Where is the real proof of the existence of God?
2006-07-30 04:14:22 UTC
People believe and have faith etc, but where is there actual proof of an existence of God?
I am only asking for peoples opinions, so please do not take offence to the question....
55 answers:
2006-07-30 04:17:35 UTC
there is none....not one shred.
2006-07-30 04:34:01 UTC
It is all about belief. All the religions and faiths in this world there has to be some higher being. Why else did all these prophets and wise men turn up and start writting scriptures.

Then again if there is no God then there is no religion, so what have we been fighting for these last 2000 years. Is religion the biggest con ever?

Sorry if I have offended any Athiest in shattering your belief that there is nothing there to believe in. And a question to all the Agnostic, how can you not believe in something that you believe does not exist, if there is nothing there in the first place. If that aint faith I don't know what is.
2006-07-30 04:55:13 UTC
Just imagine that u re on a plane high in the air and suddenly u know that the plane is going to crash, what will u do? Whom u will remember? certainly the God, nothing else. If u really wanna feel the existence of the God, then Just have a serious problem and use ur all sources to remove, if u feel helpless completely, and there is no way to come out, then just sit down and remember ur God, and surrender urself with all ur heart and soul,completly.................., noway at all, and within a minit u will get an idea, a way to resolve ur problem. If this happens to u , still u will ask for the existence of the god.
2006-07-30 04:26:33 UTC
The only actual proof of the existence of God is in the heart of the believer. It is different for each person. For me, it comes in the form of my life. As I give my life over more and more to God, I am able to see things happening that I cannot account for any other way. But, it is a very personal knowing. I am sure my experience would not convince anyone else but me. And then, there is the sense of communion. When I open myself to listen for God, I do get the distinct feeling of the presence of the infinite personality, the source. One thing that looked to me like a sort of scientific proof was this chaos theory stuff that produced the fractal designs. When mathematicians attempted to produce chaos, they produced a kind of order they had never seen before. To me that was as near scientific proof as anything. That there is always order in the universe, because it is a universe built, not just happening out of chaos by accident.
2006-07-30 04:24:14 UTC
It is impossible to prove the existence of God. It also impossible to prove God doesn't exist. It is my opinion, therefore, that believing in God and being an Atheist are both positions of FAITH. I have had a couple of serious instances in my life when prayer appeared to be answered immediately, but this still proves nothing; merely that I had a personal experience that might have indicated the presence of God. Nobody should take offence by your question, for it is incumbent upon all of us to continue to ask questions, even those who have a strong faith in God.
2006-07-30 05:12:58 UTC
Ill assume you already have your answer after reading the previous ones THERE IS NO PROOF. We are here, that is no proof. If someone came into my house and saw a pen on the table that is not proof that i put it there or that my son or husband did. It proves nothing. just that it is there. We are here because of evolution, for which there is lots of proof.

Just because there are large odds against something happening does not mean it will not happen. so the big bang had high odds against, so what?? when you consider the universe is infinitely "old" it had to happen some time, high odds against infinity. When you consider that there may be infinite alternative universes a viable one had to come along, then consider the size of our universe, the number of stars and planets life had to have a good chance of happening somewhere. Misused, misunderstood statistical odds are apparently a dangerous weapon in the hands of the ignorant.

I used to have more passive answers against these ignorant ideas but im becoming increasingly annoyed by people using the playground answers of "because im here", "because its too complicated for me to understand how it could happen another way" and "because the bible says so". If I say a purple fairy lives in my kitchen cupboard, sure its my right to believe so but im not gonna pretend I have proof!

Oh, and to the person that argued against agnostisism, Id refute you if i could understand what the hell you were trying to say!
2006-07-30 04:22:21 UTC
There is no actual proof.

I guess thats the whole point - Faith !

Some claim that the Human Race is proof that a God exists but I think any reasonable intelligent person can understand evolution.

