If god made us in his image then why are we not invisible too?
2016-04-20 12:28:41 UTC
If god made us in his image then why are we not invisible too?
127 answers:
2016-04-22 02:14:13 UTC
God is awesome. It takes a good sensible mind to monitor the well being of God, that is why.

some will tell you story like this which is normal:

'Image' here, does not mean visual or sensory. You have to look at the language. An image is not the real thing and is where the word imagination stems from. Now, imagination is a projection. So we are God projected into matter or sense. Or 'in the flesh' as it were. Which is where the description 'took on skins' comes from. Which means, whether you believe it or not, we were once only psychic without physical forms.

But we are not God made flesh. God is in the flesh. But we are not the flesh, in the body, unless we are. But this is extremely rare in these rational, brain-weed driven times.

When we are purely in the body, we are without the body in consciousness. An apparent contradiction but a realizable reality for those capable of fully entering 'being'.
2016-04-21 06:12:07 UTC
'Image' here, does not mean visual or sensory. You have to look at the language. An image is not the real thing and is where the word imagination stems from. Now, imagination is a projection. So we are God projected into matter or sense. Or 'in the flesh' as it were. Which is where the description 'took on skins' comes from. Which means, whether you believe it or not, we were once only psychic without physical forms.

But we are not God made flesh. God is in the flesh. But we are not the flesh, in the body, unless we are. But this is extremely rare in these rational, brain-weed driven times.

When we are purely in the body, we are without the body in consciousness. An apparent contradiction but a realizable reality for those capable of fully entering 'being'.
2016-04-23 08:52:35 UTC
When all believers are resurrected we will be able to be invisible IF WE WANT to. We will have perfect bodies like those of the angels that will live eternally.



God created the earth and OTHER PLANETS to be inhabited and HE will yet see that this purpose is fulfilled (Isaiah 45:18). He will also see to it that those who live eternally in control of HIS creation are righteous and free from all possibility of rebellion ( 1Corinthians 15:24-28; Ephesians 1:10; Revelation 21:3-7; 22:3).

This verse refers to the original and eternal law of reproduction of man. (Ps. 22:3; Genesis 1:26-28; 22; 9:12; Isaiah 9:6-7) According to these and many other Scriptures children will be the heritage of God eternally. GOD’s original plan is not be defeated by the fall of man. It is merely being postponed until all sin and rebellion are put down and all things restored as before the fall. In the New Earth people will carry on the original program of God as if man had never fallen. Man will have been purged of all possibility of sin and will multiply, replenish the earth and rule over the sun, moon and stars as God ordained before the fall. (Psalm 8; Isaiah 66: 22-24; Revelation 21-22)

COMMENT: Sounds better than Star Trek and Star Gate; my two favorite series.


If one will keep in mind that there will be 2 classes of ETERNAL PEOPLE, eternal conditions on earth will be simple to comprehend.

1 NATURAL PEOPLE will live from the future tribulation period through the Millennium and then on into the New Earth forever IF they do not commit sin or rebel with Satan at the end of the Millennium. (Revelation 20:7-10; Matthew 13:39-50; 25:46)

2 Resurrected People who have part in the first resurrection will be the Eternal Rulers of the eternal generations of natural people. The resurrected people will not marry nor procreate. (Matthew 22:30) All will appear as no older than 33, which is how old Jesus was when He was crucified.

The natural people will live forever by virtue of the Tree of Life (Revelation 22:1-2) not by virtue of a resurrection as with glorified saints. (1 Corinthians 15:51-58; Philippians 3:21)
pat nathan
2016-04-22 02:11:43 UTC
Actually, Christians have very little understanding of what it means for man to be made in the image of God. People from Eastern religions like Hinduism and Buddhism, understand what this means. It relates to the psychic and consciousness make up of man. It is a huge subject, but anyone interested in finding out more can read the book titled, " The Holy Science " by Swami Sriyukteswar Giri.
2016-04-20 12:50:19 UTC
Colossians 1:15

Christ is the visible image of the invisible God. He existed before anything was created and is supreme over all creation,

