I have worked in churches as a music director for over 15 years, and I grew up in a traditional church.
I like traditional music, but for the past couple of years, contemporary music has been speaking to my heart, and traditional music has left me cold.
I'm not talking about "Shout to the Lord" repititious drivel - but some of the music the church where I attend has done recently:
Solid Rock - Delirious
Stronger - Delirious
O Praise Him - David Crowder (not at all shallow lyrics, btw)
Amazing Grace - Chris Tomlin (Old standard with a twist)
You are God Alone - Joy Williams
And at the traditional church where I work, I just had a soloist sing "Every Season" by Nichole Nordeman. The poetry in that song is meaningful.
"O Sing a NEW song to the Lord, Sing, all the earth!"
I am experiencing a deeper call and walk with God through some of these new songs.
Blessings to you.