best I can in my sphere of influence, hoping that the world comes to its senses.

There is no god who deserves our worship.
2017-07-01 18:50:47 UTC
The problem is that mankind has said "We can do this on our own". If Jehovah were to either step in or let Jesus step in, He would not be proving that mankind cannot. Jehovah wants to help them (compare Ezekiel 33:11 with Isaiah 46:10). Jesus would too (Matthew 8:2, 3). But mankind and Satan are stubborn. However, Jehovah promises that these horrible days will not be called to mind in His new heavens and new earth (Isaiah 65:17).
2017-07-01 18:49:20 UTC
He ignores nothing just leads able people to help, and many will not hear Him. Prayers often are not obviously answered, but there is always a response. Not always a response we expect or want, but there is always a response. Non-believers, open your hearts, and stop searching for things you don't understand to criticize!
2017-07-01 18:26:22 UTC


2017-07-01 15:50:14 UTC
The fact of the matter, All of God prophecy have to come to pass, as it is written in God word the Bible only, Matthew 24:7 For Nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All of God prophecy have to come to pass because God word the Bible is true, that is why you have starving children in this world, because this world belongs to Satan and sin.
2017-07-03 21:48:36 UTC
There is more to it than humans can comprehend. I don't know it all and I'm not going to act like I do but supposedly some of us come into this world knowing what we will have to go through. We talk to God and seem excited to go through troubles in order to help the world, except once we make it to earth we forget our mission. Our sufferings and sacrifices do not go in vain. Being a christian also does not mean we will have a perfect life either. Just look at what Jesus had to go through. Yes it is sad that children die and so many bad things happen to our world but it is necessary for God. All bad turns to good in the end. He has a greater design that we don't understand right now until we make it to heaven. That is when it will ALL be revealed. God wants what's best for ALL OF US but we live in the fallen world which he understands. It is better for souls that life be this way than another way. We'll see and understand once we leave earth. God bless.
2017-07-03 21:03:53 UTC
It was given to us to feed the poor and help the downtrodden; it is a sin when we do not. (Matthew 25:36-41). Even then, Jesus said that the poor will always be with us -- we cannot help them all.

Famine and poverty are often the result of man's sinfulness against the weak. This is not God's doing, but a result of the sinful state into which we have fallen. God calls us to repentance and to help those whom we can.

Forgive me.

Elli A.
2017-07-03 12:26:47 UTC
Your question is fair

Consider this imaginary conversation please

Today I’m sharing this tract with everyone in the area. It’s entitled Would You Like to Know the Truth? Here’s your copy.

Is this about religion?

Yes. Notice the six questions listed on the cover. Which of these questions—

Let me stop you there. You would be wasting your time talking with me.

Why do you say that?

The truth is, I’m not sure that I even believe in God.

Well, I appreciate your being honest with me. May I ask, Have you always felt that way?

No, I grew up attending church. But I stopped going a long time ago.

I’m not here to force my beliefs on you, Sophia. I am curious, though. Is there something in particular that caused you to doubt God’s existence?

Yes. My mother was involved in a car crash 17 years ago.

I’m so sorry to hear that. Was she injured?

Yes, she’s been paralyzed ever since.

That is so sad. You must be devastated.

I am. I just can’t help but wonder, If God exists, how could he let this happen? Why would God allow us to suffer like this?

Your feelings and questions are understandable. When we suffer, it’s only normal to wonder why. In fact, even some faithful men and women in Bible times wondered about that!


Yes. Would it be all right if I showed you an example from the Bible?

I would like that.

Notice what the faithful prophet Habakkuk asked God, as recorded at Habakkuk, chapter 1, verses 2 and 3: “How long, O Jehovah, must I cry for help, and you do not hear? How long shall I call to you for aid from violence, and you do not save? Why is it that you make me see what is hurtful?” Do those questions sound similar to the ones you’ve been asking?

They do.

God never scolded Habakkuk for asking those questions, nor did he tell Habakkuk that he simply needed more faith.


The Bible teaches that God notices our suffering and that he cares about it.

What do you mean?

Let me show you an example here at Exodus 3:7. Would you mind reading that verse?

All right. It says: “And Jehovah added: ‘Unquestionably I have seen the affliction of my people who are in Egypt, and I have heard their outcry as a result of those who drive them to work; because I well know the pains they suffer.’”

