Is science more useful to humanity than religion?
2017-04-27 19:42:12 UTC
Do you remember that time that Jesus eradicated polio?

Me neither.
121 answers:
2017-04-28 01:24:54 UTC
heh religion seems to be more comforting or a safety net compared to the hard facts of science but then again i haven't seen any wars started because of atheism yet
2017-04-29 00:15:15 UTC
Well let's all assume for a moment that God is real, and that Christianity is true. Which I do believe but I doubt most of you do. Jesus can bring people back from the dead... Science has not found a death cure yet. Sure you can delay it, and cause much pain and suffering in the process. Jesus healed people in an instant, like they were never hurt. But hold on, science vs Jesus? Really? Didn't Jesus create science? "Through him all things were made, without him nothing that has been made was made." John 1:4. Science cannot be better than Jesus, the creation does not grow beyond the creators. Science is the study of EVERYTHING. Jesus made EVERYTHING. Jesus made it possible for us to use science to make that polio vaccine. He made our brains so that they can learn, he made polio and he gave us the cure. He does not promise that we will not die, only that if we follow him he will bring us back from the grave. Let him lead you to Green pastures and still waters.
2017-04-29 00:14:06 UTC
Of course
Ernest S
2017-04-28 23:37:59 UTC
Science can do nothing about sin.
2017-04-28 13:13:27 UTC
Science may soon prove to have VERY short-term benefits to humanity, if some world-leader or other decides to nuke another country. Humanity could become extinct in a few days thereafter. So much for science.

As the inventor of the nuclear bomb, Oppenheimer, said the year of the first test 1945, followed by bombs dropping on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, "Now I am become Death: the destroyer of worlds."
2017-04-28 12:33:48 UTC
God teaches us about science.
2017-04-28 10:33:23 UTC
This seems to be an either or question. Without religion, we would not know what was moral or other important things like that. If we did not have observational science, then we would not have alot of the things we have today. I don't think one is more important then the other as both religion & science give us things that we as humans desperately need.

I mean, observational science is a gift from God. God gave us observational science so that we could survive better & better ourselves in the post Fall world we're all living in. So the bottom line is, neither religion, nor observational science is more important, they are both needed as humanity would crumble without them. But the only reason we have the things we do is because God is so good, because He loves us, & He want's us to better ourselves in the post Fall world we're all living in.
Roberta B
2017-04-28 10:22:33 UTC
Faith in the true GOD who is our Creator, and in his Son who is our Savior and Ransomer can provide the way to eternal life and perfect health. Jesus' miracles were not meant to eradicate sickness, but to demonstrate what he will do in the Paradise to come.

Many skilled and dedicated doctors and scientists have found cures for many diseases, but in this world lack of money and circumstances keep millions more from getting treatment. Jesus cured all who came to him and did not charge them anything.

Science, which should be structured inquiry of our existence, can be skewed without morals. Think, strip mining, DDT, and the long standing related business funded science research in pharmaceuticals and tobacco. In medicine, the Hippocratic Oath was supposed to provide a kind of moral code for doctors, but it is now more a formality, as money and politics often exert their power over morality.

All of this will be done away with by God's Kingdom, and science cannot do that. Isaiah 11:6-9
2017-04-28 06:36:08 UTC
There's a very interesting book, entitled, "On Death and Dying," by the late Dr. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross; you'll have a totally different outlook, I promise; I gave my books authored by Dr Kubler-Ross to my older cousin, a Christian minister who administers to the dying and their family members.

In the final analysis, death is inevitable; we all die regardless of faith or medical science.

See this video of a courageous man; you'll think twice about ignoring medical findings... and faith! Why did God make doctors?
2017-04-28 06:28:04 UTC
When you talk about humanity, The first and foremost thing you should keep in mind is ETHICS.

Science didn't make polio vaccine but A man with noble cause made it.

Science has also shown Hiroshima instance would you still blame religion for that?

No babe, Most of the religions teach us good ethics and nobility(Which science doesn't).

Don't be obsessed with science too much.

I suggest you to leave the company of that atheist.

Science can make nuclear weapons and destroy all humanity but religious teachings say No dont kill humans be good to them do good and have good.
2017-04-27 23:43:21 UTC
This question can not have a simple answer because there are many different religions that have different beliefs. Also, there are many things that science postulates as true and some are true and helpful whyile others are not true and not helpful.
2017-04-30 02:55:38 UTC
Science has become a religion, and I don't appreciate you mocking my Lord and Savior like that.
2017-04-30 00:41:53 UTC
GOD cannot be escaped you will face him in every turn
2017-04-29 23:14:44 UTC
They deal with different issues. You might be amused by Newton's Biblical writings, his commentary of Ezekiel, etc.