Well thought question. Made me think :)
2006-07-30 04:31:01 UTC
It is a nice Q .U know there r many answers that can be said about being of god but i myself find the real proof of the existence of god , in the smile of a nice baby
2006-07-30 04:20:01 UTC
THE ACTUAL PROOFS of an existence of God are:

1. Your breath. Your living breath. No one even yourself can give you life.

2. Look at the universe, the sun and moon rise. Who commands these gigantic creations to move?

3. Many things to prove that God exists.
2006-07-30 04:28:22 UTC
Some of the world's top scientists like Sir Fred Hoyle the Nobel winning astronomer have examined the "Big Bang" origin of the Universe and concluded that the possibility of it occurring accidentally or randomly would be 1,000,000,000 to 1 against.

They have further calculated the odds against the Universe containing the exact amount of elements, force, gravity, inertia etc to expand orderly instead of flying apart or immediately collapsing back on itself at another 1,000,000,000 to 1.

Further the odds that the exact correct combination of elements could come together to create life and that any part of the Universe could be favorable for the survival of that life, another 1,000,000,000 to 1 shot.

That means that in the calculations of reputable modern scientists, the odds that some higher intelligence created this Universe is about 1,000,000,000 times 1,000,000,000 times 1,000,000,000 to one, in favor. They sound like good odds to me.
Graham I
2006-07-30 04:20:36 UTC
I strongly suggest reading the relevant excerpt from Douglas Adams' book "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy".

Basically if there was proof God existed there would be no religion, as religion is all about managing the uncertainty of why we are here.
2006-07-30 04:44:09 UTC
i am saddened by the level of ignorance shown by some of the answerers to your question. even more by your apparent lack of experience of who god is. to answer your question, i'll ask you to answer mine.

1 where did i come from?

2 am i a specific master piece creation of a divine being or just a freak accident?

3 if there is a God at the end of the day, what will i lose for not knowing Him?

i unequivocally know and say that there is a God. if you sincerely desire answers to this, pick up your Bible and read Genesis.
2006-07-30 04:42:08 UTC
The living proof of the existence of God is US. We are.
2006-07-30 04:25:16 UTC
An acorn can become a great mighty oak. Some how the information for that to happen, had to be put inside that acorn. I know I didn't do it and it must have been someone or something that did. And funny thing. If you got every acorn to grow, it will always be an oak. It'll never be a pine or a palm tree.
2006-07-30 04:29:25 UTC
Well I suggest you start by asking yourself, why was everything created. If you conclude that there is no point to everythings existence's, then switch off.

Something as beautiful as any new born creature is an act of a creator.

I am a well qualified Engineer, and I don't think any mere creature could create such beauty

2006-07-30 04:28:14 UTC
God surely has a form. His form is entirely different from any Corporeal or subtle form that we know of. Incorporeal is a relative term- God is Incorporeal in comparison to objects having gross or subtle forms. Incorporeal means belonging to the Incorporeal world where matter does not exist. Only souls and Supreme Soul reside. God is the Supreme Soul. Even human souls are Incorporeal only in comparison with their bodies. This does not however mean that they are formless. Each human soul has its own eternal and imperishable entity, which could not be so unless it had a form. Just as the soul is a shining point of light and might, so is the Supreme Soul. This form is extremely subtle. In reality, there is no difference between the size of the soul and the Supreme soul. Both are points of light energy. The difference lies in the intensity of their light and might. One great difference between the Supreme Soul and every other soul is that He never enters the cycle of birth and death. As a consequence, He is never subject to delusion or degradation of divinity and is free from Karma (Action).

