WHY ( provide reasons ) do most atheist "WASTE THEIR TIME " ...
the TOPIC of the question is the SUBJECTIVE ASSERTION that Such PEOPLE are "WASTING THEIR TIME " ..
..in other terms would be the ASSESSMENT they are engaging in a BEHAVIOR that produces NO RESULTS .... to Imply ones TIME is BETTER SPENT on other activities ..
.. considering there are 7 BILLION People on the planet .
.. and over 1 BILLION are Atheist . that NONES are the fastest growing Group among populations ...
. the question AVOIDS the REALITY of the FACTS according to PEW studies the factors driving the growth of NONES in the US
surveys in the 70's and 80's found only one in 10 adults had NO AFFILIATION with RELIGION
NOW fully 23 % Identify as NONES .... the US is becoming less religious .
.. and it could be that more people are WILLING ( comfortable loss of STIGMA ) to actually SAY SO that it is becoming more "SOCIALLY ACCEPTABLE "
the studies have found a CLEAR GENERATIONAL PATTERN , that young people are becoming more COMFORTABLE speaking out and identifying as NON RELIGIOUS
8 in 10 MILLENNIAL with low religious commitments describe themselves as ATHEIST
... I know some people dislike the word EVOLUTION
... but CHANGE does occur over TIME... some on this platform have asked WHY are there SO MANY ATHEIST in R & S ... might be a CLUE that the PEW survey is correct ... its becoming SOCIALLY ACCEPTABLE ,,,, for every ACTION there is a REACTION Political Theist and Religious are aware of the REALITY . so they push harder to SQUASH the reality with OPPRESSIVE LAWS to IMPOSE .. but people are not having it
I have been an Atheist for almost 50 years ... 50 years ago it would have been SOCIAL SUICIDE to identify .. to . community family and economically ..
.. a Similar situation for the LGBT community ... NORMS are changing
. just GOOGLE Atheist platforms Groups ... Pod cast Shows like the Atheist experience the CLERGY PROJECT Conventions..
.. so by ones OWN question directed at and Addressing ATHEIST ones ACKNOWLEDGEMENT and Self ELICITED by knowledge of my presence chose to present a question on a R & S platform to a NON RELIGIOUS ATHEIST .
... one is aware there are NON THEISTIC RELIGIONS ( BUDDHISM & Non Theistic Quakers )