Note, too, that most religions around the world are not like whatever church your parents made you attend.
2017-04-29 21:02:02 UTC
Depends when & in what circumstances. Both have their uses. Science may be useful in a material world, but it won't get you anywhere spiritually. Spirituality can actually free the mind to develop scientific understanding, in fact many of our greatest scientists are people of deep faith.

In fact the 2 disciplines address completely different questions. Science concerns itself with How? For example, how could polio be eradicated? Religion addresses questions of Why? For example why did diseases such as polio ever exist?

So if you want to answer questions of How?, you could turn to science. But some questions of How? may be best addressed by first asking Why? questions, i.e. why has disease spread? OK I'm not guaranteeing you'll get the answers in religion, but I do find it interesting that for about 5000 years the very best scheme of protection against disease has come from both the Bible in the last 2000 years & from Jewish religious requirements for 3000 years before that.

There is an excellent & brief book "None of These Diseases" written by S.I.Mc Millen that I'd thoroughly recommend (there's also a longer & rather preachy revised version which covers the AIDS epidemic). It's interesting to me that ways of preventing the spread of disease existed 5000 years ago, but science alone cannot answer where they got this wisdom from.

Religion tells you, but that's the answer to a different question.
2017-04-29 19:51:59 UTC
No. God created science and He is called the Great Mathematician. Science would have nothing to study if not for the Creator God. God wanted to know His creation and to communicate with them, so He came down in human flesh as Jesus the Christ.

In science, I deny only that man came from a monkey when the Holy Scriptures clearly say that God created mankind in His image and Adam and Eve came into this world full grown human beings. God created everything mature and from that maturity came offsprings.
2017-04-29 15:34:50 UTC
if I became severely ill I'm going to go my local priest and ask him/her to sort me out. Sorry did I say priest I meant doctor, as if I'm going to get touched in inappropriate places I want it to do with getting made healthy not for the other persons sexual gratification only
2017-04-29 14:56:11 UTC
Neither one is either more or less useful. It is akin to asking what is more useful, a fork or spoon? Science and religion address different aspects of existence in much the same way music and drama address different needs for entertainment. Furthermore, one is not required to only ascribe to one particular form of entertainment or perception regarding such entertainment in order for it to have 'value.' Are you required to have a degree in music theory and be able to list every note played or sung or the precise time signatures contained within it in order for such a piece of music to have value? Are you prevented from enjoying a piece of drama if you are not constantly aware of what syntax or sentence structure the actor is speaking from or the precise number of words contained in their dialogue? To say only a casual or precise method of absorption is required for one to make true and accurate use of a given experience undermines the notion of what value is to begin with.
2017-04-28 22:51:03 UTC
Define useful and then we can have a rational discussion. Science is of course much more useful in physical things. Religion can be more useful in social or how to be a decent human being type issues.
2017-04-28 21:58:26 UTC
The two ARE NOT MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE .. that is a flawed antichrist premise

which gets tossed around with regularity by misguided people who appear to get

strangely reverential about the word "science" like it's your alternate religion.

There are professors of science who are Christians .. some came into their faith

by the realisation that all the things around us had to have an intelligent Creator

who designed it all by perfect laws of physics. You question is meaningless.

Read up about the astronauts who first landed on the moon .. Neil Armstrong

and Buzz Aldrin ~ both very committed Christian men ~ who took communion

in the orbiter before going down to the surface in the landing module. Neither

of those men had an "either/or" mindset about science and their faith.
2017-04-28 19:32:24 UTC
2017-04-28 14:56:04 UTC
No I just remember that almost every college ans every hospital in the whole United States was started by religion.
2017-04-28 14:24:47 UTC
Just remember God lit the fuse for the bang.
2017-04-28 11:15:25 UTC
No, science creates bombs, religion creates eternal life.
2017-04-28 10:17:40 UTC
Science is truly useful to human kind but there is always fate which plays a greater part in our lives. You can even believe that it is everything. A fate is not something which usually some people think.