Thank you. Based on this scripture, does God notice when his people suffer?

Yes, it seems that he does.

And he’s not just vaguely aware of what happens. Look again at the last part of that verse. God said: “I well know the pains they suffer.” Do those sound like the words of a cold or aloof God?

No, not really.

Of course, it’s one thing to notice a situation, but to be moved by it—to have feelings about the situation—is something else altogether.


With that in mind, let’s read about another instance when God’s people were suffering. It’s recorded at Isaiah 63:9. The first part of that verse says: “During all their distress it was distressing to him.” Would you say, then, that God was affected by the suffering of his people?

Yes, it does sound that way.

The truth is, God cares a great deal about us, and he hates to see us suffer. When we hurt, he hurts with us.

Think of what that means. The Bible teaches that God notices our suffering, he feels for us, and he has a vast amount of power. Can you imagine, then, how much self-control it must take for God not to step in and immediately end our suffering?

I never thought of it that way before.

Could it be that he has good reason for not yet intervening to end our problems?

Hmm, I suppose he might.

But sometimes I wonder how much longer my mom will have to suffer.

So we learned that even a faithful man in Bible times wondered why God allows suffering. Yet, God never scolded him for asking about it, nor did God tell him that he simply needed more faith.

That was a new thought to me.

We can start to find the answer to your question by turning to the first book of the Bible, Genesis. Are you familiar with the account of Adam and Eve and the forbidden fruit?

Yes, I learned that story in Sunday school. God said not to eat from a certain tree, but they went ahead and ate from it anyway.

That is correct. Now, let’s focus on the events that led up to Adam and Eve’s sin. Those events have a direct bearing on the question of why we suffer. Would you please read Genesis chapter 3, verses 1 through 5?

OK. “Now the serpent was the most cautious of all the wild animals of the field that Jehovah God had made. So it said to the woman: ‘Did God really say that you must not eat from every tree of the garden?’ At this the woman said to the serpent: ‘We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden. But God has said about the fruit of the tree that is in the middle of the garden: “You must not eat from it, no, you must not touch it; otherwise you will die.”’ At this the serpent said to the woman: ‘You certainly will not die. For God knows that in the very day you eat from it, your eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and bad.’”

Thank you. Let’s examine these verses for a moment. First, notice that a serpent spoke to the woman, Eve. Another part of the Bible shows that it was really Satan the Devil who was speaking to her through the serpent. Satan asked Eve about God’s command regarding a certain tree. Did you notice what God had said the penalty would be if Adam and Eve ate from it?

They would die.

Correct. Then, with his very next words, Satan made a major accusation against God. Notice what he said: “You certainly will not die.” Satan was calling God a liar!

I never heard that part of the story before.

And when Satan called God a liar, he raised an issue that would require time to settle. Can you see why?

Hmm. I’m not sure.

Well, maybe I could illustrate the point this way. Let’s say that one day I approach you and claim that I’m physically stronger than you are. How could you prove me wrong?

I suppose with some sort of a test.

Yes, exactly. Maybe we would choose a heavy object and then see which one of us was able to lift it. Actually, proving who is stronger is pretty straightforward.

I see your point.

But what if instead of saying that I’m stronger, I claimed to be more honest than you? That’s a different matter, isn’t it?

Yes, I suppose so.

After all, honesty is not something like strength, which can be proved with a simple test.


Really, the only way to settle the challenge would be to let enough time pass for others to observe the two of us and see who really is more honest.

That makes sense.

Now, look again at this account in Genesis. Did Satan claim to be stronger than God?


God could have quickly proved him wrong. Instead, Satan claimed to be more honest than God. In effect, he said to Eve, ‘God is lying to you, but I’m telling you the truth.’


In his wisdom, then, God knew that the best way to settle the challenge would be to allow time to pass. Eventually, it would become clear who was telling the truth and who was lying.

But as soon as Eve died, didn’t that prove that God was telling the truth? In a sense, it did. But there was more to Satan’s challenge. Look again at verse 5. Do you notice what else Satan told Eve?

He said that if she ate of the fruit, her eyes would be opened.

Yes, and that she would become “like God, knowing good and bad.” So Satan claimed that God was withholding something good from humans.

I see.

And that too was a major challenge.

What do you mean?

