If u'r opinion changes please tell me after this reading this fact about Islam This is especially to Chrisians
Joe J
2007-01-13 23:52:37 UTC
The Jews are the masterminds and are really very clever and cunning like u know as one of the Jewish scientists Albert Einstein was. The Jews are behind the actions of these Christians as the Jews are providing the Christians with the misinformation to provoke them against Muslims. The Jews although pretend to be the friends of the Christians but in fact they are the enemies of both the Christians and the Muslims so their very trick is that to let the two enemies of them “the Christians” and “the Jews” fight together and this is what is happening that the two enemies of the Jews “the Christians” and the “Muslims” are fighting each other and no one has the time to fight Jews who are in a minority and can be easily wiped of the map. If we the Muslims and Christians be united together to kill the companions of the Antichrist who are the Jews it will be better then if we become a stage show of fight in which the Jews are the audience who enjoy the killing of the Two most Biggest religions of the world which are Christianity and Islam! And the fact that Islam with Christianity are more closer than Islam with Judaism or Christianity with Judaism can be seen by that the Christians love Christ and so do the Muslims while the Jews had tried to kill Jesus(P.B.U.H) so who is more near to Jesus (P.B.U.H)who??? The Jews or the Muslims??? Muslims so because of the fact that Muslims and Christians both respect and love and believe in Jesus(P.B.U.H) while the Jews do not believe in him and tried to kill him therefore even on these basis it is very easy for us to say that Muslims with Christians are more near than the Muslims with Jews or Christians with Jews and we can easily by this belief can also recognize our true enemies who are non other than the Jews.
More over if this doesn’t satisfy anyone I can present more evidence to prove that Christians and Muslims have one common enemy and that are Jews. Muslims as well as Christians both believe that Jesus is going to return to this earth again from the heavens but the difference is that the Christians believe that Jesus(P.B.U.H) was killed by the Jews and the Romans while the Muslim believe is that Jesus(P.B.U.H) was just to be killed by the Jews and Romans but the God Almighty didn’t wanted his beloved Prophet Jesus (P.B.U.H) to be killed by the hands of the unbelievers therefore he took him to the Heavens Physically and even today he rests there on the skies and the Muslim belief also says that the unbelievers instead killed Judas who seemed very much like Jesus(P.B.U.H) and the unbelievers thought that they had really killed Jesus(P.B.U.H). And Jesus(P.B.U.H) Is still alive in his Physical form in the heavens. Although the Muslims and Christians don’t have the same belief about the end time of Jesus(P.B.U.H) on this that was he alive or dead when he left this earth but both believe in him as a man appointed by the God to deliver his message to all the people of Israel. And both Muslims and Christians love him while the Jews in their books and in their hearts have blasphemed Jesus(P.B.U.H).
If any Christian or Muslim still doesn’t believe that we must not fight each other and our true enemies are the Jews then I may have to remind you of the most famous and cursed number of the world and the number is 666’ and that number is not to be found in the Islamic scriptures anywhere but in the Bible this number refers to the greatest enemy of Islam’ the greatest enemy of true Christians and the greatest enemy of humanity who has not come yet but will soon come. The number 666 is mentioned in the bible for the Antichrist and his followers and every knowledgeable Muslim and Christian knows that the antichrist will be surely a leader of the Jews and even Jews are waiting for him eagerly so he can come in this world and help them conquer it and no doubt there is that he will come from the land of Israel 666 refers to the shape of star on the Israeli flag 6 corners of the star and 6 lines of that star and there are 6 triangles in that star. TELL ME! TELL ME! WHO IS THAT CHRISTIAN WHO KNOWS THAT MUSLIMS LOVE JESUS(P.B.U.H)’ RESPECT HIM AND BELIEVE IN HIM AND STILL HE FAVOURS THE JEWS WHO BELIEVE NOT IN