Who do Mormons worship, Joseph Smith or Jesus?
Love Yahoo!!! is a prince
2007-10-22 20:07:47 UTC
If you answer anything besides Jesus or God then you are completely ignorant of our church and cannot say that you've "studied" or "learned about" our faith.

Our church is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints! There are pictures of Christ in my church, but there are no pictures of Joseph Smith.

So if we did worship Joseph Smith, don't you think we would have pictures of him all over the place?

Learn the truth before you spew your hatred!
Twenty answers:
2007-10-23 23:54:23 UTC
Well, it depends on your definition of "worship." When I was LDS, I always felt like I was being pushed to almost worship Joseph Smith, but not more than Jesus.

2007-10-23 01:52:00 UTC
Many of these answers are going wildly off the point. But to clarify, the verse in Nephi which says "We are saved by faith after all that we can do" basically means that despite all we do, it is our faith in Christ which ultimately saves us, NOT the other way around.

We do not believe that God had sex with Mary, we are allowed to read and study the Bible and research it all we like, and what's this "Mormon Bible" one answered has mentioned? We use the King James Bible, and it hasn't been rewritten to suit anyone - the one we use is word for word identical to any King James you could buy in a bookshop. Linnie, I don't believe for a moment that you converted two Mormons to Christianity, I will be contacting you for names and dates. I am a convert too, so I ws not indoctrinated in any way as a child. Quite the opposite. My story is at, called "It was as though scales fell from my eyes".

So finally, to answer the question. We worship Jesus. My church too has no pictures of Joseph Smith (except for one of him with Emma on a thing about marriage in the Relief Society room) and there are no pictures of him in my home, nor in the home of any other members I have visited. But I do have a beautiful statue of Christ on the bookcase and a big picture of Him above the fireplace. We do not worship Joseph Smith, nor have I ever been taught, in 14 years as a member of the church, that we need his permission to go to heaven.
2007-10-23 19:32:36 UTC
Hi there. I'm also an active member of the Latter-day Saint church. I'm not addressing your question directly, but your reasoning for posting such a question. If you're trying to get people to be interested in the church here, it probably won't work. There are too many postings that include anti-Mormon sentiments. The Spirit will not testify of the truth in any of these comments if they are intermingled with hatred, lies, or are posted by people with bad intentions. Remember the story in the New Testament where we learn we shouldn't cast our pearls before swine? If people are not willing to listen attentively and actually try to sincerely learn about the church, it is probably wasted effort since they are likely either not interested or just plain belligerant. I admire you for trying to get people interested though, if that is what you're trying to do, but this just might not be the right place. The best way to do it is to just be a good example, be a good, righteous member of the church. People will know the truth if they are seeking. And one small thing...the letters you used (OMG) stand for taking the Lord's name in vain, something we believe is an offense to the Lord, as you know. You probably shouldn't use them. It's an honest mistake. Sometimes it might not feel like it's taking the Lord's name in vain since you're not actually verbalizing the words, but it is still offensive. Don't mean to be picky. Good luck with your missionary efforts.
2016-04-10 02:55:01 UTC
Responses from fellow Mormons (ie those who would really know the answer) seem fairly unanimous. We do not worship Joseph Smith. We worship Jesus Christ who is what are Church is named after (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints). Jesus Christ is at the head of the Mormon church and is its chief cornerstone, as the Bible states. We hold Joseph Smith in the same regard as Noah, Moses, Abraham, Elijah, etc. In other words, as a prophet of God.
2007-10-23 09:13:20 UTC
Anyone discussing ANYthing with LDS members about their church has to remember that most of them know almost nothing about the history and 'meat' doctrines of their own religion. In some ways, talking with them is like mentioning the First Council of Nicaea or Luther's 95 theses to a child at Vacation Bible School. Their understanding of their religion is very simple and basic. It's kind of sweet until they get all testy about you 'spewing hatred' or being 'anti.'

So the LDS on this board know nothing about the belief that because Joseph Smith holds the keys to this dispensation, no one will enter the celestial kingdom without his consent.

They know nothing about the Inspired Version of the Bible, in which JS made significant additions, clarifications, and revisions to the KJV.

They know nothing about the 3,000 or so changes that have been made to the Book of Mormon, or if they do know about them they've been taught that the changes were only to correct typos rather than making significant changes to gospel doctrine.

They know little about the MAJOR changes that have been made, several times, to the temple ceremonies.

