Why do the religious right think it is ok to kill when the commandement says THOU SHALT NOT KILL?
2008-09-25 08:40:04 UTC
Track Palin has entered the ARMY. Supposedly that means he will be sent to Iraq (or Pakistan or Afghanistan or Iran) to KILL other human beings. Assuming he has been raised with his mother and her religious beliefs and went to the Wasilla AOG church, how does he get around the fact that killing in the army is breaking one of his religious beliefs most important Commandments?.

Please do not mention the difference between murder and killing. I am not talking about murder. Killing is killing is killing. The commandment says Thou shalt NOT kill. It does not say Thou shalt not murder. In the army you KILL people.

So HOW does the religious right support the US military who kill people (other humans beings) and how can they support the Jews who also kill people (human beings).

Any answer that mentions MURDER will NOT be chosen as best answer.
32 answers:
Mirriam M
2008-09-25 08:47:31 UTC
They have translated that scripture to thou shalt not murder.

And St. Francis was forced to write an encyclical redefining that commandment to suggest that it becomes correct to kill when the state tells us to. The basis of this flawed logic comes from "render unto Caeser that which is Caeser's"... as if to say the king, or the emperor, or the general, has the power to declare who should live and die.

It is this corrupt relationship between the Church and the State that has made the continuance of war possible despite the growing enlightenment of the ages.

Someday we will rise and banish wars... and we will find that the people who will object the most are those that pretend to holiness.
Gardener for God(dmd)
2008-09-25 09:39:27 UTC
okay, lets talk about the word(s) translated to the English word - KILL

Lets remember first, that the Bible WAS NOT WRITTEN IN ENGLISH!

The original language in which the OT was written is that of HEBREW.

Having said that -

The Old Testament has at least 9 different Hebrew words that all convey the idea of taking a life --of killing. While all the words do carry some sort of common meaning, they also tend to each have specific emphases on the type of death: kill, beat [to death], destroy, butcher, wound [fatally], strike, sacrifice, execute, or murder.

The Hebrew word ratsách means to "murder" or "slay". While it also shares the concept of death with these other eight words, this term focuses more on the illicit taking of a life (i.e.: murder). We should be careful to distinguish this word from the other forms of killing. For example, tabách means to "butcher" (to kill for eating).

In Numbers 35:16, 17, 18, 19, and 21, ratsách is used several times, and is consistently translated as a form of "murder". The most famous use of ratsách is in Exodus 20:13, which many people know in the King James Version: "Thou shalt not kill." The KJV use of "kill" has caused some to misunderstand the verse's meaning. Any Bibles translated in the last century have removed the confusion by using the more specific "murder" for ratsách

The New Testament quotes Exodus 20:13 in Matthew 19:18, Mark 10:19, and Luke 18:20. In these verses, the Greek word used is phoneúo. Like ratsách, this word also means to "murder" or "slay". It is used for the translating of the Hebrew ratsách because they both convey the thought of taking someone's life without cause.

ratsách and phoneúo both mean to [kill by] murder (but they don't mean "beat", "destroy", "butcher", "fatally wound", "strike", "sacrifice", or "execute")

The word chosen in Exodus 20:13 is ratsách, "murder". The text does not say, "Don't take a life"; it says, "Don't kill by murder". If zabách had been used, it would have meant, "Don't kill by sacrifice". If muwth had been used, it would have meant, "Don't kill by execution", and so on.

With Hebrew having such a wide range of choices of possible words, it is important to note which word was actually selected for a specific text. It is also very helpful to note which of the words were not selected.


You can't limit an answer to words if you want a true answer. That is exactly why the correct translation of this word was confused.

So while the KJV may have initially said KILL, the HEBREW has always been the same and did in fact mean UNJUSTIFIED KILLING = MURDER
2008-09-25 09:17:09 UTC
Your boundaries say not to mention murder so I will respect those boundaries . I will use the word hate instead . Hatred starts in the heart and the kind of killing God was talking about is a heart condition , and it can be done without taking someones life . It can come in the shape of nasty gossip that ruins a persons life. It can come in the shape of taking someones spiritual joy . On and on it is designed to destroy someone else . It doesn't always mean spilling someones blood .

