Why do Christians claim that Hitler was an atheist?
2016-02-05 06:56:47 UTC
Why do Christians claim that Hitler was an atheist?
23 answers:
2016-02-05 07:02:10 UTC
Christians commonly employ this fallacy to shield their egos from the harsh reality of the brutality of their own religion, by utilizing a most absurd form of the “you too” fallacy, mingled with numerous other logical fallacies and historical inaccuracies..

“Besides that, I believe one thing: there is a Lord God! And this Lord God creates the peoples.” ~Adolf Hitler

“We were convinced that the people need and require this faith. We have therefore undertaken the fight against the atheistic movement, and that not merely with a few theoretical declarations; we have stamped it out” ~Adolf Hitler

Hitler was a Christian. This undeniable fact couldn’t be made any clearer than by his own confessions. Yet, I will not merely present you with these testimonies, as damning as they happen to be on their own, but I also intend on furnishing you with a brief history of the inherent anti-Semitism of the Christian religion. I will do so to demonstrate beyond any reasonable doubt that Hitler and his Christian Nazi Party were acting in complete concordance with traditional Christian anti-Semitism.
2016-02-05 07:09:29 UTC
Because religion is often driven by unity of creed and hearsay(opinion). Secondary documents (primary documents being the original manuscript) such as a book written by Adolph Hitler is considered demonstrable evidence which must be dismissed in defense of religious hearsay.

"....And so I believe to-day that my conduct is in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator. In standing guard against the Jew I am defending the handiwork of the Lord.

"Therefore, I am convinced that I am acting as the agent of our Creator. By fighting off the Jews, I am doing the Lord's work."

--Mein Kampf by Adolph Hitler

Now I'm waiting for someone to shift this question to a different section because it's been debunked.
2016-02-05 07:26:15 UTC
It is a fact that Hitler was Christian and, understandably, other Christians find that embarrassing. It is unfortunate that the default reaction of Christians when presented to something they do not like is to lie.
2016-02-05 07:01:20 UTC
Hitlers personal beliefs are beside the point anyway. He tapped into the anti-Antisemitism of Christians for his own purposes. The people who carried it out, the people in towns near the death camps who knew what was going one, and the people supporting it ideologically were Christians. Hitler didn't mesmerize them into it. Active, brutal anti-Antisemitism in Christian Europe had a long and sad history starting long before Hitler.
2016-02-05 07:00:41 UTC
Why would they claim Stalin or Mao were atheists? Its to facilitate the tu quoque fallacy. They are well aware of the abominable history of Christianity and try to deflect that by claiming that atheism has been just as bad or perhaps worse. Its a simplistic and puerile argument.
Anne Arkey
2016-02-05 06:59:59 UTC
Oh, it doesn't take much to understand why Christians claim Hitler was an atheist. That way they get to claim all the atrocities committed were done by an atheist, not a Christian. God forbid their precious religion should be tainted by such a man.
2016-02-05 06:58:17 UTC
Because it makes them feel good inside. Whatever Hitler's beliefs were (and it is very probable he was a theist of some sort) almost everyone in Germany was Christian. So for Hitler to get anything done he had to rely on thousands of Christians.
2016-02-05 07:03:51 UTC
Lol. You mean internet Christians. I learned most of what I know about World War 2 from Christian people who lived through it: my family. Funnily enough, "atheism" never came up.

"Gott mit uns" did, however. It was on every German serviceman's belt buckle. It means "God is with us" which is a funny sort of thing for an atheist supreme leader to want on every belt buckle, dontcha think?
2016-02-05 13:57:45 UTC
Becauser they refuse to sdmit most of the atrocities in history have been committed by self proclaimed Christians
2016-02-05 06:59:38 UTC
The right facing swastika is a HIndu symbol that means evolution, while the left facing swastika is still on Buddhist temples in Japan and means eternity. Japan were the world's largest drug dealers at the time, and Hitler funded Bayer pharmecueticals to make all the tons of methamphetamine all the soldiers were on every day. Anyway, God is the universe. Einstein had that view, and he invented the nuke they dropped on them. Two of them.
2016-02-05 08:50:38 UTC
his general orders of an atheist army do not follow any catholic or jewish or christian heritage.

his people sought to kill the "people" of God, that makes him an enemy of God. just as sure as radical muslims are doing the same thing, they are following the spirit of satan... which is ironic, because among muslims, the worst unforgiveable sin one can do is to be guilty of idolatry. following false imams is almost the same thing as following satan. christians have a better fidelity than some of these muslims.
2016-02-05 07:08:14 UTC
If you could name some names and give links to any Christians claiming that, then I would simply have to answer that they are completely wrong.

