can a christian believe in evolution? Is this a sin?
2013-04-01 18:57:29 UTC
Even if like some Christians say that its not true, will one be condemned for this belief in the chance its wrong?
Eighteen answers:
2013-04-01 19:03:16 UTC
No, That is theistic evolution, For those who hold to the Bible as the Word of God, theistic evolution should not be a viable option. The Bible says, "Know that the LORD is God. It is he who made us..." (Psalm 100:3). The Scriptures state that God created. God said, "Let there be..." and there was. The Scriptures speak of the creative word of God. When God speaks, it occurs. He said "Let there be" and it was so. It does not say, "Let there be a slow development through an evolutionary process."

God said in Genesis 1:26, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground." The Hebrew word for "make" in this verse, and in verse 25 where God makes the beasts, is "asah." It means to do, work, make, produce. This is not simply the limited Hebrew understanding of evolutionary principles.

The land animals were made differently than man. The animals were made from the ground, but man was made directly by God: "the LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being" (Gen. 2:7). Evolution states that man evolved from life forms that developed in the ocean. Here, God made man from the dust of the ground--not the water of the ocean.

If evolution is true and the Bible is true, then how is the formation of Eve explained? She was created out of one of Adam's ribs (Gen. 2:22). There is no way to explain this if theistic evolution is true; that is, unless you want to say that Eve wasn't made from Adam's side. Then, if you do that, you are doubting the very Word of God.

Also, Jesus said in Mark 10:6, "But at the beginning of creation God ‘made them male and female.'" The beginning was not evolutionary slime; in the beginning of creation there was Adam and Eve.

Though this information is brief and far from complete, it should be obvious that theistic evolution and the Scriptures cannot be harmonized.

Lee Stroble in his video listed below “ The Case for the Creator” stated (5 min. 28 sec into the video) The Case for a Creator

That “There is no way you can Harmonize Neo Darwinism with Christianity, I could never understand Christians who would say “ Well I believe in God yet I believe in Evolution as well” You see Darwin’s idea about the development of life led to his theory that modern science now generally defines as an undirected process completely devoid of any purpose or plan,”. Now how could God direct an undirected process? How could God have purpose in a plan behind a system that has no plan and no purpose? It just does not make sense.

It didn’t make sense to me in 1966 and it doesn’t make sense to me now.

The Apostle Paul wrote to His Son Timothy stating that “ in 2 Timothy 4:3-4 “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, [because] they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn [their] ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables.”

Those Christians who believe in evolution have no idea how that effects their theology.

What is theistic evolution?
2013-04-01 19:01:27 UTC
Okay - I am a Christian, and I believe in original creation by God of a type of man made in His image and likeness, as well as original creation of animals and plants by Him. I also believe that plants and animals have evolved over time, after a big change when Adam and Eve got kicked out of the Garden of Eden.

Is it a sin to believe in evolution? I don't believe so. Is it a sin to deny the Lordship of God in everything, including creation, and to deny He was the Designer and Creator... Well at the least it definitely conflicts with what the bible says.
2013-04-01 20:03:40 UTC
It is not possible to be an educated Christian and believe in evolution. If you believe that sin came into the world before the first people, we have a problem. Romans 5 says that in the same way that death came into the world thru one man, it was also done away with by one man (Christ) it goes as far as to call him the 2nd Adam. So if it didn't come into the world by one man, it can't be atoned for by one man and your entire basis for Christianity has crumbled.
2013-04-01 18:58:41 UTC
Whats so bad about believing biology adapts to its surroundings? I'm atheist but many christians accept evolution because they have a brain.

However they don't take the bible as literally.
2013-04-01 19:15:27 UTC
Creationism is not Creation. One can believe in Creation without it. Most Christians do not understand Genesis to teach its primary literal meaning. It has more important meaning on other levels.
2013-04-01 19:03:40 UTC
Let me try to make crystal clear what is established beyond reasonable doubt, and what needs further study, about evolution. Evolution as a process that has always gone on in the history of the earth can be doubted only by those who are ignorant of the evidence or are resistant to evidence, owing to emotional blocks or to plain bigotry. By contrast, the mechanisms that bring evolution about certainly need study and clarification. There are no alternatives to evolution as history that can withstand critical examination. Yet we are constantly learning new and important facts about evolutionary mechanisms.