By his words, Satan implied that Eve—and by extension, all humans—would be better off without God’s rulership. In this case too, Jehovah knew that the best way to address the challenge would be to let Satan try to prove his point. So God has allowed Satan to rule this world for a time. That explains why we see so much suffering around us—it’s because Satan, not God, is the real ruler of the world. But there is good news.

What’s that?

The Bible teaches these two beautiful truths about God. First, Jehovah is there for us when we suffer. For example, consider the words of King David, as recorded at Psalm 31:7. David experienced a lot of suffering during his lifetime, but notice what he was able to say in prayer to God. Would you please read that verse?

OK. It says: “I will rejoice greatly in your loyal love, for you have seen my affliction; you are aware of my deep distress.”

So even though David experienced suffering, he found comfort in knowing that Jehovah saw everything he went through. Do you find that comforting—the thought that Jehovah is aware of everything, even our painful emotions that other humans may not fully understand?

Yes, I do.

The second beautiful truth is that God will not allow our suffering to go on indefinitely. The Bible teaches that he will soon bring an end to Satan’s wicked rulership. And he will completely undo all the bad things that have happened, including the things that you and your mother have suffered

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2017-07-03 09:27:58 UTC
He do not ignore it for sure. for all I knew humanity are under a observations from high above. It can be a test that humanity must be aware of..or else..?
2017-07-03 03:11:45 UTC
It kind of sounds like the question - "If you're the Son of God, why don't you get down off that cross?" And "He can save others, but He can't save Himself."

It's a mystery, right? Christ very well could have come down off that cross, but He chose not to. He chose suffering as the greater good. Because after the Cross comes the Resurrection.

We have the resources - an abundance of resources that come from God - here with us now that no one has to starve. Yet people are greedy... very greedy. The story of Lazarus should tell us what's coming. Lazarus dies a poor beggar and is spending the rest of eternity in heaven. The rich man doesn't even have a name because he is defined by his possessions. He now is spending eternity in hell.

Why we have the Cross is a mystery. We all had a hand in Christ's crucifixion. Ideally, If everyone had listened to Christ, there wouldn't have been a crucifixion and there wouldn't be starvation. But we, humanity, chose the Crucifixion instead. We are the ones crucifying Christ through that starving child. It's all connected.

Free will is a powerful responsibility. It is our free will that gives us the ability to love and do great things. Consequently, it also enables us to hate and do evil if we choose to act in violation of our free will and humanity.

Sure, Christ could rain down Manna again, but it would be in violation of our free will. The Israelites didn't receive the Manna until they were ready. They had to acknowledge that they were in need. They, in a sense, had to recognize their own poverty. The real poverty is not the little child in the picture, but humanity's lack of love and charity. We need to be like the Israelites crying out in the desert. We need to recognize our own poverty. This starving child is a manifestation of the hardness of our own hearts. How can WE allow children to starve?
2017-07-02 23:54:14 UTC
Free will. That's what they say.

It's up to us to sort it out. Which is true, whether you're religious or not.

It would be nice to think that he welcomes them to the next life, with a big smile and a nice sandwich. However, I believe we all have to go through some sort of sieve to see if we are wheat or chaff (bear in mind that it's usually the wheat that gets baked in an oven).
2017-07-02 18:51:46 UTC
If people just grow up and realize there are no gods. Your on your own, take care of your family. All god worshipping cults were put in place to control the masses and not let people think for themselves.
2017-07-02 17:41:11 UTC
Children who die go immediately to be with the Lord in heaven. Yes, they suffer briefly but that is far better than spending eternity in hell which would likely happen if they died at an accountable age without receiving Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. God is merciful and many times "No" is the most merciful answer to people's prayers.

P.S. Don't blame God for the problems in this world. They are a result of our own sins.
2017-07-02 16:21:28 UTC
Humans have made up a great many things, but for some reason gods appear to get most of the criticism for not being real.

