What’s a reason many people don’t believe in God?
2020-09-06 21:35:23 UTC
Out of curiosity, I’m wondering. 
143 answers:
2020-09-12 03:04:40 UTC
They don't care about the world, they don't care about the existence of God, it's their pride, but they know in their heart that God exists.
2020-09-10 02:45:58 UTC
They see the bad example from criminal pedophile priests and how they get away with it.   
2020-09-09 18:20:07 UTC
It is quite understandable why primitive people, who were so much more exposed to the overpowering forces of nature than we are today, should have personified these forces in fear and trembling start making gods, but nowadays, when we understand so many natural processes, we have no need for such solutions.

People that don't believe in gods are the ones that know that religions are a jumble of false assertions, with no basis in reality and the very idea of gods is a product of the human imagination.
2020-09-08 20:53:13 UTC
Simply because they are willingly ignorant A fool says in his heart there is no God. Many of these people proof. Of God's existence can  come down and slap them in the face like a ton of bricks and they still wouldn't believe
2020-09-08 19:45:16 UTC
Generally speaking, its a magical concept with no "good" reasons to take seriously, only superficial reasons that make it a kin to other types of superstitious beliefs such as believing in lucky charms or numbers. The magical Santa is a very close match to how believers generally find their reasons to believe. You see many believers, there are song, stories, movies, presents and many other things that on the surface support the belief in the magical Santa, its only when your reasoning skills get better and you begin to really think about things like your house not having a chimney or the unbelievable speed Santa would have to travel in one night. The same is true of God belief, if you begin to ask the right questions, you begin to see at a deeper lever, you have no good reasons to form such a belief and there are actually things that would make the concept impossible. It requires irrationality to the point of willful ignorance for some to maintain such a belief, yet most of the world are believers, perhaps out of necessity rather than any rational reason.
2020-09-08 18:07:02 UTC
dont ask why they dont belive, ask rather how to build bridges with non believers and how to work for a better humanity 
2020-09-07 20:54:39 UTC
As you see,the illogical theological understanding of Christianity .
2020-09-07 05:46:02 UTC
define your god and let me ascertain that for myself.
2020-09-07 00:43:03 UTC
     Total lack of empirical evidence.   

     If you are a Christian and want to give me a thumbs-down, please provide the empirical evidence that proves me wrong.

     Update:  So far, 13 thumbs-down with no presentation of evidence.  What a surprise!
2020-09-06 22:31:21 UTC
Because they do not believe what Jesus says and therefore Jesus says they don't believe in His Father when they say they don't believe in Him. BUT they always say they believe in the God of abraham and who did abraham believe in Jesus' Father. Because they believed in abrahams God. 

Me personally i believe in the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit BUT they love to test your belief I just do not believe the Fathers love for me because He said IF.
2020-09-11 09:14:20 UTC
It is so easy to think of God as doing what you want and that is not the case. He wants you to do what He wants and that is not so easy.
Karusa Enthroned
2020-09-11 00:37:32 UTC
God betrayed us. Spit on us. Controled us! We want freedom. 
2020-09-10 15:22:41 UTC
In the beginning in the 1960s there were many lies about evolution.  The monkey to man chart is one of the lies.  Pilt down man, Nebraska man and others.  When DNA came along the lies were found out, but the damage was done.  Many of us stayed faithful to our Lord, but some, weak in their faith, fell away from God.  Baby Christians, even today, can easily fall away if they fail to get closer to the Lord God.  Again the young earth/old earth theories exist, whereas no man knows the age of anything, but God in His Holy Bible says that He created all things mature/full grown.  So even the rocks are mature and possibly millions of years old, but God placed them on earth and where they came from God knows.  Scripture tells us that God created instantaneously or very fast and He spoke things into existence with His great power.  So the halo in granite means it came into existence very quickly.
Tony B
2020-09-10 15:20:48 UTC
Because the existence of “God” is SO improbable and there is no evidence at all for it.
Den B7
2020-09-09 17:05:47 UTC
Because they lack the faith necessary to believe in something they can't see.
2020-09-08 16:24:40 UTC
the simple answer is sin and the fear of being punished, the debatable answer would be which God are you referring to, a logical question would be what is a God, a logical answer would be a spirit, a logical answer to what is a spirit, a logical answer would be a form or image, what does God like, or His likeness, again that is debatable based on which God you are referring to, assuming you are talking about the Christian God the logical answer would be LOVE, now what love is, is also debatable depending on who you love and what you love, to a true Christian TRUTH is what matters, WHY? because of sin and the fear of being punished so the real question should be, what is sin? the truth of this is also debatable because it concerns LAW and CONSCIENCE, Jesus said the law was made for man and not man for law, the debatable word is law, which law and who's law, the law that can't be debated is God's Law, the debatable law is man's law, the conscience is debatable based on what you learn from listening to it or disobeying it, because for just yourself it might be right but for mankind as a whole you could be wrong, which only reveals this truth, He did not come to bring peace but a sword and that sword is within all of what he taught and people believe however it's a system that works somewhat like government where authority rules, the church itself being the ultimate authority over it's people although subject to government authority but only as long as government authority and their laws agree with church doctrines, which only means you can go against government laws if there is conflict between the two, this is not a bad thing because you have two systems that will protect you if you believe you are in the right, in either case though the majority seems to rule so if you find yourself standing alone and still believe you are right don't panic yet because much of the bible has to do with this issue, standing alone, I would only say be sure you have examined yourself to see if your belief is what is good for you and your neighbor if it concerns your neighbor, since the entire law is summed up in these two commands that Jesus said and if you are letting LOVE be what guides you in your judgement. 
paschal d
2020-09-08 12:26:12 UTC
IT you do not seek the truth you will not know the truth and if one does not know the truth they will believe a lie.
2020-09-08 10:03:36 UTC
I don't know.  I wish I could answer that but you would have to ask everyone individually to find that out - perhaps if you went on another forum such as "polls" or something you might find out.  Every one of us has been given the measure of faith so there should be no excuse for not believing that there is a Creator - and that's beside the fact that He manifests Himself in this world making Himself evident by His whole creation.  None of that could have happened accidentally.  It is all too well finely tuned to be a sudden incident.  God designed it all
2020-09-08 09:11:19 UTC
There are so many choices but being arrogant and denying God is illogical. 
2020-09-08 03:25:01 UTC
Most people are groomed through education to be evidence based in their social engineering of logic, God is Faith based......according to Ephesians, Faith is gifted to us by God, its instilled into our being, but we don't always recognize that its there....even the most hardened atheist has faith within them but they don't recognize it as faith, but rather as something more structured by their intellectual minds, there is a dual structure in our mind, one part exist in the quietness and doesn't interject unless called upon by calling forth the faith (Holy Spirit) within us to reveal itself, the analytical portion of the mind functions for the purpose of the survival of the body and only sees what the psychical eyes interprets through the brain and memory, this would be our lower mind...the two sides are as oil and water.....this lends itself to why people believe in different things.

What causes atheist to suddenly believe in a God is usually something that threatens them to the core, their faith can manifest as a miracle or a strange twist of fate and it leaves them knowing there is something more.... I think not believing in God is a temporary choice to wear blinders just like a horse.
Ernest S
2020-09-07 18:35:54 UTC
We are al at enmity against God becaue of sin.

Not until our concern about our sin overwhelms that, conviction of sin, will any turn to God.

Fallen man's two most prominent characteristics are pride and self righteousness.