God never bothers who believe Him. God cannot watch each and every human being at the same moment. That's why He had created the spirits to watch, guide and determine the destiny of the human beings from their daily activities, talks and thoughts too. Your past determines your present and your present determines your future. God has given freewill to all creatures including human beings. According to this, all human beings have all right to live a life as they wish. But if it happens to be bad and hurts someone, they have to face the consequences. These consequences are created by spirits. It's a natural system. After death no one lives in any form. Heaven and hell are only for spirits. Spirits are separate elements. A human being is not a single spirit. A human being during his/her life time is living with many spirits which have joined one by one since birth. They are knowledge, skills, feelings, emotions, interests and everything. Even thoughts are not your own. For example, when you want to take a decision on a subject, one after another the spirits think and you just listen, choose or reject the ideas which they transmit to your mind through your brain in the form of thoughts. A human being is just a robot made of flesh, bones, tissues etc., and a toy of the spirits for their games.
2017-04-28 07:01:41 UTC
Nuclear weapons are so powerful that even God can't stop them.
2017-04-28 02:56:03 UTC
It's a mixed blessing. We live longer, more comfortable lives BUT now we are overpopulated and causing the extinction of animals, too much waste and climate change.

Gee, it sure would be nice if there were a God that could design a better earth that could handle human expansion.
2017-04-27 21:29:12 UTC
What a weird question
2017-04-27 20:44:49 UTC
I was there when Jesus eradicated polio. He said, "Polio? Polio? We don't need your steenkin' polio!"
2017-04-27 19:56:24 UTC
You don't need an answer because if I were to give you a good answer, you would forget it within minutes given your low intelligence which I can easily detect.
2017-04-27 19:48:33 UTC
Well, your example is poor, since Jesus is a way to eternal life and science hasn't cured all death or disease.

However, it shouldn't matter, since we can take advantage of both.

Plus other things, like skiing, which is awesome, even if it doesn't solve problems.
2017-04-29 23:26:06 UTC
both of them are corrupt.
2017-04-29 20:18:30 UTC
Science and religion are two different things with different goals. They're both extremely useful to humanity.

Faith in Jesus results in eternal life. Faith in Stephen Hawking does not, so I'd pick religion over science if I had to pick one and ignore the other, but fortunately we do not.

I'm from a family of scientists who are Christian.
Doubting Like Thomas
2017-04-29 12:55:47 UTC
One way to find out, is to chop off your thumbs.

Then, have a team of medical care providers use scientifically derived methodology to reattach ONE thumb, and invite all the Believers in every religion, right here on R&S, to PRAY that your other thumb heals.

Whichever thumb works best, a year later, is a vote for THAT way of accomplishing goals.
2017-04-29 11:54:14 UTC
Is "SCIENCE" more useful to Humanity than religion ?

to answer one needs to present the definition of "SCIENCE" and the definition of "RELIGION"

Is "SCIENCE" One thing . or is SCIENCE a general term that encompasses many fields of "STUDY" ....a general definition of science is it is "TOOL and method the Observation , identification, description experimental INVESTIGATION and theoretical explanation of NATURAL phenomena .

. it investigates the world live in and how it works as well as LIFE , so it studies




bio engineering

bio linguistics

Bio mechanisms

bio medical research

bio physics

bio technology

botany.. cell biology ..developmental biology

Ecology ..entomology.. epidemiology ..Ethology

evolutionary biology... genetic... Hematology

marine biology... Microbiology... Molecular biology

mycology.. Neurobiology... paleontology... pathology

physiology Phytopathology ...Population biology

Sociobiology ...structural Biology.... systems biology

toxicology Zoology

then i can list all the branches of medicine from anesthesiology to veterinarian medicine Affective Nero- science to psychology bio computers to electronics medical imaging Xrays Ct scans diagnostics to sports science

so there are 3 branches of Science

Natural : fundamental forces / biology/life

Formal: math logic methodology

Social Science : behaviors and societies ...

Science is in everyone's life from your phone to the printing of ones religious book such as the Bible paper production inks glues machines to print them and bind them

to the heating system in your church to the Music one hears by what ever method .

. Science even studies society and Culture .. which is what religion is one aspect ever notice R & S is under society and culture IDEAS people have what and HOW practices and rituals evolve called sociology

the study of social behaviors or their society including origins development organization networks institutions class religion sexual customs health medical Military education linguistics laws and more ..... One can not escape science is in part of every ones life . we study oar selves because we are part of the world
2017-04-29 09:35:35 UTC
Thats cuz you never read the bible.

He made the lame walk and the deaf speak.