Everyone knows he was brought up as a Catholic. Then as he grew in political power, he formed plans to change Christianity into a neo-pagan religion. A Professor Overy wrote the book “The Dictators”. He is Professor of History at King’s College, London. He shows that Hitler’s private views on Christianity “betray a profound contempt and indifference.. Hitler, like Stalin, took a very modern view of the incompatibility of religious and scientific explanation.”

Here are a few of Hitler’s remarks on the subject, recorded by Martin Bormann within hours of the Fuhrer uttering them: “The heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of Christianity.” (11-12 July 1941)

“The best thing is to let Christianity die a natural death.” (14 October 1941)

“The war will be over one day. I shall then consider that my life’s final task will be to solve the religious problem... The organised lie must be smashed.” (13 December 1941)

Hitler despised the Bible and Christianity. He, like Stalin, only ever appeared supportive if that would further his politically demonic ends. His mind was corrupt and evil – and he hated the Bible.

“The best thing is to let Christianity die a natural death.... When understanding of the universe has become widespread... Christian doctrine will be convicted of absurdity.... Christianity has reached the peak of absurdity.... And that’s why someday its structure will collapse.... ...the only way to get rid of Christianity is to allow it to die little by little.... Christianity the liar.... We’ll see to it that the Churches cannot spread abroad teachings in conflict with the interests of the State.” (p 49-52) “Hitler’s Secret Conversations 1941-1944” published by Farrar, Straus and Young, Inc., first edition, 1953

Hitler later produced plans to form a new Pagan Nazi church called the "National Reich Church," and outlawing all other religions. The new religion's 30 point program included:

1. The National Reich's Church of Germany categorically claims the exclusive right and the exclusive power to control all churches within the borders of the Reich; it declares these to be national churches

5. The National Reich Church is determined to exterminate irrevocably and by every means the strange and foreign Christian faiths imported into Germany in the ill-omened year 800.

13. The National Reich Church demands immediate cessation of the publishing and dissemination of the Bible in Germany as well as the publication of Sunday papers, pamphlets, publications and books of a religious nature.

14. The National Reich Church has to take severe measures in order to prevent the Bible and other Christian publications being imported into Germany.

15. The National Reich Church declares that to it, and therefore to the German nation, it has been decided that the Fuhrer's "Mein Kampf" is the greatest of all documents. It is conscious that this book contains and embodies the purest and truest ethics for the present and future life of our nation.

16. The National Reich Church has made it its sacred duty to use all its energy to popularize the coeternal "Mein Kampf" and to let every German live and complete his life according to this book.

18. The National Reich Church will clear away from its altars all crucifixes, Bibles and pictures of Saints.

19. On the altars there must be nothing but "Mein Kampf", which is to the German nation and therefore to God the most sacred book, and to the left of the altar a sword.

22. The National Reich Church repudiates the christening of German children, particularly the christening with water and the Holy Ghost.

24. The National Reich Church abolishes confirmation and religious education as well as the communion the religious preparation for the communion.

30. On the day of its foundation, the Christian cross must be removed from all churches, cathedrals and chapels within the Reich and its colonies and it must be superseded by the only unconquerable symbol of Germany the "Hakenkreuz" (swastika).
2016-02-05 09:18:30 UTC
He had some strong remarks against christianity but I am not sure if those sentences has been told by him or fake or what!
2016-02-05 10:41:46 UTC
Desperation and ignorance. Nazism was a Theistic cult.
2016-02-05 07:20:05 UTC
Because they know he was a christian, as were his ardent Nazi supporters. But they want to pass the buck and blame it on atheists.
2016-02-05 07:07:51 UTC
Why dont you show us where hitler claimed to be christian and which church every Sunday
2016-02-05 07:05:38 UTC
this getting old.

hitler was raised Catholic in Austria
2016-02-05 07:03:55 UTC
They try so hard to vilify the benign position of atheism, they make stuff like that up all the time.

The fallacy of "no true Scotsman" is freely applied across the board by christians.

It is only their huge insecurity that drives those lies.
2016-02-05 08:24:53 UTC
So they can hold atheism guilty by association.
2016-02-05 08:04:06 UTC
Christians would not lightly place anyone into a demographic assignment to be more easily defamed, manipulated, threatened, judged or sacrificed. That is because our God forbids us from using these assignments and gives each human person a unique personal 'calling' instead. We each either accept or reject this very personal invitation. This is thoroughly explained in the Christian scriptures.