JESUS(P.B.U.H) AND TRIED TO KILL HIM’ TELL ME WHO IS THAT CHRISTIAN? TELL ME WHO IS THAT CHRISTIAN WHO KNOWS THAT ANTICHRIST THE ENEMY OF JESUS(P.B.U.H) WILL BE THE LEADER OF JEWS AND TILL FAVOURS THE JEWS WHO IS THAT CHRISTIAN THAT KNOWS THAT MUSLIMS ARE THE ENEMIES OF ANTICHRIST AS THE MUSLIMS LOVE JESUS (P.B.U.H)AND STILL THE CHRISTIANS FAVOUR JEWS ABOVE ALL MUSLIMS! Although the Muslims like the Christians believe that there will be a man “Antichrist who will be the companion and the leader of the Jews and will be a partner of Satan and will help the Satan in his evil mission”. No doubt that all the Muslims like me believe in the Antichrist because in the recorded sayings of our Holy prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) in almost 40 Of Muhammad (P.B.U.H)’s sayings it is said by him that Jesus (P.B.U.H) will return and the mission of Jesus (P.B.U.H) will be to help the Muslims against the Antichrist but the Christians do not agree to it and say that he will protect the Christians from the Antichrist. Muslims also believe that the Jesus (P.B.U.H) is certainly a prophet of God and Muhammad(P.B.U.H) was a Prophet of God who came almost 600years after Jesus(P.B.U.H) But as the Islam says that there will be no Prophet after Muhammad (P.B.U.H) and Muhammad(P.B.U.H) is the last messenger of God and there will be no Prophet of God after Prophet Muhammad(P.B.U.H) therefore Muhammad (P.B.U.H) is the messenger of God not only for the Muslims but all of the humanity and there have been many prophets in this world who had been given the divine books from God Almighty like Mosses(P.B.U.H) was given Toreet(Torah) and to Jesus(P.B.U.H) was given Injeel(Bible) and the last book of God (the Holy Quran was given to the last Prophet Muhammad(P.B.U.H)But Mosses(P.B.U.H) was a prophet and a teacher only for the people of his own time and the people of his own nation and Jesus(P.B.U.H) was send as a prophet to The nation of Israel only and the bible was to the people of Israel only and we Muslims also do believe that the torah and the bible are totally changed by the humans with deletions’ amendments and additions in the books of God so the hands of man have verily interfered in the divine books of God like Psalms ‘ Torah and Bible and that can be proven that in all these three books there are a lot of versions like bible may have more than seventy versions each contradicting with other and even in many of the same versions of bible one chapter or one verse says the opposite of the other and there are many scientific errors in the bible like bible tells us the story that once the satan took Jesus(P.B.U.H) to the top of a very high mountain and Jesus (P.B.U.H)could see all the world through it but now we have come to know that if a even man stands on the top of the tallest mountain on the world he wouldn’t be able to see all the world first of all because there will me so much clouds e.t.c in between them and if we imagine that there is nothing like that then no one has such an eyesight who would see all the earth as whatever would he see would be nothing but maybe some lines squares and odd shapes which will be very small images of whatever will be there on earth and if we imagine that okay if someone has a very very very very good and superb eyesight by which he can see all of it then still the third scientific point here is that the world is round and no matter how tall the mountain in no one would ever be able to see what will be in the opposite side of the world. And if u want to know more about the scientific errors in the Bible then I would refer to you a video cassette by Dr.Zakir Naik by the name “Quran and the bible in the light of science” in that video cassette Dr.Zakir Naik had pointed out several contradictions in the bible and another Christian missionary had tried to defend Bible and that Christian missionary had tried to take out many scientific errors from the Quran but had failed as Dr. Zakir Naik was able to defend the Quran in the light of science very well but that Christian missionary was not able to defend the bible and it was overall a good Debate. And in the end the Christian missionary himself stated that he had failed to prove Quran wrong on every point and he also said that he failed to defend the bible and he failed to prove bible the word of God.