Google it
2017-04-29 07:46:57 UTC
Science may be much more useful than religion if you are talking about the useless stone gods of Hinduism or the worship of idols in pagan religions.

However, there is a difference when it comes to a relationship with the Living God of the Universe.

God put all the scientific laws into place and physics and gravity etc., etc., etc.

Science would have no information or wisdom or knowledge without God Almighty.

So don't let's throw the baby out with the bathwater for goodness sake.
2017-04-29 06:13:47 UTC
Of course it is. Religion is only about power, money, and population control.
2017-04-29 04:32:03 UTC
"Do you remember that time that Jesus eradicated polio?" I remember that Jesus is the Creator of the person, Jonas Salk, who cured polio.
2017-04-29 02:29:33 UTC
For practical purposes, yes.

Science (like engineering) is a tangible subject, allowing people to achieve very useful things such as medical technology and machinery.

The best that all religion does is influence and inspire people, either to be good and skilled, or to be corrupt and cruel. At least they also inspire people to create works of art, or motivate people towards more ideal (or barbaric) behaviour.
2017-04-29 02:04:30 UTC
Jesus didn't come to eradicate polio. He came to pay the penalty for your

sins so that you won't have to spend eternity in pain and suffering. Science

is good up to a point, but it won't keep you out of hell.
2017-04-29 00:54:18 UTC
Start chanting.
2017-04-28 20:09:13 UTC
2017-04-28 19:42:54 UTC
The true religion is more useful !

When on earth Jesus cured the sick, fed the hungry, and calmed storms. He even raised the dead.

His miracles proved that he was God's Son.
2017-04-28 18:40:28 UTC
The principles of evolution are the basis for countless applications such as development of antibiotics, biological sciences AND concepts in computer modeling.

Name something that requires a model of predictive capability (architecture, mathematics, engineering, technology, etc.) that use the principles of creationism.
2017-04-28 14:47:51 UTC
Yes, there is no real comparison. Religion is ignorant and harmful. Science is beneficial.
2017-04-28 11:36:35 UTC
Without science billions of us wouldn't be here now. Advances in science has made all our lives easier and healthier and we are living longer now than ever before. Resting on our knees with our hands together has achieved nothing but murder, bigotry, racism, sexism and untold strife. Humanity would be so better off without the scourge of religion.
2017-04-28 09:02:35 UTC
Do you remember the time a scientific panel intervened against inhumane experimentation on living human beings and animals? Me neither.
2017-04-28 03:37:30 UTC
...that's an understatement.
2017-04-27 20:09:29 UTC
No, you're absolutely right. However, he did give an awesome display of how he would cure every manner of sickness and even resurrect those already dead in His paradise, still ahead of us by a year or two.
2017-05-03 09:19:22 UTC
no... god created science and he is called the awesome mathematician... science would have nothing to study if not for the creator god... god wanted to know his creation and to communicate with them, so he came down in human flesh as jesus the christ...

in science, i deny only that man came from a monkey when the holy scriptures clearly say that god created mankind in his image and adam and eve came into this world full grown human beings... god created everything mature and from that maturity came offsprings...
2017-04-30 04:36:32 UTC
When one considers that many have NO REASON to refrain from killing others, except for their belief in a God that Forbids It without GOOD REASON, science is insignificant. Lol!

The US has refrained from destroying the world with nukes, so it could be safer, because of the loss of innocent life. If one could take away the possibility that others were innocent, there would have been nothing to stop us, since 1945.
2017-04-30 01:30:47 UTC
Religion/theism is a delusion that keeps people from natural reality. Science with an objective mindset can allow me to see things for what they really are. Logical deduction included. So science is critical, religion needs to end.
2017-04-29 22:39:29 UTC
God did not make doctors, the evolution of medical science beginning with Hippocrates and others...I don't claim to be an authority on the subject...educated men through learning how the human body works and subsequently how to treat disease are how physicians evolved and became able to treat the human body of its maladies.
Fil T
2017-04-29 21:30:20 UTC
I believe SCIENCE and RELIGION should go hand in hand for the

general well-fare of mankind.

SCIENCE for the physical advancement in all aspects of living condition.