Consequently  God is excluded although self righteousness leads to many false religions, and false security is the general rule.
2020-09-07 17:32:20 UTC
A lot of poor people don't, I live in a poor area and churches have closed, not enough going to them.
Not Applicable
2020-09-07 13:53:20 UTC
In modern times, they may not see value in believing in a God. If the subject comes up, I usually will ask what a person's definition of God is. I am not looking for a Webster's Dictionary definition as much as what is their understanding of "God" and how that fits into (or doesn't) their worldview. I am often surprised at how childish many people's concept of God is, equivalent to a 10-year old even among otherwise smart people. 

Many times, I find myself saying "I don't believe in a God like that either" which they find startling. I may, at that point, describe my own understanding which is closer to modern Gnostic Christianity, and with a panentheistic/panendeistic cosmological view of reality. In short, Consciousness (yes, capital C), which I see as the essence of God, is manifest throughout creation and beyond, is the animating force in all of reality. Creation is still occurring and evolving and in the human realm, when practiced fully (the highest of the Divine in the human experience), the results are understanding, compassion for all beings and a union with the Divine at its core of creativity.  

This is a highly abbreviated description of an infinitely more complex process, but I hope it helps. 
Joseph B
2020-09-07 05:56:57 UTC
Some place the burden of proof on those who claim that God exists.  In other cases, assuming there is a God, there is no way to know whether he favors a particular denomination.  Then there are those who lived through the horrors of the Second World War, who saw their families murdered before their eyes, and who cannot believe that God exists if such things could happen.
2020-09-07 00:53:23 UTC
For many it's ignorance or having incorrect information.  Not understanding accurate information can be another reason.  

The bottom line is that people believe what makes sense to them.  If something doesn't make sense to them, there's no way they can believe it.  And contrary to what some ignorant people think, fear never leads to belief -- only to conformity.
2020-09-06 23:09:33 UTC
Mainly, that they have never had the opportunity to meet Him, and develop a relationship with Him. Obviously, after that occurs in someone's life, they can no longer doubt His existence.
2020-09-06 22:21:16 UTC
No good evidence that any god exists.  That's overwhelmingly the top reason, no matter what silly lies churches tell.
2020-09-06 21:51:00 UTC
Because they don't want to. Very simple.
2020-09-06 21:46:25 UTC
Gods are just stories.  They're stories that primitive man made up to explain a world that he didn't understand.  The sun moved across the sky because of Ra riding his chariot and went dark in the evening as Ra rode back to the east through the underworld.  Stuff like that.  Monotheism isn't any different, it just tells BIGGER stories with a single omnipotent magic person rather than lots of powerful but nowhere near omnipotent magic people.

If gods had evidence...ANY evidence, they would be believed in.  But they have none.  Their followers claim they performed miracles, but can never actually let anyone see them on demand.  If a con man came to you and told you he could double your life savings using magic...but you weren't allowed to watch, would you hand him your life savings and let him walk away to perform his 'magic'?  Only a truly gullible idiot would do so.  Yet this is 100% the exact same logic as every religion on Earth.

Meanwhile, science has advanced.  We used observation, testing, and reason to deduce the real reason the sun crosses the sky each day.  Science performs miracles far more amazing than the gods and does so on demand.  They say Jesus turns water into makes people FLY.  They say Jesus can cure the sick, though no one is allowed to see cures millions all over the world every day.  Jesus can walk on water...but science can allow people on opposite sides of the planet to communicate.  God's miracles are weak and never shown.  Science revolutionizes out lives and we can see it on demand.

We understand the world now.  We don't need children's stories to make the world make sense.
2020-09-06 21:36:47 UTC
They think there is no proof and too much bad stuff has happened in the world for there to be a God. 
2020-09-11 01:15:48 UTC
Poor parenting.
2020-09-09 14:59:44 UTC
There are a lot of people who are spiritually lost. It was also prophesied to happen on 2nd Timothy 3 
2020-09-09 03:56:04 UTC
maybe because you never show  god , after all my imagination friend exists , after i believe a book without an author , i believe in a man whose never met  anyone , get the idea , work it out .
2020-09-08 20:25:57 UTC
Because not all people have faith.
2020-09-08 20:09:59 UTC
I can only tell you my personal journey...


First, it was the hypocrisy I saw in my church and in religious people.  People who would talk about Jesus's love, tolerance, and charity and then who acted hateful towards those who were different and told obvious lies for personal gain.  


Next, it was the inconsistency of religious doctrine and holy books.  How can I follow a religion where not only is the book so unclear that it has led to 1000s of different doctrines, but it is just plain wrong about so many of the facts of the world.  


Finally, it was understanding concepts like evidence and logic, and seeing that claims of God fail badly on both of these levels.  The evidence for God is all anecdotes and beliefs, nothing testable and nothing reproducible.  The logic is always flawed and presuppositional.  The very fact that theists must fall back on faith - belief without reason or evidence - is an admission that the reasons for belief are nonsense.
2020-09-08 18:02:56 UTC
They will often claim the "problem of suffering" or religious leaders who misbehave. I personally think those are just poor excuses.

There are so many people who simply believe what they want to believe and many of them don’t want there to be a God. Christopher Hitchens, while he was alive, readily admitted to not wanting it to be true and that it would be horrible if it were true. You see, if God created us, then He also owns us. If He owns us, then He has a right to set the rules by which we must live. If He has set the rules by which we must live, then we are accountable to Him. They don’t want to be accountable to God—they don’t want to be controlled. Therefore, it is their desire to explain the origin of everything without a Creator at all costs.

And so, atheists have their just-so stories and hold on to their faith that “science” will eventually provide them with a way around the God conclusion. Things like the origin of the universe, the origin of life, the origin of genetic information, the origin of language and consciousness and morality, etc. just cause them to shrug and say we'll figure it out some day (without God, of course).

As it’s been noted, if the Creator had said, “OK, I’m outta here; you guys do what you want,” no one would have a problem with Intelligent Design.

Dr. William Lane Craig, “Sinful people who are bent on pursuing their own selfish hedonistic passions have a vested interest in getting rid of God and so may ignore or suppress the evidence for His reality. Each one of us has a skeptical dial inside which we tend to turn way up when confronting views we don’t like and way down when it comes to our own views. I have been amazed at the absurd things people will believe in order to resist the arguments for God’s existence; for example, that the entire universe popped into being without a cause—a claim that is literally worse than magic and which they would never accept with regard to any other reality in their lives. All you have to do is look at the way these skeptics respond to the arguments and evidence for God to be convinced that they are not the objective and disinterested thinkers you imagine” (Why Are Hedonists Worthy of Moral Condemnation?).