Although Muslims believe that all the prophets were sent to their own nations but Muhammad (P.B.U.H) as he was the last messenger he was sent to all the Humanity as a prophet’ as a teacher’ as a mercy as’ peace and blessings from almighty God. Although the Muslims believe that all the books from God like Bible and torah had been changed by the humans but we still believe that as Quran was the last book from almighty Allah no one can change it and Allah will protect Quran so that Quran remains in its original form. And as Quran is the last Book from the almighty God it is not for one nation or for a particular time it is send for all of the humanity as the source for guidance and it will remain the source of guidance till the last day’ the day of Judgment. And please read Quran with the Authentic translation and don’t just read it and take out it’s meaning by your own but take a book in which the meaning of each and every verse of Quran is given in detail so u don’t misunderstand the anything from Quran. Quran is the best source of guidance for all and the lectures and talks by the Muslims are nothing they are zero if compared to Quran. There is the same Quran all over the world that we follow and the one Quran in the world is exactly word to word same as the other BUT there may be difference in the translations but if u know Arabic then believe me not a single alphabet you will find different in one Quran from the other. Not only this but there are millions of Muslims in the world who have learned all the Quran by their hearts and know it exactly word to word as it is and is there any Christian who has memorized his any full version of bible word to word by heart ? NO. and is there any Jew or Hindu has memorized all of his holy book exactly as it is? No. so these are the signs for the people who are wise to see what are the miracles.
Muslims know the Antichrist as “Dijal” and the Muslims and Christians have a different believe that how would he be killed Muslims say that Jesus(P.B.U.H) will kill him by his own weapon while the Christian believe is that a light will come from an opened part of the sky and will kill him. Muslims and Christians both believe that the (Dijal) Antichrist will be the leader of Jews helping the Jews in their unholy satanic mission. But the Muslims believe that as there will be no Prophet after Muhammad (P.B.U.H) so the when Jesus(P.B.U.H) will come this time he will not come as a Prophet but as the follower of Muhammad (P.B.U.H) and as a Muslim. Muslims also do believe that he will pray with the Muslims as the Muslims and he will also visit the place in the Holy city of Medina where there is the Holy Tomb of Muhammad(P.B.U.H) and Jesus(P.B.U.H) will Greet Muhammad(P.B.U.H) with the Islamic prayers and there will come the voice of Muhammad(P.B.U.H) replying to his greetings. Muslims also believe that when Jesus(P.B.U.H) will return as the Christians love him they will go to him and talk to him but Jesus(P.B.U.H) will refuse to talk to them as they commit the sin called “shirk” (associating partners with God)
Maybe Christians don’t like this Idea of Muslims but this belief of Muslims is fully supported by the bible as according to bible when Jesus(P.B.U.H) will return to the earth the Christians will go to him by calling him “Master! Master!” but Jesus(P.B.U.H) will reply to them oh men of disguise I don’t even know you. And this is exactly what is written in the bible!
So as the Christians believe in Jesus(P.B.U.H) he will tell them the truth and they will immediately embrace Islam. And at that time there will be no other religion no Buddhism no Hinduism and no communists. So there will be only Jews and Muslims as the Christians will also embrace Islam and therefore Muslims be more strengthened. And then will come an end very soon of the Antichrist and the Jews and when Dijal (Antichrist) will die all the Jews will be killed. They will try to hide anyhow and behind every rock they will hide the rock will speak up” this Jew is behind me get him!” and so will call out every tree and every other object. Many of the Christians believe that Jesus (P.B.U.H)had married in his life and a very few Christians also believe that he also had children but All the Muslims believe that when Jesus(P.B.U.H) was here on the earth 2000years before he didn’t marry anyone but when he will come back this time he will marry and will have children. Islam talks about the return of Jesus(P.B.U.H) in a really GREAT DETAIL! And the word great is not at all an exaggeration. Islam tells us that at what place he will descend from the earth and at what time of the day and Islam tells us that what kind and color of clothes will be Jesus(P.B.U.H) wearing when he will come on earth and believe me that is all authentic and very interesting. According to Islam when Jesus(P.B.U.H) will descend on the earth he will come down on earth from the skies and he will have both his arms on the hands of angels.