So, we are made in the image of Christ as Christ is the image of the invisible God. God does have a body; and that body is Jesus Christ.
2016-04-20 12:34:35 UTC
Back when we still were in his image, we were invisible... sort of. You could be seen if you used a microscope; otherwise, you and several thousand others looked like just a secretion of sticky milk; however, individually, we were invisible and very much in his likeness. It wasn't until we joined with an egg that we stopped being in his image and likeness.
2016-04-23 01:34:48 UTC
You may have this backwards. Man has some admirable qualities, and also some less than admirable ones...and assuming that man was "made in the image and likeness of God," we may assume (using the regular rules of logic) that Jehovah/Yahweh also has limitations (and a very vengeful side, as well)!!

In fact, a careful reading of the OT suggests that YHWH was a terribly arrogant and neurotic being. Not such a nice dude to know, I'm afraid!! ; )
2016-04-23 06:03:30 UTC
An image is a reflection of something. When you look in the mirror you see your reflection of yourself- it does not make you invisible. The first Verse in the first book in the Bible- Genesis 1:1 written over 3500 years ago, reads as follows : " In the Beginning (Time) God created the Heavens (Space) and the Earth (Matter)". Time-Space-Matter are the components of the Universe. We humans fall into the Material Realm- Matter and are therefor not invisible.
2016-04-20 13:29:32 UTC
Invisible means no image, therefore you were made in the image of Jesus who walked the earth as God in human flesh.
2016-04-23 08:21:00 UTC
Those words were recorded in Genesis 1:26-28. When we think of an image, we see a reflection of the reality. As you study God's Word, the Bible, 4 main attributes or qualities of him come thru loud and clear...His love, power, justice and wisdom. Humans are able to reflect these same qualities, even in our imperfect condition. We are able to show these just as God exercises these in a perfect way.
Jim V
2016-04-20 12:32:20 UTC
You have the wrong concept of what it means to be created in God's image.

We are rational beings.

We are spiritual beings.

We are moral beings.

A few properties imparted as a result of being made in God's image.

They are different for humans from other life (animal) not by just degree, but in kind.
Mr. Immortel
2016-04-21 09:26:37 UTC
Being made in Gods image means his inner attributes or qualities. His invisibility is not part of his image but simply his state of being as respects his physical creatures and creations. He is only invisible because human vision cannot see him but other spirits can see him. Before the creation of the physical realm, that is space with the earth there within, he was visible to anyone, angels. But, when he created humans we do not see him because we would not be able to function because of all of the sensory overload of sights that would come along with the possibility of seeing God. To name a few; seeing in all spectrums of light, seeing all kinds of energies and radiation and being able to focus.

There is another word that is perhaps more close to what your question is actually inferring. Man was made in his likeness. More often the Bible uses this word when referring to an appearance. We are not invisible because, for one thing, we are a physical likeness of the invisible God
2016-04-20 23:35:41 UTC
The 'image' is not like a photographic or holographic image and the subject of 'imago dei' has been the subject of intense scholarship over the centuries. The image is not a visual 'image' but a conflation of many aspects of the loving God, expressed in our reaction to Creation and our fellow creatures.
2016-04-21 11:18:39 UTC
“In God’s Image”

Adam was a perfect son of God, made in His ‘image and likeness.’ But since “God is a Spirit,” the resemblance could not be physical. (Genesis 1:26; John 4:24) The likeness lay in qualities that elevated man far above the animals. Yes, implanted in man from the beginning were the qualities of love, wisdom, power, and justice. He was endowed with free will and a capacity for spirituality. An innate moral sense, or conscience, enabled him to distinguish right from wrong. Man had intellectual capacity, enabling him to meditate on the reason for the existence of humans, to accumulate knowledge of his Creator, and to develop intimacy with that One. Thus equipped, Adam had all he needed to fulfill his role as administrator of God’s earthly handiwork.

