Should you help someone you don't like much?
2008-08-12 13:36:39 UTC
I made friends with this guy and we got on really well... but with time, i've realised that he really is not the nice person i thought he was. I find him pretty hurtful and i tell him but he doesn't seem to care much. And I've known him long enough now to decide what I think of him.

Now, he asked me to help him edit an essay of his. I'm sure I could do so really easily and really help him in his essay-writing skills.

But is it worth spending my time in helping somebody to progress who I realise I don't like much.

Your thoughts please?
65 answers:
2008-08-12 13:56:37 UTC
No because you have limited resources and these ought rightfully to be spent on people who are worth it.
2008-08-12 13:43:14 UTC
Do you think he would TRULY learn how to write a better essay if he had helpful editing done by you or anyone? If you do think so, then I would help him, but I wouldn't make it easy for him. I'd go for broke in making suggestions on how his essay could improve, and if he said, "you write it" I'd stop the whole thing. If he is NOT the kind of person who will learn, then you won't have to worry about him asking for this help again in the future.

If he IS the kind of person who will take these suggestions and actually turn out a better essay then you've done the right thing. And in the process you MIGHT find something likeable about him again.
2008-08-12 13:45:23 UTC
Well, if I was you, then I will just help him. Then I would not hang out with him a lot and keep away from him no matter if its in school or anywhere else. If you tell him that you can't help him with his essay then he will remember that you have told him to stop being harmful or whatever so he will think that this is the reason and you may even get into a fight with him (Im not saying that you're weak and he's strong, it's just a guess!!)

Hope this helps :)
melba g
2008-08-12 13:43:05 UTC
This "friend" is using you for his benefit. It seems to me that you are a really good person to him but he doesnt appreciate that. So why bother? When you know he's just going to take the paper and probably not even thank you for it. I wouldn't do it. If anything ask him to give you something in return, like money. Hope this helps
Gypsy Girl
2008-08-12 13:41:12 UTC
If you intend to keep this person as a friend, then you should help him. If you intend to part ways, now might be a good time to say so. There are plenty of other people who could help him with this essay, so don't feel guilty if you decide to part company.
2008-08-12 13:40:56 UTC
Normally, I'd say that you should help people, whether you like them or not. You should help people because it's the right thing to do, not because of what you might get from it.

However, this isn't a life-and-death situation. If you didn't help him with this essay, he's still live, so, I say let him do it on his own.

It's not worth your time to do this.
2008-08-12 13:53:38 UTC
(Matthew 5:43-45) “You heard that it was said, ‘You must love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44 However, I say to you: Continue to love your enemies and to pray for those persecuting you; 45 that you may prove yourselves sons of your Father who is in the heavens.

If Jesus tells us to love our enemies, then you should still love your friend. Granted love and like are not the same thing.

(Colossians 3:13) Continue putting up with one another and forgiving one another freely if anyone has a cause for complaint against another. Even as Jehovah [God] freely forgave you, so do you also.

However, if this "friend" is hurting you and is not sorry for it, then you may want to explain this to him one last time and let him know that you don't want to spend time with him until he can behave.
2008-08-12 13:42:19 UTC
you need to ask yourself whether or not you want to do the right thing, or be just like him. He is being rude, but so are you if you choose not to help him just because he treats you bad, who said doing the right thing would always be rewarded, life is not like that. Sometimes, you should help the person(regardless how ungrateful) if you know they really do need help.

Those are my thoughts....
2008-08-12 13:44:35 UTC
Not really. If you don't like him and he treats you poorly, why would you help him? Besides, editing his essay for him will not improve his writing skills, it will just get him a better grade from your work.
Sparkling Daybreak
2008-08-12 13:40:48 UTC
You make the decision based on how you will feel when you lay down to go to bed that night! Will it bother you that you didn't extend your hand to help, or is him being not that great of a person valid reason enough for you to not help. It is all about what makes you feel right (not good)!

