On the contrary, it would shut up all the atheist mockers who disbelieve anything and everything the Bible has to say! I would welcome a time travelling machine that could view the past! Maybe THEN these foolish questions would be put to a dead stop!
Look, there have been others who have tried to disprove Christianity with some serious research, and in every single case, the person ended up becoming a Christian!
- Lew Wallace ended up writing the novel, Ben Hur. He started out writing an expose against Christianity, but as he researched, his expose slowly changed.
- Mortimer J. Adler was a philosopher.
- Steve Beren was a former member of the Socialist Workers Party in the United States.
- Kirk Cameron is an actor from the TV show, "Growing Pains" who became a Christian
- Francis Collins was a geneticist who was an atheist until age 27.
- Lee Strobel is now a writer, Christian "apologist", was a former journalist.
- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn was a Nobel Prize-winning dissident and author.
- Gerald Priestland is a news correspondent who was once an atheist.
- George R. Price a genetics who became an Evangelical Protestant.
- Rosalind Picard director of the Affective Computing Research Group at the MIT Media Lab was raised atheist, but converted to Christianity in her teens.
- Charles Péguy, the french poet, essayist and editor, went from agnostic humanist to pro-republic Catholic.
- Marvin Olasky, former Marxist turned Christian conservative, edits the Christian Word magazine.
- William J. Murray, son of Madalyn Murray O'Hair became a born-again preacher
- Malcolm Muggeridge, the British journalist and author, went from agnosticism to the Catholic church.
- Nina Karin Monsen was a Noregian moral philospher and author who grew up in a humanist family, but later converted to Christianity through philosophic thinking.
- Claude McKay, a bisexual Jamaican poet, went from Communist atheist to a devout Catholic Christain.
- C. S. Lewis was an atheist who later returned to Christianity. He said that he was "very angry with God for not existing!" He wrote such books as Mere Christianity, etc.
- Joy Davidman was a poet, and the wife of C. S. Lewis.
- Larry Darby is a "holocaust revisionist" and a former member of the American Atheists.
The list goes on and on, including heavy metal and punk musicians, actors and acresses, etc; but the point is, when people honestly and seriously search for themselves instead of blinding believing what they are told like lost little lambs who can't think for themselves, they discover God!
I hope that time viewing (if not actual time travel) becomes real while Dawkins is still alive! I would LOVE to see the shock on his face when he discovers the truth!