Why do most atheists waste their time talking about God and religion when they don’t believe in it?
2018-08-20 12:57:16 UTC
I don’t believe in Santa Clause or the Tooth Fairy, so why will I waste my time talking or talking trash about it? Seems like a waste, don’t you think? And if I was an atheist which I’m not and I’ll never will be, I’ll let people waste their time on God and religion and let them find the truth for themselves. Don’t you think that’s a better idea? Why not let people waste their time with religion and God and let them find the truth for themselves instead of you morons talking trash about God and religion?!

And yet, despite me asking this question, you atheists will continue talking trash about God and religion, have a fun time wasting your time you fools!
51 answers:
2018-08-22 17:03:34 UTC
I do not talk about anything religious that doesn’t exist in the real world you religious nut job. It’s brainwashed people like you who are the real fools. Obviously someone or a number of people did wrong to you to make you a religious nut job. It’s you who wastes your time with religious delusions. There is only one truth which is the waking world which you don’t grasp because you’re brainwashed into a fantasy.
2018-08-22 04:14:33 UTC
Because they hate believers and are constantly questioning God's existence. They actually focus on God more than any theist and that is a fact.
2018-08-21 16:33:15 UTC
Deep down, the atheist knows God exists, for God has put that in the heart of every person (Romans 1:20). That's why the so called atheists spend so much time talking about God, whom they claim isn't there. They accept lies over the truth (Romans 1:21-25).

I suggest all atheists watch this - .
Alan H
2018-08-21 07:10:39 UTC
If you believe in a living God, surely you should rejoice that others talk about it.

A liberated life OUGHT to get others querying the source.
2018-08-21 00:48:36 UTC
The same reason religious people waste their time talking about atheists when atheists aren't supposed to exist anyway according to your god.
Bobby Jim
2018-08-20 16:19:39 UTC
God will always dominate the mind of those living in denial of Him.
2018-08-20 15:45:48 UTC
We don't, waste our time we are trying to explain the truth, religions are a jumble of false assertions, with no basis in reality and the very idea of gods is a product of the human imagination. The American Constitution is a document that not waste their time talking about God, but when some religious people try to lie about that we explain to them the Constitution doesn't mention Gods, the same happens with Science if some religious try to say is wrong because don't mention god we explain science is not about atheism or theism...

Why do most Creationist waste their time talking about Science and evolution when they don’t understand it?
2018-08-20 14:19:59 UTC
"I don’t believe in Santa Clause or the Tooth Fairy, so why will I waste my time talking or talking trash about it?"

You don't waste your time with trashing Santa Clause or the Tooth Fairy because there are no believers that are trying to put their dogma into the publics schools, institute public policy based on their beliefs, use their belief to justify discrimination against others, or deny members of the LBGTQ communiy basic rights, including marriage.

It isn't just atheists that fight to maintain the wall of separation between church and state, organizations like "Americans United for Separation of Church and State" which is made up of both church leaders and secular advocates both fight back against the persistent violations of the 1st amendment by religious organizations.

It isn't a waste of time when so many theists intrude into what should be a secular part of our society.
2018-08-20 13:58:43 UTC
Because theists won't shut up and go away. The constant nonsense theists spout cannot be allowed to stand unopposed.
Handsome Devil
2018-08-20 13:53:22 UTC
You might consider that Jews spend a fair amount of time talking about Nazis and African Americans spend time talking about slavery.

"have a fun time wasting your time you fools!"

Matthew 5:22 "...anyone who says, 'You fool!' will be in danger of the fire of hell."
2018-08-22 11:40:00 UTC
Atheists just wanted Theists to become a hard believer.
2018-08-22 01:03:57 UTC
We hope to keep religion and law separate. If you want to take side bets, I'll bet that when the Muslims in this country become strong enough, you'll start trashing Allah and screeching about religious rights.
2018-08-21 22:27:25 UTC
The God that atheists don't believe exists is the God that draws them to the R&S site over and over and over again. Wonderful eh?
2018-08-21 09:58:52 UTC
WHY ( provide reasons ) do most atheist "WASTE THEIR TIME " ...

the TOPIC of the question is the SUBJECTIVE ASSERTION that Such PEOPLE are "WASTING THEIR TIME " .. other terms would be the ASSESSMENT they are engaging in a BEHAVIOR that produces NO RESULTS .... to Imply ones TIME is BETTER SPENT on other activities ..