Good Luck!

Will you answer mine please...
2008-08-12 13:41:27 UTC
just do what you think it makes you feel comfortable , but at the same time helping others is a good thing to do so if its not make you in trouble.

if you want to help him just don't think too much of what you don't like in him but just think in the other side that you have do something good for other people and you should be happy about it.
2008-08-12 13:42:20 UTC
Yes! When you enemy is hungry, give them food, if their thirsty give them something to drink. Just becuase he's a mean person doesn't mean you have to treat him any different. Try not to let his attitude dictate yours. It's another thing if your helping him and he's insulting you. Be respectful but tell him your done.

Just My Thoughts!
Nick O
2008-08-12 13:41:10 UTC
I think so. keep your friends close and your enemies closer. I think that if you help this person out maybe you can kind of change him a little. That's what I would do because I'm pretty religious and do ask myself a lot W.W.J.D. So... good luck and I hope it turns out well either way!
James N
2008-08-12 13:44:50 UTC
Always help those around you. besides, you only get one chance at life, why not make as good an impression as possible. I hope you make the right decision here.
2008-08-12 13:43:09 UTC
You can help this guy and ease your conscious by directing him to someone or someplace that can help him.

This way you assisted him without betraying yourself or contributing to a bad guy who won't respect or appreciate your work.

He may just remember to use you when ever he needs don't want that.
2008-08-12 13:42:00 UTC
Your decision must come from the deepest part of you.

For someone with such bitterness inside him, do you wish to show him more of the same?

Don't take that to mean you must say "yes". "No" can be said kindly, yet assertively.

Quiet your mind, deepen your breath, and ask yourself what you really want.
2008-08-12 13:41:08 UTC
Yes, you should. I will tell you the reason: Kill them with kindness. It will all come back to you in the long run, I promise. It is worth every minute of your time to help someone, even if you don't like them.
2008-08-12 13:40:21 UTC
I think it couldn't hurt to help. If your heart isn't in it however then it isn't worth it because a good deed only counts when it comes from the heart.
2008-08-12 13:43:12 UTC
I have done this in the past and would do it again,

you don't have to be the best of friends to help someone who needs help.
2008-08-12 13:41:49 UTC
I try to help who ever needs it, I do it if I like the person or not. I even help Christians.
2008-08-12 13:40:05 UTC
If he's hurtful to you, then no I wouldn't help him. Think of it this way if you help him with his essay and he doesn't do very well on it, he might very well blame you. I would cut the guy off.
2008-08-12 13:41:15 UTC
You should help him you should help anyone in need of some assistance no matter how much they treat others bad maybe is u help him he wont be such a jerk he will probably think twice
2008-08-12 13:40:08 UTC
It's not worth your time. Why give to someone who is not nice to you? That means he thinks little of you and is using you. Help someone else who is appreciative and nice.
2008-08-12 13:41:15 UTC

i dont think you should help him

why help a person who

doesnt even care about what you think

dont waste your time on that dude

hes being a dick
2008-08-12 13:40:40 UTC
Which action will make you feel good about yourself and let you sleep with a clear conscience tonight? That's what you should do.
2008-08-12 13:41:13 UTC
If you can help him, help him. If he gets nasty tell him that you have tried to give him the benefit of the doubt but obviously he doesn't want to change so it is best to avoid the friendship.
2008-08-12 13:40:22 UTC
Give him a chance. Edit his essay.
Angelical Demonical
2008-08-12 13:41:47 UTC
Each to their own ... me personally ? I would help him, most folk ain't nice because they have had little kindness shown to them so i'd be inclined to show some ... set an example so to speak.

