my friend and her religion teacher?
2008-03-08 17:18:09 UTC
My friend was in religion class and asked her teacher "If God exists, why did He kill my unborn brother?" and her teacher answered "Because God decided he didn't deserve to live." Is this really what a religion teacher should say when teaching a class?
Seventeen answers:
2008-03-08 17:33:10 UTC
well although the answer is very much same but was never expected from a teacher. he should have chose the way of the normal person to answer this .the answer should be ..that only it depends upon GOD to whom he giving the time to live or whom he likes to be back because many souls have very limited time to remain on earth. so it is in his hand only .your brother is blessed because he does not have to face the problem on this planet.thanks.
Snow Globe
2008-03-08 17:35:43 UTC
This story sounds like your friend's interpretation of the event. First of all, her comment shows that she is angry and bitter, and accuses God of killing an unborn child. Her belief is not true, but she wanted to blame God. She was not happy with the teacher's answer, because she wanted to be agreed with. I can imagine the teacher probably said something along the lines of, "Maybe God had another plan for him" or "Because God knew he wasn't going to survive." There is no comforting or satisfying answer to that situation. I think your friend is holding on to her hurt. Has she asked her mother this question?
2008-03-08 17:26:01 UTC
Sadly, there are people who feel that way, including religious leaders and teachers. A better response would have been to say god felt it was not time for your brother to be born yet, or that in experiencing loss you feel greater appreciation for what you do have. None of that makes it any less painful, of course... but it is better then what this teacher said. God would not create a baby just to destroy it because it was undeserving. Everyone deserves a life and a chance... it just may not happen when and how we wish.
2008-03-08 17:34:05 UTC
The crux of the problem is that people blame and thank God for everything. People die because they die. That's the rhyme and the reason. Death exists because life exists, it defines life. You shouldn't spend your time asking God why something happens. Use the experience to grow and expand as a person.
2008-03-08 17:37:04 UTC
That is horrible! How would this person know what the reason was. I think I would have had a much better answer for her. One, man cannot always understand the ways of God. Afterall, we are just humans and HE is God afterall. Or highest thoughts are like foolishness compared to those of God.

We can know the character of God. That he is Love, That HE is faithful, forgiving, caring, compassionate etc. etc. I could go on. but I think you understand what I am trying to say.

If you understand that we live in a fallen world, because of sin entering the world, then you would understand that all of creation suffers because of it. We no longer live in the Garden of Eden where it was perfection practically on earth. We see death as something horrible. Jesus had compassion on the woman whose son had died. He understood her sorrow. But in the grander scheme of things, our life is but a breath compared to eternity. There is a verse that says that "precious in the eyes of the Lord is the death of His ( or the) saints." That is because HE knows that they are in paradise for eternity. How glorious is that? Well, we won't really know until we get there! But it is going to be fabulous beyond what we can even begin to imagine or fathom.

We see things only from this side of Glory. It is hard to comprehend. It would maybe be like trying to describe to a blind person what the world looks like and for them to be able to comprehend it. They wouldn't be able to 'get it' unless their sight was restored. That is where faith comes in. WE base that on the character of God and knowing that even when we cannot see what He is doing (or understand it) that we can trust the loving heart of God - always!
2008-03-08 17:32:48 UTC
He is not teaching any religion that i would want a part of. In any religion on this earth we are not capable of knowing the will of God. All things work to his will. Not much comfort I know. But I believe in reincarnation so for me it just means that that soul was needed to fit into another skein of souls in another time. It is OK to question His will. We all do. But the answers will have to come from you for now. Of course it is not the destination but the trip in getting there that is relevant.
♥Lulu- IS BACK♥
2008-03-08 17:23:37 UTC
No. That is her opinion. Truthfully, Why would god decide to kill something of his own nature? if he didn't deserve to live, why was he made? Tell your friend, we all ask these questions, but really, people say things becuase they don't know the answer. NO she shoulden't be saying that in the class.

Smiles =]
2008-03-08 17:25:51 UTC
That's disgusting! He should have come up with a better answer than that. What's so hard about saying, "I don't know," which is the truth?

I wouldn't be surprised if your friend became an atheist. But I probably would not qualify as unbiased, being an atheist myself.
The_Cricket: Thinking Pink!
2008-03-08 17:26:56 UTC
No, that's not what ANYONE should say.

I would have said something like, "Maybe your brother would have had too many defects, so God chose to allow him to come to heaven, rather than live and suffer. Maybe it was an act of mercy, for him AND your family."
Tone B
2008-03-08 17:24:17 UTC
that terrible to lie about god that way i Hope your friend realized that person don't know any thing about the bible and does not deal with that person --god does not do things like that tell her we are imperfect and some time unforeseen things happen that's all
squeaky guinea pig
2008-03-08 17:27:29 UTC
The teacher definitely should not have said that. I think the parents should report him/her.
2008-03-08 17:24:15 UTC
The teacher should have told her to go and see the biology teacher for the real answer
2008-03-08 17:26:14 UTC
A little course !!! He could have said ' God loved him so much that he couldn't wait to have him' !!!
mr. helpful
2008-03-08 17:22:32 UTC
no not at all, "because he didnt deserve to live" that should be reported to a higher up
2008-03-08 17:22:21 UTC
No it is not what a religion teacher should say. But it is often what they DO say when they SHOULD say "I don't know".
2008-03-08 17:23:14 UTC
not a decent religion teacher. she should report her to her parents so they can speak to the principal.....
2008-03-08 17:23:30 UTC

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