Godly Principles Can Benefit You: YOU are no doubt aware that animals are governed by instinct. Many machines are designed to obey instructions. But humans were actually created to be guided by principles. Jehovah, the Originator of all righteous principles, announced when he made the first humans: “Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness.” The Creator is a spirit; he does not have a physical body as we do, so we are in his “image” in that we can reflect his personality, displaying a measure of his fine qualities. Humans have the capacity to chart their lives according to principles, that is, according to what they believe to be a code of right action. Jehovah has had many of these principles recorded in his Word.—Genesis 1:26; John 4:24; 17:17. ‘But the Bible contains hundreds of principles,’ one might say. ‘I cannot hope to know them all.’ True. Consider this fact though: While all godly principles are beneficial, some carry more weight than others. You can see that from Matthew 22:37-39, where Jesus showed that among the commandments and corresponding principles of the Mosaic Law, some were more important than others. Which are the weightier principles? The key principles of the Bible are those that have a direct bearing upon our relationship with Jehovah. If we take these to heart, the Creator becomes the prime influence on our moral compass. Additionally, there are principles that affect our relationships with other people.
Special EPhex
2016-04-23 13:33:17 UTC
Because you mistake yourself to be physical form in space/time, "born" into existence. In the East this misconception is understood and seen as limiting and flawed. The "atma" (Sanskrit for 'soul') is dimensionless and undetectable. The soul cannot be found because one already is what is being sought. The atma, is a part and parcel of the "Paramatma" ('Supreme Soul", i.e., 'God'). The tradition of 'bowing' in the East comes from the reverence for the sacred holiness within. Almost all religious and spiritual faith were founded on the teaching that we are all the Immortal Soul, and that this life is meant to used to prepare for the next, whether it is another earthly incarnation or an eternal afterlife.
2016-04-20 14:00:51 UTC
God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ are resurrected, glorified eternal Beings with bodies of flesh & bone. We are created in their literal image. They ARE NOT Invisible. When our spirits & bodies are united after the resurrection we will also NOT be invisible then either.
2016-04-20 13:23:35 UTC
n disclosing to his “master worker” the divine purpose to create mankind, God said: “Let us make man [ʼa·dhamʹ] in our image, according to our likeness.” (Ge 1:26, 27; Pr 8:30, 31; compare Joh 1:1-3; Col 1:15-17.) Note that the Scriptures do not say that God created man in the image of a wild beast or of a domestic animal or of a fish. Man was made “in God’s image”; he was a “son of God.” (Lu 3:38) As to the form or shape of God’s body, “at no time has anyone beheld God.” (1Jo 4:12) No one on earth knows what God’s glorious, heavenly, spiritual body looks like, so we cannot liken man’s body to God’s body. “God is a Spirit.”—Joh 4:24.

Nevertheless, man is “in God’s image” in that he was created with moral qualities like those of God, namely, love and justice. (Compare Col 3:10.) He also has powers and wisdom above those of animals, so that he can appreciate the things that God enjoys and appreciates, such as beauty and the arts, speaking, reasoning, and similar processes of the mind and heart of which the animals are not capable. Moreover, man is capable of spirituality, of knowing and having communication with God. (1Co 2:11-16; Heb 12:9) For such reasons man was qualified to be God’s representative and to have in subjection the forms of creature life in the skies, on the earth, and in the sea.
2016-04-20 13:41:08 UTC
LOL, good one!

You just reminded me of a show I saw not too long ago. Scientists are currently working on something that can best be described as an invisible cloak. I think it works by deflecting light. That could be fun. Think of all the possibilities!
2016-04-21 15:00:25 UTC
because she didn't. Human beings made gods in their images. mean and ugly in tribal time, and later just and omnipotent in kingdom-based time.

I am an adult. I am free. I do not want a lord. Or king. I vote.

I don't need a king or daddy. I am in charge of my decisions. I am doing ok.Of course, some things I can't arrange, like rain.

But praying doesn't make it go away. So we invented umbrellas. Yeah!
2016-04-22 05:11:03 UTC
If God made "US" in his IMAGE then why are we Not invisible too ( also ) ?

When I was five years old and asked Johnny and Betty if they wanted to play


. I didn't Know they secretly invited their imaginary Friend God to play the game
2016-04-20 12:55:19 UTC
In what way was Adam made in the likeness of God?