Although Muslims and Christians both have different believes in what will be the mission of Jesus(P.B.U.H) and many other things but one thing is clear that both Muslims and Christians both love and respect Jesus(P.B.U.H) and believe on him and the Muslims and Christians both believe that The Antichrist will be the leader of Jews and even the Jews believe that the Antichrist will be their leader and they are waiting for the antichrist to come but at the same time we the Muslims and the Christians have the Faith that God Almighty will send Jesus(P.B.U.H) to protect us. When you think of the future forget not that Prophet Jesus(P.B.U.H) will go to Medina to visit Prophet Muhammad(P.B.U.H) and will wish him with the Islamic Greetings and Muhammad(P.B.U.H) will reply a comfortable gasp do I take by this thought.
Oh you Christian brothers if you say that you love Jesus(P.B.U.H) more than the Muslims then I will not agree with you because we consider him so holy that we never just say Isa as we call Jesus(P.B.U.H) we always say Isa(P.B.U.H) but do you do the same ?NO. and we consider Jesus(P.B.U.H) so holy that we say it is Indeed forbidden to make his images out of anything whether stone or wood and whether in a cartoon of a movie’ it is forbidden to make his images.
Oh you Christians! If u say that Jesus(P.B.U.H) loves you Christians more than the Muslims I will not agree with you till my last day because when Jesus(P.B.U.H) will come this time on earth he will be on the side of Muslims and you Christians will embrace Islam on not anyone’s saying but on the saying of Jesus(P.B.U.H) and at that will every true Christian be a Muslim and remember that even bible says that when Jesus(P.B.U.H) will come down the Christians will say to him “Master! Master!” but Jesus(P.B.U.H) will reply to them oh men of disguise I don’t even know you. And this is exactly what is written in the bible! So verily he will be on the sides of Muslims and u know what in bible in several places it is said do not eat pork’ do not drink alcohol but you Christians follow not the teachings o Jesus(P.B.U.H) but we Muslims do.
“Do not drink alcohol” this message is given in Quran as well as Bible and we Muslims drink not the alcohol and therefore we follow Quran and as well as bible. Quran and bible both say that “eat not the pork” the Christians eat pork and we Muslims do not eat it. Even the Christians fathers of the church and the nuns of the church eat pork and drink alcohol So we Muslims follow the Quran but you Christian brothers why do you not follow bible?
I am not saying that Muslims don’t have alcohol and pork what I am saying is that MOST of the Muslims follow Quran and abstain from what is forbidden by God in the Quran and MOST of the Christians unfortunately all’ even the holy men and women in the churches leave not what is forbidden in the bible. So when the Christians say that Christianity is the largest religion of the world I say “yea’ the Christians you are counting in are known as Christians but do they follow Christianity to they practice it??? Islam is the world’s largest religion in practice. Not only it is the largest practicing religion but the largest growing religion’ largest growing religion not on the basis of population but on conversions. And the data I am providing you is absolutely correct almost 500 people ever day enter in the religion of Islam and most of the people who enter in Islam are not any other’s but the Christians so this is another proof that Christians are the one’s who are most near to Muslims. So we Muslims follow bible better than the Christians do so here my great point is that if a Christian is the one who follows bible then aren’t we the ‘Muslims’ better ‘Christians’ then the Christians there selves and it’s not only about pork and alcohol I can make it very clear to you by strong evidences that bible also orders us of Jihad and of Hijab but I think u may have tired of reading all that stuff and my fingers are as well aching so just let me tell you some places where Quran tells us not to drink alcohol.
: The Quran says in surah Maida, chapter 5, verse 90: " Oh you who believe, most certainly, intoxicants, divination of arrows, these are Satan’s handiwork, abstain from his handiwork so you may prosper". Alcohol and gambling and idol worshipping and dedication to stone all these are prohibited in the glorious Quran.
