Freemasonry will not help your athletic ability. Petitioners for Freemasons in my jurisdiction must sign a statement that says that they realize that Freemasonry is not for financial or political gain.
Freemasonry is designed for good men of many faiths to be able to meet, be friends, and work towards helping other people. Masons support many areas of medical research and have benefited millions of people who have no clue that their lives have been saved or improved by the work of Freemasons. The basic morality found in most religions is stressed, but no particular religion is taught.
Masonry prohibits bigotry. Unfortunately religious leaders who do not know the Bible try to hide their ignorance by attacking other people instead of teaching about God. So, when you bring up Freemasonry, you are likely to get opinions from people who have never read the Bible, but who are willing to tell you what they think it should say, and they will claim to be Christians even though they will bear false witness against Masons. I feel sorry for people who think that the Message of Jesus was to hate their fellow Christians.
If you want to be a better man, if you want to be a better member of your faith, if you want to work to make the world a better place, if you want to help other people, if you want friends of good moral character, you can ask at your local Masonic Lodge.