.. considering there are 7 BILLION People on the planet .

.. and over 1 BILLION are Atheist . that NONES are the fastest growing Group among populations ...

. the question AVOIDS the REALITY of the FACTS according to PEW studies the factors driving the growth of NONES in the US

surveys in the 70's and 80's found only one in 10 adults had NO AFFILIATION with RELIGION

NOW fully 23 % Identify as NONES .... the US is becoming less religious .

.. and it could be that more people are WILLING ( comfortable loss of STIGMA ) to actually SAY SO that it is becoming more "SOCIALLY ACCEPTABLE "

the studies have found a CLEAR GENERATIONAL PATTERN , that young people are becoming more COMFORTABLE speaking out and identifying as NON RELIGIOUS

8 in 10 MILLENNIAL with low religious commitments describe themselves as ATHEIST

... I know some people dislike the word EVOLUTION

... but CHANGE does occur over TIME... some on this platform have asked WHY are there SO MANY ATHEIST in R & S ... might be a CLUE that the PEW survey is correct ... its becoming SOCIALLY ACCEPTABLE ,,,, for every ACTION there is a REACTION Political Theist and Religious are aware of the REALITY . so they push harder to SQUASH the reality with OPPRESSIVE LAWS to IMPOSE .. but people are not having it

I have been an Atheist for almost 50 years ... 50 years ago it would have been SOCIAL SUICIDE to identify .. to . community family and economically ..

.. a Similar situation for the LGBT community ... NORMS are changing


. just GOOGLE Atheist platforms Groups ... Pod cast Shows like the Atheist experience the CLERGY PROJECT Conventions..

.. so by ones OWN question directed at and Addressing ATHEIST ones ACKNOWLEDGEMENT and Self ELICITED by knowledge of my presence chose to present a question on a R & S platform to a NON RELIGIOUS ATHEIST .

... one is aware there are NON THEISTIC RELIGIONS ( BUDDHISM & Non Theistic Quakers )
2018-08-21 02:42:59 UTC
That all stems from dopamine and instant gratification. People get addicted to the feeling of winning arguments and feeling right.
2018-08-20 17:07:29 UTC
I am an atheist because I lack a belief in ANY Gods and Goddesses.

And it DOES seem to be a waste of time to ask for testable evidence, since NOBODY has offered any.

But, I would LIKE to have some testable evidence, so I don't have to search among the THOUSANDS of Gods and Goddesses on the market, trying to find any which DO exist outside of the human imagination.

Have you got some testable evidence, or are you just floating along on a FEELING?
Vincent G
2018-08-20 16:07:06 UTC
We atheists don't talk about god, we talk about the belief in a god, and that belief actually does exist. Right?

As for you claim that you never will be an atheist, why are you so firm? Care to describe what proof that there isn't a god you will accept as valid if said proof could exist?

I mean, if you don't believe in Santa Claus (not the proper spelling, by the way. "Santa Clause" was the title of a film and a play on word) you sure would be able to describe the proof you would demand out of someone who claims he actually exist, wouldn't you? And you should be able allowed to demand a description of the proof that should convince a current Santa Claus believer that there is no Santa Claus, right?

Put up or shut up.
2018-08-20 14:42:50 UTC
Because religious people try to force their silly beliefs on the rest of us.
2018-08-20 14:19:31 UTC
Why do most atheists waste their time talking about God and religion when they don’t believe in it?

- Because you use your "god" as an excuse to scream hatred on street corners, refuse basic services to people you hate and will lie under oath in court to force that hatred onto everyone.

- And the incessant regurgitation of this question does not make it any less absurd.

I’ll let people waste their time on God and religion and let them find the truth for themselves. Don’t you think that’s a better idea?

- Where does ANY fundie "let people find the truth for themselves"?

Why not let people waste their time with religion and God and let them find the truth for themselves instead of you morons talking trash about God and religion?!


And yet, despite me asking this question, you atheists will continue talking trash about God and religion, have a fun time wasting your time you fools!

