Christians, is the concept of original sin something you are comfortable with, or do you?
2007-07-12 09:20:32 UTC
have problems accepting it?
Thirteen answers:
2007-07-12 09:24:45 UTC
I've wrestled with this one for a long time, read what truly brilliant Biblical scholars on both sides of the question have to say.

Ultimately, I'm not comfortable with it. I think it means only the tendency or capacity to sin, which is evident in every human if they're honest.
2007-07-12 17:48:04 UTC
I am not a Christian but I have a big problem with the entire concept of original sin, whether biblical or not.

As San Tomas Aquinas made clear on the subject it sets the subject up to be willing to commit sins because they are already condemned.

Not only that, it has been the reasoning for condemning children if their parents are sinners. "The apple does not fall far from the tree". Often despite working their whole lives to escape the stigma many children feel responsible for the mistakes their parent made.

I much prefer the redeemed hero concept. Thought to be irredeemable, the child of a villain transcends their failings and does the right thing.

For this reason I loved Lion King II: Simba's Pride. Scar's child fought against all odds to prove that he was not his father and redeemed himself. I loved it.

ADD: I am really sorry to be on the wrong side of that supper long post! Hello to anyone that actually gets this far.
2007-07-12 16:30:26 UTC
I don't have problems with it because when I look within I see all the seeds of these sins and I also see the ones that I have exercised and they grew larger. I know we are sinful. It is like a big spider web that we are stuck to and cannot get out of because once we are stuck in it (upon conception) we become blind to it and we see some other type of world where there is no sin but once we are touched by Jesus our conscience is awake and we are free of the web of sin so although we are still here with the sin in the body we are not entangled with it. This is the wonder of the cross as we die then the last of our sinfulness is left there and we move on to new life without the sin. This is why Jesus chose the time when leprosy was the big disease because the first sign of leprosy is numbness, or the loss of feeling (conscience), when he healed people they regained their conscience and were aware of their sin and the shape of their soul.
2007-07-12 17:35:11 UTC
I certainly have a problem with it... but I'm not a christian.

The whole idea that baby's and kids and people who are totally unfamiliar with christian nonsense, (or just don't buy it,) are guilty of anything in the least is absolutely laughable. Only the most shallow of thinkers could subscribe to a concept like that. I'm sorry if that means you, but that's my opinion on the notion of original sin.

[][][] r u randy? [][][]

John C
2007-07-12 16:26:15 UTC
That was one of the concepts that lead me to becoming an Atheist. The fact that I am being punished for the actions of other people is just BS I am sorry but the sins of the father do not pass to the son.
2007-07-12 16:28:20 UTC
untill you have a cognistant conception of sin...the christian faith belives you are innocent...this originated from the 10 commandents (gods golden rules) . there are many different levels of reading and comphrehnsion...for example , if you have not matured to the point of realization of a paticular act or statement having that would not have sinned..a sin is braeking one of the 10 commandments.
Suzanne: YPA
2007-07-12 16:25:19 UTC
I do not believe we are literally born sinners; I believe the Bible teaches we are born with the INCLINATION to sin (break God's laws), which we do as soon as we are able.

St. Augustine was the first one to propose this theory. It seems to me that Christians should dismiss it. How can we, on the one hand, claim Jesus never sinned, yet on the other claim that He was fully human (and therefore born a sinner)? These are contradictory ideas.
2007-07-12 16:28:08 UTC
I don't accept it, for me it's completely ridiculous. If I, as a simple human being, will never blame a child for what his parents did, how God, who is all mercy and love, will ever blame us for what Adam and Eve did??? I respect everybody else's opinion about it, but I'll never accept it.
2007-07-12 16:25:31 UTC
I have trouble understanding it. I have come to accept it without fully understanding it knowing that there are many things, especially from St. Augustine, that I will probably never fully comprehend in this world.

Yours in Christ Jesus, Grace
2007-07-12 16:25:17 UTC
Do you know what the originl sin was in the garden, I do, & I have posted it here about 25 times already, No it was not eating from any literal tree.
2007-07-12 16:24:38 UTC
It is a manmade concept that tries to explain some other manmade concept.

Just like it takes 10 lies to explain 1 lie.

Concept Styles
2007-07-12 16:31:17 UTC
Not all Christian denominations believe in "original sin."

I don't & this JEWISH comedian explains why.
2007-07-12 16:44:50 UTC
What's Not to be Comfortable with??? Perhaps U, do not understand the "Dynamics at Work Here, so the Question??? First, just a view of the "Surface Issue" shows that We, didn't Sin, but our Parents, so how does that make Us Uncomfortable??? Second, this is a Much Larger Issue of being part of the Angelic Conflict, that we are Privileged to be a part of!!! In Satans' Down Fall, he made a "Plea" to the "Justice of God" for an "Appeals Trial" which the "Integrity of God" granted. Satan was, for a short period of time, given Control over this world to "Prove" that he was Greater than God & that Gods' Creation would Worship Satan! As Satan however is Not Omniscient, he did Not Know of Gods' "Plan" for Mankind to be "Redeemed" through Christs' work on the cross, providing Forgiveness of ALL Sin & Salvation for Us. All we have to do is Accept Christ!!! So, in a way,(if I hadn't Accepted Christ,[which I have]) I might be concerned. Are U??? If so, Simply Accept Christ, no more Worry!!! John

Here is the Exact "Doctrine with Scripture "Back Up"!!!


A. Definition.

1. Biblical documentation of the sin nature is found in Rom 5:12.

"Therefore, just as through one man [Adam], sin [the sin nature] entered

into the world, and [spiritual] death through [the] sin [nature], so

[spiritual] death spread to the entire human race because all sinned [when

Adam sinned]."

2. The characteristics of spiritual death include:

a. The status quo of dichotomy in the human race, having only a

body and soul at birth, but no human spirit. Without a human spirit you can

have no relationship with God, 1 Cor 2:13.

b. Total depravity can be moral or immoral degeneracy, depending

upon one's trend in his sin nature. If a believer's fragmentation (becoming

arrogant and staying that way) is perpetuated, the believer becomes morally

or immorally degenerate.

c. Total separation from God.

d. Total helplessness to perform any work, sacrifice, or any

change of life by which we can enter into a relationship with God. The only

way we can enter into a relationship with God is to accept God's work on our

behalf; i.e., to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.