Made in the likeness of his Grand Creator, Adam had the divine attributes of love, wisdom, justice, and power; hence he possessed a sense of morality involving a conscience, something altogether new in the sphere of earthly life. In the image of God, Adam was to be a global administrator and have in subjection the sea and land creatures and the fowl of the air.

It was not necessary for Adam to be a spirit creature, in whole or in part, to possess Godlike qualities. Jehovah formed man out of the dust particles of the ground, put in him the force of life so that he became a living soul, and gave him the ability to reflect the image and likeness of his Creator. “The first man is out of the earth and made of dust.” “The first man Adam became a living soul.” (Ge 2:7; 1Co 15:45, 47) That was in the year 4026 B.C.E. It was likely in the fall of the year, for mankind’s most ancient calendars began counting time in the autumn around October 1, or at the first new moon of the lunar civil year.—See YEAR.
2016-04-20 12:35:53 UTC
A person can better comprehend the Infinite Mysteries of God by reciting daily and with care 7 Hail Marys, one each while meditating on each of the Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin. Further information about this devotion is available online.
2016-04-21 02:43:55 UTC
There is no solid proof to believe that God's image is similar to human's. All creatures were invented and created from the imaginations of the supreme power or God. Other eternal beings too might have taken part in this job. A creation need not be in the form or image of one who creates it.

This is a short form of my research based on my personal experience. A human being is always living with a group of spirits which have joined one by one since birth. Between creatures (including human beings) and God there are millions of invisible elements. There are divisions too. We are just robots made of different materials (flesh, bones, nerves etc.,) created by scientist God or eternal beings to entertain God. Each of us have memories like computers have RAM. The fed things (data= knowledge=several spirits or invisible elements) are in contact with the mind since childhood. A brain is a media to connect spirits to a human mind. In fact, all stuff related to a human being lives with a human being in the form spirits. Even thoughts are not our own. One after another the spirits think and we choose (accept) or reject based on the knowledge we have possessed. If current (electricity) stopped the memory loses all data. This is with the computer. The same thing occurs to all of us. Computers are functioning by electric power but human beings are functioning by natural power. We call this as soul. This soul is nothing but simply the functionality of body. If this is stopped our memories lose all data (all spirits or invisible elements). These spirits leave the body and go to different places. No one lives in the form of spirit or anything after death. We are simply our bodies, the toys made for spirits for their games.


Reincarnation is a rare phenomena which is not possible to all. To form a reincarnation all spirits which lived with a body must possess another person together. Then only he/she can feel same thing of the demised person. But this is not happening because the spirits never stay together to haunt or possess another. They go to different bodies. Rarely there might have been certain cases but I think it had changed after some time. Spirits during their life time live with many bodies (one after another). Their memories sometimes affects the person. This is natural. This is not enough to believe that there is rebirth. No one returns after death. A human's life ends with a single body.

There is no hell or heaven for human beings. They are only for spirits. Spirits are separate elements. There is always a common fate which is always applicable to all creatures including human beings. That is, we are like other creatures except that we have an additional sense (sixth sense). This sense had changed only the living conditions of the human beings but not the fate. The fate is almost same to all creatures including human beings.
2016-04-20 12:51:01 UTC
First of all you need to understand this first : Man(I mean every human being) is a Spirit, has a soul and live in a body. The REAL you is not your body, but your Spirit. It is your Spirit(the real you) that takes after the image(nature) of God. That is why the Bible says that "ye are gods"- Psalm 82:6. Jesus himself said, "...Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?" John 10:34.
2016-04-20 16:06:48 UTC
According to the bible all people are made up of The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit and the spirit gives everyone free will so he is everywhere in everything thing which he created in the beginning. The bible says that the raibow in heaven is where his throne sits. The end down on earth that everyone wonders about is where the cast out angel satan's throne sits.
2016-04-20 13:14:39 UTC
I am a Christian.

The word image does not mean image as we know it. Man was made to have freewill as God has freewill.