Muslims believe God or ‘Allah’ to be ‘Roohani Rooh’ (Supreme Soul) who is ‘Noor’ (light). In Mecca, where Muslims go for ‘Haj’ (pilgrimage), there is a holy stone called ‘Sang-e-Aswad’ kept at ‘Khana-e-kaba’. This stone is kissed from a distance by every pilgrim before he starts the ‘Haj’. It is noteworthy that ‘Sang-e-Aswad’ has striking resemblance with "Shiva-linga". Christians believe that Moses had a vision of God in the form of a flame of light. They call him ‘Jehovah’. Christ as well as Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikhism, both said that God is one and He is light.
Terry S
2006-07-30 04:26:02 UTC
Just look around at everything in your room and see how every thing had a designer.then walk outside and look at the trees ,plants ,and every living animal that walks are flys by , Think about the 4 seasons , the sun ,the moon the stars at night , What a magnificent design , hm mm most be a magnificent designer , I would say that proves there is a designer
2006-07-30 04:31:35 UTC
in the mind of men. remember religion is about control, there is no proof of gods existence, nor is their proof of his non existence. catholics say one thing, the muslims another, the jews think theyre better than anyone else and so it goes on. push me, shove you.

i believe we created god in our own image... and the roman empire became the holy roman empire, and gave us its bastard offsrping the catholic church... the most powerful NGO on the planet. power corrupts, absolute power..well we all know the saying im sure.

for all teh complications in todays world, its strange that these religions all use the first five or six books of the old testament, and yet theyre at each others throat. whys that then?
2006-07-30 04:21:57 UTC
No but the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy makes a compelling argument that if there was proof there would be no God..
2006-07-30 04:19:58 UTC
It's a comfort fantasy for some people to have a big Daddy in the sky, they need to grow up and take responsibility for themselves and the world around them and stop escaping into a world of fantasy where they can hand responsibility to a higher power..
2006-07-30 06:06:14 UTC
Look out your window, see the sky?

Look at the tree ant the bottom of your garden, Look at a flower, look at the myriad of life that fits neatly together, everything with a job to do.

How can you not see proof everytime you open your eyes?

Open your eyes and look for your proof, you will begin to see it everywhere.

God Bless

Love and Light

2006-07-30 04:29:29 UTC
no proof whatsoever - that's why they say they have 'faith'. I've no interest in relgion whatsoever, but it seems to serve a purpose for some people. God seems to make a lot of money for some people though...makes you think!
2006-07-30 04:55:20 UTC
proof will come to you when you most need it. i didn't believe in god since i was 15, then when i reached 22 and my dad was really sick everything changed for me......that one night someone came to me when i was in bed but not a sleep and she spoke to me in a language that i never had heard before but understood perfectly well, she said my dad would die when the sun starts to rise, but there's nothing to fear as he will have his mum and dad waiting for him to take him home, all will be well, my dad passed to the other side at 5:30 that morning...and i now know there's a god...
2006-07-30 04:20:59 UTC
I found this article interesting regarding that very subject. It asks the question can science help you find God. I think you will enjoy reading it.
Bill K Atheist Goodfella
2006-07-30 04:21:09 UTC
The only proof, is in the hearts and minds of believers. Unfortunately, believing in something strongly enough, doesn't make it real....
2006-07-30 04:19:10 UTC
Your proof will come shortly. I'm answering this question seriously. I believe in the second coming of Christ. When you see Him in the clouds, you will have your proof.
2006-07-30 04:32:58 UTC
look at things around u... the trees,sky,climate,rain,wind.....etc...they are in perfect control and co-ordination...every thing in nature exists in such wonderful balance with each can all this have got created by itself?by mere chance? impossible.... all this indicates that there is a creator,who created everything and is maintaining and controlling.... look at ur own self, the living things around u.... all this cudnt have got created by itself....just think.... and u'l find the answer......... and then,take up the Quran,read it...and know he purpose of our creation...the path which we gotta follow.............
2006-07-30 04:23:02 UTC
No Offense, God loves those who seek the truth. Would you kindly go to the following website: ot more precisely

I could copy/paste all but maybe it is going to be more practical if you read yourself.