Now let me tell you some places in bible where drinking of Alcohol is prohibited whichare the following

Alcohol is even prohibited in Judaism as well as Christianity. It's mentioned in the book of [Leviticus], chapter 11, verse 78, that thou shall not have the flesh of swine. The swine has proven holes. It divides its food, yet it chooses not the cut. It is unclean for you, thou shall not touch its carcass nor have its flesh. The similar message is repeated in the book of Deuteronomy, chapter 14, verse 8, as well as book of Isaiah, chapter 65, verse 225, that pork is prohibited for the followers of the bible that Jews and Christians have

Now these following are some places in Quran where eating pork is prohibited

The Quran mentions [the prohibition of pork] in no less then 4 different places. In surah Baqara, chapter 2, verse 173, in surah Maida, chapter 5, verse 3, in surah Anaam, chapter 6, verse 145, as well as in surah Nahl, chapter 16, verse 115. The Quran says: "forbidden for food for you, are dead meat, blood, the flesh of swine or any food on which any name besides Allah has been invoked". So [the] Quran clearly specifies in no less then 4 different places that pork is prohibited for the Muslim

following are some places in the bible where god prohibits us to eat pork.
Yes it is even prohibited in Judaism as well as Christianity. It's mentioned in the book of [Leviticus], chapter 11, verse 78, that thou shall not have the flesh of swine. The swine has proven holes. It divides its food, yet it chooses not the cut. It is unclean for you, thou shall not touch its carcass nor have its flesh. The similar message is repeated in the book of Deuteronomy, chapter 14, verse 8, as well as book of Isaiah, chapter 65, verse 225, that pork is prohibited for the followers of the bible that Jews and Christians have.

I remember one of my Muslims brothers saying “once I told a Christian that if Jesus(P.B.U.H) stands between me as I am a Muslim and you as you are a Christian He will like me more then you and that Christian said “why’ why is that so” I said because Jesus(P.B.U.H) will say that I was send only for the men of Israel and u are not the son of Israel how can you be a Christian. Secondly he will say that all the prophets had beards even Jesus (P.B.U.H)had a beard and it’s therefore honorable for a Muslim to have a beard and it is something for you be rewarded by the God”
Jesus(P.B.U.H) will also like a Muslim more than a Christian because Muslims actually act according to the bible.

According to Islam Muslims are the one’s who are most near to the other Muslims but for a Muslim the most near to him after another Muslim is a Christian and not any Christian but who cries when prays to God and his tears are of love or fear for the God and he who thinks not that God begets or is begotten and he who believes in Jesus (P.B.U.H) as a man of God appointed as a prophet amongst them and he who follows every single word of bible. And that Christian who associates not the partners with God. And he who asks for help only to God and not to a man.

If you want to know more authentic information about Islam then please go to
Six answers:
2007-01-16 15:55:03 UTC
What fact.....? Your question is incomplete.
2016-11-23 22:17:10 UTC
because your evaluations about Islam is depending on the finished brainwashing and the pretend propaganda of the western Governments. operating example the muslims are called terrorists to justify the chilly blooded killings of better than a million threat free muslims in Iraq and Palestine. Quran is the in simple terms proper understand God... the organic and unchanged. So its not the muslims notwithstanding the christians and the jews want to reestablish their faiths and seem and study from all the wrongs they are doing to others. heritage has it that Muslims have by no skill ever interfered or judged the individuals of alternative religions. they have in effortless words reacted at the same time as the others, specifically the west has interferred of their concerns.
2007-01-13 23:57:05 UTC
What fact? And please quote exact verses and numbers. I've seen some people make up stuff with numbers and others were dumb enough to take their word for it.
2007-01-16 09:10:22 UTC
I don't see any fact about Islam. Are you fooling us?
2007-01-13 23:56:30 UTC
chrisians? What the hell are you talking about?
2007-01-14 11:12:08 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.