Well there are warnings of judging our brother/sister in Christ. Them being our family meaning they are being obedient to the Word of God, or may be disobedient. But manytimes we call our brother a 'fool' and is in danger of 'hell fire' meaning I believe a serious discipline. Also, when we don't forgive others, Jesus turns us over to the tormentors until we realized that Jesus forgave us our sins so we need to forgive others.
We get judged today, or disciplined today as children of God.
But in verse8 we are the Lord's alive & after we die. So? I believe the Judgment Seat of Christ is after we die. Every one shall give account of himself to God. Of the things mentioned in these verses. How we treat others is very important.
Elsewhere there are verses where Jesus rewards those who used the talents ($ & abilities) to rule over these cities. So this is authority over cities in the Millinnium Reign of Christ Jesus. But the one who was unwise & dug the talent under ground to hide, this talent was taken from him. Then those who didn't want to serve the Lord at all, they were slain before the Lord (I would suspect these were the antichrist who rejected Christ.).
But I guess at the Judgment Seat of Christ, we all will be accountable for how we treated others in Christ. Or others disobedient or had low faith in Christ. Or others in a pre salvation state.
So? Also everyone shall bow & confess Jesus Christ Lord to the Glory of the Father (Comparing vrs11 w/another verse.)
I notice that to not judge others regarding if they think one day is better (more holy) than another or if every day is alike. So? That would indicate that we shouldn't judge the 7DA about going to Church on Saturday or we shouldn't judge the Christian who thinks Sunday or Wednesday or Everyday is the more Holy Day. To me, Sunday is the day I usually go to Church, But every day is the Lords Day to me. So, I dedicate every day to the Lord. And we will be judged according to our whole life, not just the day we go to Church. Since we are restored to God 24/7 & can pray 24/7.
We will be judged if we put a stumbling block to trip up our siblings in Christ
One thing we need to realize is that Jesus Christ died & rose & revived that He might be Lord both of the living & the dead. This may be touph for the JWs out there. Since they think Jesus Christ is Michael the Arch Angel.
Michael the Arch Angel may be the first Cherebim of Gods Creation.
Sorry if this answer is chopped up a bit. But this is what is coming to mind from your question. Good question to stir our thinkers.