And RELIGION for the decent phase of life since all religions teach


As regards "spiritual salvation", this is another question.
2017-04-29 12:07:07 UTC
No, because everlasting life will result, not from scientific research, but from Jehovah. Whatever God sets out to do, he can and will accomplish. “With God no declaration will be an impossibility.”
2017-04-29 08:47:43 UTC
2017-04-29 08:38:24 UTC
Obviously. Religion has caused FAR more harm than good over its existence. Nobody sane can deny that. It is a fact. Whether it's scattered cults that convince you to commit suicide, or major scam jobs after 1/4th of your income, religion is a parasite for greedy windbags taking advantage of gullible morons who, at their core, just want to be happy.

But they're too stupid to figure out how to do that on their own, so they look to the people who seem to have a ******* clue for guidance. Toss in a bit of superstition, magical nonsense, and stories blatantly stolen from other religions, then convince a major world power to 'canonise' it, and voila. Your cult has become an abomination that will take MILLENNIA to get rid of, and will set back your entire race's technological advancement by at least 500 years.
2017-04-29 02:51:44 UTC
Religion, tell me how prayer cures more diseases than science. Science, tell me how evolution will strengthen the economy.
k w
2017-04-28 22:04:13 UTC
real Bible teachers told us that science would be used against believers, and obviously was true, and the fact the teachers are communists is also fact...
2017-04-28 15:35:46 UTC
2017-04-28 11:59:05 UTC
I do not find atheists in general to know any more science than your average trailer park mutant. It is hysterical that they think they are the guardians of it!
Muhammad 1989
2017-04-28 07:27:35 UTC
Religion should not be an institution because it is not . . . As far as Islam is concerned, it is a way of life, a constitution that covers guidance about every aspect of life, a comprehensive path .

Whereas science is an institution, a body of knowledge, an effort of mankind to understand how things work, it does not deal with the question who created them? Science made man believe that He is god since he knows/understands everything now and can control things for his interests.But he forgets who gave him these abilities to understand? who gave him wisdom?

If the precondition to learn science was the acceptance of God Almighty as The sole Controller and Administrator of all phenomenon, there had not been wars of mass destruction, hunger and other socio-economic problems. .

Only if man could become an instrument to implement God's will on Earth through science, life could have been free of miseries. . .

Man' power, authority on this Earth is just a test of how he performs

Allah gave all phenomenon under his control to see what he does. . .

But He does interfere where necessary . . .

And He is the sole Master of the Day of Judgement where all powers granted to any creature in this universe will cease to exist.
2017-04-28 06:29:25 UTC




2017-04-28 03:53:57 UTC
2017-04-28 03:05:47 UTC
That was Jonas Salk, dear. Did you know that he gave away his discovery of the Salk vaccine against polio when he could have become a very rich man by selling it? Why do you suppose he freely gave something that could have made him rich?

Perhaps he had learned somewhere that we are responsible for one another and he wanted to help others more than he wanted to be rich at their expense. Where do you suppose he got an idea like that?

Science tells us what we can do; religion tells us what we should do. We need both.
2017-04-28 01:36:36 UTC
Science has nothing to do with your salvation.
the re - chosen one
2017-04-27 20:42:21 UTC
Here is something to ponder on. I discovered that the clean and unclean food and hygiene laws established over 3500 years ago in the Book of Leviticus have been based all this time on the God of Abraham's working knowledge of the germ theory of disease and the modern human body and other advanced fields of science unknown to mankind at that time and some fields of science still unknown to mankind today. Mankind's lack of scientific knowledge to properly interpret the advanced scientific knowledge contained in this ancient Biblical scripture led to the unscientific religious interpretations we still think they mean today. So here is an example where the scientific knowledge of our Intelligent Designer helps keeps the modern human body healthy and disease free until we grow old and die of old age that mankind mistranslated into religious beliefs. That means mankind's scientific knowledge is catching up to the advanced scientific knowledge contained in this ancient Biblical scripture and
2017-04-27 20:19:36 UTC
No, I don't remember, but I wasn't there.
2017-04-27 19:44:10 UTC
science is lifesaving. religion is a plague of stupidity. in the dark ages it could be understandable to believe in religion. but it has no place in modern society
Jim V
2017-04-30 02:37:27 UTC
Do you remember that modern science got going in theism?

Do you remember that it was people of faith that started and staffed the first leper colonies, orphanages and hospitals? Hospices?

Red Cross? Salvation Army? YMCA/YWCA?

And the universities?