If someone wants something to be true (and, yes, this cuts both ways), they will often use confirmation bias and talk themselves into believing it.
2020-09-08 16:47:51 UTC
I would say ignorance. I'm not saying this in a bad way at all. But even when people read the bible so many times they can still not believe, right? So what does ignorance mean in this case, it's basically just people not being able to see the flow of the bible and see it as separate books instead of one whole story of God and his people. How God's desperate desire is to connect back to the people but we continuously push Him away. This is not breaking news because this is the story of the Scriptures. But most don't see it in this way and pick out verses only here and there that support their agenda and beliefs and use the bible as a confirmation bias instead. Whenever I think about this it is truly sad and misleading. Even people who are curious in knowing about God or worst people who have been in faith are led astray:(
2020-09-08 14:49:14 UTC
By using lies and trickery, Satan the Devil caused Adam and Eve to disobey God. (Genesis 2:17; 3:6) As a, result, they eventually died as God had said they would if they disobeyed. (Genesis 3:17- 19) since Adam became imperfect when he sinned, all his offspring inherited sin from him. Read Romans 5:12) The situation might be illustrated with a pan used for baking bread. If the pan has a dent in it , what happens to each loaf o bread made in the pan?  Each loaf has a dent, or an imperfection, in it. Similarly, each human has inherited a "dent" of imperfection from Adam. That is why all humans grow old and die.- Romans 3:23. When Satan led Adam and Eve into sinning against God, he was really leading a rebellion. He was challenging Jehovah's way of ruling. In effect, Satan was saying: God is a bad ruler. he tells lies and holds back good things from his subjects. Humans do not need to have God ruling over them. They can decide for themselves what is good and what is bad.  And they will be better off under my rulership. How would God handle such an insulting challenge? Some think that God should simply have put the rebels to death. But would that have answered Satan's challenge? in a satisfying way and to prove that the devil is a liar. So God determined that he would permit humans to rule themselves for some time under Satan's influence.(Psalm 73;28; read Proverbs 27:11) Sadly, only a few among the billions of people  in tis world would make such a choice. This raises an important question, Dose the Bible really teach that Satan rules this world?  For more information JW.ORG
Green Puffin
2020-09-08 14:00:27 UTC
The existence of this thing called God, has never made any sense to me and no one that actually believed in it's existence has ever been able to explain to me why I should believe in it.  To me, all religions are man made cons, made up nonsense stories and many religious people seem intolerant of others or hide behind their religion and use it as an excuse to hate.
2020-09-08 11:18:40 UTC
most people do believe in God.  the reason some don't is because of pride, sin, stupidity, arrogance, foolishness.
2020-09-08 02:31:26 UTC
He "Spoils their fun" especially in sexual matters.
2020-09-07 23:16:47 UTC
I can't speak for others, but for me... it's a lack of reliably testable evidence that demonstrates a god, or anything supernatural for that matter... exists.
2020-09-07 22:43:39 UTC
Same reason y many ppl demon worship .. idols.

-- lack of knowledge ;

-- evil ppl will .. never .. get to know God ;

-- freewill .. they choose to never know Jesus Christ ;

-- freewill .. they choose to worship idols , demons , satan.
2020-09-07 20:10:50 UTC
There are lots of different reasons but one of the main ones is that they like to do their own things and hate being told what they can or can't do. Many are like the school kid who hates cross country and can't be bothered as it is too much hassle and sweat so they make up a whole variety of excuses. The excuses for ducking out of believing are things such as no proof of existence or not good enough if there is and especially if the punishment for not believing is unpleasant. It makes them feel like they don't really have a choice in the matter after all and that free will is some kind of illusion or lie. Others think they have found a superior way of life so whereas they do actually believe that God exists they see Him as an enemy of their way of life so they might claim to believe in Him but they do not follow His commands nor do they have any genuine love for Him at all.
2020-09-07 11:56:26 UTC
I will only speak for myself.

When I was about 12, I remember looking up into the night sky, spectacular with stars, thinking “There MUST be someone out there. There must be a God.” Then walking into the house I also remember clearly thinking “What good is knowing THAT going to do me?” And I brushed off knowledge… dismissing it as irrelivant.

Three decades later - after a miserable existance I can only describe as a kind of living-death - I met Jesus. He stepped out of history and into my life and saved me from the prison of my sin, and the death sentence they deserved.

I was in my 40’s when I first read the words in scripture that say (paraphrased):

Everyone knows God exists, but because they love sin, they dismiss the knowledge of Him as irrelivant.

From first hand experience, I knew it to be true.

For what may be known about God is plain to everyone; for He has made this plain to them. His invisible qualities - His eternal power and divine nature - are clearly seen through what has been made, so they have no excuse.

The skies declare the glory of God.

The firmament speaks of His handiwork.

Nature speaks: it is God's 'other' Bible.

So although they know God, they neither glorify Him as God nor do they give thanks to Him. Their thinking, futile; their foolish hearts, darkened. Claiming to be wise, but have become fools.

Therefore God gave them over to a strong delusion and to the desires of their hearts: to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator of all things — who is forever praised.

2020-09-07 09:46:09 UTC
All people do not think alike, God has given free will to all whether to believe in Him or not .He has not directed men to eliminate those who don't believe   in Him' Many religious groups have however done it in the past and many groups are secretly waiting for a chance to do it now.
2020-09-07 01:53:11 UTC
-I contend we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.- Stephen Roberts
2020-09-06 23:42:03 UTC
The ones that don't is because they have never seen Him..No one alive has ever seen Him,.you will see him come on the day you die, believe and all will be fine , if nt all will be hell bound
2020-09-06 22:15:20 UTC
They're all invisible 
2020-09-06 21:45:37 UTC
You speak of "God" as if there is only one, theists claim that thousands of gods exist,. Despite all the claims, no-one has yet produced any testable evidence for the existence of any gods and without evidence, I do not accept claims that gods exist. If you have testable evidence for the existence of any of the gods, let's hear it and I will no longer be an atheist but until then, I don't believe in gods.
2020-09-10 14:04:05 UTC
The same reason a thief can’t seem to find a police man. 
2020-09-09 12:09:26 UTC
Logical reasoning.
2020-09-09 11:55:28 UTC
Every year, there are nonreligious people who become Jehovah’s Witnesses. Many already had high moral standards and felt disgusted by religious hypocrisy. Others had low moral standards and many had bad habits that they needed to abandon. With Jehovah’s help, we can be sure that we will find those who are “rightly disposed for everlasting life.”​—Acts 13:48; 1 Tim. 2:3, 4.

Often, people respond well to our message, not because of what we say, but because of the way we say it. They appreciate it when we are kind, tactful, and genuinely interested in them. We do not force them to hear our point of view. Instead, we try to discern the reasons for their view of religion. For example, we learn that some do not like talking about religion with a stranger. Others feel that it is bad manners to ask a person what he thinks about God. Still others feel embarrassed to be seen reading the Bible, especially with one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Whatever the case, we try to be sensitive to their feelings.​—2 Tim. 2:24, ftn.
Simon T
2020-09-08 14:51:52 UTC
Christians claim that God is all powerful, all knowing, loving and the creator of the universe.  


An all knowing deity would know of a universe where all his aims for the people of the universe would be achieved without any suffering.  


An all powerful deity would be able to create such a universe.  


A loving deity would want to create such a universe where there is no suffering of his creations.  



But in our universe there is suffering, not only of adults, who you might argue have free will to "choose" to suffer, but also of children and babies that do not have the ability to make that choice. In fact we see small children and babies suffering due to "acts of God".  


Hence our universe can not have been created by an all powerful, all knowing, loving deity.  



Hence God can not exist.  


Please feel free to point out the flaw in my logic. 


It is possible that some deity that is not loving, or not all knowing, or not all powerful could have created the universe - but I see no good reason to think this is true. But the Christian deity - God - can not be the creator of a universe where innocents suffer. 
military supporter
2020-09-07 23:41:45 UTC
Absolutely NO PROOF of even the possibility of a gawd thingy existing. The bible was written by a bunch of barely literate, stoned on ergot fungus (aka LSD), uneducated goatherders. Nothing in the bible is rational, such as; talking snakes, talking donkeys, 40 years to traverse a small desert, the parting of the Red Sea, and I could go on for hours. It is CLEARLY as much a myth as the Norse, Greek, Roman, Egyptian, and Sumerian gods.
2020-09-07 22:43:05 UTC
When someone tells you that gravity travels in waves, there is empirical evidence to support the assertion.

