In order for people to listen to the Word of the L-RD G-d (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), that means they must first step outside their "comfort zone" and believe in something outside of "their individual understandings".
It necessary to first give evidence for the existence of the L-RD G-d (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). They want "proof" that there is a True Living and Eternal G-d. So, the following questions must be posed to them:
(1) Can you show or give an example of any language, message, or code; that did not come from an "intelligent mind"?
The answer is plain and simple: The written word - language, alphabet, and coded information - had to come from an "intelligent mind". This is why Christians and Jews say that the Torah, Bible, and Dead Sea Scrolls ARE the "Word of the L-RD G-d". It a curious fact, to those who do not believe in YHWH; that the two languages, in which the Torah, Bible, and Dead Sea Scrolls are written (Hebrew and Greek) -- Each have an alphabet, in which every letter has a corresponding numeric value; in other words you can literally ADD UP the message or words.
Language is a part of our very being, in our DNA; it is not just a molecule: it too has an alphabet, consisting of four letters. These four letters are sequenced in such a way to produce "information in every cell of a living organism".
(2) What about Entropy?
In Entropy, the energy is being converted from usable forms to unusable- this process is irreversible. It happens over a finite period of time- so how can the universe with proven entropy be infinitely old? Science proves that an infinitely old universe would now be cold and dead. The only logical explanation is a cause outside of space and time; this is consistent with the “Word of the L-RD G-d”. Because the Torah, Bible, and Dead Sea Scrolls are the only written words that point to a powerful enough intelligent mind to control this process.
(3) Do we see science in the belief of the L-RD G-d (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit)?
All materialistic answers to our origins, as well as the origins of all universes, galaxies, etc; are in blatant violation of the laws of physics. So science itself goes a long ways to prove there is a G-d and His eternal written language, code, words to us are only shown in the Torah, Bible, and Dead Sea Scrolls. For these are the only places, I have found there to be these words: “In the beginning G-d created…..” and “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us.”
As pointed out earlier, mathematics is used in the Word of the L-RD G-d, by way of the two languages the original texts were written in. Each word in Hebrew and Greek can, through the use of mathematics be added to form more words or meanings. This is known as "Gematria".
(4) IF those in the science community were not interested in Judaism, Christianity, or had the opinion that the L-RD G-d (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) does not exist: why would the Pacific Science Center feature a display about the Dead Sea Scrolls?
We do know that there is more to life than the physical explanation for all things - science even supports this fact; energy and matter can not come out of nothing. Information (words, language, codes, RNA, DNA, etc) are not "matter", "energy", or "immaterial". Yet, they can be transmitted, stored, recorded, and copied; all this points to the workings of an "Intelligent Mind".
So, unless someone can refute the above mentioned statements and questions - I have proven the L-RD G-d (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) does exist - He did create all things (including humans as unique beings unto their own kind – not “from” any other living organism) - and He is the very being spoken of in the Torah, Bible, and Dead Sea Scrolls.
The L-RD G-d (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) uses those who believe in Him to reach out to others. He speaks to humans by way of the written word, evidence of His existence is everywhere - in the form of languages connected to science - in the form of our very DNA (coded informational sequences inside all our cells); in the evidence of the L-RD G-d becoming flesh as is told to us in John 1:1 "In the beginning was the Word and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us." He is the great "I AM".
In case you do not know about the Dead Sea Scrolls, they were found in 11 different caves in the Qumran region of the northwestern shore of the Dead Sea; between the early 1940's and late 1950's. To put this into perspective: the King James Version of the Bible was printed in 1611. The Dead Sea Scrolls comprise of over 900 bibilcal and secular manuscripts. Until the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls the oldest manuscripts were known to be written in 896 CE. However, carbon dating on the DSS place them in the years 250 BCE and 68 CE - that makes them 1000 years older than the manuscripts used to translate the KJV of the Bible.