Good points. Yes, we believe in Jesus Christ. He is our Lord and Savior. It is through Him we gain salvation and eternal life. But there is something we have to do to show Him that we except that gift. That's what the "after all we can do" thing is about. We have to understand that we sin, that we need help, and that we are sorry for that sin. It is about admitting wrong doing and asking for forgiveness. That is what we mean by saying we believe in works. We don't believe that just because you say you are saved, you are saved. There are things you have to do to show God and Christ that you really WANT salvation. That is where the atonement comes in. Think about it: if all we ever had to do was say we believe in Christ, and say that we repent of our sins once, why would Christ have to atone for them? Couldn't He just as well have forgiven us all and been done with it, instead of the suffering He went through?
The quote by Brigham Young was HIS OWN PERSONAL OPINION!!!!!!People have the right to that, you know. It is possible that Joseph Smith will be there to help judge at final judgment, and that all the prophets from every dispensation will be there. They will probably be helping with everything, since they were righteous on earth, God might give them more responsibility after death. That makes sense to me. And so what if he is there judging, or helping with that? Does it matter to those of you who aren't in the church? You won't have to worry about it anyway, so what does it matter?
No, I don't have a picture of Joseph Smith anywhere in my house. I do have 4 of Christ. Two big ones, one above my stairs, and one on the wall in the living room. I also have the Proclamation on the Family and the Living Christ documents framed and hanging. If you haven't read them, you should. I also have the statue of Christ in Gethsemane. I have a little 8X10 of Christ in the same pose as the statue, and a picture of the Christos that is in temple square in Salt Lake City.
The first picture you will see when you walk into our meeting house is of Christ. There are two more of Him in the lobby, some spaced down all 3 long hallways, one in every classroom, at least 2 in the relief society room and one in the primary room. We are studying the New Testament in Sunday School too. So that means, that yes we read the bible.
The one thing about our church is this: If there wasn't any truth in it at all, then Satan wouldn't care what happened in it. There would be no opposition to it, and there would be no reason for people to spew hateful things about it. The fact that the adversary is working so hard on it is because he knows the truth. He doesn't want others to know. It would be a lot better, and easier on him if everyone thought our church was evil and wrong. Then no one would look into it, no one would be baptized, no one would have a testimony of the truthfulness of the gospel. Then it would so much easier for him to do what he wants to do!
I heard this analogy once, so I think I'll share it here. Some people really want the truth, strive for the truth, will do anything to learn what the truth is- these are investigators, and people who are searching for the church. Then there are those who will settle for partial truth. They are more comfortable believing what they do, and could care less about others- these are people who are strong in their faith in another church and are happy with the way their lives are going right now. Then there are the ones who think that everyone who doesn't believe the same thing as they do are totally wrong and will burn for it- these are the people who are blinded by what they think is faith, but are unwilling to see people for who they really are. Then there are those of us in the church. We have searched, found, and believe what the church teaches. We have faith that God wouldn't lead us astray and have given a big leap of faith to either join the church, or be converted on our own. Even if you grow up in the church, eventually you have to gain your own testimony, and learn for sure what is true. You can't rely on others for your faith. That will only get you so far.
So.. do I believe in Christ? YES!!!! With my whole heart and soul. Do I believe that it is through Him I can gain salvation and eternal life? YES!!!!! Do I believe that He and our Heavenly Father appeared to a young man named Joseph Smith? YES!!!!!!!!! If I didn't believe this, I couldn't believe that the church was true. My testimony of Joseph Smith goes hand in hand with my testimony of my Savior. Without either, my testimony wouldn't be complete. Without my testimony of the Book of Mormon, my testimony wouldn't be complete. Without that testimony, I couldn't believe the church was true. It's a circular belief. One leads to another, and eventually, it all comes back to the central point- Christ!!! Without Him, this church would never have been established. Without Joseph Smith, this church wouldn't have been re-established.
Sorry this is so long, and I could continue with all the allegations that have been given here, but I think I will leave you with this: I know Christ is my Savior. It is through Him I gain my eternal reward. Without Him, I would be lost. He is the light that I followed to get me where I am today. He is my brother, my friend, my savior and my redeemer. He is who I look to for strength, support and peace. He is my light in the storm. He will be there for me always, no matter what I do in my life. I love Him, I love this church, and will until forever!