Prove prayer works.?
Some Dude
2006-05-26 14:23:54 UTC
Right here, right now. Prove it somehow. Pray for God to type a message on here. Pray for God to appear to me in my home so I believe you. Just prove prayer works.

The bible clearly states that ANYTHING you pray for will come true. So prove it.

In Matthew 7:7 Jesus says:

Ask, and it will be given you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For every one who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. Or what man of you, if his son asks him for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a serpent? If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!

In Matthew 17:20 Jesus says:

For truly, I say to you, if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you.
Prove it.
40 answers:
2006-05-26 14:25:50 UTC
2006-05-26 15:20:46 UTC
I believe that prayer should be used to thank and praise God, not to ask for things. If your prayer is one of thanks and praise, of course it works, since you accomplished what you intended, giving thanks and praise. Although I would not take everything in the Bible at face value, I say you are misquoting the biblical verses to try to mock Christians who may be reading your question.

In Matthew 7:6, right before the verse you quote, Jesus says:

Don't give that which is holy to the dogs, neither throw your pearls before the pigs, lest perhaps they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.

He continues with (Matthew 7:7):

Ask, and it will be given you. Seek, and you will find. Knock, and it will be opened for you.

Jesus is saying that if his followers ask for "that which is holy" they will receive it. He didn't say that free miracles would be provided for the amusement of any joker on Yahoo! Answers.

In Matthew 17, before the verse that you quoted, a story is being told about a man whose son was epileptic. This man brought his son to Jesus' disciples to see if they could cure him, and they could not. Jesus then heals the man. When the disciples ask Jesus why they were unable to heal him, he says to them (in Matthew 17:20)

"Because of your unbelief. For most certainly I tell you, if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you will tell this mountain,'Move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you."

He is telling the disciples that they do, indeed, have faith smaller than a grain of mustard seed and that for this reason they could not perform the miracle. Whether or not it is true that someone with faith the size of a mustard seed could really move a mountain, Jesus isn't promising that ANYBODY can do this. Clearly he didn't think that even the disciples had enough faith to do it.

A mustard seed may be a VERY tiny thing, but that's exactly the point Jesus is making. He is saying that everyone has so little faith. So if you really wanted to use this verse to disprove the efficacy of prayer, you would have to find someone that Jesus agreed had faith the size of a grain of mustard seed (otherwise find an objective way to measure faith and compare with the size of a grain of mustard seed). If THAT person prayed for a mountain to move and it didn't, then you'd have a point, but until you find such a person I would suggest you spend less time trying to mock religious people and more time thinking about your own personal answers to the important questions of life.
Link Correon
2006-05-26 14:31:43 UTC
The bible says that the body of Christ is the church. We are Christ's hands and feet. Consider this a message from God. The church universal wants you to know the truth about God, so the followers of God are out here typing you messages.

Perhaps you misunderstand the passage about the mustard seed. Show me someone with faith as a grain of mustard seed. Even the most passionate Christians who earnestly yearn for Jesus to change their lives are fearful and unfaithful when tested. It would be an extremely rare individual who could leave everything they have known and follow a command *possibly* given by the Lord. You find a person that can do that, and I guarantee you that this person could move a mountain with only words.
2006-05-26 14:41:04 UTC
Jesus also said you will not tempt the Lord your God. I can't prove it right here and now. However I know and truly believe that Prayer works. I have praied for many of things in my life and the things I was suppose to have, I received from God.

The bottom line is faith,

Matthew 17:20 (Whole Chapter)

And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.
2006-05-26 14:42:51 UTC
Prayer works in the brain. Faith is a conscious and unconscious belief that things will work. This faith is masked by some form of higher power. Prayer, meditation, magick, etc. works in the unconscious mind planting a seed of change by the person doing the prayer. If the convictions are strong enough, the person's willpower is able to stir up powerful changes beginning with the brain. Don't underestimate the power of the human brain.
2016-03-27 03:55:04 UTC
Even if I tell you a story will that make you believe that prayer works? Don't you always have a rule that "I need proof first and if not then this is just your delusion" There are doctors who can't explain when a patient is suddenly cured by prayer. A woman from the Philippines was driving the car with her family in the back. As a hijacker pointed a gun at her directly to the head she was praying for protection. When the gun fired the bullet dramatically changed direction as it smashed through the glass and hit her leg instead but she didn't feel pain her leg suddenly turned num. As she went to the hospital, the doctors couldn't explain how the bullet didn't go straight to her head. Car windows are suppose to break easily since in accidents it was safer to smash to a window that would break easily than 1 that doesn't. What's amazing is from a prayer she not only survived the unsurvivable but also felt completely no pain through out it all. When I was young I had been sick for 2weeks. You know that feeling when you can't stop vomiting even if you have nothing to puke out. It hurts like hell so bad. My mom didn't know what to do. But she told me to make a prayer before i sleep. by the time I woke up it was gone. Prayer is something that simply doesn't get answered. Why? Because people out the're dont know how a prayer really works. The bible tells us we must have "Full Faith First" when we ask. "Yes I''ve had full faith but it still didn't work therefore God is just some delusion" many peoples faith are destroyed simply by time. Time is a test. What do we really pray for? "God pls make me rich, God why am I suffering, If you are reall make me past this test, etc. only me and my concerns. Would God see this as something right to answer? Over all how I see it is prayer requires faith. But how can peoples prayers be answered when they have little to no faith first and reject his existence? my atheist friends always ask me for proof other wise Its all just my delusions. But I tell you now it's not something for me to show you. It's something for you to see for your self
2006-05-26 15:13:51 UTC
"WANT" is a statement that whatever it is you are asking for does not exist.... that's WHY people don't get what they WANT.

