The proof that God exists and the Bible is true can be found in people of today. They are the Jews. Who are the Jews anyway? They are not a religion, they are not an ethnic group, they are not a nationality, they are not a race. So who are they? The Jews are a family from Abraham through his son Isaac. They are a family that has been around since recorded history and they worship their God through their Bible which is recognized even by atheist theologians as being several thousand years old. Atheist theologians recognize the Jews as an ancient people unlike no other. There is no other example like the Jews in all of human history. They are a peculiar people set apart. An ancient family using an ancient book being mocked, hated and slaughtered. Being driven from place to place yet they never go away, they never get watered down, they never die out, they never waste away through assimilation into other cultures. No matter where they go they are still Jews. Even if they become atheist or Christians they are still Jews. And yet here they are, a family, coming back to their home of Israel in 1948 which was prophesied over 2,600 years ago and now speak their long dead defunct language that they spoke when they left. Who else has ever done anything close to this? What family? What group? In all of human history there is no other example like the Jews. Not one. They are distinct into perpetuity. What people in all of human history keep their distinct identity no matter where they are? No matter what religion they become? No matter what langauge they speak or where they live? No matter what ethnicity or nationality they are? No matter if they become slaves? No matter if they are scattered? No one, no where is like a Jew. Israel has 6 times the domestic gross product per capita than any of its Arab neighbors despite being oil poor. Israel has the most scientists and engineers per capita than any country in the world. The more you look at the history of the Jew and the prosperity of Israel since the Jews came home in 1948 the more it proves out that God prospers the Jews.
Its all about the Jews. Gods chosen people.
The Bible says that people who persecute the Jews will be punished. And indeed they have been.
The great Assyrian Empire persecuted the Jews.
The great neo-Babylonian Empire persecuted the Jews.
The great Phoenician Empire persecuted the Jews.
The great Roman Empire persecuted the Jews.
The powerful Nazi empire persecuted the Jews.
All of these empires have been destroyed. And yet, the Jews are still a nation. Why? Because God had made this promise to the Jews in Genesis 12:2-3 ;
"I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you."
The Jews are living proof of God and the Bible. After all, the Bible told us, for example, that:
* Israel would become a nation which happened in 1400 B.C..
* Jerusalem and the Temple would be destroyed which happened in135 AD.
* The Jews would be exiled into slavery which happened from 70-135 AD.
* Israel would become a wasteland.
* The Jews would be scattered worldwide which happened from 135-1900s.
* The Jews would be persecuted worldwide which happened from 135-1900s.
* The Jews would have a worldwide impact which happened from 135-1900s.
* Their identity as a group would be preserved which happened from 135-1900s.
* The Jews would return to their homeland which happened in the1900s, etc).
* The Jews would have Israel again as their own country which happened in1948.
* The Jews would again speak their ancient language now which is the defacto langauge of government in Israel.
All of these things have happened. The Jews are living proof.
When the Jews declared independence for Israel in May 1948, it was the first time in about 2600 years that Israel was both united and independent. Who has ever heard of such a thing? That a country could be reborn after its people had been scattered worldwide for a few thousand years? And even more is that the Bible says that the Jews coming home would coincide with mankind increasing in knowledge and traveling more.And who has ever heard of such a thing - that a country could be reborn in a single day? After a worldwide movement called Zionism began in the 1800s, hundreds of thousands of Jews worldwide began to return to their ancient homeland.
The Biblical End Times events are predicated on the Jews, their homeland Israel and the fight with those that hate them. Who cannot see that Israel is centerpiece of global friction. A country the size of New Jersey.