On the subject of women who dress immodestly - There is a lower percentage of sexual crimes committed in naturist (a.k.a. nudist) societies. If I chose to strut down Main Street in my birthday suit, the only thing I should have to worry about and take responsibility for is being arrested for indecent exposure, not being raped.
On the subject of women who drink too much - They should take responsibility for whatever actions they, themselves, took while drunk. Rape means that the sex was not consensual. If she said no and even tried to fight the man off, she should not be held responsible. There is nothing to imply that she would have been more capable of saving herself if sober. Even if she was teasing the man, drunk or sober, everyone has the right to go only as far as they're willing to go in a sexual situation, and anyone else involved should respect any decisions they make.
On the subject of women who are up too late - Pardon me, but what the hell does that have to do with being raped? Some of us like to exercise in the cooler, darker hours of the day, some of us are insomniacs, some of us, simply put, are night people. Women shouldn't have to shut themselves up in some ivory tower because some sick individuals are out and on the prowl. In fact, women should not feel the need to carry a can of pepper spray or any sort of weapon around, though many of them do, because men should respect their right to say and mean no.
On the subject of women inviting men home - Do you think that if a woman sincerely suspected the man she invited to her house would rape her that she would have invited him over in the first place? Most (sensible) women only invite a man over if they trust them. I, myself, have a number of male friends I would feel perfectly comfortable inviting into my house. I shouldn't have to worry about someone I trust harming me in any way. If they somehow misread any of my words/actions or weren't thinking straight for whatever reason and breached a physical boundary, they should respect me enough to either leave or apologize and not let it happen again, if I were to reject their advances.
In short, no woman should be held responsible for her rapist's lack of morality and self-control. If she's held responsible for anything, it may be for a lack of good judgment but not for her own rape.