Humans have the ability to live autonomously yet we insist on electing leaders. I suppose as long as we believe we need a leader we will always have gods.
2017-07-02 14:34:53 UTC
We are made in the image of god. God is abused and enslaved by another god and developed Stockholm syndrome so he made us susceptible to Stockholm syndrome as well. This way when god neglects and punishes us we will still love him. It's just less effort for him because he made us, he thinks he has no responsibility beyond that. He's probably sat in his captors basement enjoying a long sensual suck on the cock of the god who captured him then he will curl up in the corner and nurse the wounds from the beatings and eat the food his captor 'lovingly' provides. He has no time for us, this is what his love is to him, to lie about the true nature of love and then to give us the gift of surprise punishment and for us to feel kinship with him because he made us to enjoy being his play things. He treats some well and others badly because he thinks he is balanced and that we need the same treatment he receives in his captors basement
2017-07-02 13:54:13 UTC
1.He calls us to do it - If you give the least of these a cup of water you do it in my name

2. He has provided more than enough food to go around on this earth, human greed has just distributed it unequally e.g America throws away more food that some countries have

3.God is God and we can t even begiin to understand why he does some things and not others. We just have to trust him
2017-07-02 13:44:43 UTC
When you pray to Jesus, do you tell Him that you are willing to help in any way that you are able to alleviate the suffering of the starving children of the world Pixel and if you don't believe in Jesus and prayer, please tell us what are you doing to help in any way that you are able to alleviate the suffering of the starving children of the world?
2017-07-02 07:14:24 UTC



1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000s. of gods.

there are more gods than ants on earth.

in truth, the ants are really gods.

the real -god is the ant -god.
2017-07-02 07:13:43 UTC
How do you know what God answers and doesn't answer? you are not all-knowing.
2017-07-02 04:48:55 UTC
Proverbs 19:17 - He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the LORD; and that which he hath given will he pay him again.
2017-07-01 18:48:29 UTC
I feel for these children. I understand their families probably live where there is little or no work. But, as a parent, I would do anything to feed my child. Anything. I would move. I would carry my child somewhere I could get work. I would do any job to feed my child. I wouldn't wait for a handout.
Kazoo M
2017-07-01 18:37:47 UTC
While in our current fallen form we must face the consequences of our original parents who disobeyed God; Adam and Eve - the payment is death.

The above great ignorance stripped us of our union with God and placed us on Earth along with the demonic realm, here we must toil all the days of our life, unsettled, unbalanced and ignorant (lacking faith); dogs.

Sure, we have a glimmer of hope (Jesus) and as noted in the Bible: the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.

Only through gracious admiration will we stand with the Lord in His heavenly kingdom, the latter is performed via prayer while on earth.

Let us pray together:

Oh my Jesus look not on my sins but look at what thou has suffered for me, remember, I am a sheep of thy flock of which thou didst lay down thy life. [amen].

2017-07-01 17:14:01 UTC
What King or Prince doesn't have their hard cold impertinent side to them? Or so we would think. I found myself in such a situation once. So bad that I cried out to God "why"? In the end, the best I could do was go into it myself and do what I could to help. All that crying wasn't doing a thing.
miyuki & kyojin
2017-07-01 17:02:08 UTC
If he know of it and can stop it but does not, he uncaring iceberg or is evil sadist. If he cannot stop it, he is powerless ninny. If he not exist, no need explain his actions. Occam's Razor say Jesus H. Christ not exist.
2017-07-01 15:43:12 UTC
You just cannot get over your fixation with the rather silly notion that Jesus is another Albus Dumbledore; and you whine and complain when you get reported. You stoop to name-calling as if you were five years old.