And they don't know that the idea of a 'first vision' was added much later by JS and that there are at least 6 drastically different versions of the First Vision.

And there's much, much more.

So, if you're really trying to educate Mormons about their religion, be patient. There is just so much about their church they don't know.
LDS girl
2007-10-23 06:58:25 UTC
I am an active and devout member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We believe that Joseph Smith was a prophet like Moses or any of the other prophets spoken about in scriptures. Nothing more, nothing less.

I do not have a picture of Joseph Smith in my home but I do have pictures of Jesus. I guess we do worship a different Jesus than a lot of other Christian religions. We worship the Jesus of the Bible, not the Jesus that was created centuries later by the Council of Nicaea which was called together by Constantine (was he a sun worshipper or something like that?)and made up of churchmen, philosophers, etc.

We are told to seek answers to our questions using all the scriptures, including the Bible. We are also taught to pray to the Lord for inspiration and guidance. Isn't He the source of all truth? When the missionaries teach people they tell them to pray to the Lord for confirmation that what they are teaching is the truth.

I think that it is sad that anti's spout their lies and spin about our beliefs and that there are people gullible enough to believe the hate speech about us, and other religions. If you want to know about a religion ask an active devout member not someone who isn't. If you want to know about the Catholic church don't ask Tony Alamo. If you want to know about the Jewish faith, don't ask Hezzbolah. If you want to know about Christianity, don't ask an atheist.

The bottom line is that if you really want to learn about a religion you will go to active devout members of that faith. If you go anyplace else you are not really wanting to learn, you are just wanting to jump on the hate speech bandwagon and participate in a form of religious persecution.
Yoda's Duck
2007-10-23 06:54:09 UTC
See, we're not allowed to even touch the Bible, or our souls will be sucked out of our bodies and sent directly to hell... *roll eyes* (drawn from JW belief that touching the Book of Mormon will damn one's soul.)

Come on, folks!.....

What's funny, is the first passage from the Book of Mormon that missionaries point out to people investigating the church (Yes, they're called investigators, because that's what they're doing- investigating-- studying, learning, praying, reading, etc.)...

Anyway, one of those first passages from the Book of Mormon actually ENCOURAGES a comparison between the Book of Mormon and the Bible....

Moroni 10:3-5...

I'm going to focus on verse 3, cuz that's where it is.

"Behold, I would exhort you..." blah, blah... ok, start at "ye would remember how merciful the Lord hath been unto the children of men, from the creation of Adam even down until the time that ye shall receive these things, and ponder it in your hearts."....

Ok, think for a moment- Where is the record of "how merciful the Lord hath been unto the children of men, from the creation of Adam..."?????

DUH!!! Bible!!!

It says right there- once you receive the Book of Mormon and read it, then remember (read?) how merciful the Lord hath been unto the children of men, from the creation of Adam.

Feel free to compare. If you don't like what you read, then quit investigating. Nobody's going to hunt you down and kidnap your kids, or rape your wife, or bomb your home, or otherwise threaten your or your family's wellbeing. Mind- you still have a front door, so missionaries will still possibly knock. Just say you're not interested, and they'll move on.

I've been a missionary (returned honorably), so I know what missionaries teach and what the typical reaction to "Not interested" is.... Promise- just saying that you're not interested is the easiest, fastest way to get missionaries to move on. If you're really bothered by what you find in the Book of Mormon, then a couple young guys (or gals) won't be able to budge you... nor will they want to waste your or their time trying.


The reason missionaries can't change a firmly-closed mind is because 1) missionaries don't convert- the Spirit converts.... 2) an open mind is required for the Spirit to change one's heart.
2007-10-23 06:13:39 UTC
We worship God and Jesus Christ. We revere, honor, Joseph Smith for restoring the gospel.

We also honor our current prophet, Gordon B. Hinckley.
odd duck
2007-10-23 09:59:00 UTC
Good points. Yes, we believe in Jesus Christ. He is our Lord and Savior. It is through Him we gain salvation and eternal life. But there is something we have to do to show Him that we except that gift. That's what the "after all we can do" thing is about. We have to understand that we sin, that we need help, and that we are sorry for that sin. It is about admitting wrong doing and asking for forgiveness. That is what we mean by saying we believe in works. We don't believe that just because you say you are saved, you are saved. There are things you have to do to show God and Christ that you really WANT salvation. That is where the atonement comes in. Think about it: if all we ever had to do was say we believe in Christ, and say that we repent of our sins once, why would Christ have to atone for them? Couldn't He just as well have forgiven us all and been done with it, instead of the suffering He went through?