3. The threefold essence of the old sin nature.

a. The area of weakness produces personal sins and eventuates in

consequent evil in the form of moral or immoral degeneration, Heb 12:1.

b. The area of strength produces human good, resulting in moral

degeneracy, Isa 64:6; Rom 8:8.

c. The lust pattern motivates sin and evil, lasciviousness and

asceticism, moral and immoral degeneration, Rom 7:7; Eph 2:3.

4. The old sin nature is Adam's trend after the Fall in action.

Immediately after Adam sinned, two things occurred simultaneously.

a. He had a new trend historically.

b. He had spiritual death.

5. A trend occurred toward sin, producing personal sin in three

categories: mental, verbal and overt.

6. A trend occurred toward good and evil, producing the Satanic policy

for the pseudo-millennium. The trend toward good and evil also became a

part of the function of Adam's trend. The trend toward good and evil is

still an issue. Because of the judicial imputation of all personal sins to

Christ, sin is no longer an issue except in rebound. When Adam chose the

tree, he chose Satan's policy, immediately making Satan the ruler of the

world. The Garden was not so much a coup d'etat as a surrender.

7. The Fall of man resulted in numerous changes from the Garden.

a. Satan became the ruler of this world.

b. The old sin nature became the ruler of man's body.

c. Mankind became spiritually dead, and therefore under the

condemnation of the justice of God, which became our new point of reference.

8. Adam took a perfect soul and, by his negative volition, he revolted

against divine authority and created the old sin nature. Adam's volition

was a perfect instrument. But being free, he could reject divine authority.

9. We all have this original mold. While the soul is not occupied by

the old sin nature, the soul becomes the battlefield which the old sin

nature attacks and where it is often tactically successful.

10. The influence of the old sin nature on the soul is seen in mental

attitude sins and motivations. The condition and status of the body often

affect how you think. There is no question that the body effects the soul

and the mentality, just as the soul effects the body (psychosomatics). This

phenomenon of not only the immaterial influencing the material but also the

material influencing the immaterial is noted in the "heart" passages of Jer

17:9; Mt 12:34-35; Mt 15:19; Mk 7:21-23.

B. Biblical Synonyms for the Old Sin Nature.

1. The singular of the Greek word HAMARTIA generally refers to the old

sin nature, Rom 5:12, 7:14; 1 Cor 15:56; 1 Jn 1:8. The plural generally

refers to personal sins.

a. Rom 5:12, "Therefore, just as through one man [Adam], sin [the

sin nature] entered into the world, and [spiritual] death through sin [the

sin nature], so [spiritual] death spread to the entire human race because

all sinned [when Adam sinned]."

b. Rom 7:14, "Certainly, we know that the law is spiritual, but I

am of [belonging to the realm of] the flesh [sin nature], sold in bondage to

sin [sin nature]."

(1) Of course the law is spiritual, for it came from God.

It is God's establishment mandate for the entire human race.

(2) "Flesh" (SARXZ) is another word for the old sin nature.

(3) We are sold into bondage at birth, when the imputation

of Adam's original sin to the old sin nature occurs.

c. Actually, HAMARTIA in the singular can refer to:

(1) Adam's original sin.

(2) Old sin nature, usually found with the generic use of

the definite article.

(3) Principle of personal sin.

2. The Greek word SARXZ means "flesh," and it emphasizes the location

of the old sin nature in the cell structure of the body. Because the sin

nature is related to the biological life, it is called the flesh.

a. Gal 5:16, "But I say, walk by means of the Spirit and you will

not execute the lusts of the flesh."

b. Eph 2:3 mentions the lust of the flesh; 1 Jn 2:16; Rom 6:6,


3. "The old man" (PALAIOS ANTHROPOS) emphasizes the origin of the old

sin nature: Adam's original sin perpetuated through the twenty-three male

chromosomes which fertilize the female ovum in copulation.

a. Eph 4:22, "With reference to your former lifestyle [self-

fragmentation through post-salvation sinning], you yourselves lay aside

[through rebound] the old man [sin nature], you who are becoming degenerate

on the basis of the lusts of deceit."

b. The sin nature is classified as the old man because it

originated in the Garden of Eden; it's older than anything else, Col 3:9.

c. "You who are becoming degenerate" refers to being corrupted in

polarized fragmentation from the trends of the sin nature.

d. The "lusts of deceit" include power lust, money lust,

approbation lust, sexual lust, chemical lust, and emotional lust (fear,

worry, anger).

4. "Carnal" (SARKINOS) means "fleshly," "of the flesh," or "belonging

to the flesh." This refers to the believer under the control of his old sin

nature and therefore out of fellowship with God through personal sin and

resultant cosmic involvement.

a. Rom 7:14, "Certainly, we know that the law is spiritual, but I

am of [belonging to the realm of] the flesh [sin nature], sold in bondage to

sin [sin nature]." (See point 4 for Rom 7:14-25.)

b. 1 Cor 3:1-3, "And I, brethren, could not speak to you as to

spiritual persons [believers in divine dynasphere], but as to belonging to

the sin nature [carnal believers controlled by the sin nature], as to babes

in Christ [childish believers]. I gave you milk, and not solid food

[advanced doctrine], for you were not able to receive it; in fact, you are

not yet able. For you are still belonging to the sin nature. For since

there is jealousy and strife among you, are you not belonging to the sin

nature, and keep walking in conformity with men?"

(1) The Corinthians believers were still not able to learn

advanced doctrine because they were under the control of the old sin nature,

which limits what you can learn.

(2) The fact that they are still carnal means they don't use

rebound to recover fellowship.

(3) Note what Paul mentions as an example of carnality. He

mentions one of the mental attitude sins of arrogance: jealousy.

(4) The Corinthian believers are therefore "of the sin

nature", i.e., carnal, and walking as unbelievers.

5. "Our body of sin" in Rom 6:6 emphasizes the old sin nature's

headquarters where it resides in the cell structure of the body. Its

genetic home is in the cell chromosomes.

6. "Corruptible man" refers to the sin nature in Rom 1:23.

Corruptions means the old sin nature and the result of the old sin nature.

Man is corrupted physically, spiritually, and therefore morally.

7. "Corruptible seed" in 1 Pet 1:23 refers to the transmission of the

old sin nature.