Also biblical is ( King ) David , when he was still a youth killed Goliath and said basically ," how dare you defy the armies of the living God " . God didn't say O by the way you broke a commandment until the time that David plotted and planned the death of Uriah - first in his heart - and then for real . There lies the difference . Motive
2008-09-25 08:52:14 UTC
It's odd that you word a question in such a way to exclude the correct answer.

This is like saying "what is 2 + 2? If you say 4 then I will not accept that as the correct answer".

The Hebrew rendering of the commandment means "you shall not murder". Murder is taking a life without lawful justification.

According to the Bible not all killing, the taking of a life, is murder. Murder is the unlawfully taking of human life. The command not to murder applies to human beings, not to killing animals or plant life for food. God gave animals to mankind for his use (Genesis 1:26-30; 9:1-4). But, this does not mean that humans have the right mistreat animals and the environment (Genesis 2:15; Deuteronomy 22:6-7; 25:4; Proverbs 12:10).

Under the Old Covenant God allowed the Israelites to kill other humans under very special circumstances such as punishment for certain sins, for example, murder (Exodus 21:12-14, Leviticus 24:17, 21) and adultery (Leviticus 20:10, Deuteronomy 22:22-24). God also allowed the Israelites to engage in warfare and even gave them instructions about waging war (Deuteronomy 20:1-20). God also recognized that humans might accidentally kill each other, and he made provisions for this (Numbers 35:9-34; Deuteronomy 19:1-13).

Now, the other part of your question does pose an dilemma for the religious right. How can the religious right justify warmongering? Well according to the religious right, they are simply administering God's justice. The American way is the correct way. The armed forces are the means in which the US can expand its sphere of influence and make the world less like "them" and more like "us".
2008-09-25 08:51:25 UTC
You are right, this applies to ALL not just the Palins. Killing is killing and murder IS THE KILLING of someone. (sorry for mentioning murder)

The original-language words variously rendered “kill,” “murder,” and “slay” refer to the taking of a life, the context or other scriptures determining whether the deliberate and unauthorized or unlawful taking of another person’s life is involved. For example, in the command, “You must not murder” (Ex 20:13), the Hebrew word for “murder” (ra·tsach′) here clearly refers to deliberate and unlawful killing. But at Numbers 35:27 the same term denotes an act that an avenger of blood was authorized to carry out. Therefore, the command, “You must not murder,” has to be understood within the framework of the entire Mosaic Law, which authorized the taking of human life under certain circumstances, as in the execution of criminals.

the New World Translation at Exodus 20:13 read, “You must not murder,” when other translations use the word “kill,” as in the Authorized Version, which reads “Thou shalt not kill”

A number of translations use the word “kill” at Exodus 20:13; among these are the Douay Version, the Catholic Confraternity, the American Standard Version and the Revised Standard Version. However, the New World Translation uses the word “murder” instead of “kill” at Exodus 20:13 because the Hebrew word here is ratsach, which means, according to Young’s Exhaustive Concordance, “to murder, pierce.” Regarding this same Hebrew word Strong’s lexicon of Hebrew words states: “ratsach, a prim. root, prop. to dash to pieces, i.e. kill (a human being), especially to murder.” To murder means: “to kill (a human being) unlawfully and with premeditated malice or willfully, deliberately, and unlawfully.”—Webster’s Third New International Dictionary.
2008-09-25 09:30:41 UTC
As a Jew I have read the Torah in its original Hebrew. I can tell you that the commandment is Thou Shalt not Murder.

Woe is me. I won't get the top answer. LOL

I suppose you didn't want a real correct answer them if you already pre-empted the correct answer from being given. I chose to give it. Keep the points. I don't care. Sometimes you just have to set the record straight.