If anyone is making such a claim while calling themselves a 'Christian,' they are either spiritually immature, (also known as 'fleshly minded,' 1 Corinthians 3:1-4), or are members of an evil impostor tradition identified in scripture as the 'way of Balaam,' (2 Peter 2:10-22, Jude 1:10-16). The spiritually immature can be identified by their propensity to form divisions and fight over them, supporting some 'favored' doctrines over others, resulting in visible punishments and chastisements from God, which include frequent or chronic illnesses and early deaths within their congregations, (1 Corinthians 11:30-32). These chastisements reveal that they are indeed regenerated children of God but are spiritually immature, not evil, (Hebrews 12:6). The evil way of Balaam does not merely show favoritism towards certain doctrines over others while creating divisions, but actually practices the forbidden side-forming known within scripture as 'kategoria,' (Greek: 'accusatory categorizing'), which is what modern people call 'demographics.' Using the term 'atheist' to create a social category that necessitates greed and then justifying it by 'empowering' the category in order to 'defeat' other similar categories at the cost of the lives and life-sustaining treasures of their own self-identifying members or any people in society, is one clear example of this evil practice. This is better known within scripture as 'idolatry,' once this devotion claims its first life.

No Christian practices idolatry, since it is essentially a form of well concealed murder. God commands us to treat all others as equals, so any philosophy which creates population segments of 'expendable' and 'valuable' people is evil. Once this is understood, it becomes much clearer how a Christian actually views Adolf Hitler. Hitler was no more inherently evil than the average deranged street corner derelict or soapbox preacher of his day. He should have never been empowered nor gained access to the truly evil machines of mechanized death which Christ presciently describes as 'stumbling blocks,' (Matthew 18:7), telling us that those who use the offensive inventions are merely the blind men who fall over them, while the true evil rests upon the inspired inventors through whom these offenses arrive, along with those who fail to properly secure such sacred knowledge and powerfully dangerous tools from the 'dogs and the swine,' (Matthew 7:6).

Hitler was evil, but those who invented mechanized death machines and then failed to intelligently secure them, (modern science, not religious 'superstition'), represent the true evil. Since modern science is truly atheistic, (not just by ignorant demographic assignment but admittedly so, through their own narrative of a godless cosmos), it would be both proper and accurate to describe the greatest evil unleashed through Hitler as inherently 'atheistic.'

The Bible even looks ahead to modern science and uses its sacred allegories to described modern science as the 'son of destruction' who preaches the 'mystery of lawlessness,' while declaring himself the 'new God' and the replacement for all previous gods and objects of worship, even doing so in the Church, the 'Temple of God.' (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4). These are apt titles given his clear offenses, such as trapping modern people inside of an inescapable arms race while pursuing abject greed, thereby making himself indispensable to the world, then creating machines of mechanized death leading to unprecedented bloodshed during world wars, then creating weapons of mass destruction. In the process, he has kept the goal of world peace through economic equality permanently out of reach by immediately gobbling up the bulk of the world's resources maintaining his weapons, and keeping us in a state of perpetual war while disguising it behind names like 'the war of terrorism,' (among a string of others), all while making empty promises of futuristic peace. That is what the face of evil looks like. It involves no true religion at all, though it is steeped in quasi-religious nonsense like what Hitler was also duped into believing while engaging in the worst possible kind of unjustified self-adulation, arrogance and self-worship.

Scripture also tells us that no believer dies by poisoning, (Mark 16:18) since all of the processes related to poisoning and leading up to it require embracing the evil system of 'mamonas,' (Matthew 6:24), which represents the choice we reject when we repent and accept Christ's alternative 'kingdom of heaven.' Hitler committed joint suicide with his female partner and deadly poison was used for one or both of these deaths.

Scripture also reminds us of this important observation, for whenever we have doubts about whether someone is a fellow brother in faith:

'No one who abides in Him sins; no one who sins has seen Him or knows Him. Little children, make sure no one deceives you; the one who practices righteousness is righteous, just as He is righteous; the one who practices sin is of the devil; for the devil has sinned from the beginning. The Son of God appeared for this purpose, to destroy the works of the devil. No one who is born of God practices sin, because His seed abides in him; and he cannot sin, because he is born of God. By this the children of God and the children of the devil are obvious: anyone who does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor the one who does not love his brother.' (1 John 3:6-10).
2016-02-05 07:07:55 UTC
because the truth hurts them
2016-02-05 06:58:45 UTC
He was raised in a christan home but in mein kampf, hughlights his lack of belief in god and how he meeds to take control in his own hands
Evangilizing The Lost
2016-02-05 06:59:01 UTC
I don't claim he was an atheist, but he certainly wasn't a Christian. He was into the dark arts, and you can see where that got him

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.