Obviously not
2017-04-30 02:15:54 UTC
Religion has no use. People can find personal use, but as far as helping the greater good, it does nothing. It was designed to make people mind those holding political offices; in fact, it says god himself appointed those world leaders over you. Its designed to bring in money for religious leaders; the bible tells you to donate at least 10% of your paycheck. If you, instead, SAVED 10% of your paycheck you'd be able to retire comfortably. They won't pay your bills and rent when you're too old to work. And they'll still expect 10% of your social security income. **** religion. Science has brought vaccinations that have saved BILLIONS. Religion couldn't even save Jesus.
2017-04-30 00:08:57 UTC
By far science Is more useful to humanity than religion.
The Wayfarer
2017-04-29 23:35:19 UTC
It is religion which has taught us about humanity and knowledge seeking and application for the good of this world
2017-04-29 21:54:33 UTC
The day may come when we need to be free of all scientific views as much as we need to be free of the religious ones. But for now, it seems to be working better than anything else.
2017-04-29 20:29:33 UTC
It depends on whether the use of religion or science is done in a positive way and not to exploit our fellow humans.
2017-04-29 10:10:33 UTC
of course
2017-04-28 20:18:42 UTC
Depends on what you think you need. Science proves many things but isnt perfect. Religion proves nothing and also isnt perfect.
2017-04-28 18:12:14 UTC
Science number One. And "wow". Amazing fact: you found "somewhere" (in a trash bin) that Jesus eradicated polio? A sickness which lasted well into the 1900s....
2017-04-28 16:25:38 UTC
Well well well. Hello pixie. Still out there trying to defend what you have done in the sexual immorality field again?

You can't escape your own conscience.

The account of Eve is an interesting and important segment of our genetic history. The Bible says that God put Adam into a deep sleep, took one of Adam’s ribs, and made a woman (Genesis 2:21-22). Adam named her Eve and proclaimed that she was “bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh” (Genesis 2:23-24).

So, how does modern science line up with this account? First of all, does the man’s rib contain enough genetic information to make a woman. The answer is “yes,” Adam’s ribs contained many copies of the genetic information required to make a woman. However, it is interesting to note that if the first human were a woman, her rib would not contain enough information to make a man. This is because women do not have the y-chromosome. So, if the Bible stated that the woman was created first and man was formed from her rib, the Bible would be in error; but, the Bible got it right and stands true. This all seems elementary to us now, but remember that the scriptures were given to us long before any discoveries of the workings of genetics and DNA.

So if science can turn a man into a woman and vice versa, just imagine what God can do!!!

One of them knows much much better than the other.

I am not expecting BA pixie and you are still a pain in the a**, son.
2017-04-28 14:31:54 UTC
That's like asking what is more important: math or language?
2017-04-28 14:23:58 UTC
2017-04-28 13:48:09 UTC

Medical science has saved millions of people from disease.

Religion has saved zero people from disease.
Freethinking Liberal
2017-04-28 12:24:16 UTC
Of course...

If it were not for science, you could not have asked this question here.

As for religion, less then pointless... just look at how many attempts at mass killing just this week (most stopped by the use of equipment developed from science investigations).

If it were not for science and its applications, most people would be dead by the age of 40, as in the middle-ages.
2017-04-28 04:30:55 UTC
No. Science is only useful in this world. Religion is more important, only christianity of course
2017-04-28 01:19:57 UTC
Personally I am a Baptist though I believe that science has done a lot of amazing things for the human race.
2017-04-28 00:26:29 UTC
Science can only observe what God created.
2017-04-27 22:09:22 UTC
Science is very useful for developing better weapons for religious people to kill each other with.
2017-04-27 20:36:58 UTC
Your question presents a false dichotomy - i.e. a logical fallacy rendering it technically irrational.

Jesus doesn't need science to cure disease, or even raise the dead. Jesus also provided humanity with a pathway to eternal life. Furthermore, Jesus created the natural laws to which science adheres, and in a rationally ordered way such that science could make sense.

It's not a competition, but if it were, Jesus wins, hands down, every time.
A Second Witness
2017-04-27 19:58:43 UTC
The science of Theology is much more useful to humans, than religion.