8. There are passages which describe sin, good or evil as coming from

the "heart." The heart, or right lobe of the soul, has nothing to do with

the old sin nature. But the old sin nature always gets to the soul of man

by attacking the heart. This is the old sin nature influencing thought so

that sin, good and evil are motivated in the thinking, being programmed in

the brain. Jer 17:9; Mt 12:34-35, 15:19; Mk 7:21-23.

C. Further Biblical Documentation of the Old Sin Nature.

1. There are three references to the old sin nature in Rom 6:6.

"Knowing this, that our old man [old sin nature] was crucified with Him

[retroactive positional truth], that our body of sin [old sin nature] might

be rendered powerless, in order that we should no longer be slaves to sin

[old sin nature]." The implication of this verse is that we are in slavery

to the old sin nature apart from retroactive positional truth.

2. When the old sin nature gains control of the soul, it is often

called a "desperately wicked heart." Jer 17:9, "The heart of man is

deceitful above all things and desperately wicked."

a. The Hebrew word LEB is used for the right lobe of the soul,

but here it refers to the right lobe connected with the old sin nature's

temptations. They are filtered through the soul and its functions.

b. The right lobe is the place where sin is defined before

volition grabs it and runs with it. All sin originates from your own

volition, but temptation goes through your soul.

c. This explains Jer 17:9 which relates the right lobe to the old

sin nature. Mt 12:34-35 and 15:19 says the heart is the source of certain

sins. This doesn't refer to the right lobe by itself, but as it is related

to the old sin nature.

(1) In other words, the sin nature comes from the cell

structure of the body and presents a temptation which goes into the right

lobe. There it is defined in terms of language. Or it can be defined in

terms of emotion. So once the source, the old sin nature, gains entry to

the soul, then the temptation is defined. At this point, you know you are

being tempted according the language of your own soul.

(2) Then you face a decision toward that temptation.

Negative volition means you will commit the sin you are tempted with,

whether you know it's a sin or not. Positive volition means you say no to

committing that sin, so that the temptation merely remains a temptation. A

temptation can never become a sin until your volition is involved. This is

true of all people, normal or abnormal. All people are held responsible for

their sins before God.

3. Rom 7:14 has two references to the old sin nature. "For we know

that the law is spiritual [comes from God, a Spirit], but I am of the flesh

[old sin nature in body], having been sold into bondage to sin [slavery to

old sin nature]."

4. 1 Jn 1:8, "If we say [contend, maintain, assert] that we have no

sin [nature], we deceive ourselves, and doctrine is not in us."

5. 1 Jn 1:10, "If we say [contend, maintain, assert] that we have not

sinned [after salvation], we make Him a liar and His doctrine is not in us."

D. The Source of the Old Sin Nature.

1. The old sin nature is the genetic home for the imputation of Adam's

original sin at physical birth causing real spiritual death. Real spiritual

death is separation from God in a state of total depravity.

2. The old sin nature resides in the cell structure of the body and is

the source of all inner temptation. Anything that is a temptation to you

must be filtered through your soul. The sin nature is passed down

genetically through the twenty-three male chromosomes in copulation.

3. While the soul of man comes from God, the old sin nature originates

from the original sin of Adam in the Garden. The old sin nature works

through the soul. All inner temptations come from the old sin nature. Most

temptation comes this way, though occasionally we face an overt temptation.

4. Two imputations occur simultaneously at birth. When the fetus

emerges from the womb, God imputes human life to its home, the human soul.

That human life is, in every case, created by God. Secondly and

simultaneously, the justice of God imputes Adam's original sin to the

genetically-prepared home of the sin nature residing in the cell structure

of the body. The result is real physical life and real spiritual death.

5. Adam's original sin was acquired by imputation. Adam's sin nature

is attained genetically.

6. There is a vast difference between biological life and soul life.

a. Biological life originates from copulation. Soul life

originates from God at birth.

b. The sin nature does not become active until birth, when

biological life is combined with soul life to form the human being.

c. God cannot and did not create the sin nature. The sin nature

originated from Adam's disobedience. God is not the author of sin or

temptation; that is blasphemous and unthinkable.

d. Biological life is genetic, originating from one cell, the

zygote. Soul life originates from God at birth.

e. Biological life begins at conception; soul life begins at


f. The sin nature is transmitted through biological life.

Therefore, the sin nature is transmitted through the body, not the soul.

For this reason, the word SARXZ or the flesh is used as a synonym for the

sin nature.

g. Biological life begins with mother dependence in the womb.

Soul life begins with God dependence at birth.

7. While both the man and the woman are carriers of the old sin

nature, transmission of the old sin nature occurs only through twenty-three

male chromosomes passed down from the man. The man is the transmitter of

the old sin nature in copulation because Adam committed the original sin of

cognizance, and Eve committed the original sin of ignorance.

a. 1 Tim 2:14, "And it was not Adam who was deceived, but the

woman, being deceived, was in the transgression.

b. Rom 5:12, "Therefore, just as through one man [Adam], sin [the

sin nature] entered into the world, and [spiritual] death through the sin

nature, so [spiritual] death spread to the entire human race because all


c. Ps 51:5, "Behold, I was born in iniquity, and in sin [the sin

nature] I was conceived." David means that Adam's original sin was imputed

to the old sin nature at the point of birth. He is not saying that he was

born a bastard.

8. The sin nature is genetically formed in the womb, along with

biological life. Because there is no soul life in the womb, God is not the

author of sin.

E. The Virgin Pregnancy and Virgin Birth of our Lord.

1. The one exception to the genetic perpetuation of the old sin nature

is the virgin pregnancy of Mary.

2. Because of meiosis and polar body, the female ovum, ready for

fertilization, throws off twenty-three contaminated chromosomes, leaving

twenty-three uncontaminated chromosomes.

3. The virgin Mary was a carrier of the old sin nature. She was

spiritually dead at birth. She was a virgin but not sinless. But at the

moment of fertilization of that one pure, uncorrupted ovum by the Holy

Spirit, she possessed that one pure cell free from the old sin nature. The

Holy Spirit fertilized her twenty-three pure chromosomes with twenty-three

perfect chromosomes.

4. The Holy Spirit, in fertilizing the ovum of Mary with twenty-three

perfect chromosomes, therefore eliminated the genetic formation of the old

sin nature. All the other normal genetic functions did occur, however.