For Heaven's sake, grow up. If you see a wrong, do what you can to correct it. Sitting in a corner and pouting because God holds you responsible for allowing children to starve is not going to be a valid defense come Judgment Day.
2017-07-04 07:31:49 UTC
The real question is, and God is asking you -- why do YOU allow starving children in this world? He gave you and billions of people the power to stop it --- but they don't. Truth is, we're all in a great cosmic war between Christ and Satan. Satan is the one who brought sin and suffering to this planet. God allowed it, because our first forebears, Adam and Eve, failed to remain faithful and loyal. So Satan usurped the stewardship that was given to them over this planet. And God has to allow the drama to play out -- He has to allow Satan to make his full evil character known to the whole world. Once that happens, and men recognize it, then God will step in and put a stop to it. But make no mistake -- God has the power to bring most of those starved children back to life to live eternity in joy with Him in the new heavens and new earth. Such joy and such wonders as that the sufferings of this world shall eventually be forgotten...... You are speaking from a place of doubt, not faith.... You should try changing that sometime. Seriously.
Dr. Devil
2017-07-04 00:01:22 UTC
Well he's not real. God isn't either. They're fairytales to keep everyone in line. God was made up to have power and control over people to get people to do what one wants.
2017-07-03 14:06:13 UTC
God has empowered us (thru the Holy Spirit) to do his work here on earth. You could say some of us are ignoring what he has asked us to do.
2017-07-03 08:39:14 UTC
How can you be sure he is in the same assignment and perhaps he has a plan and listen to him and do what he says in your heart and after all the Bible says he is the son of God so why aren't you praying to God for help and you should be working in harmony with your prayers instead of showing disrespect to Jesus and please go help the less fortunate. When humans say prayers they should work in harmony with their prayers and not leave all the work up to God.
2017-07-02 19:40:54 UTC
Bcus he doesnt exist lols.. allso christains are very dilussional to the fact that just bc we are athiest means we think starving chiildren is ok. It breaks my heart to see humans suffering bc life is a great thing. But unfortantly some people arent so lucky to be born into wealth..
2017-07-02 19:00:09 UTC
It is apparent that you would not accept an answer that says He is sending us to do it, but that is the answer of the many Christian charity workers and donors. Jesus did feed the hungry multitude but He has left and told us to follow His example.
2017-07-02 18:07:06 UTC
Have you ever heard of Compassion International a Christian ministry, Feed the Hungry, World Vision, Samaritan's Purse, the better question is WHAT ARE YOU DOING OR WHAT AM I DOING TO FEED THE STARVING CHILDREN???????????
tara tara
2017-07-02 16:08:37 UTC
No offense but Jesus Chris? In the first place? How do you expect him to sort things out? If it's a joke then how come Ghandi or mother Teresa didn't? Are you confused or what? Is God not the creator? What in the eff does Jesus gotta do with it?
2017-07-02 15:35:30 UTC
He's a fake. Not real
2017-07-02 14:32:38 UTC
1 John 5:19

19 We know that we originate with God, but the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one.

Psalm 37:29

29 The righteous will possess the earth,+

And they will live forever on it.

Revelation 12:12

12 On this account be glad, you heavens and you who reside in them! Woe for the earth and for the sea,+ because the Devil has come down to you, having great anger, knowing that he has a short period of time.”

Revelation 20:1, 2

20 And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven with the key of the abyss+ and a great chain in his hand. 2 He seized the dragon,+ the original serpent,+ who is the Devil+ and Satan,+ and bound him for 1,000 years.

2 Corinthians 4:4

4 among whom the god of this system of things*+ has blinded the minds of the unbelievers,+ so that the illumination* of the glorious good news about the Christ, who is the image of God,+ might not shine through.+
2017-07-02 13:06:40 UTC
I really don't believe in god or Jesus. Because of this and I just don't. If I answered this i would be very biased
2017-07-02 02:58:24 UTC
He's a liar and a phony
The Football God
2017-07-02 01:01:14 UTC
Do you know for a fact this child prayed to Jesus for that? Maybe that child's prayer was drowned out by all the idiots questioning his power.
2017-07-02 00:00:28 UTC
I don't know man. Jc alright
2017-07-01 22:41:12 UTC
Maybe he's just great at Skyrim.
2017-07-01 18:41:49 UTC
HE IS!!...They belong to Allah.
2017-07-01 17:52:41 UTC
We should ask, what would a world in which no God exists look like. It would look exactly like the world we have, where bad things happen to good people and there are starving children. Any help that those children get comes from human beings not from an imaginary sky fairy.
2017-07-01 16:50:18 UTC
There is a reason why there is so much suffering in world. Neither God not his son is to blame.
2017-07-01 16:17:06 UTC
I think He puts good people through pain because He wants to see how strong we really are and if we will stick by Him through it all
Keith J
2017-07-01 15:29:51 UTC
You could have also asked, 'Where are the parents or family members' but you didn't.
By Faith
2017-07-03 18:48:12 UTC
I don't know if this will help you understand but I believe it is a message worth reading.

God's Sovereignty

by Matt Slick

Sovereignty in relation to God means that God has the absolute right to do with His creation as He desires. Some verses that support this are as follows: Psalm 115:3, "But our God is in the heavens; He does whatever He pleases." Isaiah 46:10, "Declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things which have not been done, saying, My purpose will be established, and I will accomplish all My good pleasure;" Dan.4:35, "And all the inhabitants of the earth are accounted as nothing, but He does according to His will in the host of heaven and among the inhabitants of earth; and no one can ward off His hand Or say to Him, What hast Thou done?"

