One thing is true from which we can't escape; if we overindulge in anything at all we may suffer the consequences. Many things can cause depression which creeps upon us unawares, like mental/emotional trauma, prolonged physical pain and prolonged feeling of sadness. (Depression is mental and emotional)
If we're feeling sad for too long for whatever reason, or have experienced damaging emotional trauma and don’t deal with it ~ overcome it, we're in danger of inducing a little depression upon ourselves. (Even flying high for too long can cause depression ~ living the high life, or becoming way too confounded and identified with material things, worldly goods and even our body's - seeking happiness outside of ourselves) - All material things are temporal and not to be identified with.
“Materialism, attachment to things of the world, includes pride. Many religious people suffer from pride: taking pleasure or even delight in being good, or religious.”
― Idries Shah, Sufi Thought and Action
If one realizes the evanescent nature of things, one is no longer attached to them, and thus frinds peace. Mental disturbance and pain are caused by our attachment to transitory objects, taking them to be permanent. CHAPTER XI - P71 - ASTAVAKRA SAMHITA
You can't beat a good diet (Fruit and veg, something green), exercise, keeping the mind and brain exploratory and healthy respectively, these we need in order to explore, discover and drive our goals.
Negative mentality and emotions can give rise to an obfuscous mind - pondering on negative thoughts and bad ideas for far too long.
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Procrastination can be a trait linked with a little depression, we can, and often do find reasons not to do things or change our selves, or even find a little enthusiasm.
Keep it real, avoid drink, drugs and smoking, and find some enjoyment in something once in a while.
It's amazing how many of us beat our heads against our own walls (Minds in boxes, the insidious nature of TV and the internet can be poisonous, and subconsciously affect us in ways we sometimes don't fully understand due to the unconscious machination of lying hawks whom claim the stage, to entice and antagonize in you that which they have capitulated to in order to sell something by cashing in on human frailties - (Liars/Idols who superimpose, thus impression the minds of children with false words, pretty faces, perfect body's, sexuality and violence) – This can bog the mind thus mentality down. (Look up idolatry) There are those who earn the stage and those who claim the stage, those who claim the stage are lairs.
A major weakness of people being impression-ed by suggestibility with a propensity to become associated and identified.
False words are not only evil in themselves, but they infect the soul with evil.
Phædo 91 Plato
Just down the road from us will be rolling country side with amazing views, running streams, lakes and the seaside.
Church groups, Dance, Local Charity Groups, - Mountain biking or cycling clubs are great, camping out, fishing, walks along the hills and mountains, walks along a beach, photography, this is our true nature. (If your young, always speak to your parents in regards to this and stay safe!) Cities and towns can erode our true nature, it's good to get away sometimes.
Or even visa versa if you live in the country, because a change of scenery really helps.
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It's also good to focus the mind on creativity.
Create poetry, art or learn a musical instrument, then give what you have to others because creating is really good for us. This is good for humility too.
What we give to others we give to our selves. (So in a nut shell, sow good seeds, have faith and do good works)
Focus the mind.
Learn to touch type.
Learn a language.
Learn about spirituality.
Ramana Maharshi.
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"All that we are is the result of what we have thought. If a man speaks or acts with an evil thought, pain follows him. If a man speaks or acts with a pure thought, happiness follows him, like a shadow that never leaves him."
Gautama Buddha. (aprox 563-483 BC).
One has to eradicate even the deire for freedom in order to attain freedom. Freedom has not to be attainded. It is ever attained. We are bound simply because we think ouselves bound.