5. Mt 1:20, "Behold, an angel appeared to Joseph in a dream, saying,

`Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife, for that

which has been conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit.'" The Holy Spirit

provided twenty-three perfect chromosomes which fertilized the ovum of Mary.

6. The virgin pregnancy of Mary excluded the genetic transmission of

the sin nature, so that the biological life of Jesus in the womb was without

a sin nature.

7. At the virgin birth of Jesus, there was no sin nature. Therefore,

Jesus was born as Adam was created, i.e., trichotomous, having a body, soul,

and spirit.

8. With no genetically-formed old sin nature, it was impossible for

the justice of God to impute Adam's original sin to Jesus Christ at birth

because there was no genetically-formed home for its transmission, no old

sin nature because of no copulation.

9. Therefore, Christ was born perfect, just as Adam was created

perfect. Both were perfect in the structure of the body and in the soul,

having no old sin nature. Jesus Christ is the facsimile of Adam before the

Fall; i.e., perfect; we are the facsimile of Adam after the Fall; i.e.,

spiritually dead with an old sin nature.

10. Therefore, Jesus Christ was born into the prototype divine

dynasphere because He was "filled with the Holy Spirit" from birth.

Throughout his life on earth, our Lord had to remain perfect inside the

prototype divine dynasphere so that He would be qualified to go to the

cross, and receive the imputation and judgment for the sins of the world.

"He was tempted in all points as we are, yet apart from sin [sin nature]."

11. Because of the virgin pregnancy followed by the virgin birth, our

Lord was born in a state of perfection which He maintained through

residence, function, and momentum inside the prototype divine dynasphere.

12. The doctrine of impeccability teaches that the humanity of Jesus

Christ was tempted far beyond anything anyone has ever known, but He

resisted all temptation. His deity was not able to sin; His humanity was

able not to sin. See the doctrine of Impeccability.

F. The Biography of the Fragmented Life, Rom 7:14-25.

1. Rom 7:14, "Certainly, we know that the law is spiritual, but I am

of [belonging to the realm of] the flesh [sin nature], sold in bondage to

sin [sin nature]."

2. Rom 7:15, "For that which I am doing [fragmentation], I do not

understand. For I am not practicing what I would like to do, but I am doing

the very thing that I hate [self-fragmentation]."

3. Rom 7:16, "But if I do the very thing I do not wish to do

[fragmenting my own life], I agree with the law that it is good." In

1 Timothy, Paul says that the law teaches what sin is.

4. Rom 7:17, "But as the case really stands, I am no longer the one

doing it, but the sin nature which is indwelling me."

5. Rom 7:18, "For I know that nothing good of intrinsic value dwells

in me, that is in my flesh [sin nature], for the desire is present in me to

attain the good [virtue], but I cannot do it."

6. Rom 7:19, "For the good of intrinsic value that I desire to do, I

do not do [fragmented believer], but the evil which I do not desire to do I

keep practicing."

7. Rom 7:20, "But if I am doing the very thing I do not wish to do

[and I am], I no longer accomplish it, but the sin nature residing in me."

8. Rom 7:21, "Consequently, I discover this principle, that when I

desire to do the good [virtuous, noble], evil [fragmented life] is present

with me."

9. Rom 7:22, "For along with other believers, I delight in the law of

God [protocol plan] with reference to my inner man [doctrine in mentality]."

10. Rom 7:23, "But I see a different law [principle] in the members of

my body, making war against the law of my mind [status of fragmentation],

and making me a prisoner to the law of the sin nature which is in the

members [cell structure] of my body."

11. Rom 7:24, "I am a miserable [wretched] person! Who will rescue me

from the body of this death [the old sin nature]?"

12. Rom 7:25, "Grace belongs to God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So

then, on the one hand, with my mind I am myself serving the law of God; but

on the other hand, with my flesh [old sin nature in control of the soul], I

am serving the law of the sin nature."

G. Six categories of fragmentation are produced by the old sin nature.

1. Personal or self-fragmentation is related to the sin nature's area

of weakness and area of strength. Heb 6:1, "Therefore, leaving behind

[graduating from] the elementary teachings about Christ [basic doctrines of

Hypostatic Union, Christology, soteriology], let us advance to maturity

[execution of protocol plan, manufacture of invisible hero, glorification of

God], not laying again the foundation [doctrines of salvation and

spirituality] of repentance away from dead works, and of faith toward God, .

. ." Dead works come from the area of strength of the old sin nature. When

under the control of the sin nature, all the works you produce are dead and


2. Polarized fragmentation is related to the trends of the sin nature.

The sin nature has a trend either toward self-righteous arrogance and

legalism or toward lascivious lawlessness and antinomianism.

a. Perpetuated legalistic fragmentation results in moral


b. Perpetuated antinomian fragmentation results in immoral


c. Pre-salvation sinning is solved by faith in Christ. Jesus

Christ on the cross was judged for both the sins of legalism and the sins of

antinomianism. At the moment anyone believes in Christ, the problem of pre-

salvation sinning is solved, for those sins are all blotted out, Isa 43:25,

44:22; Eph 1:7; Col 1:14.

d. Post-salvation sinning requires the use of problem solving

device #1, the rebound technique.

e. Polarized fragmentation results in a tremendous conflict among

believers who have opposite trends in their old sin nature. There is no

toleration of others. This conflict drives positive volition away from


3. Fragmentation related to subjective arrogance includes unrealistic

expectation and role model arrogance. Unrealistic expectation is subjective

preoccupation with self; role model arrogance is subjective preoccupation

with others.

4. Human relationship fragmentation includes:

a. Fragmentation and the problem of Christian fellowship.

b. Fragmentation and the problem of marriage.

5. Fragmentation related to emotion involves emotional sins, such as

fear, worry, anxiety, hatred, anger, violence, and murder; these perpetuate


6. God relationship fragmentation includes:

a. Failure to understand and utilize the problem solving devices.

b. Failure to execute the protocol plan of God.

H. Post-Salvation Sinning and the Old Sin Nature.

1. The believer continues to use his volition and continues to possess

a sin nature after salvation.

2. 1 Jn 1:8 tells us we continue to possess the old sin nature. "If

we say [contend, maintain, assert] that we have no sin [nature], we deceive

ourselves, and doctrine is not in us."

3. 1 Jn 1:10, "If we say [contend, maintain, assert] that we have not

sinned [after salvation], we make Him a liar and His doctrine is not in us."