As you can see, God declares that He does what He wants in heaven and on earth. But, in light of this declaration, some of us might ask, "If God is sovereign and can do what He wants in the world, then why doesn't He get rid of sin? Why doesn't He heal all sickness? Why doesn't God save more people, or all people? Why does He allow terrorists to strike? Why do the wicked prosper? etc." We can ask more personal questions such as, "Why did my baby die? Why is it that when I pray for someone to be well, they stay sick or seem to heal naturally later? Why is it my friend (or me) lost my job and am having so much trouble finding work? Why am I still suffering from xxxxxx when I ask the Lord to deliver me from it?" The questions can go on and on.

As Christians we have to face the fact that these questions don't have easy answers. We are told that in spite of what we see, God is in control, that the answers are sometimes beyond us, that we need to trust God, that these things are the result of sin in the world and that God is letting it have its course, etc. Though these answers are all true, they do not always comfort because our pain sometimes over-rides our faith. In light of that, let me tell you a true story of suffering that was lessened by trusting in God and His sovereignty even though the prayer for healing was not answered.

A few years ago, my wife and I were expecting our second child. At six months, after one of the routine examines during pregnancy, the doctor discovered a problem with the baby. Our child, whom we named Jacob, had holoprocencephaly -- a chromosome problem that resulted in various deformities in Jacob's body. In short, Jacob could survive in the womb, but would most certainly not be able to survive outside it. Our son was going to die.

Abortion was not an option for us. Instead, we prayed and asked the Lord to miraculously heal Jacob during the remaining three months of pregnancy. We prayed and trusted God. Finally, when it was time for Jacob to be born, my wife endured the pains of childbirth and delivered Jacob into our hands. One half our later, the Lord took Him home. Jacob died in our arms.

After the funeral and after many tears, people came up to us and wanted to know how we were doing. We told them that in spite of the pain and the loss, we were fine. We had trusted God and relied on His wisdom, not ours, to handle the situation. We knew that because God was sovereign, that He had allowed us to suffer this trauma. And, even though we did not understand why, my wife and I were able to trust God to know that HE understood why. We would simply find out when we finally went to be with the Lord ourselves.

Now, this is the thing that so many Christians need to learn as difficult as it may be to accept. God is sovereign. He has the right to take us at any time. He has the right to allow our children to die. He has the right to let sickness bring us suffering. He has the right to do with us as we will and to allow things to happen to us that we cannot comprehend and that we cannot explain. He owes us nothing. Yet, He loves us and is gracious. His grace and love to use are based upon His Son Jesus who died on the cross and rose again for our sins. It is because of Jesus and only because of Jesus that we receive any good at all from the Lord. It is not because we are good in ourselves or deserve some sort of compassion from God. We do not, not one bit. But, because of who God is, not because of who we are, God loves us and cares deeply for us.

Nevertheless, pain and suffering are a real part of our lives and we cannot help but wonder sometimes "Why?" The answer lies in God's all-knowing character who knows better than we do why things happen the way they do. These reasons He has not decided to reveal to us. Therefore, we need to trust God that He loves us and that even though we might suffer great loss, God is still in control. Sometimes, it comes down to trusting God beyond your ability to comprehend.

Do you trust God that much? Have you relinquished yourself, your life, your breath (as Jesus did) to the Father of Glory so that He might do with you as He wishes even if it means sending you to some place you do not want to go -- as in your own cross?

Faith in God is never misplaced. But, answers do not always arrive. Therefore, trust God in spite of what you see. Praise His name in the middle of your circumstances and bring glory to Him through Jesus.