In Christ's name,
2016-04-22 10:10:02 UTC
God is spirit (john4:24). In the beginning, He made man a three-part being. Body-Soul-Spirit..... Adam did not die physically, but spiritually(When God told him not to eat of the tree: "Thou shalt surely die"). After that, man lived only as body and soul. When Chrit came, he laid down his life to make man whole again (body,soul,and spirit). Man is now in God's image again (spirit). There is so much more to this topic. Go to
2016-04-25 04:36:44 UTC
We are ‘made in God’s image, according to his likeness,’ so we have the capacity to reflect godly attributes. (Gen. 1:26) The apostle Paul exhorted Christians to “become imitators of God, as beloved children.” (Eph. 5:1) Following the Christ helps us to imitate our heavenly Father. This is because Jesus reflected God’s thinking, feelings, and personality better and explained him more fully than anyone else could.
2016-04-21 09:22:13 UTC
Being made in God's image mean he created us in a way to reflect his quality. This we mean we are imbedded with qualities such as love and kindness. He show this in his statement at 1 John 4:7, 8

7 Beloved ones, let us continue loving one another,+ because love is from God, and everyone who loves has been born from God and knows God.+ 8 Whoever does not love has not come to know God, because God is love.+
2016-04-20 19:22:23 UTC
When God speaks of making man in his image it refers to qualities, persona etc not a physical trait but spiritual one.
2016-04-23 07:48:07 UTC
God made man in the image of the "elohim" (gods, or spirits).

Jesus said, "know that you are gods (spirits).

The Catholic church started the belief that God was 3 in 1, using the terms "elohim", but this cannot be true

because elohim is plural, and means many, not three. Elohim means spirits. Spirits is the word we use today,

but in the time of the Greeks, with many gods, and with the Babylonian religion of many gods (changing their name to Catholic today), they knew they were talking about spirits in the spirit world.

You are a spirit incarnated (meaning "in the flesh), such that you have a task to learn to abolish your personal traits that are inharmonious, or unclean of spirit, because only higher vibration spirits can enter the higher

vibration realms of Heaven.
2016-04-21 07:50:48 UTC
Images can come in many different forms, in this form the image is morals. When God said to Jesus "Lets make them in our own image" He meant our moral not physical being. That is why there are certain things we just know are wrong weather we are born and raised in the jungle or city. We all have the same moral values, at least at first. Another part we were given is a conscious. If we refuse to listen to our conscious we will callous it rendering it useless.
2016-04-21 00:59:05 UTC
we are created in gods image, in his likeness. We were given dominion over all things except god. We were heirs to his kingdom. A son is an heir to his fathers throne. and a son is the image of his father.

It is a lie to think we were given morality. We were created before we ate of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil and thus we could have had no knowledge of morality before hand.

We were created with free will. Although we could not choose between right and wrong, we could choose to disobey.

We were created as care takers of our domain. gardeners and animals. We were created to aid the life of all things not to hinder it.

In these ways we were created in his image, in his likeness.

For god has dominion of all things, god has free will, god creates life.
2016-04-20 13:55:38 UTC
Exactly, what he meant by this is personality. We all want love, justice, peace etc. etc. And there are no spirits inside us that are living. Soul means life, once you die, your soul or life leaves you. You can save your life by walking with God. If you believe you live on as result of the spirit that "lives inside you" when you die, then what's the point in a resurrection?
2016-04-21 02:14:24 UTC
God created man in his own image, meaning man was created in the image of man. It's the simplest answer, so it's got to be correct.
2016-04-22 14:38:53 UTC
You have an invisible part called your Spirit! Just as Almighty God has the Holy Spirit, and also became flesh, just as we also are flesh.
2016-04-22 16:33:48 UTC
Is not the spiritual aspect of our being invisible? That spirit was placed in the material (flesh), so that we might learn and grow. Physical death releases the spirit of man into the spiritual presence of God.
2016-04-22 16:34:39 UTC


2017-01-07 01:32:34 UTC
you have the wrong concept of what it means to be created in god's image...

we are rational beings...

we are spiritual beings...

we are moral beings...

a few properties imparted as a result of being made in god's image...

they are different for humans from other life (animal) not by just degree, but in kind...
2016-04-21 10:50:15 UTC
It doesn't mean his physical image silly, it means his morals and actions.