Religion and GOD are not necessarily the SAME thing.....

Religion is humanity trying to explain GOD.

The difference between PRAYER and regular words is, PRAYER is when PEOPLE pay attention that God is listening.

When life doesn't go the way YOU plan, it is because GOD has better ideas.

The reason GOD can't be "proven" is because GOD is all there is......

God is God no matter what humans believe, think or imagine.

GOD is HOW you are able to be YOU..... GOD is HOW you are able to recognize your reflection when you cannot physically SEE your own face.

GOD is HOW you are able to recognize yourself in a photo of people you have forgotten.... even when your body doesn't look like that anymore and YOUR's is the face you have never seen for yourself.

2006-05-26 14:27:34 UTC
God isn't at your beck and call...He's not going to do anything for you because you DEMAND it. I think you're taking the Bible a bit too literally. And if you need more proof than what He puts out there everyday, then how would you call that "faith"? Open your eyes, and maybe you'll see that He reaches out to you in more subtle ways. And if you're still having a crisis of faith, see a priest and discuss it further.
2006-05-26 14:35:17 UTC
Once in college I prayed for $120.oo because that was the exact amount of money I needed to pay bills and tithe to the church and the next time I waited tables I made exactly $120. Not $119. Not $121. $120.
cheeky chic 379
2006-05-26 14:33:00 UTC
The most important thing about Prayer, is , you have to listen to what God is telling you not what you want to hear.

From where I sit you have a closed mind and its your misfortune if you don't believe.

God is there, just ask and you will receive , but ask in earnest not mockery.

You being able to write this stupid message in yahoo is a miracle.
2006-05-26 14:32:47 UTC
Sweetie, try to open your heart. What you are doing is blasphemus. Our Father does not respond to challenges.

I will tell you one thing, though. I KNOW that prayer works. I have seen it happen time, and again.

One example....when my dad had cancer, his treatments were 800.00 for only forty pills. We had no money, yet things happened and the money was made available for us. This is but one small example.

I am a very intelligent woman. I am not a Bible banger, and am actually quite a critical thinker.

God is real. His love is real. And, His miracles happen daily. Open your eyes, and you will see. Open your mind. But, most of your heart.
2006-05-26 14:29:40 UTC
God is always sending you what you ask for. Unfortunately, we're not always open to receiving it. Without going too deep into metaphysical principles, I'll just tell you that for positive things to happen to you, or come to you, you have to BE POSITIVE. Try reading "You'll See it when You Believe it" by Wayne Dyer. It does a much better job of explaining what I'm trying to say.
2006-05-26 14:27:19 UTC
Actually my brother was legally blind at the age of five. My mom took him up for prayer.. His eyes were healed right then and thier to this day he is now 29 and has 20 20 vision the eye doctor could not explain what happened. But we sure could...
Victor ious
2006-05-26 14:41:17 UTC
You think God is there for your entertainment? Hey if you want a freak show - watch the Televangelists like Benny Hin.

As for what you want is God to answer your petty request. The Bible says you don't get answered prayers when you ask amiss - asking for useless things that serve no purpose, vanity and the like. The purpose you have in mind is worthless and of absolutely no value.

God does not have to prove himself to us - he created us! We have to prove ourselves to Him. Laugh all you want. But mark my words - you will die just like everyone else. You have no guarantee it will be slow enough for you get in a quick death bed repentence..., you could get nailed quick, no chance to repent of your horrid tempting of God and mocking his children.