Having faith is akin to jumping out of a plane without a parachute with the belief that someone or something will intervene to keep you alive-- while at the same time gravity has other plans.
David at Your Service
2020-09-07 20:20:00 UTC
Fundamentally, when you get right down to it, it's no more than plain foolishness (Ps 14:1).

How do yo explain foolishness?  We all have done something foolish in our lives.  It's just that with atheism, it's a long-term type foolishness.
2020-09-07 19:40:29 UTC
It's kind of like they are on a ship and they see through the portal that a giant wave is coming. So, they close the portal and continue what they were doing.
2020-09-07 17:04:06 UTC
It isn't difficult to discover that both Heaven and Hell really do exist.  The different faiths will have their own names but both places do exist.  It is also easy to discover that this body and our soul are not one-and-the-same thing.  Our conduct in this life determines to which of these final destinations we journey upon the demise of this body.  Upon discovering these things I decided to return to church weekly in the hope that I could improve my standing with the Lord.  In church I met the most intolerant, rude, hypocritical, sanctimonious creatures that the human-race can produce; AKA conservatives!  It also doesn't take much research before you discover that the Lord is very offended by conservative ideology!
2020-09-07 16:46:14 UTC
They say Christians have no fact in evidence, but in actuality, atheists cannot identify a fact and have no use for evidence or facts; wouldn't know what to do with one, let alone know how to confirm one to form a proper belief. How can there be facts to an atheist that believes there is no absolute truth? Absolute rubbish, atheists avoid, ignore and deny the evidence. 

So let’s deal with reality for a change and look at the facts instead of trying to please atheists.

Fact: Matter cannot cause itself; matter is finite; you don't recognize your position is an absurdity? Nor can matter produce the immaterial

Fact: Nature did not create itself because it has no consciousness, will or intelligence - all three are needed to "create".

Fact: Genetic Law (Mendelian Genetics) demonstrates that each breathing creature be created according to their own kind, coinciding with the Genesis creation account-- it is observable both in nature and the lab, and is reproducible (Empirical science)!

Fact: neither have you answered how you would get around the Law of Biogenesis to have these wild and crazy beliefs of Naturalism.

With the atheist, I'm uncertain to know which of their errant presuppositions I'm addressing. You ignore empirical science and reinterpret OPINIONS in ways that fit your presuppositions with pseudo-science and unsupported OPINION; a mish-mash of delusions. Let's clear the truth with more verifiable facts:

Fact: The law of biogenesis, attributed to Louis Pasteur, is the conclusion that complex living things come only from other living things. Did you skip that class?

The pseudo-science of evolution and Big Bang ensconced in a medieval soup of Naturalism, would have us believe that either can violate natural laws.

Fact: No valid scientific claim can violate a Natural Law.. the Natural Laws regarding information assert.

1. Information is immaterial.

2. The material cannot produce something immaterial...

So Materialism, Darwinism, Abiogenesis and even the Big Bang violate this Natural Law and so can be dismissed as false.  

I don't think most people realize that Watson & Crick disproved evolution 80 years ago along with the discovery of DNA. Darwin himself stated that in order for evolution to be possible or feasible, DNA codes had to be infinite. Watson and Crick disproved evolution when they proved the number of human DNA codes to be finite. Can anyone still say a theory is deemed scientific as long as it has the imprimatur of at least one member of the Darwinian priesthood, when Darwin himself has disproved his own theory?

Of course, you cannot rule out the supernatural unless you can objectively validate Materialism. Observed origin of matter empirically disproves materialism. Evolution is dead in the water in dozens of ways. Genetics and genomics empirically disprove Darwinism.

Crick says the human genome cannot occur randomly. If life cannot occur randomly, evolution in the past is impossible. Proof enough.

ergo, as the only other contender standing for the origin of life and the universe, there must be a Creator. The laws that govern the universe preclude it from not having a beginning, and no matter how how you slice it, you cannot escape an external cause for the Physical Universe. You can call that cause anything you like, but I call it God the Creator until the evidence asserts otherwise. Real empirical evidence in the present trumps unfounded unsupported OPINION every time. In scientific terms, Creationists claim evidence from the Bible with corroboration of the observed origin of matter, and it is consistent with our belief, literally.  

Philosophically, logically using proper reasoning skills, Aristotle's discourse on the Prime Mover demonstrates that there can be only one Prime Mover (Creator God) so your likely objection for many creator gods, was answered about 2300 years ago, by a Pagan Greek Philosopher.

Here I have objectively defined what I call God the Creator, in my opinion, with supporting evidence to meet the burden of proof. My understanding and definition of the Creator is based on the evidence. I claim that based on the evidence I have examined I believe God makes more sense than No-god. I also recognize the right of anybody else to come to any other opinion on the matter they like.

Empirical evidence is very simple:

1. Observable in nature OR

2. Experimentally demonstrable AND

3. Reproducible.

Objectifying the inferences being made and validating everything with secondary lines of evidence means the burden has been met.. It's just that simple!

The best evidence for God is in the Creation event and Noah's Flood in Genesis, recorded in real time by real people and handed down to Moses, which can be confirmed, corroborated, and verified by outside evidence to meet the burden. Truth is always dependent on relationships, revealed in the detail of fact in the integrity of the claim. The record of the Flood is preserved in some of the oldest historical documents of several distinct races of men, and is indirectly corroborated by the whole tenor of the early history of most of the civilized races. 

Fact: Of the 200 ancient civilizations studied (out of over 500) that recorded the Noachian/Noah's Flood, 90% of them agree the Flood was Global. These are the facts of reality in evidence, not some myth as we are taught by the atheist/humanist school curriculum.

Fact: Records of Cush, grandson of Noah (son of Ham) is listed in the Sumerian King's List from the coveted Tablets found at Elba.

Moses has set in stone the timeline of human history with the Pentateuch. 

Millions/billions of years is a farce so atheist/evolutionists can pretend to play science and wander through biology labs as if they belong there.

Evolution is either pseudo-science or just bad science, as you will. Big Bang has been off the rails for 90 years. It's not up to us to disprove a given theory. It's up to the theory to prove itself against the laws of science. In this manner, evolution disproves itself; it is operationally impossible. When you also then consider the laws of information, then it becomes exponentially impossible. 

It does not matter how big their alleged mountain of evidence proponents of these notions point to. Because if it violates a Natural Law it is false.. PERIOD.

These are the FACTS of life, of existence, of Creation, according to the empirical evidence that you can verify right now and stop filling little boxes with empty unfounded, unsupported, illogical, irrational fabricated OPINION.

The laws that govern the universe preclude it from not having a beginning, and no matter how how you slice it, you cannot escape an external cause for the Physical Universe, logically, philosophically, or scientifically. This is a known empirical fact. How do atheists get around the facts and still think logically?

We cannot agree that primordial slime can yield intelligent life when time and chance are added. It’s not theism vs. science but rather theism vs. naturalism. What you believe affects how you think. What you think controls what you do. Exclude truth and you will live in error.

Much that passes as "science" is, in reality, a form of mathematical idealism whereby a theory only has to be internally consistent in order to be accepted as fact. Mathematicians have a cavalier disregard for experiment and observation.

The burden of proof is not on me to disprove your claims, it is on you to prove your claims.. You deny God, yet you also deny any burden to disprove God.. How is it that you don't understand that your affirmative claims Darwinism, Big Bang have the same burden?

