G Man
2013-12-30 19:18:37 UTC
I'll get to the point. I'm a Christian (Charismatic Christian). I sometimes hear of how Christians will be persecuted for their beliefs and how sometimes, telling someone you're Christian can lead to people not wanting to be friends with and or making fun of you (not exactly the definition of persecution but you get what I'm trying to say).
I remember learning in youth service not to make friends with unbelievers and that sometimes Christians can't get along with unbelievers not due to a fault of their own but because unbelievers will naturally be repelled from a Christian and not want to be friends because of the different natures of their souls.
We could make friends with unbelievers if our intent was to lead them to Christ eventually and that Christ would hold us responsible for their blood (which is strange because some years later, the pastor the adult service said something like by unbelievers, the bible means those who were in Christ but don't act like it and not the other people in the world. I don't remember quite clearly but basically, he used 1 Corinthians 5: 9-11, which I can't put here because this question already long enough. Sorry).
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Long story short, I'm now a bit paranoid. I feel a bit scared to let people know that I'm Christian. That and the fact that I'm pretty much a foreigner here in the U.S.A. Okay so maybe I've been here for about 6 years now, but I haven't made that many American friends. I'm not exactly a social butterfly. I know the people in my country are totally okay with it. In fact, it's all over and quite dominant. I became Christian about 2 years after coming here (in one of our Church's branches here in the U.S.A.)
Like I said, I'm not exactly extroverted so I hadn't made many (if any) American friends by the time I became a Christian so I wasn't and still am not sure how people here react to Christianity (although I've heard it's positive but I'm still a bit scared). Couple the fear I feel around unbelievers sometimes with the fact that I'm a foreigner and add that to the fact that I'm a bit self conscious about my accent means I'm pretty much not too comfortable with anyone who isn't Christian and from my country or continent. I can talk to other people but on a more superficial level.
When I'm talking to other people and they ask me stuff like "What kind of music do you listen to?" I panic and either try to avoid the question or just say "Instrumentals" (at that time, I listened strictly to only Christian music and a few instrumentals to use as an excuse if I was asked what I listened too but now I include music like that of "Explosions in the Sky" and some other types of music like "Bloc Party" and "Kodaline - All I Want" after watching a video by Jeff Bethke on YouTube).
I recall ignoring someone a distance away in a noisy room during my sophomore year of high school, who asked me what music I listened too and I just put my head back into my books, pretending I didn't hear him, even after he repeatedly called my name afterward.
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That or anything else that has to do with me being a Christian like going to Church or not doing certain stuff like not drinking (Christian or not, I'm staying far away from that stuff. Tasted a bit once just for the heck of it and let's just say, it'll be a cold day in Hell before I break that vow). Anyway, I need help getting over my fear. I've made a bit of progress after a couple of situations turned out a bit differently than I expected but I still need some more help.
How do I calm down and not be so afraid about letting people know I'm Christian? And please no "You are ashamed of Christ" answers. Peter was forgiven by Christ Himself when He resurrected after denying Him 3 times. Thank you very much for your help and sorry for the essay.