The Fatima secrets? Man, it's been a while since someone was stupid enough to reference those.
> The Virgin Mary predicted World War II in 1917 (during World War I):
You do know the "prophecy" wasn't disclosed till 1941? Several years after the start of WWII and plenty of time to fake whatever you want of it. The timeline is also wrong as there was a new pope at the start of WWII, making the prophecy fail right there. It's also worthy to note that between WWI and WWII it was a relative long period of peace. Pretty much every century before had European wars going every decade. If the "prophecy" was actually written in 1917, it was a fairly safe bet that a new war would erupt soon after the current ended.
> (Russia become communist in 1917. There were famines and Christianity was persecuted. In 1984, Pope John Paul II consecrated Russia to Mary. Soon after, communism began to decline in Europe. The Soviet Union fell.)
Aside from the 'prophecy' not mentioning anything of this by name, there is also the facts of reality. This falls in the category of 'if you keep doing it often enough, sometimes you might get lucky'. And it was still off by like 7 years.
"In October 1942 Pope Pius XII performed the Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary for the entire world, and in July 1952 he specifically consecrated the Peoples of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary by his apostolic letter Sacro Vergente Anno.
On March 25, 1984, the feast of the Annunciation, Pope John Paul II consecrated Russia in a public ceremony. Russia was never specifically mentioned in the consecration prayer; the consecration was in the form of a 'whole-world consecration'."
The Soviet Union fell due to not being able to keep up with the arms race, destroying their economy and the relatively young leader Gorbachev issued in reforms that ultimately led to to dissolution of the USSR.
This was pretty inevitable and would have happened regardless of any prayers, consecrations or other religious nonsense.
An actual real prophecy should be known in advance, not be able to be caused by the believers and defy any statistical odds. Only then would it be interesting to investigate further.
Please try again.