4. Since the believer continues to possess the old sin nature after

salvation, he is a walking grenade.

5. However, only the volition of the believer can pull the pin of the

grenade. Being tempted by the sin nature is not sin; only when volition

pulls the pin of the grenade does the believer sin. That's why the rebound

technique is the first problem solving device, designed to recover from


6. The pin of the grenade is related to some form of arrogance. The

multifarious manifestations of arrogance include jealousy, bitterness,

hatred, vindictiveness, implacability, self-pity, self-righteous arrogance,

motivational and functional revenge, slander, maligning, gossip, and


7. The fragmentation of the life moves in the direction of the trends

of the sin nature.

a. If the trend is toward self-righteous arrogance and legalism,

the fragments of the life include slander, gossip, maligning, judging, and

Christian activism.

b. If the trend is toward lasciviousness and lawlessness, the

trend is toward sexual and even criminal sins.

8. The trend toward self-righteousness and legalism produces such

heresies as saying that you cannot commit certain sins and still be a

Christian. That is wrong. The believer can commit any sin an unbeliever

commits. This trend results in several categories of heretical conclusions.

a. Salvation by works.

b. Spirituality by works.

c. A misunderstanding of our Lord's teaching that "by their

fruits you shall know them." From a misinterpretation of this verse, self-

righteous Christians conclude that you are not really a Christian unless you

show the proper manifestation of it.

9. The trend toward lasciviousness and lawlessness results in anti-

nomianism and reaction against Bible doctrine because it is associated with

self-righteous arrogance.

I. The Arrogance of False Perspective.

1. The arrogant believer who rejects the doctrine of eternal security

thinks that he can do something to lose his salvation. He assumes that his

sins and failures are greater than the saving work of Christ on the cross

and the forty things he received at salvation from God. Or the arrogant

believer erroneously concludes he must add something to faith in Christ for


2. The arrogant believer erroneously assumes that dead works of

legalism and morality are greater than the omnipotence of the Holy Spirit

inside the divine dynasphere. He calls his dead works spirituality.

3. The arrogant believer who succumbs to the pressures of discipline,

suffering, adversity, and injustice erroneously assumes that his sufferings

are greater than the provision of the portfolio of invisible assets and the

problem solving devices of the protocol plan; i.e., that his sufferings are

greater than any solution God can provide.

4. The arrogant believer who depends on emotional activity, such as

dedication ceremonies, tongues, inspirational speakers, and personal

attention from the pastor or evangelist, erroneously assumes that his

personal feelings and experiences are greater than perception of doctrine.

5. The arrogant believer who is involved in the demand syndrome,

having unrealistic expectation and role model arrogance, assumes that

emphasis on people must precede God emphasis.

6. The believer is arrogant when he listens to the teaching of Bible

doctrine with preconceived notions, distorting the acquisition or perception

of doctrine.

7. The believer is arrogant when he uses epignosis doctrine which he

has retained to serve him rather than to lead him.

8. The believer is arrogant when he applies doctrine to justify

himself or to establish himself in a system of self-righteousness.

9. This is all summarized in 1 Tim 6:3-4. "If anyone teaches a

different doctrine and does not concur with sound doctrine, those doctrines

from our Lord Jesus Christ, even the doctrines pertaining to godliness [life

in divine dynasphere], he has received arrogance [fragmentation of life],

understanding nothing. Furthermore, he has a morbid obsession about

controversies and verbal conflicts, from which originate jealousy, discord,

and evil speculations."

J. The Role of Volition in Sin and Fragmentation.

1. No one sins apart from his own consent. Even if you don't know

it's a sin, you wanted to do it and you do it, and so are responsible for

that sin.

2. The sin nature is the source of temptation. Human volition is the

source of sin.

3. Once you commit a sin, the sin nature controls your soul and is a

stronger power than it was when merely residing in your body.

4. The believer sins after salvation in two categories.

a. In sins of cognizance, temptation from the sin nature is

recognized, and the volition chooses to sin.

b. In sins of ignorance, temptation from the sin nature is not

recognized as potential sin, yet volition chooses to succumb and thereby

commits a sin of ignorance.

5. When the believer uses his volition to sin, he fragments his own

life. This self-fragmentation is called carnality or being under the

control of the sin nature. It is tantamount to life in the cosmic system

and the stages of reversionism.

6. The trend toward lascivious lawlessness and the trend toward self-

righteous arrogance cause tremendous conflict among believers. People who

participate in this conflict between the two opposite trends fragment

themselves. Moral and immoral degeneracy are constantly at war.

7. So fragmentation is not only the source of sinning, but is a state

of confusion. Once you perpetuate yourself in fragmentation, you will be

confused and cannot grow spiritually.

K. Personal Sins.

1. Personal sins in the human race originate from two sources.

a. The function of the sin nature in temptation.

b. The function of human volition in the act of sinning.

2. All personal sins in human history are divided into two categories.

a. Pre-salvation sinning.

b. Post-salvation sinning.

c. Both categories of sin were judged on the cross.

3. Prior to the cross, all personal sins in the human race, past,

present, and future, were programmed into one prom (volitional) chip in the

computer of divine decrees. At the time of the crucifixion, God the Father

called for the printout of all personal sins, imputed them all to Christ,

and judged every one of them.

a. 1 Pet 2:24, "He carried our sins in His own body on the


b. 2 Cor 5:21, "He who did not know sin was made sin as a

substitute for us."

c. Rom 5:8, "But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that

while we were yet sinners, Christ died as a substitute for us."

d. 1 Pet 3:18, "Because Christ died once for our sins, the

righteous One as a substitute for the unrighteous ones, that He might bring

us to God, having been put to death in the flesh [humanity of Christ], but

made alive by means of the Spirit."

e. Gal 3:13, "Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law by

means of becoming a curse as a substitute for us, for it stands written,

`Cursed is everyone who hangs on a cross.'"