Jesus eradicate Polio? Have you been watching videos on YouDupe?
2017-05-01 03:57:17 UTC
It is useful for different aspects of life. It does nothing for your spiritual side nor does it aid your moral judgments. It does not help you judge human behavior.
2017-04-30 14:31:36 UTC
In general, yes. However, on an individual basis, people might find that religion enriches their lives in greater or more positive ways than science.
The Football God
2017-04-30 12:07:35 UTC
What science teaches love and respect for your fellow human beings? Compassion, understanding and gratitude? Science is just a part of life.
2017-04-29 15:25:10 UTC
2017-04-29 00:07:45 UTC
Along with; Feminism, Philosophy, Alternative "medicine", Horoscopes, among other nonsense.
2017-04-28 21:21:01 UTC
by a clear few miles, definetely
2017-04-28 19:29:27 UTC
Dr. Robert Jastrow, a leading NASA scientist, astronomer, physicist and cosmologist and the founding director of NASA's Goddard Institute of Space Studies, a devout agnostic, said that "Astronomers now find they have painted themselves into a corner because they have proven, by their own methods, that the world began abruptly in an act of creation to which you can trace the seeds of every star, every planet, every living thing in this cosmos and on the earth. And they have found that all this happened as a product of forces they cannot hope to discover. That there are what I or anyone would call supernatural forces at work is now, I think, a scientifically proven fact."

"Now we see how the astronomical evidence supports the biblical view of the origin of the world....the essential elements in the astronomical and biblical accounts of Genesis are the same. Consider the enormousness of the problem : Science has proved that the universe exploded into being at a certain moment. It asks: 'What cause produced this effect? Who or what put the matter or energy into the universe?' And science cannot answer these questions.

"For the scientist who has lived by faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountain of ignorance, he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians, who have been sitting there for centuries."
2017-04-28 19:03:16 UTC
i find it interesting that without science most of the christians would die within a few years, and at least 99% within a few generations. we would return to the pre-science days of our own past, and that is not some christian glory story, is it?
Lighting the Way to Reality
2017-04-28 17:08:30 UTC
If science weren't more useful to humanity than religion we would still be living in caves and the local medicine man (the purveyor of religion at the time) would still be waving magic sticks over his sick patients.
2017-04-28 16:34:44 UTC
I understand your point, but science can't give all the answers. Beauty, myth, awe, fear - the emotions that drive and inspire brilliant works - are not in any way rational. You don't get a Sistine Chapel with science alone.

Rationality counts when building a structure that won't fall down, and it is probably the right way to determine the origins of the universe and to account for the diversity of species. Science leads to facts. Religion is a form of literature and mysticism, and therefore more akin to the arts.
2017-04-28 15:09:12 UTC
Religion is a panacea for the soul, Science is the way forward to fix mind and body.
2017-04-28 15:04:11 UTC
religion is only reactive now, science is creative!
2017-04-28 04:38:53 UTC
So not, baby...
2017-04-28 03:06:35 UTC
Yes. Science basically serves the physical aspect of life. Religion the spiritual. Religion should stay where it belongs. Science cannot take over the spiritual but can prove many beliefs in religion related to the physical to be false.
2017-04-28 03:00:41 UTC
Well I mean religious people don't believe in unicorns cause they don't see them...
Goldy Aluminy
2017-04-28 02:34:34 UTC
I would say science is far superior. In terms of use, yes, science is useful to humans but more importantly, it is stimulating intellectually when you understand how the universe operates.