May the One who loves you reveal himself to you so you know in your heart that He exists & you existed because He loved you & wanted you to enjoy His love. God bless you
2006-07-30 04:19:42 UTC
I would refer you to the Quaran, there are evidence that God exist and the world was created by God. try
2006-07-30 04:36:40 UTC
Go sit in Nature. You will see God in His creation. He left his mark on everything He created.
Jack Bauer
2006-07-30 06:54:27 UTC
Who created Yahoo! Answers? Someone did, right? So, who created you and me? A supreme being, that people call god did. Simple as that...
Green Lantern
2006-07-30 05:42:52 UTC
Didn't you felt strange that you are created with a sperm from your father and an ovum from your mother and is gave life by God and you doubt the existence of God.Once,a young man asked an Imam,where is god? if there is one then show it to me.What is fate?And if Satan made of fire,how can he be punish in the fire of hell?The Imam slap his face and completely shock the young man.The Imam said,'Did you hurt?The young answer,'Yes, of course!!!!'The Imam answer,'Show it to me how the pain look like,'Impossible,'the young man answer.I'm hurt and Feeling it,I can't show how the pain look like.The Imam Say's,"That's it,we cannot see God but we can feel His existence.""Did you dream of being hit by me last night,or did you even think of being hit by me just now?""No"The young man answer."This is what you call fate."The Imam Say's."What are my hand's made of?""Flesh and blood"The young man answer."What is your face made of?""Flesh and blood""That's it,if God made Satan with fire,He can also punish Satan with fire if He wants to."The young man quickly apologize to that Imam.
2006-07-30 04:24:10 UTC
Because God did all the world humans cant make a world or the planets.God made us we cant make ourselves.
2006-07-30 04:20:41 UTC
look around you all the beautiful children,people helping people like at the human body I can't believe it just happen
2006-07-30 04:21:12 UTC
You, me and the whole universe is a HUGE proof!
The Redeemed
2006-07-30 05:04:35 UTC
Look at the sky, ocean and forest. Someone greater being must have made them.
2006-07-30 04:33:07 UTC
ofcourse there is no real proof. It is to be felt only.U cant see the air,but can feel it.
2006-07-30 13:02:08 UTC
There is none. Christians have faith and that's good enough for them, but it doesn't wash with me.
raj the secret
2006-07-30 04:22:00 UTC
whenever you face any problem and you just confidient to your self that you can solve this problem . i think your faith about your self is symble of power of god. further you can contact me via email.

raj solanki
2006-07-30 04:23:25 UTC
Go and stand in front of a mirror, my dear. You will not see GOD., But you will see HIS masterpiece!
2006-07-30 04:32:31 UTC
.God is just one's point of view. if you view God not as a person, or not as a living entity but just a force. That's it.. its everywhere.
~sad person right now~
2006-07-30 04:27:06 UTC
i say tht u r a moron. do you believe me?

if we show any proof, you won't believe it coz it depends upon you.

2006-07-30 04:21:41 UTC
there is no proof for GOD;

GOD doesn't exits ; it is only MAN created creature!
2006-07-30 04:26:43 UTC
the proof is in your soul
2006-07-30 04:22:05 UTC
oh please! do you think wer gonna find serious evidence of an actual god? i was christened and believe in A god, but it doesnt mean we have to find him
james j
2006-07-30 04:21:31 UTC
look in a mirror or within yourself we are all part of him silly rabbit
that dude you hate
2006-07-30 04:21:12 UTC
abslolutely no "proof". and if there is, i'd like to see the crackpot that faked it.
2006-07-30 04:18:27 UTC
Its all in the eye of the beholder/believer.....
2006-07-30 04:19:43 UTC
There is no proof.
Claire R
2006-07-30 04:17:25 UTC
i dont worship any god, incase the almighty being, (if there is one) gets angry.
2006-07-30 04:20:35 UTC
there is none because there is no god
2006-07-30 06:36:29 UTC
there are signs for those that can think.
2006-07-30 04:18:02 UTC
there is none
2006-07-30 05:35:02 UTC
in the bible
2006-07-30 04:28:06 UTC
i believe...

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.