L. The Solution to Pre-Salvation Sins.

1. Salvation comes from faith and faith alone in Jesus Christ.

a. Gal 3:26, "For you are all the sons of God through faith in

Christ Jesus."

b. Gal 2:16, "Knowing that a person is not justified by the works

of the law, but through faith in Christ Jesus, even we have believed in

Christ Jesus that we might be justified by faith in Christ, and not by the

works of the law; for by the works of the law no person will be justified."

c. Rom 5:1, "Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have

peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ."

d. Eph 2:8, "For by grace you have been saved in the past with

the result that you stand saved forever through faith, and this [salvation]

is not from yourselves; it is a gift from God, not of works lest anyone

should boast."

e. Rom 3:22, "Even the righteousness of God through faith in

Jesus Christ, for all those who believe."

f. Rom 3:28, "For we maintain that a person is justified by faith

apart from the works of the law."

g. Jn 20:31, "But these are written that you may believe that

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing, you may have

eternal life through His person."

h. Jn 3:15, "That everyone who believes in Him may have eternal


i. Jn 3:16, "For God loved the world so much that He gave His

Son, the unique One, in order that anyone who believes in Him shall never

perish but have eternal life."

j. Jn 3:18, "He who believes in Him is not judged, but he who

does not believe has been judged already because he has not believed in the

person of the unique Son of God."

k. Jn 3:36, "He who believes in the Son has eternal life, but he

who does not believe in the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God

abides on him."

l. Jn 11:25, "Jesus said to her [Martha], `I am the resurrection

and the life. He who believes in Me shall live even if he dies.'"

m. 1 Jn 5:11-13, "This is the deposition: God has given to us

eternal life, and this life is in His Son. He who has the Son has this

[eternal] life; He who does not have the Son does not have this [eternal]

life. These things I have written to you who believe in the person of the

Son of God, in order that you may know that you have [eternal] life."

2. The problem of pre-salvation sinning is solved by personal faith in

Jesus Christ. In the very moment that anyone believes in Christ, all his

pre-salvation sins are blotted out.

a. Isa 43:25, "I, even I, am the One who wipes out your

transgressions for My own sake, and I will not remember your sins."

b. Col 1:14, "In whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of


3. Faith plus anything does not secure salvation. If you add anything

to faith, the Holy Spirit cannot make it effective for salvation under His

ministry of efficacious grace.

a. Faith plus "commitment" does not secure salvation.

b. Faith plus "lordship" does not secure salvation. Jesus Christ

is your Lord at the moment of salvation no matter what you do after

salvation. You cannot make Christ "Lord" by anything you do.

c. Faith plus morality does not secure salvation.

d. Faith plus baptism or any other church ritual does not secure


e. Faith plus "repentance" does not secure salvation. "Repent"

actually means to change your mind about Christ, not to feel sorry for sins.

f. Faith plus emotion does not secure salvation.

g. Faith plus psychological works does not secure salvation.

h. Reverse invitations exclude faith. In salvation, God invites

us to Him. Therefore, we cannot reverse that and invite Christ into our

hearts or lives. Inviting God excludes faith altogether.

(1) Inviting Christ into your heart is tantamount to

inviting Christ into a garbage dump, Jer 17:9, "The heart is desperately


(2) Inviting Christ into your life is tantamount to inviting

Christ into a tomb, because the unbeliever's life is spiritually dead.

4. The ministry of the Holy Spirit in our salvation.

a. In the doctrine of common grace, the spiritually dead

unbeliever has spiritual brain death. Therefore, when the Gospel is

presented, the Holy Spirit acts as a human spirit so that the Gospel, which

is spiritual phenomena, can be understood. The accurate information which

the Holy Spirit uses is then understood in the left lobe of the soul.

b. Even when the person understands that salvation is through

faith alone in Christ and he believes in Christ, he is still spiritually

dead. So under His ministry of efficacious grace, the Holy Spirit takes

faith and faith alone in Jesus Christ and makes it effective for eternal

life. Therefore, if you add anything to faith, the Holy Spirit cannot make

that effectual for salvation.

5. Jn 16:8-9, "And He [Holy Spirit], when He comes, will convict the

world concerning sin; concerning sin, because they do not believe in Me."

Sin is really not an issue in your life as an unbeliever; the issue is

Christ. Because Jesus Christ was judged for all your sins.

6. Rom 1:16, "I am not ashamed of the Gospel, for it is the power of

God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the


7. So the solution to pre-salvation sinning is to believe on the Lord

Jesus Christ, and you will be saved.

M. The Solution to Post-Salvation Sinning.

1. The rebound technique is the solution to post-salvation sinning.

2. 1 Jn 1:9, "If we acknowledge [admit, cite, name] our sins, He [God

the Father] is faithful and just [righteous] with the result that He

forgives us our sins [post-salvation sins of cognizance], and cleanses

[purifies] us from all wrongdoing [post-salvation sins of ignorance]."

3. The substitution of self-judgment for divine discipline is the

subject of 1 Cor 11:31. "If we would judge ourselves, we should not be

judged." Self-judgment is tantamount to the confession of our sins.

4. So forgiveness and restoration to fellowship as well as the

subsequent filling of the Holy Spirit and reentrance into the divine

dynasphere is based on the fact that the sins cited have already been judged

at the cross. This takes care of sin, one of the three trends of the old

sin nature. This is judgment of self.

5. Rebound means to stand up, look God in the eye, cite your sins, and

know that He has judged it and therefore forgives you.

6. This solution is the only way we can get out of the cosmic system

and get back into our own palace, the divine dynasphere, through gate #1,

the filling of the Holy Spirit, who now again controls our soul.

7. There are two different mandates for spirituality.

a. Gal 5:16, "Walk by means of the Spirit."

b. Eph 5:18, "Be filled with the Spirit." This refers to the

Holy Spirit controlling your soul at gate #1. Gal 5:16 refers to your life

and function inside the divine dynasphere.

N. Fragmentation and the Old Sin Nature. See the Doctrine of


O. Divine judgment solves the problem of the old sin nature.

1. God solves two categories of problems created by the old sin nature

through the use of condemnation or judgment.

a. Sins, which were judged at the cross.

b. Good works or human good and evil are judged at the Last


2. Phase 1: Divine judgment at the cross.

a. The sins of the world were called for as a printout from a

prom chip. They were imputed to Christ and judged by the justice of God the


b. This was the first and most important judgment of the old sin

nature and is the basis of our salvation which we obtained through personal

faith in Jesus Christ. This was the abrogation of the power and rulership

of the old sin nature, 1 Pet 2:24; 2 Cor 5:19.

c. However, under the law of volitional responsibility, our sins,

though judged at the cross, still have consequences from the function of our

negative volition. This is how we cause most of our own suffering.

