Gays have the best deal in the Bible... I don't know why they complain!
According to the Bible writers the most positive sign of the return of Jesus Christ is the FULL AND UNCONDITIONAL RESTORATION OF SODOM!
The Bible writers claim that God made a mistake in dropping the bomb on Sodom so he is making A SWORN STATEMENT THAT SODOM WILL BE RESTORED TO THE WAY IT WAS! This is fully documented in the portion of “God’s Holy Word” that most Christians use for toilet paper before flushing the toilet!
Ezekiel 16:48-55 (NIV) [48-49] As surely as I live, declares the Sovereign LORD* (*hear all ye homophobic Christians this is GOD speaking!), your sister Sodom and her daughters never did what you* (*what JERUSALEM did! Most Christians refuse to agree with God that JERUSALEM IS FAR MORE SINFUL THAN “SODOM” EVER WAS!) and your daughters have done. ”Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom* (*HEAR GOD… HEAR GOD ALL YE CHRISTIANS!): She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy...* (*Neither God the Father nor his ONLY BEGOTTEN God the Son Jesus Christ EVER MENTIONED THAT THE SIN OF SODOM was homosexuality! Jesus is making favorable statements about SODOM all along --Mat 10:15, 11:24, Mar 6:11, Luc 10:12) [53] "However, I* (*God) WILL RESTORE the fortunes of Sodom and her daughters and of Samaria and her daughters* (*if Sodom stands for gays, then Samaria must stand for Lesbians! Spiritually speaking, of course!), and your fortunes along with them… [55] And your sisters, SODOM with her daughters and Samaria with her daughters, WILL RETURN TO WHAT THEY WERE BEFORE* (*this is an UNCONDITIONAL RESTORATION of Sodom that homophobic Christians refuse to accept!); and you and your daughters will return to what you were before* (*God does not demand “repentance” or “turning away” at all in here, but a “RETURN TO WHAT THEY WERE BEFORE!” According to the Bible writers “Sodomy” was not the “sin” of Sodom, but CARELESS LIVING!)
Jeremiah 13:23 (KJV) Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots?
NEVER! Not even the Bible God can do that.
Jesus never bothered trying to convert a homosexual or a lesbian into a heterosexual, but the preachers made gay and lesbians loving each other about the worst “sin” in the Bible when they HAVE NO WAY TO CHANGE! Ask the Reverend Ted Haggard! The Jewish Bible writers admit that Jerusalem is far more “sinful” than Sodom ever was. Christians traditionally refuse to believe what GOD says in favor of gays. They feel comfortable with Saint Paul’s hating almost everybody. He set the pattern for the rest of the NT writers.
Christians ought to ask their preachers what they mean when they say that they love the sinners, but hate their “sin.” Do they mean that they love gays, but hate @nal sex? They must also LOVE HITLER, but hate killing Jews! They loved the Salem Witches, but hated their witchcraft! They loved Galileo, but hate science! Christians really love the atheists, but hate their Bible knowledge.
The Bible writers claim that the full restoration of SODOM must be taking place now anytime soon! There is nothing wrong in the Bible with gays and the same sex marriage issue that we hear today! Christians are passionately AGAINST the fulfillment of Bible prophecies that they don’t like. The old Sodomites were much Holier and far more respectful of women than Righteous Lot was. Lot pledged his young virgin daughters for marriage to HETEROSEXUAL SODOMITES. These honorable citizens of Sodom were not necessarily people enjoying anal sex like Christians claim otherwise RIGHTEOUS LOT wouldn’t give his daughters for them to marry! These Sodomites believed in “purity” until marriage! (Gen 19:14) It was Righteous Lot who took away his own virgin daughters from their heterosexual Sodomite fiancés to give them away to some gays who came looking for Lot’s male visitors. Actually these “visitors” or angels didn’t come looking for Lot at all! They INSISTED on spending the night out in the main street of Sodom! NOT AT ALL at Lot’s pad (Gen 19:2-3)! They obviously knew where the action in Sodom was and they wanted to spend the night in the middle of it, but Lot wanted them all for himself! Abraham never told them that his nephew Lot lived in Sodom (Gen 19:12)! The Greek New Testament writers and editors didn’t pay attention to what the previous Bible writers said about GOD or Jesus on behalf of Sodom!