The quote by Brigham Young was HIS OWN PERSONAL OPINION!!!!!!People have the right to that, you know. It is possible that Joseph Smith will be there to help judge at final judgment, and that all the prophets from every dispensation will be there. They will probably be helping with everything, since they were righteous on earth, God might give them more responsibility after death. That makes sense to me. And so what if he is there judging, or helping with that? Does it matter to those of you who aren't in the church? You won't have to worry about it anyway, so what does it matter?

No, I don't have a picture of Joseph Smith anywhere in my house. I do have 4 of Christ. Two big ones, one above my stairs, and one on the wall in the living room. I also have the Proclamation on the Family and the Living Christ documents framed and hanging. If you haven't read them, you should. I also have the statue of Christ in Gethsemane. I have a little 8X10 of Christ in the same pose as the statue, and a picture of the Christos that is in temple square in Salt Lake City.

The first picture you will see when you walk into our meeting house is of Christ. There are two more of Him in the lobby, some spaced down all 3 long hallways, one in every classroom, at least 2 in the relief society room and one in the primary room. We are studying the New Testament in Sunday School too. So that means, that yes we read the bible.

The one thing about our church is this: If there wasn't any truth in it at all, then Satan wouldn't care what happened in it. There would be no opposition to it, and there would be no reason for people to spew hateful things about it. The fact that the adversary is working so hard on it is because he knows the truth. He doesn't want others to know. It would be a lot better, and easier on him if everyone thought our church was evil and wrong. Then no one would look into it, no one would be baptized, no one would have a testimony of the truthfulness of the gospel. Then it would so much easier for him to do what he wants to do!

I heard this analogy once, so I think I'll share it here. Some people really want the truth, strive for the truth, will do anything to learn what the truth is- these are investigators, and people who are searching for the church. Then there are those who will settle for partial truth. They are more comfortable believing what they do, and could care less about others- these are people who are strong in their faith in another church and are happy with the way their lives are going right now. Then there are the ones who think that everyone who doesn't believe the same thing as they do are totally wrong and will burn for it- these are the people who are blinded by what they think is faith, but are unwilling to see people for who they really are. Then there are those of us in the church. We have searched, found, and believe what the church teaches. We have faith that God wouldn't lead us astray and have given a big leap of faith to either join the church, or be converted on our own. Even if you grow up in the church, eventually you have to gain your own testimony, and learn for sure what is true. You can't rely on others for your faith. That will only get you so far.

So.. do I believe in Christ? YES!!!! With my whole heart and soul. Do I believe that it is through Him I can gain salvation and eternal life? YES!!!!! Do I believe that He and our Heavenly Father appeared to a young man named Joseph Smith? YES!!!!!!!!! If I didn't believe this, I couldn't believe that the church was true. My testimony of Joseph Smith goes hand in hand with my testimony of my Savior. Without either, my testimony wouldn't be complete. Without my testimony of the Book of Mormon, my testimony wouldn't be complete. Without that testimony, I couldn't believe the church was true. It's a circular belief. One leads to another, and eventually, it all comes back to the central point- Christ!!! Without Him, this church would never have been established. Without Joseph Smith, this church wouldn't have been re-established.

Sorry this is so long, and I could continue with all the allegations that have been given here, but I think I will leave you with this: I know Christ is my Savior. It is through Him I gain my eternal reward. Without Him, I would be lost. He is the light that I followed to get me where I am today. He is my brother, my friend, my savior and my redeemer. He is who I look to for strength, support and peace. He is my light in the storm. He will be there for me always, no matter what I do in my life. I love Him, I love this church, and will until forever!
2007-10-22 20:12:06 UTC
Who said this to you? Joseph Smith was the guy who discovered the gold plates right?
2007-10-25 09:19:11 UTC
well when I was a Mormon (for 36 years) they tried to compare Joseph smith to Jesus, (as if) and say that the two had the same birthday. I am sorry, but old Joseph Smith did not get up on a cross and die for my sins. Joseph smith is in visitor center (as is Jesus, for those who will suddenly start to say "wait a minute, so is Jesus.") my brother named his kids Hyrum and Joseph, not Jesus and Peter. That was my experience. Sorry to offend anyone, but that is it.
Nifty Bill
2007-10-22 20:31:32 UTC
As prophet Brigham Young said "How are you going to get to resurrection? You will get it by the President of Resurrection, and that is Joseph Smith, Jun. Hear it all ye ends of the earth; if you ever enter into the kingdom of God it is because Joesph Smith let you go there. This will apply to Jews and Gentiles, to the bond, and free; to friends and foes; no man or woman in this generation will get a resurrection and be crowned with out Joesph Smith saying so" Quoted directly from "The Essential Brigham Young", Eugene E. Campbell, p.99

And.....and....LDS General Authority, Bernard P. Brockbank, in April 1977 General Conference, said, "It is true that many of the Christian Churches worship a different Jesus Christ than is worshiped by the Mormons...." Ensign, May 1977, p. 26-27.