Would you accept anything less empirical evidence (actual observation) for God? If not then why do you expect me to believe when you cannot provide empirical evidence for your own claims? My email is always open, but silent. Why is the atheist irrelevance not silenced here? Ah, despicable liars have no honor, only a thumbs thingy. Delusional denial of reality in verifiable truth on display. Go back to your "regular programming". When will you figure out you have absolutely nothing, by choice? A future based on dishonesty doesn't seem very hopeful unless you're a lawyer; might want to look into it, play all the pretend games you want.

Otherwise: "It is of great importance to set a resolution, not to be shaken, never to tell an untruth. There is no vice so mean, so pitiful, so contemptible; and he who permits himself to tell a lie once, finds it much easier to do it a second and a third time, till at length it becomes habitual; he tells lies without attending to it, and truths without the world's believing him. This falsehood of the tongue leads to that of the heart, and in time depraves all its good disposition." —Thomas Jefferson (1785)

A dozen evidences against evolution
2020-09-07 16:20:19 UTC
For thousands of years, the majority of people in the world seemed to have some form of religious belief.  But in recent decades a remarkable change has taken place. More and more people do not view themselves as religious.  In fact, in some countries the majority of the population describe themselves as not being religious.- Matthew 24:12.  Why do a growing number of people consider themselves to be nonrelgious?  Some may be distracted by pleasures or anxieties.  (Luke 8:14)   Some have become atheists.  Others believe in God but think that religion is old-fashioned, irrelevant, and incompatible with science and logical thinking.  They may hear friends, teachers, or media personalities say that life evolved, but they rarely hear logical reasons for believing in God.  Others are repelled by clergy who are greedy for money and power.  In some places, governments officially limit religious activity.  Jehovahs Witnesses help people to become disciples of Christ by displaying love for them, whether they are religious or not.  (1 Corinthians 13:1)  As we teach them, our goal is to show that God loves us and wants us to love him.   Every year thousands who previously had little or no interest in religion get baptized because they have grown to love God.  
2020-09-07 15:54:47 UTC
if I walked in fire and "god was on my side" would I be saved, no, also we don't have proof heaven is real when someone dies we can't don't know if heaven is there
2020-09-07 14:35:09 UTC
Humans are INDIVIDUALS and Each will have their PERSONAL  " reason "

reason is defined as 1-a CAUSE , explanation   or justification for an ACTION  or event  2- power   of mind  to THINK     understand and form JUDGEMENTS  by a process of LOGIC .... many might given the REASON that they READ for instance the BIBLE and the  god proposition and associated asserted behaviors  VIOLATES their  moral  compass , human WELL BEING

      as to SUPER - NATURAL  propositions  ,   the observation and studies  indicate      there is a  close connection  between  reason and EMOTION   and that  humans  do not  reason entirely  from FACTS and can produce SELF SERVING   justifications , such person  possible  have AUTHORITARIAN  personalities or victims of FEAR  indoctrination

SELF SERVING  justification  for an example broadly  speaking for example   in some cases THEIST  emerging before and after people engage in intentional  ethical violations they mitigate the THREAT to their  moral SELF  enabling them to do wrong  but FEEL moral

The reasoning their AUTHORITARIAN  God SAID so .... using the bible as an example stoning to death a man for picking up sticks on a certain day of the week .is ethically correct . or SLAVERY buying and selling human beings as property .. a child or  person descents about a certain aspect  of  DOCTRINE  the group engages in SHUNNING a form of BULLYING  or TORTURE  or having a CLASS SYSTEM  Group A is superior XYZ is viewed as INFERIOR  another term  might be the promotion of the  " CHOSEN "    they are special  some outstanding characteristics   ... a issue  what characteristic  did a certain group  called the Hebrews have ( key word )  for "THEIR " god  to pick them over all other humans   SELF serving BIAS  LOCUS of CONTROL   motivations for BIAS  self enhancement  self presentation    
2020-09-07 10:22:18 UTC
For CENTURIES, millions of otherwise intelligent Greeks actually SAW the tides moving. And, since the sea water had not EVOLVED the ability to move uphill against the slope of the shore, they attributed the tidal movement to the GOD known as Poseidon.

Turns out it was due to natural forces, no Gods or Goddesses involved.

For CENTURIES, thousands of otherwise intelligent Aztecs butchered the hearts from living human victims, and believed that the GOD known as Quetzlcoatl sent whatever rain eventually fell.

For Centuries, millions of otherwise intelligent Christians chanted the Rosary, and believed that the Goddess known as the Etrnal Virgin Mother would hear them, and would beg, plead, advise, or nag Her divine SON, Jesus, to send whatever rain eventually fell.

Turns out it was due to natural forces, no Gods or Goddesses involved.How many Gods and Goddesses do YOU not believe in, and why not??

Please note that a Thumbs Down on my answer does not prove that your favourite Goddess or God DOES exist. Don't waste a keystroke.
2020-09-07 03:45:51 UTC
They say they don’t believe in God, but in a hospital bed they remember about God and start praying.    So, that gives you one of the reasons why they don’t want to believe.   They’re selfish.  They only think of themselves.  Other reason is the bad example of the pedophile priests and Catholics’ hypocrisy turning their faces.   
2020-09-07 02:06:29 UTC
Because of the killing done in (a) Gods name.
2020-09-06 23:41:46 UTC
The Apostle Paul mentions at the bible book of Acts that "they would seek God, if they might grope for him and really find him, although in fact, he is not far off from each one of us". This groping implies searching. As you search for God, he will let himself be found by you.
2020-09-06 23:06:33 UTC
Great question. Some people are very arrogant and refuse to acknowledge their own Creator and would rather have His Wrath than His Mercy. If you wish to know examples of such people, please see the links in my profile page especially the first link. Also, God created human beings to have mercy upon us, to seek His mercy, and to worship Him alone. Where is the answer? the answer is in the first link of my profile page.

Some people's hearts and minds are locked as there is a lock on their minds and its locked because of this kind of arrogance so long as they deny the acknowledgement that belongs to God alone and are blind to His Signs, His Signs which are all around us. Including ourselves is one of His Signs. One of the examples of these kinds of people is the accursed Pharaoh and who mocked God's signs, God's message till death came for him yet he knew God is One.

This accursed pharaoh would cry in secret knowing the truth, knowing that God Almighty is indeed God and One and during the day, he would hide it and deny it. he never submitted to the will of God willingly and when his demise came till the very end, he says I am one of the believers and believe in the Lord of the Prophet Moses and those who believe. And God says to him, now? and there is a dialog about this very segment. Its in Chapter 10 of the Holy Wise Quran.

Although if you wish to know what was the scene between the accursed Pharaoh and the Prophet Moses, you can watch or listen in the second link of my profile page.

While some people just need help and need to seek God for help and to seek His guidance.

These people have pure hearts who need the Light of Guidance and Faith of God. And God guides whomever He pleases and He knows the hearts of people, He knows who is truly seeking His truth, His guidance and who is trying to discover through reading His Holy, Wise, Miraculous, Living, Uncreated Quran Book of Signs.

Where is the proof and the evidence? the evidence and the proof is the Holy, Wise, Generous, Living, Quran and when people listen to the Beautiful Verses of Allah, they cry and they get goosebumps. Their tears is the proof that the Words of Allah is the Truth. The Words of Allah does have affect on people in this way and it benefits the believers in miraculous ways and relaxes the person.

