did you ever think God was really smart to use everyday folks to talk about him to others?
2007-09-15 08:38:24 UTC
I mean, Peter failed at first (denied him) and was restored and preached to several thousand and led them to him after his failure, God uses everyday people who KNOW how others feel and their pain to talk about him. If he talked to people directly they would accuse him of not understanding how they feel down here on earth.........and he would have to send a new "Jesus" every generation. How come people who don't believe in God and claim to be into Humanism don't listen to the people who testify about God and his power and believe them? Isn't that kind of........inhuman?
23 answers:
2007-09-15 10:08:31 UTC
In order for people to listen to the Word of the L-RD G-d (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), that means they must first step outside their "comfort zone" and believe in something outside of "their individual understandings".

It necessary to first give evidence for the existence of the L-RD G-d (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). They want "proof" that there is a True Living and Eternal G-d. So, the following questions must be posed to them:

(1) Can you show or give an example of any language, message, or code; that did not come from an "intelligent mind"?

The answer is plain and simple: The written word - language, alphabet, and coded information - had to come from an "intelligent mind". This is why Christians and Jews say that the Torah, Bible, and Dead Sea Scrolls ARE the "Word of the L-RD G-d". It a curious fact, to those who do not believe in YHWH; that the two languages, in which the Torah, Bible, and Dead Sea Scrolls are written (Hebrew and Greek) -- Each have an alphabet, in which every letter has a corresponding numeric value; in other words you can literally ADD UP the message or words.

Language is a part of our very being, in our DNA; it is not just a molecule: it too has an alphabet, consisting of four letters. These four letters are sequenced in such a way to produce "information in every cell of a living organism".

(2) What about Entropy?

In Entropy, the energy is being converted from usable forms to unusable- this process is irreversible. It happens over a finite period of time- so how can the universe with proven entropy be infinitely old? Science proves that an infinitely old universe would now be cold and dead. The only logical explanation is a cause outside of space and time; this is consistent with the “Word of the L-RD G-d”. Because the Torah, Bible, and Dead Sea Scrolls are the only written words that point to a powerful enough intelligent mind to control this process.

(3) Do we see science in the belief of the L-RD G-d (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit)?

All materialistic answers to our origins, as well as the origins of all universes, galaxies, etc; are in blatant violation of the laws of physics. So science itself goes a long ways to prove there is a G-d and His eternal written language, code, words to us are only shown in the Torah, Bible, and Dead Sea Scrolls. For these are the only places, I have found there to be these words: “In the beginning G-d created…..” and “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us.”

As pointed out earlier, mathematics is used in the Word of the L-RD G-d, by way of the two languages the original texts were written in. Each word in Hebrew and Greek can, through the use of mathematics be added to form more words or meanings. This is known as "Gematria".

(4) IF those in the science community were not interested in Judaism, Christianity, or had the opinion that the L-RD G-d (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) does not exist: why would the Pacific Science Center feature a display about the Dead Sea Scrolls?

We do know that there is more to life than the physical explanation for all things - science even supports this fact; energy and matter can not come out of nothing. Information (words, language, codes, RNA, DNA, etc) are not "matter", "energy", or "immaterial". Yet, they can be transmitted, stored, recorded, and copied; all this points to the workings of an "Intelligent Mind".

So, unless someone can refute the above mentioned statements and questions - I have proven the L-RD G-d (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) does exist - He did create all things (including humans as unique beings unto their own kind – not “from” any other living organism) - and He is the very being spoken of in the Torah, Bible, and Dead Sea Scrolls.

The L-RD G-d (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) uses those who believe in Him to reach out to others. He speaks to humans by way of the written word, evidence of His existence is everywhere - in the form of languages connected to science - in the form of our very DNA (coded informational sequences inside all our cells); in the evidence of the L-RD G-d becoming flesh as is told to us in John 1:1 "In the beginning was the Word and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us." He is the great "I AM".