LDS President Gordon B. Hinkley spoke on June 4Th, in Paris, France, (The Church News, June 20Th, 1998, page 7..:"In bearing my testimony of Jesus Christ, President Hinkley spoke of those outside the Church who say that the Latter-Day Saints 'do not believe in the traditional Christ. No I don't. The traditional Christ of whom they speak is not the Christ of whom I speak. For the Christ of whom I speak has been revealed in this Dispensation of the Fullness of Times. He, together with His father, appeared to the boy Joseph Smith in the year 1820'.

Check out these references, they are direct quoted from the LDS church.
2007-10-24 19:43:42 UTC
NO!!!!! We worship 1 god and 1 god only and that is God
2007-10-25 13:32:07 UTC
Ok course Jesus.

2007-10-22 20:27:47 UTC
you have all been misguided by Joseph Smith and his followers...

have you ever wondered why is it that in your church there is always some type of proof for EVERYTHING..... your leaders was always with someone else when the Holy Spirit appeared or when Jesus came to Joseph Smith up in New York and found the gold plates, and no one can see them unless you're part of the church and been baptized and all those rituals of being married in the church and annointing and rubbing with oils by older members of the church if that isn't a sect I don't know what is.....

oh and yeah... if you want to know the truth about your church you bet this from now until the day you die.... THE BIBLE WILL NEVER be rewritten or changed due to agreements or disagreements by people....about ANYTHING.... tell me how many times the BOOK of MORMON has been rewritten or changed....or some beliefs in your church has been, because anytime someone doesn't agree with something they change it.... didn't you use to believe there was no HELL? or it was believe to be something like a basement? don't get me started...... start praying this time for real and really ask God for guidance and do your homework on your church...... don't be surprise by what you will find out.......

Hold up... you went in there on your own.... you were one lost soul, and just because it's so easy to accept their teaching, something like the christian church lost its foundation because after the 12 apostles died, therefore we lost the authority to baptize and therefore we went through the dark ages, and we didn't get that authority back until Joseph Smith was annointed and baptized by Jesus? something like that? man that is a bunch a LIES... people will say anything to persuade those who don't have a clue.... and if you weren't a firm believer before, it's so easy to accept something that sounds intelligent and right, but my friend they are so far from the truth you just need to dig a little deeper and find out the truth.....
2007-10-25 12:56:22 UTC
Jesus, through and through.
2007-10-22 20:14:40 UTC
I can say with all confidence that I've studied your faith. Why is it that you're not allowed to look into the Bible and compare things with the teachings of Joseph Smith? Why aren't you allowed to question your faith and draw your own conclusions from your research? I know the truth about the Mormons. It's all there if the Mormons would just look and quit following the false teachings of a man instead of the true teachings of God. The hatred isn't spewed toward you. It's spewed toward satan who is misguiding so many of God's children.

Edit: I have a copy of the Mormon Bible that was rewritten to fit Joseph Smiths agenda. And yes, I have been to a Mormon church. I studied with the Mormons and converted two to Christianity because I proved to them without a shadow of a doubt that what they believe is wrong. I'm more than happy to show you this proof at any time. Let me know and don't be afraid of what the church might say. They wouldn't even know you've looked.
the pink baker
2007-10-22 20:20:59 UTC
No, but I bet you have pictures of him in your home, that is Joseph Smith. I'm not spewing hatred, my friend, only the truth. By the way, you people believe God and Mary had sex to create Jesus.
2007-10-22 20:13:23 UTC
Well we do know that Mormons believe that Joe Smith will be standing at heaven's gate to let them in. So clearly, you depend on Smith for your salvation. (Along with works.) One of your quotes is that Jesus saves you "after all YOU can do." Which means that Jesus isn't enough.

I thank God Jesus IS enough for me! And MY Jesus isn't the brother of Lucifer, He is the Creator.

God bless!
2007-10-22 20:13:04 UTC
thank you.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.