You should watch a link in youtube called: "Allah is The Light" by Merciful Servant. It relates to what I just said above and its an interesting, fascinating, informative, short link.

People can reflect upon things and learn things when they read and God encourages reading, and encourages lots of inquiry about His Universe. To think about and to reflect upon His creation and those who are wise will do so.

Finally, some people who disbelievers are disbelievers their whole lives and cannot believe in their own Creator. They just can't and God Himself says whether you warn them or not, it makes no difference. You can only warn those who believe in the unseen, who can heed God's message.

God knows some people say His Words are fables or stories and He knows who are the people that are rejecting His Words, calling it stories the ancients. And God knows some people don't want the truth because they hate what God sent to them in His message. God Almighty doesn't force anyone to follow Him and doesn't force anyone to believe.
2020-09-06 22:22:14 UTC
No (((PROOF))) when God commanded us to "PROVE ALL THINGS" (I Thessalonians 5:21; KJV)!

The ROME man catholic church just messed people up when they (((ADDED))) LIES into Scripture that adhered to (((THEIR))) ***POWERLESS*** trinity-water baptism doctrine (Matthew 28:19+) that took away (((PROOF!)))

Of His "POWER that comes upon us" (Acts 1:8) when JESUS BAPTIZES US (John 1:33) with the Holy Ghost (Acts 1:5).

By His (((POWER))) Jesus promised us "Spiritual gifts" (I Corinthians 12:7-10) and "Signs following" (Mark 16:17-18) which included 

"Casting out devils in Jesus' name" (Mark 16:18) "healings" (I Corinthians 12:9) and "miracles" (I Corinthians 12:10) 


With the belief in a ***POWERLESS*** trinity-water baptism today's Christians have NO (((PROOF!)))

2020-09-06 22:01:21 UTC
There's only one reason: no evidence 
2020-09-10 04:28:37 UTC
Some people want to believe that they are their own highest power.  Sometimes people look at the worst of examples of Christians and turn away.  Then others look through life through the window of math, and because God is not quantifiable then they believe he must not exist.

2020-09-09 16:37:23 UTC
The main reason why so many people do not believe in God is because (to them) God does not grant them what they ask or wish for! 

So therefore they do not believe He is real!
2020-09-09 15:56:53 UTC
Probably the thing that bothers people most is the presence of evil. The suffering of the innocent, and the premature death especially of small children that seem to be senseless.
2020-09-08 17:00:39 UTC
The fact of the matter: They have to see to believe like the disciple doubting Thomas read John 20:24-29
2020-09-08 14:12:16 UTC
One of the reasons is Satan the god of this world has blinded their minds that they see only what he wants them to see.  If they think about how complex this world is, they will realize such complexity cannot just happen by itself.
2020-09-08 08:32:09 UTC
Hatred against God due to just Adam ignoring God.
2020-09-08 04:45:26 UTC
because the true meaning of the gospel which is total forgiveness has been watered down with trying not to sin after being forgiven".so people call christians hypocrites" because they are promising one thing and yet preaching a works and conditional life.
2020-09-07 22:18:18 UTC
I'm agnostic. Do I think there is a God, Yes. 

Do I need to believe in God to have a life I enjoy. No.
𝐸𝓂𝓂𝒶 ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
2020-09-07 20:51:53 UTC
No evidence, and holy books are clearly written by man, there's nothing to suggest any of it had divine inspiration. 
2020-09-07 19:53:45 UTC
People choose atheism for all different reasons:-

- some people purely feel that atheism is the right belief to them.

- it could be the way someone was raised as a child. For example, if someone is raised in an atheist household, with atheist parents, and they have other relatives who are atheists as well - for example grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, brothers and sisters - then it makes atheism the natural belief system to adapt to. It could also be because atheism is part of their culture, such as someone who is raised in Communist China.

- it may be due to a lack of adequate evidence of a Deity's existence.

- people may purely not be interested in religion, or not have any part of their lives relating to it.

- it possibly could be that arguments for theism are weak. For example, someone who is an atheist may argue that despite the theory of design is weak. They could argue that the universe isn't particularly beautiful or orderly, and even if it was, it doesn't mean that there was a creator.

- some people argue that religion wastes time and money.

- it's possible some people say that religion is a cause of conflict and war.

- some people choose it because they argue that religion offends basic human rights by not giving women and gay people equal treatment. For example, in Islam, a Muslim woman can only marry a Muslim man, but a Muslim man can marry a woman who is Jewish or a Christian. Jehovah's Witnesses believe that homosexuality is wrong, since it goes against the Bible passage 'man does not lie with man as with a woman'

- sometimes people may argue the case of 'natural selection/survival of the fittest' by Charles Darwin. Fossils back up his theory, which goes against religious theories e.g. creationism.

- sometimes people may have been religious, but lost faith in it, for example if it was forced on them as a child.

- it could be because people say that the world is a bad place, and so it's not possible for a Deity of any sort to exist.

- it can also be due to the problem of evil. The argument goes like this. Religions say that God is all knowing, all powerful and all loving, yet the world is full of wickedness and bad things happen, such as natural disasters, illnesses, cancer and people doing bad things such as rape or murder. This can only happen if:

1. God doesn't know about or doesn't know how to stop evil (in which case he's not all knowing), or

2. God is unable to stop evil (in which case he's not all powerful), or

3. God doesn't want to stop evil (in which case he's not all loving), or some combination of the three.

Hope this helps.
2020-09-07 17:40:53 UTC
One reason is because they live in the real world, a world were it's ruled completely by logic, common sense and science.
2020-09-07 14:43:26 UTC
It depends by what believing in God means. I don't believe in God because I can not accept to be submitted by someone else that can dictate rules to me. In my opinion man is unique and must be happy with all pleasure that exist, carnal pleasure and not. If "God" do exist, maybe is something inside anyone, the force that make us do one choice than another, the force that can make us taking decision. 
2020-09-07 07:13:44 UTC
For show offs and fame
2020-09-07 06:47:44 UTC
→ Not conditioned / brainwashed for, not naive, etc... 
2020-09-07 03:01:49 UTC
Modern research including advances in archaeology has shown that the Bible is full of factual errors.  Modern philosophers have shown that the Bible describes things that cannot have happened as described, yet the Bible claims itself to be infallible.  Since there are no other authors contemporary to the stories of the Bible who corroborate any of the details, that means that an unreliable book is all there is to tell you about the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Joseph.

No evidence, no proof, no reason to believe.
2020-09-07 00:18:00 UTC
Christians claim the reason is freewill.  I think it is more fundamental.  Essentially people who are exposed to Christianity and choose to believe have the same freewill as those who don’t.  The difference is that nonbelievers assert that all gods including the Christian one are a product of human evolution, human imagination.
2020-09-06 22:31:46 UTC
The default position for any unproven theory has to be disbelief.  Therefore, I don't believe in The Loch Ness Monster, Santa or god.
2020-09-06 22:06:33 UTC
I did believe in god.

It was just over the past few years that I came to my senses.

2020-09-06 21:54:27 UTC
UNwillingness to repent..
2020-09-06 21:47:08 UTC
The utter and complete lack of any rational reason to believe.  
2020-09-09 21:38:56 UTC
They see the way Trump behaves, then they hear Trump say he owns the religious people, and they think...that can't be right.
2020-09-09 12:04:35 UTC
Well, some things make sense, and some things just don't.
2020-09-09 11:53:51 UTC
no proof of any god has been provided

no logic or process supports the existence of one
2020-09-08 23:26:15 UTC
Because many people have the intelligence not to be brainwashed into believing something as ludicrous as the existence of a 'God' who apparently made the earth and all that exists in it , when science has proof that it's just not so. 
2020-09-08 20:01:39 UTC
A couple things...