2008-08-12 13:40:51 UTC
Hm thats tough. I say help him, because even if he is mean to you after this, he will be the one that will feel guilty inside, not you.
2008-08-12 13:40:44 UTC
replace 'asked me to help him edit and essay' with 'was drowning in the river and was calling for help' and then ask yourself the same question to answer your question.
2008-08-12 13:40:20 UTC
it depends, like i have a firend who is going out with a girl i really like nothing about but for his sake i have to be nice, but other wise i wouldnt, so if u have to then do it other wise no way.
Liza P
2008-08-12 13:39:47 UTC
it isn't worth spending time helping someone who you dont like much especially that he doesnt care about your or your feelings
2008-08-12 13:39:34 UTC
Yes help them as much as you can!!! Just do not give them any cash or anything you can't afford to give them. Helping people you do not like can make you become friends with that person!
2008-08-12 13:40:13 UTC
Well i think you should help him this time..but if he continues asking you to do stuff for him, don't...unless when you need help and he helps you back then it's okay :)
2008-08-12 13:40:50 UTC
hmm well god say to help your enemy is to defeat them or some thing like that, so hmmmmmmm i guess you should help him, i mean what can be the bad part of it
2008-08-12 13:40:39 UTC
tell him you'll do it this one time. but from now on he's on his own. unless you want to continue being used and abused by this guy.
2008-08-12 13:40:16 UTC
if you help him out, you have time to rub off on him. maybe being around you more will make him be better
2008-08-12 13:41:49 UTC
no if hes hurtful to you don't wast valuable energy
2008-08-12 13:40:12 UTC
Help him a bit, then pretend you're too busy and tired.
Man, my old account was banned.
2008-08-13 00:38:24 UTC
No! Don't waste your time, he isn't nice, so why should you be nice to him?
Junior O
2008-08-12 13:40:27 UTC
He is a jerk let him do it himself. Sorry he is so hurtful.
2008-08-12 13:39:33 UTC
This shouldn't be about him. You were asked for assistance, and you should provide it. Just don't hang out with him as much if you don't like him.
2008-08-12 13:38:59 UTC
yes. Jesus said to love and pray for your enemies. just because he was not nice towards you doesn't mean you have to be the same way towards him.
2008-08-12 13:43:31 UTC
i think you should help him out...give him a few quick pointers..
2008-08-12 13:40:32 UTC
yes I will really do it like in that situation.
2008-08-12 13:39:59 UTC
Tell him you will help him as long as he is nice to you, and if he is not, stop helping him.
2008-08-12 13:40:08 UTC
why? What will it give you? If he doesn't really appreciate, there's no point in doing it.
2008-08-12 13:39:49 UTC
yes, I think you should .. and maybe you will help him become a better person
Psych Lapse
2008-08-12 13:38:56 UTC
Life is short

Save your graces for those who enhance your world, not cramp your style

Dont help him
2008-08-12 13:39:21 UTC
Go buy a DVD and watch it tonight instead of helping him.
2008-08-12 13:39:35 UTC
do unto others as they do unto you. you can't let people use you and then not do the same in return.
2008-08-12 13:40:10 UTC
you should everybody even if its somebody that you do not him
2008-08-12 13:40:04 UTC
no he dont deserve ur help
2008-08-12 13:39:51 UTC
eh i wouldnt help someone who doesnt appreciate it
2008-08-12 13:39:40 UTC
no, i'd offer a couple of pointers and nothing more.
2008-08-12 13:39:23 UTC
Yes you have too or else it's a sin
2008-08-12 13:39:29 UTC
keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer.
2008-08-12 13:39:57 UTC
if you could it from it.
2008-08-12 13:39:02 UTC
If you could benifit from it, if not then don't help
2008-08-12 13:42:43 UTC
i wouldnt..
2008-08-12 13:39:24 UTC
I didn't read your question, but whatever if you want to.
2008-08-12 13:39:16 UTC
No. Point and laugh at him.
Bev for Prezz
2008-08-12 13:38:51 UTC
No, don't waste your time.
2008-08-12 13:41:18 UTC
no please dont help him at all.
2008-08-12 13:39:08 UTC
screw that guy

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.