- Theodosius Dobzhansky "Nothing in Biology Makes Sense Except in the Light of Evolution", American Biology Teacher vol. 35 (March 1973) reprinted in Evolution versus Creationism, J. Peter Zetterberg ed., ORYX Press, Phoenix AZ 1983

It is time for students of the evolutionary process, especially those who have been misquoted and used by the creationists, to state clearly that evolution is a fact, not theory, and that what is at issue within biology are questions of details of the process and the relative importance of different mechanisms of evolution. It is a fact that the earth with liquid water, is more than 3.6 billion years old. It is a fact that cellular life has been around for at least half of that period and that organized multicellular life is at least 800 million years old. It is a fact that major life forms now on earth were not at all represented in the past. There were no birds or mammals 250 million years ago. It is a fact that major life forms of the past are no longer living. There used to be dinosaurs and Pithecanthropus, and there are none now. It is a fact that all living forms come from previous living forms. Therefore, all present forms of life arose from ancestral forms that were different. Birds arose from nonbirds and humans from nonhumans. No person who pretends to any understanding of the natural world can deny these facts any more than she or he can deny that the earth is round, rotates on its axis, and revolves around the sun.

The controversies about evolution lie in the realm of the relative importance of various forces in molding evolution.

- R. C. Lewontin "Evolution/Creation Debate: A Time for Truth" Bioscience 31, 559 (1981) reprinted in Evolution versus Creationism, op cit.

“Sin lies only in hurting other people unnecessarily. All other "sins" are invented nonsense. (Hurting yourself is not sinful - just stupid).”

Robert A. Heinlein (American science-fiction Writer, 1907-1988)
2013-04-01 19:00:32 UTC
God has clearly stated what happened at the creation and that it is kind after kind. In order for evolution to be true, God must be a liar.

You choose, but I see no evidence of evolution as there are zero transitional beings alive or dead.
2013-04-01 19:01:27 UTC
evolution is something that is purely theory and still has yet to be proven, in genesis 2: 7 it brings out that god created man from the dust. not a monkey. if you believe in evolution you are basically saying that that scripture isn't true

2 timothy 3:16 All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness
Robert Abuse
2013-04-01 19:09:38 UTC

In the USA Christians are killed if they believe in evolution.

Usually by electric chair, often by firing squad and also by being doused in petrol and set fire to on the steps outside of churches.

Their Vicars (Pastas) throw the switches, pull the triggers and flick the lighters.
2013-04-01 18:59:46 UTC
Hey, A Christian is one who accepted the Savior, Jesus Christ into his heart. No one have the knowledge of Jesus in our brains, therefore we think wrong many times. Old saints believed the earth is flat. This is not sin
2013-04-01 18:58:05 UTC
"The fact that the Bible always contemplates Evolution as necessarily preceded by Involution should never be lost sight of, and therefore much of the Bible requires to be read as referring to the involutionary process taking place upon the psychic plane. But Involution and Evolution are not opposed to one another; they are only the earlier and later stages of the same process: the perpetual urging onward of Spirit for Self-expression in infinite varieties of Form. And therefore the grand foundation on which the whole Bible system is built up is that the Spirit, which is thus continually passing into manifestation, is always the same Spirit. In other words, it is only ONE. " -

Thomas Troward's

Bible Mystery

and Meaning
2013-04-01 19:01:18 UTC
GOD has revealed himself through scripture & science.

Evolution is an acceptable theory for GODs method of creation.
2013-04-01 18:59:25 UTC
Of course, the Catholic church accepts it. And no it's not at all wrong, the evidence is astounding. Any sane person who has researched it would know. For anyone who doesn't accept you are either ignorant which most of you are, or if your not ignorant you must be mentally insane literally.
2013-04-01 19:00:10 UTC
It's not sin, its stupidity. Do you truly believe God can be so small as to have to create something to set into motion creation when all He really needs to do is speak it into existence?
2013-04-01 18:58:32 UTC
if you can accept that at least one part of the bible is wrong, why not possibly (or probably) all of it?
2013-04-01 19:02:54 UTC
Why not. It proves that you have evolved from your common or garden variety.
Animaȴ Seeking Kindness
2013-04-01 18:59:34 UTC
2013-04-01 19:17:19 UTC
the bible is F*U*C*K

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.