1 Corinthians 

1:18 The language of the cross may be illogical to those who are not on the way to salvation, but those of us who are on the way see it as God's power to save.

1:19 As scripture says: I shall destroy the wisdom of the wise and bring to nothing all the learning of the learned.

1:20 Where are the philosophers now? Where are the scribes?

 Where are any of our thinkers today?

 Do you see now how God has shown up the foolishness of human wisdom?

1:21 If it was God's wisdom that human wisdom should not know God, it was because God wanted to save those who have faith through the foolishness of the message that we preach.

1:22 And so, while the Jews demand miracles and the Greeks look for wisdom,1:23 here are we preaching a crucified Christ; to the Jews an obstacle that they cannot get over, 

to the pagans madness

The Jerusalem Bible...

Please see also...
2020-09-08 16:35:08 UTC
They see little or no evidence.
2020-09-08 15:22:43 UTC
There is no reason to.

When Socrates was sentenced to death for his philosophical investigations, and for blasphemy for challenging the gods of the city — and he accepted his death — he did say, "well, if we are lucky, perhaps I'll be able to hold conversation with other great thinkers and philosophers and doubters too." In other words the discussion about what is good, what is beautiful, what is noble, what is pure, and what is true could always go on.Why is that important? Why would I like to do that? Because that's the only conversation worth having.And whether it goes on or not after I die, I don't know. But I do know that that's the conversation I want to have while I'm still alive.Which means that to me, the offer of certainty, the offer of complete security, the offer of an impermeable faith that can't give way, is an offer of something not worth having.I want to live my life taking the risk all the time that I don't know anything like enough yet; that I haven't understood enough; that I can't know enough; that I'm always hungrily operating on the margins of a potentially great harvest of future knowledge and wisdom.I wouldn't have it any other way.And I'd urge you to look at... those people who tell you, at your age, that you're dead till you believe as they do — what a terrible thing to be telling to children!And that you can only live by accepting an absolute authority — don't think of that as a gift. Think of it as a poisoned chalice. Push it aside however tempting it is. Take the risk of thinking for yourself. Much more happiness, truth, beauty, and wisdom will come to you that way.
Kazoo M
2020-09-08 13:53:41 UTC
Intellectual Foolishness, Moral Stubbornness & Spiritual Blindness.

Sadly, the majority of people don’t want anyone telling them how to live.

Paul described the way in which some people suppress the truth because of their sin; Romans 1:18.

Furthermore, many don’t believe in God because of Satan’s strategies of spiritual warfare.

The Bible says, he “has blinded the minds of the unbelievers so they cannot see the light” 2 Corinthians 4:4.

Remember, there is a cosmic battle going on behind the scenes of humanity for the hearts and minds of all people, and Satan is stealing many souls from salvation through his demonically inspired philosophy of macroevolution.
Wellll... hello then!
2020-09-08 09:57:25 UTC
Their brainwashed by the devil...that's why God wrote in the King James Version-

Proverbs 22:6 

6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. To not do tht is to allow the devil to teach'em his version of how the world works.
2020-09-08 00:27:45 UTC
The Bible says there was a Great Flood and mankind is descended from Noah.

 In Canada our Inuit go back over 13,000 years. 6 1/2 times older than your religion. There was never a flood in our civilization and we have continous history to prove it.  We go back into the last iceage continous civilization. So we never saw this flood. Please explain when your flood occured during the last 13,000 years. We came across the ice from Russia and we never saw your flood till this day so please tell us exactly when it happened. We await your answer.
2020-09-07 17:09:56 UTC
Advancements in science & theory of evolution led many to stop believing in miracles and if miracles do not happen then many think "then why should I believe in God if God is not going to fix our problems with miracles?"
2020-09-07 15:10:30 UTC
Lack of evidence.
Robin W
2020-09-07 14:27:45 UTC
Lack of evidence. 
2020-09-07 10:26:22 UTC
funny how they dont believe in God, but will celebrate religious holidays, and they are on this site to spew their insults at those who call themselves christians, and they think their belief is better........

they are the real hypocrites
Mohamed Bakr
2020-09-07 08:00:12 UTC
The mechanism of life and death that's still unexplainablely unchanged throughout the whole universe history that's known of so far.

That mechanism itself made me a believer.

Think about it, why the getting pregnant process didn't change or the main structure of the human body didn't change. Aside from genetic science.

It's been ages and these things didn't change.

There is something that started it.

The world came to by coincidence or an accident? A lot of theories but how do so many lives are even born by accidents. The same process of reproduction we use is the same unchanged. People still die too and no one till this moment was able to truly revive a person only emulations of a person as if he or she is alive.

In fact some species are going rare and extinct hopefully humans too but sadly we are more intelligent than ceasing to exist.
2020-09-07 06:11:39 UTC
Because I see him a lot
2020-09-07 03:07:26 UTC
They find the idea specious. Ultimately, the most pure theology casts God as a sovereign and just creative spirit, which atheists would consider badly poetic at best.

Clearly, many who believe see it as much more than that.
2020-09-07 03:04:35 UTC
I believe it's either arrogance or one's own thinking :)
2020-09-07 02:46:27 UTC
After many scandals, I thought it was a moneymaking scheme.

It took several miracles to bring me back.
2020-09-06 23:55:42 UTC
stubbornness, pride, brainwashing, evilness
2020-09-13 11:01:28 UTC
They love their sin.
2020-09-10 22:07:38 UTC
cause there so much pain and suffering in the world and so much man made things built with the advance technology .

God is real! 
2020-09-10 18:33:54 UTC
It’s all about to believe or not believe. God has give evidence of Himself through multiple ways. Through the fine tuning of the universe arguement, the moral argument, historical evidence for Jesus and his death, burial and the incredible rise of Christianity lead by Jesus’s disciples that can only be explained and motivated by them actually seeing Jesus alive after witnessing his death. The Big Bang provides evidence that universe hasn’t always existed but has been created by a single point. String theory shows that everything is created by these strings that are vibrating suggesting a voice could move them. There are many other evidences, read the case for Christ, cold case Christianity, I don’t have enough faith to be an atheist, more than a carpenter, are all good books to read on evidence for God outside the Bible. 
2020-09-10 05:19:58 UTC
It's due to doubt that God might not be real.
2020-09-09 20:35:44 UTC
Religion was necessary for the development of primitive consciousness.

There is a Darwinian utility in human religiosity.

Just as in the brain there are associated regions to incorporate, almost automatically,

to language, provided by culture, for communication with our peers, so there is

A brain structure to receive the religion of our culture. The human brain had to

evolve through the emergence, in parallel, of two skills; conscience and religiosity. The latter locates it in time and space.

A conscience without religiosity is destined to fall into the existential void, which is madness, thus canceling any advantage that contributes to the survival of the species.

No matter the veracity of religion, they all have the same utility. Hence the religious presence in ALL cultures.

Only the most evolved human can realize the above.