In case you do not know about the Dead Sea Scrolls, they were found in 11 different caves in the Qumran region of the northwestern shore of the Dead Sea; between the early 1940's and late 1950's. To put this into perspective: the King James Version of the Bible was printed in 1611. The Dead Sea Scrolls comprise of over 900 bibilcal and secular manuscripts. Until the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls the oldest manuscripts were known to be written in 896 CE. However, carbon dating on the DSS place them in the years 250 BCE and 68 CE - that makes them 1000 years older than the manuscripts used to translate the KJV of the Bible.
2007-09-15 09:28:20 UTC
Peter denied him 3 times. *wink* But to use the Bible as proof that it wasn't too smart to use His Creation to promote himself is the very beginning of the Bible. He talks only to Adam and tells him everything in the Garden is fine to use except the Tree of Knowledge - "don't eat of the fruit". Then Adam tells Eve "don't even TOUCH the tree"... and it all went downhill from there. Supposedly God knew all of this was going to happen, yet expects mankind to keep his "Word" straight.... No wonder some people have to follow it blindly.... only the blind would say that is worthy of praise.

It's not inhuman to ignore people who abuse others and claim it is out of Love. Humanism is about preserving mankind as a whole... that doesn't mean they have to listen to everyone, nor believe what they say. I sure don't listen to someone who doesn't listen to me... why would it be different for anyone else?
2007-09-15 09:21:10 UTC
What I want to know is why God would not speak to everyone directly.? Nothing difficult,say a voice booming from the sky or in every one's head? If there is a God (and by God, I mean a supreme mind who is able to communicate) why would s/he not make himself known rather than speak through a handful of wierd people in some obscure corner of the world?

IMO the #1 argument for not believing in God is that if there was a being like God, then his existence should be obvious to everyone. But it isn't, so his existence must be in doubt.
full gospel shirley
2007-09-15 20:05:48 UTC
Yes, of course, God is very smart. There are none that are smarter. God is almighty God and has the power to do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING HE wants to do. God does use everyday ppl to preach of His good news. ANd you know what, they preach to other everyday ppl, which makes it easy to teach the gospel of Jesus. Some ppl think they are so smart, so intelligent, and so into scientific thinking and logic, total human reasoning. But, how smart are they all really? God said there are fools, but He tells us to never call another person a fool. Yet HE does tell us what a fool is. A fool is someone who will not believe in HIm and obey Him.

God tells us of science/knowledge that is false, HE says if they dont run along the same path as His teachings, they are false. Yet, so few will hear this. All are called to God, but only a few will answer. Of those that answer , only a few will truly obey God, and that is part of the calling. LOVE AND OBEY. So those ppl who think we are fools to believe in myth, God will call them fools for not believing. One can get so smart within their own mind, that they cant even let God into their lives at all. What good does all that so called smart do them, if they go to hell? God uses highly intelligent ppl too, and they can be of tremendous service to God. BUt so can regular everyday folks, as we can present the simplicity of the gospel in terms that even a child can understand PPl wont hear about God when they dont want to, as they fear they would have to change and give up all their sin, that they enjoy so much.

We must not hate them, but love them, forgive them, pray for them, keep living the truth and speaking the truths of GOD, without fear or compromise. JEsus is our blessed hope.

God uses YOU mightly girl to preach the good news. Never give it up. PPL hear you, thats why the non believers mock you . PPL see Jesus living in you, and they are either attracted, because they want that from themselves, or it makes them fear you and mock you, cuz they know they should have it too, but are too afraid to go for it.