There is something wrong with the Christian definition of morality! Lot’s young virgin daughters knew how to brew good wine to spice up some sex parties with their own daddy Lot until HE GOT THEM PREGNANT! Lot was a resident of the City of Sodom! He was brought up in the Sodomite culture! GOD DIDN’T REPRIMAND LOT AT ALL, but he was so impressed by the way Lot sexually handled his daughters that he called him a RIGHTEOUS MAN throughout the Bible (2 Pet 2:7-8)! The angels of God got Lot and his whole family out of Sodom before it was destroyed! Lot escaped by sheer luck! Christian dishonesty in telling the Bible story of Sodom is no different from the Iranian Ayatollahs reporting the result of the elections. The gays are now paying the price! I am not gay, but I fear for my life telling like it is in the Bible. There is no trace of evidence from any other source outside of the Bible that Sodom ever existed, but assuming that it did, the Preachers hurt and persecute gays out of sheer bigotry! Now, they are preventing the fulfillment of Bible prophecies that they don’t like about the FULL UNCONDITIONAL RESTORATION of Sodom!
BTW, Jesus Christ was SPECIALLY crucified in SODOM, too for the redemption of all the SODOMITES, and to make possible the FULL UNCONDITIONAL RESTORATION OF SODOM TO WHAT THEY WERE BEFORE THEIR DESTRUCTION!
Revelation 11:8 (NIV) And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified* (*Never mind the usual slaughter going on all the time in the Bible… GOD THE SON JESUS CHRIST WAS ALSO CRUCIFIED IN SODOM! Spiritually speaking, of course! What other language do the Christians speak?).
The Book of Revelation in the Bible ends up with the statement that Jesus will be surrounded FOR EVER AND EVER by 144,000 virgin Jewish guys WHO WERE NEVER DEFILED WITH WOMEN! It doesn’t mean that they were not involved in sexual activities among themselves! BUT THEY NEVER TOUCHED A WOMAN! You can tell that the Bible writers of the Book of Revelation were a bunch of queers! Men in the South display bumper stickers claiming “Real Men Love Jesus, Too!” They are looking forward to the day that they will be married to Jesus in their much expected “MARRIAGE OF THE LAMB OF GOD” deal in Revelation! Marrying a “LAMB” can be a lot of fun for some kinky guys! In fact, God expected Adam to mate with some of the ANIMALS before admitting that his idea of creating Adam alone was “NO GOOD” (Gen 2:18-20)!!! So why oppose same sex marriage now of real human people loving each other? Christian cruelty in the name of their religion knows no boundaries!
Revelation (KJV) 19:7 Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb* (*Jesus Christ) is come, and his wife* (*the Christians of the right Church brand) hath made herself ready* (*is this a “spiritual” reference to 144,000 Jews converted to Christianity?).
Revelation 14:4 (NIV) These* (*144,000 Virgin Jewish guys) are those who DID NOT DEFILE THEMSELVES WITH WOMEN* (*No virgin girl is ever reported coming near Jesus, only virgin GUYS!!!) for they kept themselves pure* (*they even carry a lapel button “Virgins for Christ”). THEY FOLLOW THE LAMB WHEREVER HE GOES. They were purchased* (*slave talk!) from among MEN and offered as first fruits to God and the Lamb* (*aka God the Son Jesus Christ).
The Apocalyptic Revelation of Jesus Christ for the “Latter Day Saints” says a lot about Jesus’ sexual orientation! Jesus never accused the homosexuals of anything wrong! In fact he highly favored them over the Jews! It seems like the gays were made more unto “the image of God” than the Jews!
Matthew 11:24 (NIV) But I tell you that it will be more bearable for Sodom on the Day of Judgment than for you."* (*BTW, a real judge would never go around disclosing the outcome of any court procedure to low IQ morons. Some of the Bible writers were very respectful of the gay community! Let’s face it, the Dudes of the Holy Trinity are all male!)
Jesus, aka “The RIGHTEOUS Judge of the World” is demonstrating to have much more love and favoritism for the gays, Lesbians and prostitutes than for his own Jewish people! Yet Christians made TO BE GAY the worst “sin” in the Bible! Some Fundie Christians fear the USA would be destroyed like the Bible story of “Sodom” if gays are allowed to live.
Evangelical Preachers, including former US Presidential candidate Pat Robertson, have millions of followers in the USA. They are against the homosexuals only because it is popular to be gay bashing! Hardly any preacher dares to broadcast the GOOD NEWS THAT THE BIBLE GOD WILL FULLY AND UNCONDITIONALLY RESTORE SODOM TO WHAT THEY WERE BEFORE THEIR DESTRUCTION… and that ought to be any time soon before the “end of the world!”
Christians hate this prophecy!