Matt Slick

About The Author

Matt Slick is the President and Founder of the Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry.
2017-07-02 22:35:57 UTC
Thank you for acknowledging Jesus is great! and most importantly he does not ignore the prayers of starving children. Philippians 4:19 KJV - But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. God supplies ALL needs! not some! SO man is responsible to do right with what God has bless him with. If God has given you an abundance of money and you choose not to help starving children then you will be accountable. Never blame God or Jesus. God and Jesus is love!
2017-07-02 21:27:33 UTC
While it is sad to see anyone suffer hunger especially a child, it is not Christ nor God who causes suffering. James 1:13 they love kids and all humankind and wish to put an end to all suffering.
2017-07-02 20:08:08 UTC
Because that would take away the free will of people who wanted to help that starving child
2017-07-02 19:26:53 UTC
Yes, Jesus is the great I AM and He works through people who have accepted Him as their Lord and Saviour, to help and save the starving orphans of this world mainly through Christian charitable organizations.
2017-07-02 14:36:26 UTC
Maybe he is imaginary?

It always struck me as bizarre (and a little heartless) that when Jesus "healed the blind man" he didn't just heal ALL blind folks of their impaired vision at that same moment...(or banish leprosy from the planet....)
2017-07-02 13:33:49 UTC
Jesus Christ is not Almighty God, he is the Son of God. Remember Christ was falsely accused of blasphemy, striped naked and hung up in front of his mum and followers, when you talk about the suffering the Almighty God knows what it is like to lose a child.

In the time of Noah , the world became filled with violence, Noah warned the world at that time, they ingnored his warning, Jesus Christ will soon act to cleanse the earth. We live in the last days, all those and all that, that causes suffering will soon be gone. What you going to do? Listen or Laugh?
2017-07-02 01:11:47 UTC
I'm not entirely sure if your tongue is in your cheek when you mention Jesus Christ. But basically, to answer your question the reason why Jesus Christ didn't do anything to help the starving child is because he doesn't exist. Jesus, the virgin birth, the Trinity is all entirely man-made I'm afraid. So that's why Jesus did nothing.
2017-07-01 22:06:40 UTC
Do you claim there is no message heard, or are they ignorant?
2017-07-01 21:46:57 UTC
mostly cos hes probably not their god thats why. hes not even their gods son!

good question though and i see what your saying! but they still dont get it though do they? lol.
2017-07-01 18:21:10 UTC
U MAKE WRONG ASSUMPTIONS....WHAT ABOUT THEIR PARENTS? MAYBE THEY SHOULD LEARN ABOUT BIRTH CONTROL....GOD REMAINS PERFECT EVEN THOUGH HUMANS are the foolish ones....if u wish to volunteer at a food shelter feel free....big talk is cheap...
2017-07-01 17:57:49 UTC
There's an article that came out in the news a while back that stated how the rich and wealthy in this world have kept Africa and other third world Nations poor. You should research that.

Wicked governments in these third world countries keep the food from the people.

Wicked governments that are more wealthy start wars in these countries which also causes poverty and starvation.

Wicked governments that are more wealthy put sanctions on countries that cause starvation and poverty.

So you tell me where free will and sinfulness are not involved in these scenarios.

We have seen what happens to this world when humanity makes its own decisions apart from God and God is eventually going to bring an end to it all which is the ultimate merciful act.
2017-07-01 17:50:48 UTC
What makes you think that the choices people have made have nothing to do with children starving? Like the evil dictators that rule those countries in Asia and Africa and are keeping the food from the people.

Johnny big balls
2017-07-01 16:48:27 UTC
Because Jesus isn't who many believes he was, he is not the son of a virgin he was not the son of God, he doesn't have magical abilities.

If anything he is the first legendary prankster or con artist.
2017-07-01 16:35:05 UTC
Jesus left the governing of this planet to us. It is the OUR job to take care of our children. That's why there are organizations like Operation Blessing, Salvation Army, Helping Moses, Samaritan's Purse and others. If you are not giving what you can to help then you are guilty of helping them starve. I DO give as much as is possible for me. The question is do people who make such statements as you do, actually DO anything to help.
Goldy Aluminy
2017-07-01 15:57:42 UTC
The idea of Jesus being a god is a fantasy. All of the 4.56 billion years of Earth history just demonstrates nature. There is no evidence for any gods/angels/demons. Religion is a cultural thing and comes from primitive man. There is no reason to think that the jewish religion is real. In fact, it conflicts with scientific findings.
2017-07-01 15:34:45 UTC
There is the commandment for us to Pray only to GOD! If any prayers go to anyone or anything else, they will NOT be answered.

There are the commands in the Bible for us to feed ALL, to take care of ALL starving!~ To many are not obeying these!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.