"Jews who also kill people". Nice. So you got to slam us with this question. Feel better now?
Jackie C
2008-09-25 11:47:38 UTC
The correct translation is Thou Shall Not Murder sorry
2008-09-25 08:49:54 UTC
You apparently already know that the original commandment states thou shalt not murder and that it has been mistranslated to say kill. But regardless, let us pretend you are correct for the sake of this exercise; kill = murder for this case.

1) Christians are not bound by the old testament laws. Love thy God and love thy neighbor are the laws now.

2) God has clearly demonstrated that war is acceptable though not preferable. Look at David, a man after God's own heart. Look at the fact that the old testament clearly okays war multiple times.
2008-09-25 09:26:33 UTC
Ok, so we want to play the Clinton definition game?

As a Disabled Veteran of the US ARMY, I can guarantee the soldiers do not KILL! The job when necessary is to set souls free of their physical imprisonment so that they may join God sooner than and more humanely than if they were to get old and suffer a slow painful death or be tortured under a political regime that oppresses bible interpretations no matter how twisted and self serving they may be. With that in mind, the soldier is simply a tool of god being wielded for his pleasure.

Being as I can pervert the terminology as well as you, I do expect you to choose mine as best answer.

Zola Lawrence
2008-09-25 08:52:08 UTC
War is simply organized, justified mass killing. During every war, as in World War II, each side insists, "God is on our side." The Germans did that and so did the British and Americans.

A famous historian once said something along the lines, that if humanity outlives its adolescent war behavior, they will look back at that period of human history in horror and disgust.

There is no spiritual or religious reason, IMHO, for any war. War should be illegal. Most all the problems that lead to war can be resolved BEFORE they reach that so-called 'point of no return.'

There is no justification.

People will always find a reason or excuse to justify their bad behavior.


2016-10-18 02:02:44 UTC
could we kill? Exodus 20:13 "Thou shalt no longer kill." Leviticus 24:17 "And he that killeth any guy shall extremely be placed to dying." vs. Exodus 32:27 "subsequently sayeth our lord god of Israel, placed each guy his sword by potential of his area, . . . and slay each guy his brother, . . . better half, . . . neighbor." 1 samuel 6:19 " . . . and the folk lamented because of the fact the Lord had smitten lots of the folk with an incredible slaughter." 1 samuel 15:2,3,7,8 "subsequently saith the Lord . . . Now pass and smite Amalek, and fully ruin all that they have got, and spare them no longer; yet slay the two guy and lady, toddler and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ***. . . . And Saul smote the Amalekites . . . and fully destroyed each and all the folk with the fringe of the sword." Numbers 15:36 "And each and all the congregation further him with out the camp, and stoned him with stones, and he died; because of the fact the Lord commanded Moses." Hosea 13:sixteen "they shall fall by potential of the sword: their babies would be dashed in products, and their women those with toddlers would be ripped up." answer: The be conscious "kill" is mistranslated right here. it could be (ratsahh) homicide. in fact that the Bible by no potential makes use of the term ratsahh (homicide) with regards to any of those wars. whilst the Israelites warred at God's command, they weren't appearing illegally. They have been approved by potential of and have been being directed by potential of the superb giver of rules. (Isa. 33:22; playstation . 19:7)
credo quia est absurdum
2008-09-25 08:46:46 UTC
The Bible instructs us to obey those 'in authority over us'. Those people will bear the onus of the killing.

BTW, the _original_ word was indeed "murder" NOT "kill".

Murder is the unlawful taking of a human life. Military conflict and state -imposed death penalties are not murder.

IDC whether you pick mine as a 'best answer' or not, the facts are what they are.
2008-09-25 08:53:28 UTC
The 6th Commandment isn't set in stone, but actually has a whole list of exceptions. It's different when you're killing "the enemy", which includes anybody who is from another nation (especially brown people), not of your religion, LGBT, convicted of a particular crime, or otherwise designated undesirable by you, your god, your Bible or another person of authority.
Jesus Loves Connie
2008-09-25 08:57:03 UTC
After you have asked Jesus for forgiveness & read the Bible from beginning to end; then ask your question.