- And you INCESSANTLY trash talk atheism and intelligence, which you just did in this question.
2018-08-20 13:53:29 UTC
Suppressing the truth in unrighteousness.
2018-08-20 13:32:13 UTC
Indeed. <
2018-08-20 13:25:25 UTC
They are trying to get people to abandon their beliefs because we are a sore reminder of the coming Judgment.

That’s not a waste of time in their eyes. They think if they can shut us up then they won’t feel so condemned all the time (but they’re wrong - that feeling won’t go away just because we do).

Every 5 minutes a Christian is martyred for their faith. Why? It’s been going on since the event that split history into two... to try to shut us up.
2018-08-20 13:14:37 UTC
They like to feel persecuted

They’re not

It’s a power thing for them
2018-08-20 13:07:18 UTC
It's a response to the constant assaults, attempted assaults, persecution, denigration, verbal abuse and never-ending attempts to codify religious hogwash into civil and criminal law perpetrated by dumb@ss religiturds who imagine themselves superior to everyone else and their ludicrous self-serving dogma superior to truth.

Rolls eyes
2018-08-20 13:06:56 UTC
They should likewise be bashing the Odenists, the Hindus, the Shintos, the Wiccans, and other "pagan" faiths. But they aren't. So most, I suspect have an axe to grind. Some are quite open about their personal animus.
2018-08-20 13:06:16 UTC
"I don’t believe in Santa Clause or the Tooth Fairy, so why will I waste my time talking or talking trash about it? "

And yet, here you are, doing that very thing.

Not that bright are you...
The White Rabbit
2018-08-20 13:04:15 UTC
Someone has to counter the Liars for Jesus
2018-08-20 13:04:13 UTC
Our society, laws, ethics, and values, are not shaped by belief in santa or the tooth fairy

As long as it is around, religion is an important topic
2018-08-20 13:02:53 UTC
the atheists you see here on a daily basis are technically wasting their life which they believe will end forever once they die

Fools indeed
2018-08-20 12:59:41 UTC
Who is trying to force you to live your life according to the Tooth Fairy? You aggressive and arrogant christians bring this ire upon yourselves. You might try being honest here, but I have come to believe that being honest is against the christian religion.

How did you not notice that god(s) and religion are already trash, pure garbage. Dishonesty in all forma is garbage.
2018-08-22 06:45:22 UTC
we are surrounded for most of our lives by christian people. the christian people are in the t.v. shows, and in the movies.

when we go to work, there are christian people; when we go to the mall, there are christian people; when go to a restaurant, there are christian people; even when you go home, there are christian people.

we live in an environment which is super-saturated with the christian religion. many seem to feel that it is necessary to force-feed christianity, like one would force feed a goose to get "foie-gras", and then there would be a utopia.

all that atheists ask is: " how true is that"?
2018-08-22 01:56:54 UTC
Misery loves company
2018-08-21 21:52:48 UTC
Atheists are psychotic. It's like saying, "I don't believe in gremlins, ogres, fairies, gnomes or leprechauns"...then starting an exterminator service to deal with them.
2018-08-21 18:53:18 UTC
they dont- they waste their time talking about the stupid reasons theists give why they shouldnt be atheists

Atheists TRY to educate theists as best they can- so I assume you dont believe in education?
2018-08-21 17:22:47 UTC
Mmm that's actually pretty true. Never thought of this 🤔
Black Sabbath
2018-08-21 09:54:05 UTC
why do christians that already know it all come on here asking questions?
2018-08-21 06:51:42 UTC
That's like asking Dr if u hate cancer then y do u study it
2018-08-21 02:06:04 UTC
Because as (2 Thessalonians 3:2) States, Faith is not a possession of all people. And

(2 Corinthians 4:3, 4) Continues If, in fact, the good news we declare is veiled, it is veiled among those who are perishing,  among whom the god (Satan the Devil) of this system of things has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, so that the illumination of the glorious good news about the Christ, who is the image of God, might not shine through.