2. Phase 2: We must judge ourselves through the use of the rebound

technique, 1 Jn 1:9; 1 Cor 11:31.

3. Phase 3: The human good and evil of the believer is judged at the

Judgment Seat of Christ immediately after the Rapture, 1 Cor 3:12-16.

"Wood, hay and stubble" refers to all the human good you have done which

will be burned.

4. At the Great White Throne Judgment, Rev 20:12-15, the unbeliever is

resurrected and brought before the Lord Jesus Christ whom he rejected. His

sins, having already been judged at the cross, are not mentioned. Instead,

his human good is added up from the book of works. It can only total

negative righteousness, which cannot have fellowship with perfect

righteousness, and so he is cast alive into the Lake of Fire.

5. God judges evil periodically; otherwise history could not continue.

Evil continues up through the Millennium, as in the Gog and Magog

Revolution. Evil must be met in the spiritual realm.

P. There will be no old sin nature in the resurrection of the Church. Phil

3:21, "Who [Lord] will change the body of our humiliation [old sin nature]

into conformity with the body of His glory [resurrection body of Jesus

Christ] on the basis of the operational power from which He Himself is able

to subordinate all things to Himself."

Q. What happens to the old sin nature at salvation?

1. At the moment of salvation adjustment to the justice of God through

faith in Christ, divine justice imputes divine righteousness to the

believer, setting up the grace pipeline for blessing from God's justice.

a. Justice is at the origin end; perfect righteousness is at the

receiving end. This pipeline is encapsulated by divine integrity.

b. Righteousness demands righteousness; justice demands justice;

what the righteousness of God demands, the justice of God executes.

c. Therefore at salvation, perfect righteousness demands thirty-

nine other factors to come through the grace pipeline. From salvation to

maturity, perfect righteousness demands logistical blessing to sustain us.

d. At the point of spiritual maturity, perfect righteousness

demands special supergrace blessings. For just as justice can directly

condemn, justice must also have a policy for blessing us: grace.

2. At the moment of salvation, the baptism of the Spirit also occurs,

which cancels the ruling power of the old sin nature over human life.

a. This is a positional abrogation or cancellation which provides

the basis for experiential cancellation for which we must opt in phase two.

b. Potential 2 plus capacity equals the reality of encapsulated

environment. Potential 2 is the baptism of the Holy Spirit producing

retroactive positional truth and current positional truth.

c. Retroactive positional truth identifies us with Jesus Christ

in His spiritual death, physical death and burial. In spiritual death,

Christ also rejected human good and evil while accepting the imputation of

all personal sins and their judgment.

d. Therefore in identification, we have positionally rejected

human good and evil.

e. In His physical death, Christ was totally separated from good

and evil; therefore we are positionally separated from good and evil.

f. In His burial, He was divorced from good and evil; so we are

divorced from good and evil positionally.

g. Capacity always equals doctrine. The reality of encapsulated

environment is greater than the perfect environment of the garden, yet it is

in this very devil's world. For God encapsulates our blessings in time in

an environment He provides (the divine dynasphere), regardless of historical


h. Because the policy of Satan is good and evil and the function

of the old sin nature is good and evil, the old sin nature and Satan

cooperate as long as good and evil are being produced. But whenever the old

sin nature produces sin, this is an embarrassment to Satan. Satan is trying

to beat our Lord to the Millennium.

3. This retroactive positional truth establishes the basis for our

experiential renunciation and victory over the trends of the old sin nature.

Its 3 trends are toward sin, human good, and evil.

4. Through the baptism of the Holy Spirit, we have retroactive

positional truth which is positional separation as well as rejection and

divorcement from Adam's trend, the old sin nature.

5. This abrogates the sovereignty of the old sin nature over human

life. It also provides "life with God" on this earth, Rom 6:11.

6. The old sin nature, however, is still located in the cells of the

flesh, the body of corruption, and is still transmitted through the twenty-

three male chromosomes.

a. That old sin nature still has to be there, because these same

cells are part of your physical body and therefore your physical life.

b. As long as you are alive in this body of corruption, you have

an old sin nature, and you will never completely stop sinning, 1 Jn 1:8.

c. But the trends toward sin, good and evil, while still in your

body, are at least positionally broken.

7. So at salvation, we enter the divine dynasphere, but the old sin

nature is not changed or eradicated. As we get close to gate #8, we do have

more and more control over the old sin nature.

R. What happens to the old sin nature after salvation?

1. While the power and rulership of the old sin nature over human life

is destroyed positionally (Rom 6) and experientially (Rom 7), the trends of

Adam still function in the life of the believer.

2. The contradiction between the positional destruction of the old sin

nature's power at salvation (baptism of the Holy Spirit, Rom 6) and the

frustration of still following the trends of the old sin nature is the

subject of Rom 7, especially verse 15. Rom 7 is the story of the battle of

the two husbands.

3. The continued function of the old sin nature after salvation in

spite of retroactive positional truth indicates the necessity for Bible

doctrine resident in the soul plus the filling of the Holy Spirit to

overcome this factor. These two, Bible doctrine plus filling of the Holy

Spirit equals experiential sanctification.

4. The pattern for the believer's carnality or sinfulness depends upon

how must time he logs in Satan's cosmic system rather than in the

operational-type divine dynasphere.

a. Hence, the believer has been given the opportunity of rapid

recovery from carnality through rebound adjustment to the justice of God.

b. Rebound is exercising the option for being alive to God, 1 Cor

3:1. We never confess good and evil because they have not been judged yet.

c. Gate #1 of the divine dynasphere completely neutralizes the

functions of the sin nature in sin, human good and evil. Only in the divine

dynasphere can we execute the protocol plan of God for the Church Age.

5. Rebound is necessary because of sins committed after salvation.

Therefore, sin is not the major problem after salvation. The major problem

is the function of good and evil. These go unchecked apart from Bible

doctrine in the soul, Rom 7:14; 1 Jn 1:8

6. There are three patterns of sinfulness in the life of any believer

during this dispensation.

a. Frequent sinning, which is life in the cosmic system.

b. Occasional sinning, which is spending more time in the divine

dynasphere than in the cosmic system, accomplished through rebound and

epistemological rehabilitation.

c. Sporadic sinner, which is momentum in the divine dynasphere

resulting in the attainment of the three stages of spiritual adulthood and

therefore infrequent sinning.

d. 1 Jn 1:8, "If we allege that we have no sin nature, we are

deceiving ourselves and the doctrine is not in us." 1 Jn 1:10, "If we

allege that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar and doctrine is not in


7. Inside the divine dynasphere is virtue where there can be no sin.

All decisions for sin, human good and evil are made outside the divine


S. Summary #1.

1. God created man as a perfect creature. Consequently, He did not

create the old sin nature.