Like god we get jealous and angry and do a mix of good and terrible things and many even think they are the centre of the universe. While most of us don't order acts of genocide or kill people for not doing what we want there are people who do. I don't know anyone who kills their own son but it happens so we share the same flaws and strengths.
2016-04-21 18:47:15 UTC
I actually wouldn't mind looking like Charlton Heston or Morgan Freeman.
2016-04-21 07:00:45 UTC
We are made in God's moral image, you old silly.
2016-04-20 16:01:09 UTC
We were made in His image in that we like to build, discover, make art, and have a soul.
Uncle Remus 54
2016-04-23 08:59:14 UTC
We are both spiritual (which is invisible) and physical. God created the physical world for our existence.
2016-04-21 04:35:09 UTC
The reason is due to the fact God created humans with physical bodies, while God is a spirit creature. When the Bible says that man is creates in his "image" it means he created us with the ability to reflect his qualities, such as his love, justice, wisdom and power, in our daily lives.
2016-04-22 14:01:05 UTC
God is not invisible, we will see him when we get to Heaven
2016-04-21 07:21:18 UTC
lol @ all the the religious people scrambling to make up answers because their minds are so small that they can't possibly entertain the idea that maybe he's invisible because man made him in his image.

I love that.
2016-04-21 05:02:56 UTC
An image is the reflection of what something is, somewhat like a copy or photograph of that thing.
2016-04-20 16:32:40 UTC
God is not invisible, He is too much for human eyes to perceive. Like we are too much for microbial beings to see. They can sense us, like we sense God.
2016-04-20 18:34:49 UTC
"And God formed man from the dust of the earth . . . " (a material being)

"and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul" (an invisible spiritual being)

Genesis 2:7
2016-04-21 14:39:18 UTC
2 Corinthians 5:1 For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.

Job 4

17 Shall mortal man be more just than God? shall a man be more pure than his maker?

18 Behold, he put no trust in his servants; and his angels he charged with folly:

19 How much less in them that dwell in houses of clay, whose foundation is in the dust, which are crushed before the moth?

20 They are destroyed from morning to evening: they perish for ever without any regarding it.

21 Doth not their excellency which is in them go away? they die, even without wisdom.

Jude 1

4 For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.

5 I will therefore put you in remembrance, though ye once knew this, how that the Lord, having saved the people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed them that believed not.

6 And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.

7 Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.
2016-04-21 19:07:48 UTC
God created man as a spiritual being, just as He is. He clothed him in an human body in order to properly function in a physical world. A spirit does not need to eat, so when God put him in the Garden of Eden and gave him free reign on what he could eat in order to sustain his earthly body, of course except for the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

Though the flesh dies, the spirit of his likeness lives on.
carmen hickman
2016-04-23 11:38:42 UTC
God made us in his image according to his likeness in that he made man with the capacity to display the same moral qualities that He possess. Man was created to have love, compassion, goodness, justice. So man can and should imitate God in their every day life. Please visit
2016-04-21 14:52:00 UTC
God did NOT make us in his image, this is a false statement in the man made doctrine (your bible).

GOD is ONE and unique.

NO MAN has seen God at any time: John 1: 18 KJV
Wee Trojan
2016-04-21 02:04:18 UTC
You are invisible to me as I am to you. When we get to be

in the same place then we will be mutually visible.

Hence the hope of heaven after death.
2016-04-21 08:40:17 UTC
"Image" in this context refers to likeness or characteristic, not visual image. If it were visual image we'd all look alike. The passage, "Let us create man in our image" refers to a creature or organism unlike the millions already created. That is, one who, like the company of heaven and unlike all other creation, has consciousness and free will.
2016-04-21 20:24:23 UTC

Opening the Eyes of Wooden or Painted Images

--- category of visible and non-coextensive physical existences

------category of invisible and coextensive

although difficult for me to explain, please read this. it is an explanation of the nature of physical and spiritual reality in nichiren daishonin's buddhism, and shows why a spiritual nature can exist, also explains why all being can attain enlightenment. the true buddha, nichiren explains the nature of the physical and spiritual nature of a buddha:".... the category of visible and non-coextensive physical existences. They can therefore be depicted in tangible form, such as pictures or statues. The remaining feature, the pure and far-reaching voice, belongs to the category of invisible and coextensive physical existences."

however, this is interesting, it needs to be read, to be understood..