And you can free yourself from that superstition inherited from your culture.
2020-09-09 12:46:56 UTC
Simple, God is so complex and humans are lazy, just to thi8nk about it.
2020-09-09 00:34:01 UTC
According to the Bible, one of the reasons people don't believe in Jehovah God is that Satan has 'blinded the minds' (or has encouraged disbelief through one means or another...) of the unbelievers. (2 Corinthians 4:3 & 4) 

Another reason is the hypocrisy of the various religions throughout the world, which has caused many to distrust Jehovah God or to cease believing He exists at all. 
Dave D
2020-09-08 23:54:13 UTC
They say because there is no absolute proof of God.... which is very true.  There is no absolute proof that God does not exist either.  But they deny any and all the tons of legitimate evidence which points to His existence while having only little to no evidence that supports their position.
Fort Erudite
2020-09-08 22:21:22 UTC
The main reason why so many people don't believe in God or a supreme being is that they are ignorant and need instant gratification.
I care
2020-09-08 18:26:52 UTC
This question can be answered in so many ways.   

Lives all over are in so many different type of circumstances to believe or not.

As for myself,  God help enlighten me through neighbors while growing up that were Christians and always there for me.

My older brothers took me to church and begin my own search this way.

Without my belief in today's world,  I can't begin to understand about so many others that just say no to CHRIST.  

My path  without Christ,  would had made my years in a worse place than ever.

God gives one strength to endure all that is going on in this world and past events in each of our lives.

Buy a wonderful study bible,  find a church home that actually sticks to bible truths and instead of man's changes over many years. Been a believers for over 62+ yrs.

Curiosity is a good beginning.....wish you the best.  

Biggest understanding is why many don't believe in God is they serve another instead or lean on their own understanding.  Read Proverb 3: 5 
2020-09-08 15:23:29 UTC
I view them as mythology 
2020-09-07 21:56:50 UTC
The overwhelming lack of any evidence.
2020-09-07 20:25:07 UTC
The idea of accountability.
2020-09-07 18:20:25 UTC
In the face of all the religious confusion for thousands of years, and especially today, it is hard for people to believe that there was ever a true religion or form of worship or that any organization ever had the true religion. Yet the true, revealed religion did exist in the first century of our Common Era and there was an organization that really had it. 

Additional questions and answers please visit

Peace be with you..  Love, M
2020-09-07 16:38:31 UTC
i dont believe in god.. i think its because my parent dont believe in it! But scientifically i dont thinks its true, personally i dont believe in it because i think the world was not made by god and just made by the big bang. 
2020-09-07 15:58:04 UTC
 cos nobody has given me a reason or evidence why I should

 You wanna believe something with no evidence but just out of fear then go ahead
2020-09-07 10:45:55 UTC
2020-09-07 08:06:11 UTC
Because of religion's hard sell tactics.  
william ellis
2020-09-06 21:47:19 UTC
As a child is taught in that he believe in.....but as you can see there so many you better do right that has them confuse when i get older......
2020-09-06 21:39:24 UTC
No proof or evidence in that persons life that He exists. If they can't see Him, they don't believe in Him.
2020-09-10 18:39:19 UTC
The antichrist were born losers;; they work for satan and will die denying Christ His divinity.
2020-09-09 05:05:00 UTC
Michael Ruse, evolutionist science philosopher admitted, “Evolution is a religion. This was true of evolution in the beginning, and it is true of evolution still today.”
2020-09-08 20:56:57 UTC
I think mostly is because people do not physically see God, and people wonder how can someone believe in something that can not be seen. I agreed because it is hard to believe in something I can not see. Not only supernatural things, the spiritual realm. But there are many things in the world that we can not see, such as bacteria, wind, and oxygen. We can not see them physically but it does not mean it does not exist. The way we know they exist is through finding the right instrument to help us to see that they exist. Like bacteria, we can not see them just barely with our eyes. But through the correct tool, microscope to help us to see that bacteria exists. Similar to God too, we do not see God or spirit but it does not mean it does not exist. Then, I was wondering what are some of the tools that can help us to see or experience God. 
2020-09-08 19:25:34 UTC
 There are many reasons: they want to know why does God allow  SUFFERINGS, why doesn't He help them, why doesn't He stop the existance of Satan and wicked people, why doesn't He do miracles now...?

These people may be will find the answer in the Bible and will believe in God...


But what about atheists? And those who don't want to find the answer?

They don't want to be responsible to the Creator. They want to be FREE,(although they depend on many things)... to be as animals, I mean that they want to live without any rules. So they don't want to SEEK THE GOD...  They don't want  to obey  Him.... So it is more convenient for them to say that God does not exist....  "For his invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship, so that they are inexcusable. For although they knew God, they did not glorify him as God nor did they thank him, but they became empty-headed in their reasonings and their senseless hearts became darkened." (Romans 1:20,21, NWT). - "they are inexcusable", so it is their fault that they don't want to open eyes.. As Jesus said, all who like the light, go to the light...but those who like darkness, remain in it....More information about it you can find in the website 
chima n
2020-09-08 19:20:30 UTC
People actually believe in GOD. They just don't want any responsibility.. believing in GOD means subjecting yourself to some form of rules and people don't like that..
2020-09-08 13:57:55 UTC
The only reason why people don't believe in God is because they don't realize the Truth about God. They think God is a statue; they think God is a saint; they think God is one of those hundreds of Gods from some religion and they don't believe in religion. They don't follow scriptures, they are not able to comprehend, that God, in reality, is unseen, He cannot be defined, He is not the one with name and form. He is the creator of this universe. People don't realize that God is a power that makes the heart beat. Because they live in ignorance about God, they don't believe in God. The moment people realize who God is, where God is, what God is - there is no way that they can live without believing and loving God.
2020-09-07 20:38:53 UTC
Pride.  They don't want to believe in God.  Whatever reasons they might give you from "There's no proof He exists" to "He doesn't do what I think He should do," etc., they all boil down to this:  they don't want to believe God exists, so they don't.
2020-09-07 16:39:32 UTC
one reason is, if it has not already been given, is poor examples of those that call themselves christians, and are not "christian" and true disciples.

another reason is that such people believe in lies which are confabulated to represent a false image of christianity. in which case we have atheists writing books of science which contain their false doctrine. and then people believe science is perfect without flaw or opinions of men where men are at war against true religion and oppose every doctrine of the saints. sadly, even the christians are guilty of this transgression and error.
2020-09-07 16:32:16 UTC
Because of the injustice on so many people... because of what men, and only men, do to others. 

And because of the evolution idea. 
2020-09-07 12:44:24 UTC
A lot of people wonder if there is a God, why doesn't he do anything about all the injustices, crimes, violence, sickness and death that we all see on a regular basis.  The Bible tells us this about God at 2 Peter 3:9:  Jehovah is not slow concerning his promise, as some people consider slowness, but he is patient with you because he does not desire anyone to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance.

The Bible tells us what's God's will for us at 1 Timothy 2:4:  whose will is that all sorts of people should be saved and come to an accurate knowledge of truth.

So we have to be patient and trust and believe that God has everything under control and soon he is going to make everything better.  In order for us to believe this, we need to build up our faith, trust and complete confidence in God through prayer and a study of the Bible.
2020-09-07 05:44:37 UTC
Not all people are blessed with the gift of spirituality. If you are then be sure to thank and praise the Lord every single day.

The Bible calls people things like sheep and goats, wheat and weeds. 

1 Corinthians 2:14 — People who aren’t spiritual can’t receive these truths from God’s Spirit. It all sounds foolish to them and they can’t understand it, for only those who are spiritual can understand what the Spirit means.
2020-09-06 21:38:07 UTC
There is no objective evidence for the existence of any Gods or deities.
2020-09-06 21:36:51 UTC
The complete lack of any evidence for ANY gods, much less than the specific one you believe in.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.