1=Nama-aparadha - offensive chanting of the holy name, or chanting of the holy name which is subject to the ten kinds of nama-aparadha.
2=Namabhasa - a semblance of the holy name. The stage of chanting in which one is becoming cleared of sins and offenses but has not yet attained pure chanting.
3=Suddha-nama - pure chanting of the holy name. When one is freed from all offenses and anarthas, the pure holy name descends and appears on the fully purified and transcendental senses – known thus as suddha-nama.
-Suddha-nama means taking nama with a favorable attitude, while remaining free from all material desire (anyabhilasa), and from coverings of jnana, karma and so on. To desire the supreme bliss that comes when the transcendental nature of nama manifests clearly is not anyabhilasa(other material desires). All kinds of desires apart from that –such as the desire to be free from sins and to gain liberation – are certainly anyabhilasa. There will be no suddha-nama so long as anyabhilasa remains; one will not receive suddha-nama as long as he still desires the fruits of performing jnana, karma, yoga and so on.
Just as nama is the highest truth, so nama-aparadha (offense against sri-nama) is the most frightening of all kinds of sins and offenses. All other kinds of sins and offenses go away naturally and automatically as one utters sri-nama, but nama-aparadha does not go away so easily. In the description of the glories of sri-nama in the Padma Purana, Svarga-khanda (48, 49) it is said:
nama-aparadha-yuktanam namany eva haranty agham
avisranta-prayuktani tany evartha-karani ca
For those infected with nama-aparadha, sri-nama will certainly remove the sin, provided the sadhakas chant tirelessly and unremittingly. Sri-nama Himself will effect their deliverance.
Just see, it is so difficult to destroy nama-aparadha. Therefore, one must avoid nama-aparadha when one chants sri-nama. If one tries hard to stop committing nama-aparadha, suddha-nama will manifest very quickly.