HOW can you argue when LDS members say... "God did it!" "We dont know his reasons" (geez)
Back in the early days of the Mormon church Elijah Abel would be the first black Mormon to hold the priesthood. Joseph Smith was not that racist, he was friends with a black convert (Elijah Abel) whom he allowed to be ordained to the higher priesthood.
Brigham Young refused that same man from being endowed in the Nauvoo temple with the rest of the Saints.
*No other black Mormon would be ordained as a priesthood holder for 130 years.
I believe that true racism started with Brigham Young and his company, but the Book of mormon had very racist verses in it.
"African Americans were endowed with the Priesthood in 1978, and the LDS church believes that God changed his mind about black men and the priesthood and "lifted" the ban.* Before that they could be members just not allowed into temples ect...this went for any black linage (blood line) even for black women! This change was way to far late for the LDS church not to look extremely racist. The book of mormon still has racist verses.
I never knew about the RACISM in the LDS church NOR the Curse of Cain doctrine while a member. I was shocked at the information that I came across.
Yes the racist versus are still in the Book of mormon. That is considered doctrine.
A very racist LDS TALK from a mormon apostle Mark Petersen.
The Mormon prophet Brigham Young on the appearance of Africans:
“Cain slew his brother....and the Lord put a mark upon him, which is the FLAT NOSE AND BLACK SKIN...”
(Journal of Discourses, Vol. 7, pages 290-291)
From a Mormon Publication: in the 1930's I believe,
“Their skin is quite black, their hair woolly and black, THEIR INTELLIGENCE STUNTED, and they appear never to have arisen from the most savage state of barbarism.” The Juvenile Instructor, Vol. 3, page 157)…
From 1966....
"Those who were LESS VALIANT IN PRE-EXISTENCE and who thereby had certain spiritual restrictions imposed upon them during mortality are known to us as the NEGROES." LDS "Apostle" Bruce R. McConkie, Mormon Doctrine, p. 527, 1966 edition
~THE change in 1978...
Times they were a changing and the LDS church was FAR behind the movement...
*This change happening after the main part of the civil rights movement, and with huge pressure brought to the Mormon church and BYU. There were riots and many people hurt. The LDs church needed to make a move and change it's ways, so *poof* in 1978 God had changed his mind...
Many other church had changed their views and have even apologized publicly since then, but not the LDS church.
Before the change no person with any "black blood" (they called it) was not allowed to have the priesthood, at be allowed into a LDS temple.
LDS members in Brazil with black blood in them, this was an issue also, having a new temple and not being able to attend.
The LDS church of today would love to bury this history, but it is there and only approved sugarcoated answers are given when people ask about this belief.
(sorry so long..:)