Religions are for simple minded people but they aren't too bad. You can find some comfort in them. They are psychological tools.

~~~~atheist, but I am not antireligion if it helps people.
2017-04-27 23:52:22 UTC
Well, they are both ordered through men and women, so not much to choose from actually and neither can save anyone from their sin. Only Jesus saves.
2017-04-27 20:38:39 UTC
All depends on the uses you need at the time.
the Christian
2017-04-27 19:53:02 UTC
human science is like a single celled organism compared to God.
2017-04-27 19:45:45 UTC
Well, it depends.

Science progresses us forward.

Religion kills people, rapes and manipulates children, and destroys families.

So, what are you hoping to achieve? Take your pick.
2017-04-29 20:50:59 UTC
Religion is a waste of life. Science is life.
2017-04-29 20:12:15 UTC
Same group of "scientists" told us the world was flat not so long ago. Just sayin.
2017-04-28 20:41:36 UTC
lol, no me neither :)

yes of course its more useful.
2017-04-28 19:11:54 UTC
“I think only an idiot can be an atheist."

—Nobel Prize winning chemist Christian Anfinsen.

Science proved him right:

'It's Easy to Be an Atheist if You Ignore Science'

'Atheists embarrassed: study proves atheism uses less brain function'

'Evolutionary Studies Suggest that Atheists, Whatever They Say to the Contrary, Really Do Believe in God'

He's hardly the only scientist to think that way:

“From the perspective of the latest physical theories, Christianity is not a mere religion, but an experimentally testable science.”

—Professor of Mathematical Physics Frank Tipler.

“The best data we have are exactly what I would have predicted, had I nothing to go on but the five books of Moses, the Psalms, the Bible as a whole.”

—Nobel Prize winning physicist Arno Penzias.

“The more we get to know about our universe, the more the hypothesis that there is a Creator gains in credibility as the best explanation of why we are here.”

—Dr. John Lennox, Professor of Mathematics, Oxford University.

“The ghostly presence of virtual particles defies rational common sense and is non-intuitive for those unacquainted with physics. Religious belief in God, and Christian belief that God became Man around two thousand years ago, may seem strange to common-sense thinking. But when the most elementary physical things behave in this way, we should be prepared to accept that the deepest aspects of our existence go beyond our common-sense intuitions.”

—Nobel Prize winning physicist Tony Hewish.

They're hardly alone either, since contrary to atheist supposition, the majority of all scientists are believers:

'Latest Study Finds Most Scientists in the World are Religious'

'It's a big, fat myth that all scientists are religion-hating atheists'

'Are Top Scientists Really So Atheistic? Look at the Data'

'It's Easy to Be an Atheist if You Ignore Science'

'The myth of scientists as atheists'

Including the greatest minds in the history of Human science:

Link -

And the majority of the World's most-elite scientists, Nobel Prize winners:

Link -

Like the man said:

“A common sense interpretation of the facts suggests that a super intellect has monkeyed with physics, as well as with chemistry and biology. The numbers one calculates from the facts seem to me so overwhelming as to put this conclusion almost beyond question.”

—Cambridge University astrophysicist and mathematician Fred Hoyle.

No less an authority than the American Mathematical Society itself did just that:

"Here is the mother of all spoilers: The probability that the monotheistic, prayer-answering God exists is... 67%"

Link -

To the educated, science AND religion go hand in hand:

'Science and religion 'aren't as opposed as you'd think', experts claim'

'Why Science Is Not in Conflict with Religion'

''Faith and science closely linked'

Like these guys said:

“There can never be any real opposition between religion and science; for the one is the complement of the other."

—Nobel Prize winning physicist Max Planck.

“Those who say that the study of science makes a man an atheist must be rather silly.”

—Nobel Prize winning physicist Max Born.

It's only self deluded daydreaming atheists who're hellbent on pretending otherwise:

“Those who have magnified more recent controversies about the relations of science and religion, and who have projected them back into historical time, simply perpetuate a historical myth. The myth of a perennial conflict between science and religion is one to which no historian of science would subscribe.”

—Former Oxford University Professor of Science and Religion Peter Harrison.

All in all, science serves as a more useful tool for confirming religious faith & debunking nonsense like atheism.
2017-04-28 18:47:51 UTC
you don't know what Jesus did ! there are many things that Jesus did and said that is not written in the bible.

and yes, Jesus would know how to heal from polio, but the most part of healing will be done in the resurrection. Science will never find a way to resurrect a body that's turned to dust in the grave.
2017-04-28 13:54:30 UTC
And Jesus cured all kind of human illness esp. leprosy by just believing.
2017-04-28 03:52:36 UTC
For those stating "No" stop using electricity in your life. At home, to get to work and at work.
2017-04-27 20:35:17 UTC
Yes, much more useful, science tells us how the universe works, religion tells us to bow down and worship some guy no one has ever seen in person.

Science is useful and interesting.

2017-04-27 20:24:42 UTC
When Jesus was on earth, there was nothing he could not cure. Polio, leprosy and even death itself were just a few. Blindness, any deformity were also cured immediately. That was all due to his Father's power given through Jesus.

What can we look forward to once God's heavenly armies destroy all of Satan's wicked system this tether with all human hangers on?

Psalms 37:10-11, 29, 34 includes no more wicked living. Freedom from fear then and the abundance of Peace. Living on the earth forever.

Isaiah 65 shows an end to homelessness and food shortages. All animals will be at peace. A small child holding a cobra and leading lions.

Most important, through the power given Jesus, he will resurrect all dead faithful to God by being in his memory. To do so requires we obey him, not men nor false religions.

So yes, Jesus can do more than we can imagine now for obedient mankind beginning with Abel forward.
2017-04-27 20:08:54 UTC
2017-04-27 19:46:31 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.