2011-12-24 00:12:24 UTC
Anyways back to the question. Do you feel that at some times the Bible is wrong? Not to say that Jesus was, or to say the whole entire book is folly, but there are some passages in the Bible that just don't seem right. This one in particular is something I really think is misguided:
"But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence" 1 Tim 2:11-12
This is one of the verses in the Bible I think goes a lot against what Jesus said. And it would make since for it to be misguided because humanity is a flawed race, and not even disciples where an exception, Judas is a prime example of that. There has also been a lot of corruption in the Church, people have used Gods name to commit countless atrocities throughout history (look at Westboro Baptist) and people have misused the power given to them for personal gain.
This isn't a hate speech against God or religion, this isn't me trying to tell you what to believe or not, this isn't me trying to push my values. This is just a thought I had, and something I think is true. I think that in the Bible a lot of people have tried to use what is supposed to be a book spreading the word of God and tainted it with hatred. Also, its true that some things can be misinterpreted or changed during translations, I'm pretty sure that the Bible is the most translated book in history and whenever a book is translated the message changes a little. Not to mention, the Bible was created a good 400 years after Jesus' birth (although, it is still not understood the date or even year he was born, it's estimated Spring around the year 4AD if I remember right, and I think the reason we celebrate Christmas on December 25th is because it is right before a new year and Christ was meant to represent a new era) by not just disciples but bishops, apostles and prophets. Bottom line, I think that there are some cases where the Bible is wrong, but for the most part it is right and seeing how it is not a direct creation of God and rather the works of imperfect mortals to not agree with everything it says doesn't go against Him.
Like I said before, this is directed towards the Christian Y!A users because if you aren't a Christian than you will more than likely disagree with the Bible and I don't want a biased opinion. This is not meant to be offensive, and please, to all people of other religious beliefs, I have given you respect here and I ask that you will do the same. Thank you very much, have a good night and happy holidays.