(2 Peter 3:3, 4) First of all know this, that in the last days ridiculers will come with their ridicule, proceeding according to their own desires  and saying: “Where is this promised presence of his? Why, from the day our forefathers fell asleep in death, all things are continuing exactly as they were from creation’s beginning.” True christians remember (2 Peter 3:9) God is not slow concerning his promise, as some people consider slowness, but he is patient with you because he does not desire anyone to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance. (CB/Bible/
2018-08-20 21:02:49 UTC
Why should we even be called atheists? Why should we have a title labeling us a non believer in something? Im also an Aunicornist.
2018-08-20 21:00:55 UTC
Are there Santa Claus or Tooth Fairy cults with millions of members trying to use their beliefs as justification for taking away other people's rights? Nope. That's just the case with God-belief.
2018-08-20 19:39:55 UTC
Discussing the 'gods' demonstrates the creativeness of the human mind as it strives to abate the insecurity of not understanding that which they find significant in life. This discussion also educates the many who seem to believe that 'their' specific choice in the gods is not the only one created and offered by mankind like you seem to.
2018-08-20 18:08:42 UTC
Good for you. How is it you didn't shed all of your childish beliefs, and retained your belief that your life is magically ruled by invisible and undetectable supernatural beings you've never seen?


Now, when have believers in Santa Claus or the Tooth Fairy tried to teach their beliefs in public school science classes? When have they tried to have legislation modeled after their superstitious beliefs? I'm guessing never. How about you, fool?


2018-08-20 17:26:34 UTC
We talk about religion because religions have harmed, and continue to harm, millions of people.

We don't talk about your God that much. I bet you almost never hear atheists mention God without a believer having brought up God first.
Your worst nightmare
2018-08-20 16:44:56 UTC
Our atheist friends, the walking dead, Satan's little helpers, just take delight in mocking believers in Christ.
2018-08-20 16:24:40 UTC
You just did waste time talking about Santa and the Tooth Fairy, where does that leave your proposition?
Sandra K
2018-08-20 14:38:57 UTC
Because members of that religion try to shove thir beliefs down our throats, try to have laws passed that favor them, indoctrinate all kid in schools with thir beliefs, etc. and in the past tortured and burned unbelievers and fought wars. You force us to respond to your tyranny.
2018-08-20 14:20:00 UTC
Not one atheist I know talks about God ever. Religion is different, it exists and is a part of human culture.

You keep using the phrase " talking trash about God and religion" yet you don't provide any proof to support that statement.

Atheists have no desire to talk trash about God or religion because hon, we REALLY DON'T CARE what anyone believes.
2018-08-20 14:02:38 UTC
Why do people spend so much time and money talking about Harry Potter, when they don't believe it is real?


ANYTHING ELSE I CAN DO to show how stupid your whining is?
2018-08-20 13:29:42 UTC
Why do you worry about it, if you are so sure about your non-existent god? Take my advice and continue to be content waste YOUR time on your silly BS, and stop worrying about atheists. And atheists will continue to expose your silly BS every chance they get.
2018-08-20 13:12:48 UTC
But they do not!!!!!!!!!!!

As all REAL Christians know they spend their time defending themselves against people like you!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Like REAL Christians they know that the problem is not anything to do with atheists, God, Jesus, the bible, or even Christianity and all to do with the intolerance, hatred, bigotry, homophobia and persecution posted by BAD Christians towards others!

ALL the other religions and atheists live in peace and are ONLY attacked by BAD Christians which causes all GOOD Christians to despair at the damage they do!

The self-destruction of Christianity is underway and the only thing that can stop it is to abandon the terrible human emotions, seek to rediscover the idea of a loving god and act like it!

BAD Christians not only drive people further away from God but are the reason so many DECENT people are becoming ANTI THEISTS!

Pew News reports Christianity is shrinking with a corresponding rise in atheism!

Five times as many Americans in 2014 said they never prayed compared to those asked the same question in the 1980s

"Beware of practicing your righteousness before men to be noticed by them; otherwise you have no reward with your Father who is in heaven. -Mat 6:1

Treat a man as he appears to be, and you make him worse. But treat a man as if he were what he potentially could be, and you make him what he should be. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Christianity is not about hating others but about worshipping the LOVING GOD!!!!!!!
2018-08-20 13:02:36 UTC
They can see that ALL that do Beleive in GOD keep falling in LOVE and living much happier and fuller live! And are jealous of this! They canNot understand why they don't feel the same!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.