2016-04-22 17:53:06 UTC
We are sinners. Born again people at the end will be like him. 1John 3:2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.
2016-04-20 18:18:50 UTC
When the Bible says, "Image" in this passage, it is not talking about physical features of our body. It is talking about our mental ability to have free will, and to know Him. This passage was talking about our spirit, not our body.
2016-04-20 17:31:42 UTC
Clearly, we are not created in the physical image of G-d, because Judaism steadfastly maintains that G-d is incorporeal and has no physical appearance. Rambam points out that the Hebrew words translated as "image" and "likeness" in Gen. 1:27 do not refer to the physical form of a thing. The word for "image" in Gen. 1:27 is "tzelem," which refers to the nature or essence of a thing, as in Psalm 73:20, "you will despise their image (tzel'mam)." You despise a person's nature and not a person's physical appearance. The word for physical form, Rambam explains, is "to'ar," as in Gen. 39:6, "and Joseph was beautiful of form (to'ar) and fair to look upon." Similarly, the word used for "likeness" is "damut," which is used to indicate a simile, not identity of form. For example, "He is like (damuno) a lion" in Ps. 17:12 refers not to similar appearance, but to similar nature.

What is it in our nature that is G-d-like? Rashi explains that we are like G-d in that we have the ability to understand and discern. Rambam elaborates that by using our intellect, we are able to perceive things without the use of our physical senses, an ability that makes us like G-d, who perceives without having physical senses.
2016-04-20 12:30:11 UTC
Gods are made in the form of humans via anthropomorphisation, and predictably, imaginary beings are always undetectable.
2016-04-21 11:59:28 UTC
There is a difference between LIKE God and BEING God.
2016-04-20 13:17:12 UTC
He is invisible to the atheists demons, but not to His loving devotees.
2016-04-23 21:27:23 UTC
correction- we made god in our image
2016-04-22 12:36:42 UTC
we were made in his image literally but we don't have the power not to be seen
2016-11-02 21:24:42 UTC
god the father and his son jesus christ are resurrected, glorified eternal beings with bodies of flesh & bone... we are created in their literal image... they are not invisible... when our spirits & bodies are united after the resurrection we shall also not be invisible then either...
2016-04-20 22:12:36 UTC
It is not meant to be taken literally. It means we are capable of loving and acting in his ways with a conscience.
2016-04-22 03:33:33 UTC
How do you know we are not invisible? we might be and are able to see other invisible stuff Cherayikizhakekkara
2016-04-21 07:42:16 UTC
Since we had not met the god we can't say so. We humans have flesh,blood and life, it is possible by hiding from others eyes?
2016-04-20 14:54:36 UTC
are created in his image also means that we reflect his qualities such as love, justice and so on. He does mean that we should physically look like him.
2016-04-24 09:15:11 UTC
God is a spirit being. He isn't flesh and blood.
2016-04-20 12:42:45 UTC
We will be after we die. We're both flesh & spirit.

Jesus was spirit that took on flesh like us, but not sin.

"In his image" does not mean exact copies.
2016-04-20 17:57:50 UTC
We actually show what those ´gods´look like. We have all kinds of groups, and they

all have their own god.
2016-04-21 22:21:22 UTC
God is a hypocrite and non existent
2016-04-20 13:05:35 UTC
you would be surprised how many of us never get to see "them self" , if you think about that you could say that we are invisible also
2016-04-22 03:57:19 UTC
If you can't find your shoes it doesn't mean they are invisible.
2016-04-22 00:14:10 UTC
Thst refers to inner personslity, not outward form

Surely, thst is not hard to grasp
2016-04-20 12:30:42 UTC
"His image" obviously refers to our spiritual nature, since He has no physical nature, and that part of us IS invisible.
2016-04-20 17:48:12 UTC
if he had an "image" then he is not always invisible.
2016-04-22 15:56:52 UTC
The Invisible man would become angry and obsolete.
2016-04-21 00:08:01 UTC
It generally takes one month's time to fructify.
2016-04-20 22:19:49 UTC
Because we are made of the earth. God is not.
2016-04-21 12:23:51 UTC
God in three persons, the Godhead is God, the mind or soul. Jesus the body. The Holy Spirit....We are 3 in one as well, soul/mind, body and spirit.
2016-04-21 19:01:23 UTC
Because you could not see a woman's nice round booty. No woman could are us men. Nobody would be reproducing.

