Amen. What a Psalm.
I looked a bit into this Psalm and it seems that from Psalm 85-89 form a cluster. Ps 85, 86 and 88 concern three matters: the restoration of God's people, personal salvation and release from sufferings, respectfully. These three matters have been the continual concern of God's people for centuries.
According to the human concept, these matters are positive, but God does not regard these things as we do. Psalms 87 and 89 reveal that God's concern, according to His heart's desire, is Christ with Zion, in which are many saints adn which is for the house of God and the city of God that Christ may possess the entire earth. So yes brother, it definately has a prophetic tone.
Psalm 88 was written as a Song by the sons of Korah. The Psalm concerns the seeking of Herman, a son of Korah for his release from suffering.
There are definate similarities between Ps 88 and 42.
In this psalm 42 the psalmist was panting and thirsting for God at a time when he and his people were stripped and defeated by the neighbouring nations and were in captivity. Panting and thirsting for God are different from worshipping God in a formal, religious way. God is our living water ..Hallelujah! for us to drink. ( John 4:10) WE need to pant and thirst for Him and to drink Him.
In this Psalm, like 88 there are deep places. Dark places. Where situations seem to overpower. Yet God makes a way. Causing us to still experience Him inspite of all the outward situations.
Ps 42 begins.
" As a hart pants after the streams of water
So my soul pants for You O God.
My soul thirsts for God, For the Living God ,
When will I come and appear before God?
vs 5 is so precious
Why are you cast down O my soul?
And why are you disquieted within me?
HOPE IN GOD for I will yet praise Him
For the salvation of His countenance.
It shows that although the psalmist was in captivity and was under his adversaries' reproaching and oppression, he enjoyed God's countenance, God's presence.
Jonah 2 also speaks of deep places.
The sign of Jonah is one of the few " signs" that God gives us.
He was a type of Christ.
Jonah was swallowed by a great fish adn vomited out of it for the spreading of God's salvation to the Gentile Ninevites. Jonah as a type of Christ in His death and resurrection for the spreading of God's salvation to sinners, even to the Gentiles ( Matt 12:39-41) Jonah stayed in the great fish 3 days and 3 nights typifies that Christ staying in the heart of the earth 3 days and 3 nights. Christ died and entered into hades in the lower parts of the earth ( Acts 2:27, Eph 4:9) He came forth from there in resurrection and in resurrection became the Life Giving Spirit ( 1 Cor 15:45b) for the preaching, the spreading of the gospel to all the Gentile nations as seen in the book of Acts.
These Psalms all can speak something prophetic yet something so practical to us today as believers.
I see a few similarites regarding these psalms and Jonah. Apart from the deep places and a period of time of suffering, these all work together for the carrying out of God's purpose. On the one hand God gets closer to accomplishing His Purpose yet at the same time God's people are dealt with inwardly through all the sufferings. They come out experiencing and being constituted with more of God inwardly. They come out more weighty.
I also noticed that there is the matter of the Gentiles. On the One hand the neighbouring nations captured and oppressed the psalmist in Psalm 88 yet in Jonah its the gentile world that God is after. It truly makes you see the profound wisdom of God that goes beyond our human reasoning.
With Jonah he was a prophet who turned from Israel TO the Gentiles and was put into the belly of the great fish.
Matt 16:4 is interesting.
" An evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign and a sign shall not be given to it except the sign of Jonah and He left them and went away"
Jonah was a type of Christ who as the Prophet sent by God to His people
" Deut 18:15 shows Christ as a Prophet
" A Prophet will Jehovah your God rise up from you from your midst, from among your brothers, like me, you shall listen to Him"
vs 18
A Prophet will I raise from them from the midst of their brothers like you and I will put My words in His mouth and He will speak to them all that I command Him"
In the function of a Prophet, Christ as typified by Jonah would turn from Israel to the gentiles. He would be buried in the heart of the earth and would then be resurrected, becoming a sign to that generation for salvation. The Lord's word here in Matt 16 implies that for the evil and adulterous jewish adn religious generation, the Lord would do nothign but die and be resurrected as a sign, teh greated sign to them that they might be saved IF they would believe.
This is such a deep topic that you raised here brother with such dimension. May we look further into it. I hope I did not jump all over too much in putting this post together.
Ty for giving the opportunity to dig into the word of God once more.
Great observation brother Jimmy.
May we be those seeking to stay in the Lord's rich presence inspite of the outward environments.
In Christ