The Bible says, God is not mocked. Sooner or later you're number will come up. I hope you come to Jesus before then.
2006-05-26 14:28:49 UTC
Umm, this it totally God, and you are right, I stopped answering questions in the 60's. The 1460's. So please stop bothering me with all this crap. What else can I do? I already sent down my son to iron things out, and look what you did to him! He hasn't been the same since! I hope you earthlings blow each other up. PS I just gave Iran the Bomb, good luck with that. Their prayers have been answered.
2006-05-26 17:10:11 UTC
it depends on the prayer some are more important god is helping everyone have patience and just believe it will pay off. my cousins wife had a stroke and a lot of other complications adn she was in coma she awoke adn they sayd she would never walk again we all prayed for her and had prayer chains all over. she now is walking with a little limp and now she has a child if this doesn't show the miracles of god then idk what will just believe !
2006-05-26 14:28:52 UTC
Prayer takes faith. It isn't our prayer that moves God, it's our faith.

I think you missed the whole idea of what Jesus was saying in that passage. Yes it is by prayer that we make our requests known to God, but it is our faith in His Word that moves Him to do those things. It is our faith in who He is and what He HAS DONE (past tense) in our lives that enables and strengthens that faith.
2006-05-26 14:29:49 UTC
are you serious you're a complete joke. not everything you pray for will come true at that moment it takes time and patient. god just dsn't show up just so he can prove to some person that he's real and that prayer does work. you have to work and pray for your answers to come true. what have ppl been teaching you?
2006-05-26 14:26:30 UTC
Just a few minutes ago I was praying that somebody would ask on the Yahoo Forum to prove prayer works, and voila you did, there you go acutual proof.....
2006-05-26 14:48:06 UTC
Jesus is not speaking of material things in this passage he is speaking of salvation if you look for it seek it out and open the doors of your heart to it then it will be given but first you have to have faith which is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen. with out faith nothing is possible. you must first believe in it to achieve it. in any religion Faith is the first stepping stone.
2006-05-26 14:26:03 UTC
You cant prove prayer, but you already knew that. People pray out of faith, but you already knew that too.

Some words for thought:

Mosiah 4: 21

And now, if God, who has created you, on whom you are dependent for your lives and for all that ye have and are, doth grant unto you whatsoever ye ask that is right, in faith, believing that ye shall receive, O then, how ye ought to impart of the substance that ye have one to another.

Alma 7: 23

And now I would that ye should be humble, and be submissive and gentle; easy to be entreated; full of patience and long-suffering; being temperate in all things; being diligent in keeping the commandments of God at all times; asking for whatsoever things ye stand in need, both spiritual and temporal; always returning thanks unto God for whatsoever things ye do receive.

Morm. 9: 21

Behold, I say unto you that whoso believeth in Christ, doubting nothing, whatsoever he shall ask the Father in the name of Christ it shall be granted him; and this promise is unto all, even unto the ends of the earth.

-Book of Mormon
2006-05-26 14:25:42 UTC
This is God here....I'm stuck on the highway.

Have a great godless day! Message me with questions or comments.
2006-05-26 14:27:30 UTC
You really answered it gotta have faith that prayer works. God doesn't have to prove anything to you.
Red neck
2006-05-26 14:27:21 UTC
A faithless prayer is an unheard prayer. God is not mocked.

Prove to yourself that prayer works.
2006-05-26 14:28:18 UTC
Lets prove it this way

YOU ask God to show himself real to you

I will also ask that same prayer.
Peace of Mind
2006-05-26 14:27:29 UTC
I pray that you will feel hungry and thirsty in the next 24 hours...if you do...then prayer
2006-05-26 14:25:22 UTC
God also says not to test Him with silly trials like the one you have proposed.
2006-05-26 14:26:03 UTC
Prove it doesn't. God said somewhere in this book you choose to quote...Do not challenge the lord.
Arf Bee
2006-05-26 14:51:34 UTC
You have to be WORTHY of it and not simply be an ignorant fool who has learned to read and type...

Keep reading and begin to understand what you read. A little knowledge can be dangerous.

Peace be with you!
2006-05-26 14:27:50 UTC
Prayer definatly works, but you got to remember thet in the bible it states "IN HIS TIME". Your prayers will be answered in his time
2006-05-26 14:27:01 UTC
Nobody's here to give you faith or take your faith.

You should research it and decide for yourself what you believe.
2006-05-26 14:30:29 UTC
Better be careful what ya pray for.
surfer girl
2006-05-26 14:28:39 UTC
u trust n God with believin not seening.he also says not to test him like u have just done.
2006-05-26 14:26:17 UTC

That would only prove that we are your slaves and obey your commands.

I have a Lord and you are not Him.
2006-05-26 14:26:04 UTC
What? You want me to pray for you?
2006-05-26 14:24:56 UTC
young man god has answered your wish what do you want
2006-05-26 15:02:46 UTC
faith my fiend faith is the key. you will fin him when you search with all your heart
2006-05-26 14:28:20 UTC
You should go to my church, you could learn alot!
2006-05-26 14:26:37 UTC
If you need proof, good luck in H-E-L-L!
2006-05-26 14:27:57 UTC
Please God,

Let me live to post this message. Thank you.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.