This should be obvious.
2016-04-22 07:08:50 UTC
We made from sand , and sand cannot be invisible.
2016-04-21 20:04:15 UTC
the tribe of savages who made up the biblical god, didn't have much of an imagination....religion is a mental sickness...
2016-04-24 12:09:50 UTC
Assalamalecum,true Concept-Allah is one he is eternal he is neither born nor give birth there is nothing like him
2016-04-20 20:51:34 UTC
Because he can change his form and we can't. We are smaller than he is, so it makes sense that he can find us, tell us apart, and can see us.
2016-04-21 05:26:05 UTC
This made me laugh 😂😂
Dr Yes level 9 since 1999
2016-04-21 09:59:30 UTC
I can't see YOU. Therefore you must be God!
2016-04-20 13:16:32 UTC
It means that we have the capacity to create, destroy, emote, and reason. It is not referring to a physical likeness.
2016-04-20 14:34:21 UTC
The soul is invisible, so your question is moot.
2016-04-20 16:30:38 UTC
A magician never reveals his secrets.
2016-04-22 18:48:55 UTC
The lord works in mysterious ways.
2016-04-20 18:17:15 UTC
We are flesh and blood. God Almighty is not flesh and blood.
2016-04-22 12:14:40 UTC
Jesus Christ wasn't invisible.
2016-04-21 01:26:49 UTC
Simple, because we exist, and he doesn't. Sorry to ruin your life.
2016-04-22 12:16:17 UTC
Makes me wonder, where falling in love fits in there--hmm.
2016-04-23 11:56:33 UTC
Jesus was not invisible.
2016-04-21 17:46:43 UTC
Well we have spirits, that's one. We also rationalize and were made to be holy.
2016-04-21 07:19:26 UTC
You need a Bible study, than you will understand.

go to and ask for a Bible-study.
2016-04-20 12:32:50 UTC
our spirit is invisible
2016-04-21 06:26:30 UTC
Watch ----->
2016-04-21 02:37:43 UTC
Because he didn't, he doesn't exist.
2016-04-20 21:41:13 UTC
Hahahaha great question!
2016-04-20 12:31:22 UTC
Your reading comprehension skills are piss poor
2016-04-21 10:38:36 UTC
Good point.
2016-04-21 01:41:55 UTC
He didn't because your a ******
2016-04-20 12:29:57 UTC
I admit it I chuckled.
2016-04-21 01:11:22 UTC
your first assumption is incorrect,

GOD is not if GOD.
2016-04-21 08:56:04 UTC
i dunno about you but I am invisible. I don't even know how other people that arn't believers may even be able to see me
2016-04-20 21:42:48 UTC
The mirror is to be blamed.
2016-04-20 12:30:01 UTC
I cant see you.... so lets just leave it at that.
2016-04-20 12:30:46 UTC
...and why aren't we omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient?
2016-04-20 21:23:14 UTC
Do you mind if I steal this from you? EXCELLENT.
2016-04-21 09:38:20 UTC
We are
2016-04-23 09:23:57 UTC
That does not mean the same...
2016-04-21 08:34:59 UTC
we are ,you only see the flesh not the emotions
2016-04-23 16:45:34 UTC
this is so old
2016-04-21 14:49:06 UTC
2016-04-22 07:49:21 UTC
We are to him !
2016-04-22 06:35:01 UTC
more hypothetical
2016-04-21 12:33:55 UTC
because we are real.
2016-04-21 13:58:37 UTC
2016-04-20 19:23:17 UTC
Duh stupid retard. God is make believe. Don't tell the catholics though.
2016-04-23 15:29:45 UTC
Dude idk!!! OMG
2016-04-21 14:53:38 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.