God bless you to overflow sister zeal. You are a blessing to so many on here. Press on dear girl.
2007-09-15 08:57:01 UTC
Absolutely sister, God uses the common man/woman to do his uncommon work. Yes humanism is a very selfish and hard hearted belief. It dictates that the end of all things is the pleasure and glory of man. Where as Judeo/Christianity dictates that the end of all things is the pleasure and glory of God. God is worthy of our love,obedience and worship. We who have been saved by his grace only want to share the love we have received at the hands of God and the pardon purchased for us by the blood of his son Jesus. Humanists,atheists and agnostics feel we are "pushing our beliefs on them" .In fact we are only sharing our beliefs as commanded by our Lord Jesus because we want them to get saved too. We know that we are not better then them.We were all once lost just like they are. They just don't realize our motives are not to condemn but to save. By the same token we also will not compromise in any way with sin and humanism. With Jesus its all or nothing. God bless you for telling the truth .
2007-09-15 08:49:20 UTC
Until we Christians represent Jesus here on Earth, we will not have effect in the lives of many. To testify of God's power we have to walk in it. He is faithful and his plan will be done on earth. The evidence is the Church. Just every day people as you said.
2007-09-15 08:52:24 UTC
the faculty of literatures is in humanism and none of the greatest writers like shakespeare, Goethe ..would call a man who testifies about being ''comon..or folk;; actually many big writers ( like Tolstoy) described the lives of common people ''folks'' saying by this that they are not all...and that they are high persons..also the biggest writers of the world testified about their works....the name of God appears there ..(Romeo and Juliet )and if the name of God comes from the mouth of a common poor man(folk)in the work of that writer this shows that that poor a famous notorious man at the face of God...due to his faith...and i would be glad if a faithfull ''folk ''man would ask me to marry him...i would know what love and life is..and how a man who brings glory to God looks like...the true man
James the less
2007-09-15 08:50:07 UTC
It is very humbling to the proud. Thank God!

But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.

Though the LORD be high, yet hath he respect unto the lowly: but the proud he knoweth afar off.

My soul shall make her boast in the LORD: the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad.

The humble shall see this, and be glad: and your heart shall live that seek God.
Connie D
2007-09-15 08:51:40 UTC
I agree with you. There are people in our times who fall into sin and temptation in front of the world because of their egos. There are also many who do God's work because they came up from the pits of Hell. Our pastor was once one of the biggest drug dealers and thugs in our city. He shot people and was shot, as one of his old friends once told us he had no problem turning a gun on one of his friends and taking it if you had something he wanted. This man is awsome in his work for God now, as is his sister who was as she puts it a whore and drug addict who tried to kill her uncle while high and was sent to a mental hospital because they said she would never be able to live outside of one again, but instead she was saved in there by a man who once preached. These two have worked and turned around the neighborhood they came from, because people who knew them could see what God had done in their lives. They live humble lives and stil live in the same neighborhood they grew up in.
2007-09-15 08:46:50 UTC
They would not listen or believe if God himself told them,

they are the one,s who will see Hell.
2007-09-15 08:53:21 UTC
Remember Jesus was "despised and rejected by men" - persecuted, ridiculed and finally executed.

and that was by the people of His own time, who saw the miracles, the healing, the empty tomb....
2007-09-15 08:52:40 UTC
Well... yeah. God IS really smart.

How many humans could work out the DNA of even one creature, let alone ALL of them?
2016-05-20 06:16:18 UTC
That would seem to be what "praise" is. God is congratulated for his overall greatness and accomplishments. The word "congratulate" literally means to "wish joy with".
2007-09-15 08:42:00 UTC
If most of these flakes had to sit through a whole sermon it would injure them. They don't have the attention span to keep up.
2007-09-15 11:34:05 UTC
Yeah, just brilliant. Can't you tell by the questions and answers from christians on this board?

(sarcasm - what a wonderful thing!)
2007-09-15 08:52:40 UTC
A great thinker once asked: Is man God's biggest mistake, or is God man's?
2007-09-15 08:44:24 UTC
I believ it works just fine, maybe. God wants people to use their own free will to decide to follow Him or not.

So people can also use their own free will to say things like "there is no god, just people using myths to control with fear' and other stupid stuff.
2007-09-15 08:45:25 UTC
Well David and Soloman were kings....not "everday folks"
2007-09-15 12:38:37 UTC
Amen, sistergirl, preach on !!!
2007-09-15 08:42:16 UTC
It's always smart to get someone to do your work.
2007-09-15 08:45:18 UTC

Please watch this video.
2007-09-15 08:42:28 UTC
no the is no god it is a fairy tale
2007-09-15 08:40:27 UTC
there is no god

just a bunch of people using beliefs and fear to control others

it's really that simple

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.