*As for our military~ I pray the Lord will protect & guide each one~ Furthermore, I thank each & every man and woman who have put their own life on the line for this country. And while we are not all in the military, we all should do our part to help America~
2008-09-25 08:46:55 UTC
This is quite simple actually. As a matter of lifestyle, we absolutely are not to kill. This is different then fighting for your country in an imperfect world that makes war necessary from time to time. God himself sent to people of Israel to war many times. If a man breaks into my house to harm my family and I kill him, I have not sinned, and I think everyone can understand that. So please stop oversimplifiying the question.
2008-09-25 08:52:28 UTC
It's a wonderful question! It is my opinion (and I say that, because I'm not the know-all), that Jesus was a Pacifist...I mean, look at his final act! However, many Christians like to cling to O.T. because the works aspect of it builds their ego and keeps them feeling secure when they doubt their faith. I can't explain the violence in the O.T., but I do know that Jesus shocked and angered most of his fellow Jews with much of what he taught, including the issue of stoning (and I think that is another example and proof in this case).
2008-09-25 08:55:33 UTC
does it also say thou shall not protect thy self?

do not protect you family?

do not protect your home?

do not protect your liberty?

God Bless Uncle Sam and our Military personnel, Remember 9/11, they brought it here and we will bring it there....

cowards make lousy cannon fodder but will do in a pinch....
2008-09-25 08:44:47 UTC
I agree that there is no difference between "Killing" and "Murder", although I've never quite been able to think of necessary killing as Murder.
2008-09-25 08:44:21 UTC
I am not defending war, nor do I give a crap about receiving "best answer" but the correct translation is in fact Murder.
2008-09-25 08:49:02 UTC
Track Palin has been brainwashed into supporting his government, even when it is wrong.

What bothers me is the hunting of animals for sport.
2008-09-25 08:47:43 UTC
Wow. I really hope you feel like and idiot now. The commandment IS thou shalt not murder. pft.....LOL!!
2008-09-25 08:44:45 UTC
The Bible supports just-killing. eg executions.

The Bible is against unjust-killing. eg murder.
2008-09-25 08:46:26 UTC
"Like pro-lifers, that support the death penalty" as Immortal Technique once said (ha)

People like that are just hypocrites. That's why i don't follow the bible. It doesn't really apply to present times and is full of hypocrisies. I know its not really an answer, but all i can tell you that no one can really answer that question 100% for you, because you're right. Killing is Killing is Killing.
Reverend Boomerang
2008-09-25 08:44:20 UTC
You obviously neglected to read the disclaimer written at the bottom in fine print that says "some restrictions may apply"
Blue Oyster Kel
2008-09-25 08:48:18 UTC
Gee...people have been wondering that since those darn Crusades....
Lan R
2008-09-25 08:43:52 UTC
Oh no!!! I wont get Best you just destroyed my entire day

You seem to think our army goes around murdering people in me, we could raze Iraq to the ground were it not for the fact that THE ARMY DOESNT GO AROUND KILLING INNOCENT PEOPLE ON PURPOSE...once you lose your socialist utopian idealism, then ask a question that can be addressed with thought.
No Chance Without Jesus
2008-09-25 08:43:54 UTC
The Commandment is thou shall not murder.

Keep your ten points. That is the truth. War has been around forever, and if you don't fight will be killed.

Have a nice day
worker4IAM <'><
2008-09-25 08:46:34 UTC
That is not what it says.

There is a time for everything.
2008-09-25 08:43:39 UTC
Sorry dude, But it is THOU SHALT NOT MURDER
2008-09-25 08:44:47 UTC
The bible has been translated so many times I don't know if anyone really knows what it means.

Don't forget the death penalty as well. "Pro-life" my ***.
2008-09-25 08:43:32 UTC
You are hair splitting to justify your own dislike of the Palins...
2008-09-25 08:45:07 UTC
just for food.....

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