2. By His very essence, God cannot sin, cannot tempt to sin and/or

solicit to sin.

3. Sin originated in the human race through the negative volition of

Adam. Satan, the original sinner and the author of sin, tempted the woman.

So solicitation to evil came from Satan the original sinner. The origin of

sin came from the cognizant transgression of Adam, negative volition from

his own free will.

4. The woman tempted the man after her Fall. Adam, from his own

volition, knowing what he was doing, manufactured the old sin nature by

rejecting divine authority, by violating divine prohibition. By so doing,

the moment Adam sinned, he manufactured the old sin nature which

contaminated his body making it a body of corruption, of contamination.

Because the man's sin was in cognizance, he is the transmitter of the old

sin nature. Also, he was the ruler and the responsible one.

5. Through negative volition toward divine prohibition, Adam is the

author of sin in the human race. Through copulation, Adam perpetuates the

old sin nature, 1 Tim 2:14

6. This explains how both original parents were under condemnation of

spiritual death. Both were guilty. But the old sin nature is transmitted

through the man because his was a transgression of cognizance. The woman's

sin was done in ignorance.

7. The twenty-three male chromosomes which fertilize the female ovum

carry the old sin nature. Ps 51:5-6, "born in iniquity" refers to the

imputation of Adam's original sin to the old sin nature at birth, resulting

in spiritual death.

8. At conception, the twenty-three male chromosomes fertilize the

female ovum and transmit the old sin nature, 1 Pet 1:23.

9. The trends of each old sin nature are different, just as genes

combine to form different physical features, different personalities and

attitudes. Ps 58:3 says certain people are born liars (others cultivate it

for self-preservation).

10. Ps 58:3 says we are all "gone astray out from the womb." We are

born with personal weaknesses. It is the genetic home of the old sin nature

that produces our weaknesses. This is what total depravity really means.

"All we like sheep have gone astray." Sheep have trends but no brains.

Each of us are different in old sin nature variations and trends. Once you

master your primary weaknesses, you will then discover your secondary

weaknesses, then your tertiary weaknesses, etc.

11. The old sin nature does not and cannot please God, Rom 8:8.

a. Neither sins, acts of human good, nor the function of evil are

in any way related to God or the Christian life.

b. Therefore, ignorance of doctrine has led most believers to

adopt the function of human good and evil and to misconstrue it as the

Christian life. This is one of the great distortions of history.

c. Few people know that good and evil come from the sin nature.

Good and evil are running rampant since they were not judged at the cross.

d. Very few believers try to commit sin as a part of their

Christian life (exception: antinomianists). But many believers are

constantly converting their good and evil into the Christian life. They

actually think God rewards and blesses them because He is pleased with their

good and evil.

12. Isa 64:6, "All our righteousnesses are as menstrual rags"; this

refers to human good. "Wither like a leaf" refers to overcoming your

primary weaknesses but producing secondary weaknesses.

a. If you gave up something when you were saved, it wasn't God

that did it; it was sheer grit on your part which can only result in self-


b. When we think we are strong, we are weaker than before.

c. It is fine and legitimate when primary weaknesses are overcome

by the filling of the Holy Spirit + Bible doctrine; this takes time and

means you are growing. But to do so by your own energy means you are

withering like a leaf.

d. In self-righteousness, secondary weaknesses will destroy you

whereas primary weaknesses did not. Secondary weaknesses are just as potent

and often more destructive.

e. Primary weaknesses being removed without Bible doctrine sets

up a vacuum which draws in arrogance. So you can see how both sin and good

combine to form evil.

f. The proper means for removing primary weaknesses is through

spiritual growth. At each stage of spiritual growth, new weaknesses will

develop. But they are all handled in the same way. But when the believer

gives these things up in the energy of the flesh, all he does is guarantee

that his secondary weaknesses will be more obnoxious than his primary ones.

He will never grow because he is too proud of what he has done, and so

jealous of others better than he that all growth is immediately stopped, and

the perspective of the Christian life (filling of the Holy Spirit plus Bible

doctrine) is lost.

13. Eph 2:3, "lusts" refer to primary, secondary or tertiary

weaknesses; "flesh" refers to the old sin nature.

14. Reversionists do not resist the old sin nature at all, Heb 12:4.

15. The old sin nature is not a part of the resurrection body (nor the

interim body) of the believer, Phil 3:18-21 1 Jn 3:1-4 1 Cor 15:51-57. This

is the doctrine of ultimate sanctification, wherein the old sin nature and

its products of good and evil are excluded from eternity.

T. Summary #2.

1. The sin nature is the source of temptation, but human volition is

the source of sin.

2. The old sin nature can tempt in three areas: sin, human good and

evil. The old sin nature cannot succeed apart from one's consent.

3. The volition guards the gate of the soul from the old sin nature's


4. Therefore, no one ever sins apart from his own consent or the

function of this own volition.

5. Whether sins of cognizance of sins of ignorance, the volition of

the soul is involved in every sins. Therefore, ignorance is no excuse.

6. While the old sin nature is located in the body, it must penetrate

the soul for sin to be produced.

7. This cannot be done without human volition's consent.

8. When the old sin nature's temptations become sin through human

consent, the old sin nature not only controls the soul, but the believer

resides in the cosmic system.

9. Therefore, the old sin nature is Satan's inside agent recruiting

for the cosmic system.

10. Therefore, the believer is only pure and free from sin when he is

inside the divine dynasphere. His status can only be changed by his free

will function.

11. Morality without virtue, i.e., in the cosmic system, is hypocrisy.

Morality without integrity is like life without feeling. The only place of

virtue and integrity is inside the divine dynasphere. Morality in the

cosmic system produces sin, human good and evil.

12. Gate #1 of cosmic two is the old sin nature. See the Doctrine of

Cosmic Two.

13. The first momentum test at gate #7 in the divine dynasphere is old

sin nature temptation/testing. See the Doctrine of Momentum Testing.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.